Sunday, 31 January 2021

Be Your Own Superhero!


Be Your Own Superhero!

Don’t we all wish we had superhero powers? Even so, we can guide our life in the direction we want to go. In the end, the direction of our life, is up to each one of us. Each one of us can be a winner, in our own life and it’s a fairly simple process.

First, what is it, that differentiates winners from losers?

Two words: Consistency and discipline! It’s that simple.

Be consistent in your endeavours, whatever they may be. If you’re building a brand, be consistent with your posts, emails and product distribution, as this helps your buyer know you’re reliable. 

Be consistent with your style, if you’re a writer, so the reader knows what to expect. Be consistent with who you are, then your customers can trust what you have to say. 

Integrity is a huge part of whether you can be trusted or not. If you don’t have trust with your customer, if that’s not showing up in any area of your work, the customer can tell. Your customers are smart. They can discern how honest you’re being.

This “fake it ‘til you make it” phrase, doesn’t wash with the customer.  They want (and deserve) your honesty. 

Determine your priorities and focus on them - quote by Author Eileen McDargh

Your customer will have empathy with you, through your struggles. Sure, you don’t need your customer to know everything about you, but show them you’re real. 

Show them your blunders, failures and triumphs, but not everything. Remember your clients have their own issues to deal with, they don’t need to know all of yours as well. Keep it simple, keep it real, but don’t show all your cards.

The reader wants to laugh at what you laugh at. If it’s funny (although it’s not funny, if it’s at the expense of another), write it in. If it makes you cry, write it in. Make yourself human, with all your foibles and faults and the reader will enjoy what you share with them.

People are curious beings. They want to know how others think and feel. They want to empathise, cry and laugh with you, through all your trails. It makes you more real to them. Don’t be cold and distant. If you’ve done something right, tell people. Your patrons will applaud with you. 

In life we have success’s and failures. Failure isn’t the end. Failure has taught you, one way not to do it. Try another way. If, however, you’ve succeeded at something, let the world know. We all love to hear uplifting stories. 

Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish – quote by Author Jessica N.S. Yourko

Being consistent is important and the other area, which differentiates winners from losers, is discipline. Discipline is more important that motivation. Motivation wanes and when it does, often we stop what we should be doing. Discipline is doing the little steps every day, until you reach the end, whether you feel motivated or not.

Discipline then comes full circle, back to consistency. Being consistent. Doing those little things every day, even when you don’t feel like it. Lifting your game, doing the hard yards and not stopping, until you see the desired result. Doing it even though at first, you may not see any results, but doing it anyway. 

If you want to be a winner, do what a winner does. Write your goal. Discipline yourself and become consistent, in any area you feel you’d like to improve. Work at it, even when you don’t feel like it and you will be the winner in your life.

You will be your own superhero!


Friday, 22 January 2021

Are you feeling like a clown, with a smile painted on your face?

 There’s one area in life, people all over the world wish to have and that’s “success”.

No one leaves school excited to start on their path to becoming an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a failure. We all leave school full of the promises of success, opportunity and a fun filled life.

One becomes an addict, because one takes miniscule steps in the wrong direction, every single day. At the end of the day our success, or lack of it, is up to us. The choices we make and the steps we take, to achieving our goals and dreams are ours and ours alone.

If you start your day with exercise, it’s going to work on repairing and restoration of your body. Exercise will increase your oxygen levels, giving you more energy for the day ahead. From there, if you have a light and healthy breakfast, you’ve made a wholesome start to your day. All you need to do now, is to continue throughout the day and work on this every day. Sounds simple doesn’t it? And it can be. 

Healthy living, work/life balance, money, spirituality and great relationships, are all the fields we should be working within, if we want a successful life. Start your day right and you’re more likely to finish your day right. 

Suitable rest, a healthy balanced diet, exercise and a balance of work to fun ratio, is the aim. So how do we achieve this?

Start with a to-do/goals list. Lists keep you focussed and on track. Without a list, we meander through our day and if we accomplish anything, it’s more luck than good design. Most of the high achievers in the world, work from their lists.

Start your day right, first with exercise and a healthy breakfast, then follow through by looking at your to-do list. A suitable start to your day, is to look at this list every morning (and again in the evening). Morning, to see and refresh your mind, with what you need to be working on and evening, to plan the following day/week and mark off what you’ve achieved during the course of the day. 

It’s quite possible you’ll have distractions throughout your day, which side-track you from your tasks. Having a written plan will transport you back to your tasks, as soon as the crisis/distraction is over. So, keep your list handy and look at it regularly. 

Success is ensuring you take little steps, every day, towards your goals. No matter what the goal is, even if all you get is 5 minutes in your busy day, the implementation of the miniscule and mundane, will get you to the finish line. Don’t stop. Don’t quit. And you will get there. 

It’s helpful to journal your progress, even your lack of progress. This shows you the areas you can improve on, areas you’re wasting time and areas in which you’ve worked well. At the end of the day, have another list of 5 items you can implement tonight, to make tomorrow easier. 

My evening list is a simple list; make sure the kettle is full, for my all-important first coffee in the morning. Fold and put away whichever washing is still hanging on the line. (For me, out of sight, out of mind. Because I can’t see my washing line, I often forget it.) Pack, or unpack, the dishwasher. Have a quick tidy through (this might include dusting, sweeping, or cleaning the bathroom) and finally a look at my to-do list. I tick whatever I’ve completed off the list and write any new entries I wish to add, for the following days. All in all, this evening list generally doesn’t take more that 15-20 minutes to complete.

These are the simple, routine steps I follow, to have a successful day, which turns into a successful week and then months of successful choices. At the end of the year, I can see the progress I’ve made. I feel the benefits for the steps I’ve taken and these lists help me to live a successful life.

Even with the hiccups in life, keeping to my lists more often than not, puts me in good stead to finishing the year with positive outcomes, in all matters of my life.

As well as healthy eating and exercise, included in my lists are monetary goals, relationship goals, spiritual study and reading goals, as well as rest goals (and it is important to schedule rest, particularly if you’re a bit of a workaholic). What’s the point if you get to the end of your years, so driven, that you haven’t enjoyed your life! 

I achieve more in the first 3 hours of my day, than others achieve in their whole day. I’m focussed, driven and loving life, however I do allow myself time to pause when I feel it necessity to do so.

I’ve got time management down to a fine art. To achieve in life, it’s a requirement to manage one’s time, emotions and finances. If any of these are out of balance, stress 
comes to the fore. And we don’t want stress. 

Negativity can ruin what would otherwise be a great day. Learn the discipline of control over your thoughts and actions and your days will be a lot brighter and happier. Just as your success depends on you, so too your discipline, your joy and your peace of mind.

If you’re struggling in an area, read a book, or listen to you tube on the topic. You could even find a mentor, if you think it could help. Find someone to whom you are accountable (and not a friend, because they’re too soft on you). 

Remember, discipline is important. Also, discipline is like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it gets. See, you have no excuse, if you feel you have no discipline. If you find yourself struggling, work at the area in short bursts. Try for half an hour, then increase to an hour and so on. Eventually you’ll overcome the area you’re struggling in, if you persevere and don’t quit. 

I know what I’m talking about. I’ve gone from someone too scared to say “boo” to a goose. I was overweight, depressed and riddled with anxiety. The first course I ever did was a simple 2-day course, because that’s all I felt capable of managing at the time and even that was a huge challenge for me.

I really believed I was stupid and I constantly berated myself. I was my own worst enemy and it showed, in my moods, my attitudes and my self-care, or lack of. I had no confidence in myself, or my abilities and was too frightened to try something new.

Now I’m a photo-journalist and author, with books which have made Amazon’s best seller list. I’ve now done numerous courses and love to learn. 

Gone is the depression, suicidal thoughts and excess weight. I can hold my own in a crowded room, give a speech and even sing in public. I’m a long way from where I started and I’m loving life, every day. 

And I want that for you too. You can live the life of your dreams. If, like me, all you can manage is small steps to start with: start there and then build. Don’t quit, until you reach to your destination. Sure, there’ll be hurdles along the way, but if you keep going, you’ll overcome them, just as I did.

Don’t be like the clown, with an artificial smile; seemingly happy on the outside, but miserable on the inside. In life, you can continue the path you’re on, or you can create a new and exciting path. The choice is yours to make!

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Minute pork steaks, with basil and parmesan and lemon sweet potato gnocchi


Minute Pork Steak, with basil and parmesan          and lemon sweet potato gnocchi.

Cooking and preparation time 30 minutes

Serves 4


Splash of olive oil
6 pork minute steaks
¼ tsp ground cumin
1 tblsp chopped oregano
1 tsp minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
1 onion chopped
Pinch sugar
2 tsp extra minced garlic
2 carrots, diced 
1 ½ cups frozen, but thawed, peas
1 packet of sweet potato gnocchi
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Small bunch basil leaves, chopped
Grated parmesan cheese to taste


Mix the olive oil, oregano, cumin, garlic, salt and pepper in a bowl and then rub onto minute pork steaks and marinate. 

While the meat is marinating, steam the diced carrots with a tablespoon of water, for 2 minutes in the microwave. 

Steam the gnocchi in the microwave, also with a tablespoon of water, for 1 and 1/2 minutes, stir and then steam for another 1 and 1/2 minutes.

Fry the marinated minute pork steaks, for 2 minutes each side, or until browned. Let stand for 2 minutes, then slice on an angle, roughly half cm widths.

While the meat is standing and using a separate frypan, fry the onions and extra garlic in olive oil and toss in the pinch of sugar. Once the onions have become slightly opaque, add the steamed carrots and cook until onions have browned. 

Toss in the thawed peas and the steamed gnocchi, lemon zest and juice. Stir until all is heated through, mixed well and colourful. If you would like, you can add more salt and pepper at this point.

Serve in a bowl, the gnocchi mixture, topped with the minute pork steaks. Garnish with basil and parmesan cheese.

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Design the Future you Desire!

           Design the Future you Desire!

As the world becomes more automated and with viruses’ becoming more prevalent, lock downs and fear of the future, drive us to anxiety.

Even before all this, we had anxiety. Adding the above just compounded the problem. We feel helpless and worthless and what we feel on the inside of us, shows up on the outside. So, what do we do about that?

The mental image you have of yourself, often dictates how you live your life. If you change your mental image, your external automatically changes with it. What this means is, if you believe you’re worthless, you’ll probably find you won’t have achieved much in life. The opposite is also true.

Change your self-image and you change your life. 

Step up your expectations of yourself and those around you. We can all ‘step up.’ We all have areas in our life we could improve upon. 

If you’re wondering what those areas are, they’re the areas where you tell yourself: “I should.” Whenever you say to yourself, “I should…” that’s the area you need to be working on. Or at least an area you could possibly think on a little more deeply. 

Spending 20 minutes, thinking about how to solve a problem (not worrying about the problem, but on solving the issue), will bring new ideas. Do this for a few days and write your results. Results need to be in writing, because we’re a forgetful bunch of people. Those results, should lead you to take action, for it’s only with action that change can commence.

When you find yourself saying; “I should exercise, I should eat more healthily, I should do extra study, I should spend more time with the children, I should… (whatever your “I should” is), think about it further. Delve into it more deeply. 

"It's in your monents of decision, that your        destiny is shaped." (Quote byTony Robbins.)

What’s stopping you from doing your “I should?” Is it fear, lack of time, lack of energy, lack of money? Take the initiative and learn how to increase your time, energy and finances, so you’ll be able to work on the areas of your life, you wish to improve.

If it’s fear that’s stopping you, you need to be more fearful of not living your best life. You need to be more fearful of living the boring, mundane life you have now. Learn what you need to learn to overcome your fears and you will become what you want to be.

Do you think your future would look brighter, if you took action, lifted your standard and did your “I should?”

Mostly, in life, we’re thinking about today and what we need to do today. Many of us are struggling, just to get through today and often we aren’t looking ahead. We’re just going through the motions, struggling to get to the end of the day.

The best we are hoping to do, is tread water, while waiting for tomorrow and hoping tomorrow’s a better day.

What we don’t know is, we need to create our own brighter future. It’s not going to fall into our lap. We must be intentional, in designing the life we want. And how can we do that, when we don’t even know what we want?

If you don’t know what you want out of life, ask yourself; if you had all the time and money you needed, what would you be doing today? And once you’ve worked out the what, you can work out the how and then work on where to start. Once you do this, you can begin to design the life you want.  

We aren’t meant to be living a life of dullness and drudgery. If this is your life – it’s time to change. 

Use your initiative and work out the steps you need to take, to lift your standard, improve your life and have some fun. 

If you’re not having fun, you’re not alone. I know, because I’ve been where you are. I’ve been broke, unhappy, bored, depressed and suicidal. If you’re living with any of these concerns, I know how you feel. I’ve been there.

"Your past doesn't equal your future."                          (Quote by Tony Robbins.)

The lower you feel, the more action you’re going to need to take, to bring about your breakthrough. And while you’re at it, start a gratitude journal. How will you know whether your happy, if you don’t see what brings you joy? 

We need to write in our journal for, as I said earlier, we forget easily and it helps us keep our focus on what’s fun and joyous. There’s a reason many of the big names and the most successful people in the world, recommend a gratitude journal; because it helps in turning your life around and it does. I know, because I’ve tried it.

Feed your mind every day and take notes on what works. Use what you can and apply it to your life and watch your life change.

Do you know what I’m doing right now? I’m doing my passion, what I’m passionate about and what I love to do. I’m writing at my local café, while having a coffee. For me, that’s fun. For me, helping others reach their destination is my dream and I help bring your dream into fruition, through my written work.

Over 20 years ago now (and those years have flown by, let me tell you), I wrote down what I considered to be my ideal life. I wrote my dreams and the steps it would take to achieve them. I became intentional about my life. I worked through the difficult moments and kept at it, until I became successful. 

I drowned out the naysayers, those who told me it couldn’t be done, those who laughed at me and said; "Who do you think you are, that you think you’ll achieve this?" And do you know who my biggest naysayer was? Me! 

I was my own worst enemy, but when we know better, we do better. I did what I needed to do, to change my life and for a number of years now, I’ve been living my dream life. I want to tell you: It was truly worth the effort! 

If you’re concerned about your life, begin to design the future you desire. Start taking some of your control back, by following the advice given in these few pages. Use your initiative and intentionally create the life you dream about.
Don’t stop with these few pages either. There are so many people on the internet, who are doing this and have stories to tell, about how their life has changed and how they’re now living their best life. Learn what you have to learn, put in the hard yards and your efforts will be rewarded.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Be a Beacon of Light.

Be a beacon of light, that others can follow. 

Create that life of success you desire. 

If you want to be successful, you need a strong desire. Success certainly isn’t an easy path and you’ll have to want it categorically. If you want it badly enough to really pursue it, when the difficulties arise, you’ll be up to the challenge. A half-hearted want will cause you to quit, when the storms of life hit. 

Being successful often means acting independently, of going against the crowd and ignoring the naysayers. Life’s not a rehearsal. It’s time to get it together and be who you want to be. 

To be who you want to be, requires planning. It hinges on you writing the dream you have for your life and putting that dream into manageable steps. It means setting smaller goals for you to work towards every day, to ensure your dream becomes your reality.

Ask yourself what you want out of life. What kind of job would you like? How much money would you like to earn? What kind of home do you desire? What type of relationships are you looking for? How healthy do you wish to be?

For a healthy and balanced life, I like to refer to the 7 F’s: (The 7 F’s being something I read somewhere and just can’t remember where) Faith, family, finances, fitness, fun, friends and function (vocation). You may not view them in the same order as I do, however if you can achieve balance in all these areas, you’re well on the way to a happy, successful and fulfilled life. 

In order to achieve all 7 F’s, you’ll need to use your time wisely. You’ll need to know your goals, your wants and your ambitions and you’ll need a plan to bring them all together. 

In life, we’re either moving forward, or backward. Sometimes we’re treading water, but even this isn’t taking us forward. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? If you can’t answer that, or if you don’t like the answer, it’s time for change.

Also, if you haven’t moved forward in the previous 5 years, unless you change something, you’ll most likely not move forward in the next 5 years. At the end of this time, 10 years will have passed – and nothing about your life will have changed (except that you’ve become older). 

Now’s the time to do something. Don’t let the years slip away. Create your dream life and work towards achieving it. Write down what your ideal life would look like and create the steps it takes to get you there. 

All of the most successful people in life, have written goals. A written goal will keep you focussed and on track. It’ll keep you accountable to what you need to do, in order to move forward. No more stagnating and treading water. No more going backwards in life. Just follow your plan. A little bit every day will get you there, even if all you can manage is 15 minutes. 

If your goal isn’t written down, you’ll lose drive and momentum. You’ll find your time will be frittered away on unmeaningful tasks. You need single minded, laser beam focus, to stay on track and a written list will help with this. 

Other considerations are: patience, diligence, foresight and an ability to overcome procrastination. How much do you want to see your dream, your reality? If you have a big dream, if you make that dream big enough and exciting enough, you’ll overcome procrastination. 

Successful people don’t necessarily have the highest IQ. Successful people have what I call; stick-to-itiveness. Successful people know what they want and they stick to it, until they achieve it. 

Understand delayed gratification is a marker for sticking to it. It’s not about a quick fix. It’s about determination, persistence, being a self-starter and putting in the effort every single day.  We all want everything, yesterday, but that’s not how life works. 

It’s no good looking for quick solutions. Things are always harder than we expect and they take longer to achieve than we expect too. Just set your course and do the work. Things will turn out in time. 

Focus on all areas of your life and you too shall be a beacon of light, with a success formula that others can follow. Live the life of your dreams!