Little Gracie arrived yesterday. Cute as a button. đ
Friday, 28 August 2020
Thursday, 27 August 2020
At what cost, will you pay for failure?
Why are known hells preferable to strange heavens; miserable jobs, run by bosses who donât understand? Miserable relationships, being cruel, callous and uncaring to each other, living with hatred in our hearts? Because itâs familiar and itâs easier to stay with the familiar, than it is to change. Life is tough and itâs scary. Itâs scary taking a chance. Itâs scary acting on your intuition and starting something new.
People are immobilized by fear and new beginnings leave us feeling trepidation and dread. For those who are letting fear stop them from taking action, to you I say; Feel the fear and do it anyway! Youâll never know whay you're capable of, if you donât push past the fear and take that chance at success. Even if you donât succeed, at least youâll know you gave it your best shot and thatâs way better than living with regret for the rest of your life.
Weigh up the cost of failure, should the worst happen and decide if itâs worth it to you. Decide if you could live with what the worst in life can throw at you. And if you can live with it, then go for gold and donât look back!
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Breakfast Toastie
Serves 2.
Approx. 15 minutes cooking time.
Crusty bread, toasted
2 cups grated pumpkin
1 cup loosely packed baby spinach
Bunch sage
œ tsp minced garlic
20 grams parmesan cheese grated
Handful walnuts
Olive oil
1 tbls butter
2 tbls Greek yogurt, non fat
Salt and pepper to taste
Chopped oregano to garnish
Dressing; Blend sage, walnuts, garlic, parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil. Mixture needs to be runny, but not too runny.
Garnish; Mix yogurt with salt, pepper and another drizzle of olive oil. Chop oregano and leave to one side.
Pop bread in toaster and cook.
Melt the butter with a little olive oil, in fry pan. Into this, add the grated pumpkin and fry until soft, then add the blended sage mix dressing and the baby spinach. Fry until spinach has wilted.
Place pumpkin mix onto cooked toast and dollop with yogurt garnish, adding oregano to top off the garnish.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Kangaroo Mince Lettuce Cups
1 Onion chopped
Good pinch of sugar
500 grams kangaroo mince
Small pinch of salt and pepper
(the soy and oyster sauces will add a
more salty flavour, so keep the salt
to a minimum and taste towards the end)
2 tbls Olive oil
1 tsp Minced garlic
Grated nob of ginger
1 small red chili (2 if you like it hot and spicy)
1/2 cup mushrooms
1 tbls soy sauce
2 tbls oyster sauce
3 chopped shallots
1 tbls mixed garden herbs
Lettuce leaves
Greek yogurt
2 chopped avocados
2 chopped tomatoes
1 peeled and seeded chopped cucumber
Cook the onion, in the oil, add garlic, sugar and toss through.
Add chopped mushrooms.
Add ginger, chili and garden herbs.
Mix in mince and break down any lumps add salt and pepper.
Add soy and oyster sauce and mix well.
Serve in lettuce cups, top with yogurt, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado and shallots.
Bubble and Squeak
With poached egg and avocado
For this recipe, you can make your own bubble and squeak, from leftovers. In this particular recipe though, I used a shop bought bubble and squeak patty.
Fry the bubble and squeak patty, with cherry tomatoes. Whilst they are cooking, poach your egg, to the consistency you like.
And while the egg is poaching, mash an avocado, with a squirt of lemon juice, in a bowl.
Once the patty and tomatoes are cooked, place the patty on a plate, serve the tomatoes on the side and top the patty with mashed avo, then place the egg on top of that.
Add salt and pepper and garnish with chives, or parsley.
Just before serving, slit open the egg, so the gooey yolk oozes out and over the other ingredients.
Saturday, 8 August 2020
Satan is Real. Part 2.
During the end times, there will be false apostles, masquerading as apostles of God. The difference is so subtle you wonât pick it up, if you donât know the word and you will be deceived. Whole congregations can be deceived, when the false prophet turns up and the bible tells us; theyâre amongst us.
Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light and his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Satan and his servants come in and undermine the word of God and cause confusion to the people of the congregation, who donât know the word of God well and then we wonder why the church splits, or fails.
Satan cleverly and subtly gets in to peopleâs life. Who hasnât been to a fortune teller, palm reader, or participated in Ouija boards? Who hasnât read their daily star sign in the magazines on occasion, just to see if it works?
Even horror movies, such as The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, It and Poltergeist, just to name a few. These are all areas, where we open our mind to the evils of the world. We are drawn to evil. Itâs intriguing and appealing. Even the subtilty of the white witch, where you think itâs ok, because you do no harm. Itâs still witchcraft and sorcery. Donât be deceived into thinking itâs harmless.
Deuteronomy mentions the detestable things of God and what practicing these things will result in. God is a God of love, but heâs also a God of wrath and He will bring His judgements on His people, whether they believe it or not.
Satan has a way of making things look good, or at least look not so bad; through music, movies, books, through the internet especially, where evil seems to flourish. Be mindful of what you look at and listen to. Ask yourself; would Jesus be caught reading this book, watching this movie, listening to this song?
You donât need your loved one, who has passed away, to speak to God for you either. You donât need to speak to the dead. God doesnât want you seeking the dead. He wants you to turn and seek Him.
Satan makes it sound so harmless, but itâs all against God, even just a little bit is enough to displease God and bring joy to Satan. All this might sound old fashioned and fuddy-duddy, but the bible hasnât changed its tune for thousands of years.
Satan likes nothing better than to cause us to think we can be like God and thereâs many works on the internet, which push that agenda.
We think with positive thinking, we can have, do and be all that we want and we can, to a point, because weâre on this earth to overcome; overcome monetary issues, relationship issues, health issues, addictions and much more, however, donât fall for teachings that say we can be like God. Itâs because Satan tried to be like God that he was cast out of heaven.
The Great I Am, is the same yesterday, today and forever. You are not God! You cannot be God!
When you start with the gospel and fall away, because you think you donât need it and you think you can become God, this is a warning to you; Donât be fooled by beautiful packaging.
The Phariseeâs had the greatest intentions, but theyâd been led astray. They thought they were a pure people. Over time though, they became self-righteous. They changed laws. Laws Moses had written. Laws that were given to Moses, by God. But they missed it. They missed Jesus, because they couldnât get passed their own pride and therefor didnât see the Son of God, when He was right there, with them.
The strong man guards his house, but when someone stronger comes along, they take his stuff. Satan is the strong man, stronger than you and he proclaims his power, but you have been given all power, all authority, through Jesus Christ. If you have all authority, then Satan has none.
Satan is the strong man, particularly if youâre not following the biblical truths. Satan is very subtle. Satan can even can come across as neutral. Jesus says if you are not with me, youâre against me. Thereâs no neutrality, or middle ground. Youâre either for Jesus, or youâre not. If youâre not with Jesus, you are against Him.
Do you think Jesus was telling the truth? Ask yourself; Was Jesus a liar? The Pharisees tried to accuse Jesus of wrongdoing. They could not find anything in Jesus, to accuse Jesus, because Jesus is all Truth.
Fill yourself with what is right and good and youâll have no need for all the junk. Keep good food in your store house. If you eat junk, youâll end up sick and itâs the same with mental junk. You need to put good things into your mind and stop with all the junk and your life will be peaceful and full of joy.
The only way to resist the devil, is to be filled with the word of God.
If you have a lot of junk in your life, going to church one morning a week, isnât enough. Satan is getting to you, particularly if youâre still sitting on the fence. And youâll continue to have junk in your life, until you ask Jesus into your life, until you spend time with Jesus, getting to know Jesus and learning to understand the ways of Jesus.
If youâre already a Christian, get into the word of God daily. Donât think church one morning a week, is enough. Like food, which you eat three and four times a day, you need spiritual nourishment continually throughout your day, not just for two hours on a Sunday morning.
And itâs not all doom and gloom either. If there is a satanic element in the world, there is also the opposite, because for every opposite there is an equal. Up, down, in, out, rain, sun, black, white, dark, light. There is an angelic element, just as there is a satanic element.
Angels are mentioned in the bible, more times than speaking in tongues and throwing out the fleece. Angels come to our aid, when we call on them. Angels are entertained by us, when at times, we donât even know it. The opposite side of the coin, is the better side, depending on which side you look at.
We get to chose the direction of our path, even when bad things happen. Do we become bitter, when bad things happen, or better? The choice is yours.
As it says in Proverbs 9:10; The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Choose wisely.
Satan is Real. Part 1.
Most people, Christians included, live as if Satan isn't real and that's what Satan wants us to believe. What if youâre wrong? What if, Satan is real? I believe Satan is real and once you get down to it and I mean really study it, you will too, for itâs all in the bible. If you donât believe the bible, you probably donât believe in Satan. Just because you donât believe it, doesnât make it not so.
The bible tells us to recognise there is an enemy and yet we go about our business, not thinking, or realizing the enemy is with us all the time, seeking us out like a roaring lion, wanting to kill, steal and destroy.
The subtleties of Satan are never ending and Satan would love nothing greater than to cause you to leave your faith. Donât be deceived. Things will arise that try to keep you from God and Satan is the instigator of this. God sometimes even allows Satan to work in our lives; hence the biblical story of Job.
Arguments and friction in the home, is Satanâs ability to get right into your safe sanctuary and any kingdom divided, cannot stand. Your home is your kingdom, your domain. And it spreads. It starts with you and your significant other yelling and this might go on for years, then youâll notice your children yelling.
The children yell at each other first and then at you and your significant other and from there it spreads to other family members and friends and eventually the cycle repeats, as your children become parents. A house divided is not going to stand.
Remember, it didnât start out this way. You and your partner got together because you loved each other. You overlooked each otherâs faults and yet now, you can no longer overlook. Harsh words are spoken, anger comes to the for and the house is divided.
Christians are especially vulnerable, because Satan wants to block everything you do, that might cause you to feel secure in God. Heâll try all the harder, if he thinks he can bring you to the point of not attending church.
Jesus preached repentance, for the kingdom of God is at hand. If you and your partner pray and get serious about your faith, the rift can be healed. And donât think it was by your hand. You prayed. God answered.
The bible also talks about demon possession. Does this happen todayâŠyes it can. If you spend time with God every day, itâs less likely for you to become demon possessed. You donât just become demon possessed; youâre owned by God so a Christian canât be demon possessed, unless he/she opens the door to it, in some way.
You have to allow and invite Satan into your life. This can be done through Ouija boards and tarot cards. Even if this was done in your past. Even if this was done through your history and family line. If this has been an entry point for the devil to gain a foothold, you need to repent of it and ask forgiveness from God.
Normal every day people who have nothing to do with Satan, or God, donât often get demon possessed. Satan isnât worried about them, heâs worried about you, the Christian. He wants to stop you from your progression, into Godâs army.
Satan wants to be lord of the earth and he knows you can stop him, by your faith. He doesnât want to see that happen. So itâs doubly important for him to sway your beliefs, anyway he can.
Itâs also when you dabble into other wrong things, Satan can enter into your life. Pornography, drugs, alcohol addiction, theft, lying. These are all entry points for Satan to bring you down and cause your faith to fracture.
Satanâs cunning. He pretends to be a lamb, all the while being the wolf. Deceit is his thing. Right from the beginning, in Genesis, he used deceit to trick Adam and Eve and his methods havenât changed much over the years.
You need to know your bible. Itâs easy to become prey to false teaching. The bible is the best way to learn about God. When you read it for yourself, God opens up scripture to you and you learn thereâs layers to be peeled back. This is why we meditate on the word.
When we meditate on the word, we donât empty our mind, as that allows room for something else to enter. When we meditate on the word, we pick a scripture and play it over and over and God illuminates the meaning further for us.
You can have revelation on one passage today and read that same passage another day and get a further and deeper revelation. Yes, if youâre busy, by all means you can watch you tube, while you cook dinner, or listen to a message while you get in some exercise and gain insight through it, but thereâs really nothing like the bible for opening up Godâs word.
What you put into your mind grows. Grow good thoughts; good thoughts towards yourself, and towards others. Dark thoughts crush you, mentally. Replaying music of harm and death, seeps into your soul. Songs of joy, enlighten the mind and thatâs what we should be working towards.
Donât give Satan a foothold into your life, through your senses, of seeing and hearing. Donât think itâs all harmless fun, because it isnât. In the long run, it really isnât. And the "long runâ is the approach we should take to life, because weâre here for 80, or so years and those years go by quite fast.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
"Special Cecil"
I wanted to make the front garden, as attractive as the back. I decided to add some plastic flowers around the pond. Itâs either too hot there, or too cold and I canât seem to get plants to grow.
Lizzie isnât keen. When she saw the plastic plants, she patted me on the head and promptly told me Iâm a special Cecil, which reminded me of our âSpecial Cecil,â when the girls were little and it made me laugh.
The memories came flooding in, of always trying to keep Cecil from Soxx, lest she rip him apart and pull the stuffinâ out. Manyâs the time I ordered Soxx; âDrop it,â in a scolding voice, as she would try to sneak past with Cecil between her pearly whites.
We never quite knew if Cecil was a baby platypus, or an ugly duckling. Poor Cecil, he was very special in his own way.
Perhaps he changed into a beautiful swan and flew off, because Cecil eventually disappeared. I expected Soxx had finally snatched Cecil from his prime position on the girlâs beds and alas, he is no more.
Being remined of our âSpecial Cecil,â I mentioned it to Olivia, who promptly said; âCecilâs here. He moved in with Kristelle and she has him in her room." Olivia took a photo and sent it to me.
So, Cecil lives to fight another day and although heâs about 27 years old now, we all still love him, tired and scruffy though he is these days.
Life is full of memories, some good, some not so good. Deposit great memories, for memories are the withdrawals you make in your mind, later in life when the pace slows and you have time on your hands.
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