Thursday, 28 December 2023

Redeemed Time.

Beautiful people, some of you may not fully understand the power of what it is you hold in your hand when you pick up your bible; the wisdom, the knowledge, discernment, guidance, healing, forgiveness, prosperity, peace, love, joy, right down to management of weather and management of time.

Sometimes I let the rain fall and I dance and sing and laugh. Other times I say; "Not today. Peace be still," and I calm the storm. In the same way, I calm the storms of life, as I quietly meditate upon His word.

When it comes to time management, Justin Paul Abraham calls it; Eden time, or fallen time. Rich time, or poor time. You can work with time and it will bend to suit your need, but only if you honour time.

God tells us to redeem our time. Hebrews 5:15-16 "See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Evil days are days of trial, tribulation and trouble. 

God's word speaks of making the most of our time and not wasting time. When we do that, time will be on our side. Life will be busy, but not rushed, productive and not wasted.

Evil time, or fallen time, is time spent in frustration with low energy; its time wasted. It’s where things constantly go wrong and where it takes longer to accomplish tasks than when in Eden time. Fallen time is where we feel tired at the end of the day.

In Eden time things flow, energy is high. Things fall into place easily and effortlessly and at the accomplishment of our task we still have great energy. We enter Eden time through thankfulness, praise and worship. In praise and worship, even jobs we dislike will become pleasurable and easy.

When you prioritise your time, making the most of every minute, somehow you gain time as time notices the honour you give it. Time then begins to work with you, rather than against you. You can bend time, manipulate circumstances, shorten boring moments and lengthen a pleasurable phase.

When you lose your wallet, you can call your bank. When someone steals from you, you have insurance and can replace what was stolen. When your time is stolen, who can you call? Time is your responsibility; you can waste it, or use it wisely.

The bible states in Ecclesiastes 8:5-6 “…a wise man’s heart discerns both time and judgement, because for every matter there is a time and a judgement...” We must discern time. We must study time and discern it’s best use.

What we honour, makes room in our lives for more of the same. If we honour the Trinity, honour the angels, honour money, honour our job, be it inside the home or outside; whatever it is we honour, we get more of, so we must honour time if we wish to make the most of it and attain a greater supply.

I know this to be true from first-hand account.
When juggling a full time job, I also wrote books. I spent hours in my bible, went for long bike rides, tended the home and garden well, cooked culinary delights every day and kept an eye on the share market. 

I love words and memorise new words every day. I studied the craft of writing, photography and leanrt a new language and yet still had time at the end of the day to relax in the spa with a good book. This is what honouring time can do for you. We're all busy, we just have to be busy at the things that count, things that move us forward in life.

In honouring time, say yes to all things of God. Say no to what doesn’t move you forward in life. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where best to place your time. Paul wrote in Romans 7:15 “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.”

We have the power to change that statement. We don’t have to follow Paul’s lead on this. Ask Holy Spirit, then do what you aught. Be led by the spirit and not the flesh. The mark of maturity is in doing what you don’t feel like doing. The mark of maturity is dying to self and living for Christ.

Let’s live for the One who died for us. Let us remember Him in the taking of the sacraments; the bread of healing and the blood of life. Let us honour what’s important in our life.

Saturday, 23 December 2023

Jesus Loves You.

It’s through the storms of life that we enter the kingdom of God. Without the storm, there’d be no need for God. For what is the point of a God when everything is running smoothly. If life were easy, there’d be no need for God, no need for us to call on Him and it’s only during our greatest time of need, that some of us will ever turn to God.

What we read will either move us toward success, or take us further away. If we read trash, it takes us nowhere. We need to raise our standard. We need to choose uplifting books, tv, movies, you tube. The bible is the greatest success book of all time, but most don’t know it.

We are what we read, but if we read without meditating, it’s the same as eating without digesting; you take in the food but you don’t absorb the nutrients. The secret of spiritual growth is meditation. The breadth of scripture is provided through reading, the depth, through meditating. The bible is like a kaleidoscope, with new colours and patterns emerging at every turn of the page.

We know Jesus spoke in parables, but did you know more of the bible is written in parables than just the words written in red? If you want to unravel the mysteries of this great book, you need to meditate on the portions of the bible in which you have the least understanding. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what you need to know and He will show you.

Keep a notebook handy and write what comes to mind. Take notice of your thoughts before and after reading your bible, also what scriptures and you tube clips come to mind. Look up what you don’t understand and write it in your book. As you do this, you’ll see a message unfolding, a personal message, a message which will take you forward in life.

There’s peace on the other side of warfare. Whatever battle you’re in today, once the battle is done, you will experience peace, but only if you stick with it and don’t give up in the midst of the war.

Jesus isn’t mad with you. He loves you. It doesn’t matter if you’re not doing everything right. God doesn’t love you any less, just because you’re imperfect at times. All the great men of the bible ‘mucked something up,’ but that didn’t stop God’s greatest works being done through them.

Stand in faith throughout your conflict. Believe in God for whatever promise you’re waiting on. Believe in Him for the impossible you wish to see, for He is the miracle worker. More is available than you ever thought possible. God has more for you; all you need to do is believe.

Jesus loves you. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, 18 December 2023

Man of War!


Both Exodus 15:3 and Isaiah 42:13 speak of the Man of War. Not the gentle loving God that we know, but Yahweh, the God of fierce protection over His people, showing another facet of His nature.


Exodus 15:3

The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His name. (KJV)

The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is His name. (NLT)

Jehovah is a man of war; Jehovah is His name. (ASV)


Isaiah 42:13; The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.


The Lord is man of war; direct, bold, brawn in battle. The Lord is His name. The Lion of Judah; the symbol of bravery, nobility and strength.

Jehovah; God of all might, all power, establishing the Heavenly Father’s everlasting gospel on earth. More than a man; a man commanding, sturdy, victorious.

Exalt His name, celebrate His praise, give holiness to the Lord!

For the Lord is a man of war. He is a man of special fitness, an eminent warrior, a man of words, a tough man, a man of valour, with courage in the face of danger.

A warrior, engaged in war, inured to it. Overcoming powerful enemies, principalities, powers and satan himself. Overcoming the world and the great men of it. Overcoming the antichrist and the anti-Christian states.

Well versed in the art of war, qualified by wisdom, might and courage, subduing all people, making His own more than conquerors through Him.

Captain of the Lord’s host. Leader and Commander of the people. Generalissimo over armies on earth and in heaven. Prince and King: The Chief of them all.

The Lord is His name. Always overcoming, always constant in His promises. Jehovah, possessing the force to destroy His foes. The God who rules with unlimited might. The great Yahweh; The I Am That I Am.

This is the God that I serve! What about you?


Saturday, 16 December 2023

The Stand Before The Dawn.


The Stand Before The Dawn.

I found something out today. It turns out, I’m doing some things right.

Apparently, if a Christian wakes between 3 and 5 am, they’re called the “Watchmen,” the one’s who stand last, just before the dawn.

That’s me. For those of you who know me well, you’ll know I’ve been waking at 4 most mornings, for years and years.

I’m told, between these hours we should try to remember our dreams.

That’s me too. If I don’t jot my dream down as soon as I wake, the devil snatches it away.

So, your dream is your instructions for the day from God. As you would know; dreams are symbolic and so we need to perceive, or interpret what God is saying within the context of our dream. We need to understand the biblical meaning behind numbers, colours and symbols.

And then, we need to pray according to the dream. (I’ve had dreams where family members get hurt and I’ve prayed angels around the situations, or a dissolving of what’s coming against my family). I didn’t know this was a ‘thing’ given to the Watchmen of the hour. That’s just something I do and a new revelation to me.

If we don’t have a dream, or can’t remember our dream, we’re to meditate on God’s word. I have a daily to-do list and this is one of the things on my daily list. I recite verses in the bible, usually for an hour or half an hour in the morning, depending on my time availability.

I ponder on the dream. I write them down, if I have one. I meditation on God’s word if I don’t and all of this causes the information God has for me to enter my spirit man. My spirit retrieves that information. At this time, the soul has to bow, for the lesser always bows to the greater. This makes room for the spirit to retrieve information, which may have come that night, or may have come weeks or months earlier.

As the information is retrieved, we’re to sense, feel and use intuition, perception and an inward knowing. If we do this often enough, we’ll begin to know what’s happening to loved ones and those closest to us.

With that done, we decree and declare – another thing on my morning to-do list, which I run through every morning before getting up. The bible tells us to make declarations without ceasing and I’ll do this throughout the day as well, if I have free mental time.

Prayer is two-way communication. It’s you and God talking together. Declarations are you commanding your day; you, prophetically making declarations about the direction of your life and the life of your loved ones. Job 22:28 states; thou shall also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee...

It’s in these times, and in these hours, you’ll get divine revelation, where new and creative ideas will flow.

The hours between 3 and 5 are the hours of the “Chosen.” I hesitate to call myself one of the ‘chosen,’ but that’s what the minister in the clip said.

I’d have to be the accidental watchman, the accidental chosen, as it’s all happened around me for years and I never knew this to be the case. I always thought I was getting up this early to have uninterrupted bible study. Although I get a lot out of my early morning time, I didn’t realise it was God’s prompting for my daily walk.

At this point in time, I’d almost have to add, I’m also the ‘accidental grey nomad.’ I never expected to have a caravan and be travelling around the countryside – even if it was a long-held dream. A caravan wasn’t something I ever expected to own. I really don’t know how I expected the traveling to unfold, in my dream of trading, writing and traveling. It just happened without me. Lol.

On all counts – prayer watchman, chosen and grey nomad – it had to be God, because it certainly wasn’t me.

The next day, I was looking for something else, when I came across Revelation 17:14 ….and those who are with Him are called the chosen and faithful. Plus, my bible reading today; Ephesians 1:4 He chose us. And even the following morning again, my bible study was on the word chosen. Confirmation, I believe, in the words written above.




Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Lambie's Little Secret.

This short story is dedicated to my wonderful, courageous, funny, surprising, creative and gorgeous granddaughters; Kristelle and Heidi.

I love you both, very, very much.

                 Lambie’s Little Secret.

Nana’s dog died! I threw myself onto my bed, snuggled into Lambie and drenched his fur with my tears.

Kai; a big, goofy, clumsy dog, who bit people, when given half a chance. Not everyone liked Nana’s dog, but I liked him. He pranced and bounced and looked so very much to enjoy his walks. And he liked to play on the trampoline with me.

“Oh Lambie,” I cried. I took great comfort from Lambie, whenever I was upset. Oh, I know Lambie is just a stuffed toy, or at least that’s what I thought. Until Lambie proved me wrong, on this particular day.

I sobbed; my snot mixing with my tears and running into Lambie’s soft fur. It was then I thought I heard a voice. “Shh, little one. It’s okay. Kai’s gone to a happy place. He’s not sick anymore.”

Listening, eyes wide with fright, my body tensed as I looked around to see who was in the room with me. No one was there! It was just me and Lambie. “Lambie? Did you talk?” I stammered in a whisper.

I’d always been afraid of the unknown phenomena that might occur in my bedroom. Mum says I have too much imagination for my own good.

“Lambie?” I questioned again. Silence. No more words were spoken. It must be my vivid imagination. I sighed with relief and felt myself relax.

I contemplated looking under the bed, just to be sure, but that was way too scary. Instead, I ran out of my room. “Mum! Mum!” I called loudly.

“I’m out the back," came a muffled reply.

I ran outside and with a breathless voice, I asked; “Did you say something?”

“No honey. I’ve just been out here, pegging washing,” replied Mum, without pausing in her work.

‘Humph, must have been my imagination,’ I thought to myself, as I started to bounce on the trampoline, too scared really to go back inside just yet.

I’d only been jumping on the trampoline for a few minutes, when Mum asked; “Kristelle, would you mind going inside and checking on Heidi? Let me know if she’s awake, okay?”

“Do I have to?” I asked, still a little afraid to go inside by myself, but feeling foolish in saying so, after all, I am 8 years old you know. Too old to be scared.

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt for you to do that. You can see I’m busy,” said Mum.

I sighed once again, as I got off the trampoline. Dragging my feet and going as slow as I dare, I dawdled back inside. As I did so, I repeated to myself over and over; “There’s nothing there, there’s nothing there, there’s nothing there.”

And of course, there was nothing there. Only Heidi, looking very cute, fast asleep in her cot. I was just being silly and excessively imaginative.

I kissed my baby sister gently, careful not to wake her and went to watch tv in the lounge room, still not ready to face my bedroom yet; just in case.

As the day wore on, I forgot all about the voice I heard in my room, that is, until I went to the bathroom, just before going to bed. Closing the door behind me, I had a shower and when I came out, I couldn’t open the door.

The lock had stuck fast! Frantically I turned the knob this way and that, as the voice from earlier in the day, replayed in my mind. “Shh little one. Shh little one.”

The mirror, steamy from the heat of the shower in the cool of the evening, showed everything in the room as a soft blur. I froze on the spot, as I thought I saw a movement behind me, in the reflection of the mirror through the steam. “Mum!” I yelled, terrified the ‘thing’ that spoke to me earlier, had now locked me in the bathroom with it.

I could hear Mum running up the hall. How I could hear, I don’t know, over the thump, thump, thump, of my own heart. My heart thumped so hard, I thought it was going to explode out of my chest.

The door opened and Mum said, “Goodness gracious, child, what’s wrong?”

I felt incredibly foolish and said something along the lines of not being able to open the door. I didn’t tell her of my fears though. How could I? I was 8 after all. I shouldn’t be scared of anything at my age. A nervous chill crept through my bones, as I considered that it was almost bed time and I’d have to go to my room soon. Another wave of fear followed this thought.

For a brief moment, I considered hopping into bed with Heidi. How silly is that? As if I’d fit in a cot.

“Come on, honey, bed time,” said Mum.

“Do I have to? Can’t I stay up a little longer?” I pleaded, playing for more time.

“5 more minutes, but that’s it. You have school tomorrow.” Mum replied. About this time, Heidi began to fuss and cry and Mum got up, heading off to check on her. I lay on the lounge and was soon asleep. Dad must have come home from work and carried me to bed, because I woke up in my room the next morning and it was light. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Nothing happened. No more was said in my room that morning and I headed off to school a little later, with a happy heart, or so I thought. My friends asked me if I was okay. My teacher said I was a little quiet today. She too asked if I was alright.

I didn’t tell them. All I said was I a was a bit sad, because my Nana’s dog had died.

It had now been some days since the voice had talked to me.

Christmas was around the corner and I was beginning to see Christmas lights going up along the streets and in homes and stores. I was becoming excited. I’d forgotten about the voice in my room until…..

“Kristelle, honey, could you keep an eye on Heidi? I’m just popping down to the laundry, to put a load of washing on” Mum said.

“Sure,” I said.

Mum put a thick rug on the floor and laid Heidi on the rug, then disappeared out the door of my room.

“Hello Heidi,” I said. Heidi looked at me and cooed, smiling up at me as she did so, little arms and legs swinging wildly, with no control.

I grabbed a book off the shelf and sat down next to my little sister and began to read. She cooed and gurgled and appeared to be enjoying herself.

“Isn’t she just the cutest little thing?” I heard from the other side of the room. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt a chill move through my body.

Looking to where I thought the sound had come from, I saw only Lambie, sitting up on my bed. “Lambie, is that you?” I asked, tentatively. I wanted to cry. I was so scared. I’d forgotten all about the other day, when I thought Lambie had spoken to me.

I was annoyed with myself now; how could I forget such a thing?

“Of course it’s me, dear. Haven’t you heard; when you love a toy so very much, they come to life?” Lambie said in the sweetest voice, allaying my fears somewhat.

“No, I haven’t heard that,” I replied. I did love my Lambie. Lambie had been my very best friend since I was very little. Lambie went to the park with me, went for long car drives, played picnics and slept with me every night. I do so love my Lambie.

I never expected Lambie to talk to me. Not for real. Lambie had always spoken to me in my imagination, but never for real, until now.

Heidi had stopped squirming and it was as if she too, was listening.

I jumped up on my bed, grabbed Lambie and sat him next to Heidi, so Heidi could see what was going on.

“Hello Heidi,” Lambie said. “You and I are going to have so much fun, when you get a bit bigger.”

Heidi stared intently at Lambie and I said, “I don’t think she quite understands. She’s just a baby.”

“We had a lot of fun, didn’t we Kristelle, when you were growing up.” Lambie said.

“Yes, we did,” I replied, comfortable now, with the fact that a stuffed toy was talking to me.

“You’ll be getting too big to play with stuffed toys soon. I hope Heidi will play with me like you did,” said Lambie.

Just then Mum came to the door and Lambie went silent. I didn’t know whether to tell Mum or not, that Lambie was talking to me. I looked at Lambie and he gave me a wink and I felt it was like Lambie telling me; this is our little secret.

“Who were you talking to?” Mum asked.

“Oh no one. I was just reading to Heidi.” I replied, with my fingers crossed behind my back.

“That’s a lovely thing to do for your sister,” said Mum. “I’m so happy to see you two getting on well together.”

“Mum do you think it would be okay, for me to give Lambie to Heidi?” I asked. “I’m a bit big now, to have a stuffed toy, but Heidi might take Lambie for longs drives and play at the park with him and have picnics.”

“That would be lovely. I’m sure Heidi will like that,” replied Mum. “Let’s pop Heidi down for a sleep and Lambie can go too.”

As the years passed, it was fun to watch Heidi take Lambie for walks, drives and picnics. Lambie looks well-loved now and a tad ragged, but we don’t care. He’s still our special Lambie.

I never did hear Lambie speak again. Perhaps it was because I gave him away. Perhaps he spoke to Heidi, when they played together. I guess we’ll never know. But it does go to show; if you love a stuffed toy, very, very much, they’ll come to life.

                               The End!

           Written with much love, from Nana.


I would like to conclude with; although just a tale there are elements of truth to this story, for Lambie is a toy much loved by my granddaughters. And while the stuffed toy could have been any other animal; an elephant, a unicorn, a teddy bear, it is no coincidence the animal depicted here was a lamb.

For it is the Lamb of God who speaks to us, through ways and means that may surprise us; after all, the God of the Bible spoke through a donkey (Numbers 22:28). Job 33:14 states; For God may speak in one way, or in another...

The Lamb of God speaks to us and we know this to be true, because it states in John 10:3 …the sheep hear His voice and He calls His own sheep by name…

Also, John 10:27 The sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me.

The prophetic, which has come through this story is real. It is God showing us, through Jesus Christ, anything is possible. Revelation 17:14 speaks of the war which comes against the Lamb and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is the Lord of lords.

And one final word - although this is just a story, a secret in a story is okay. In real life however, we must never keep secrets from Mum and Dad. And remember; it’s okay to be scared. Many children are. Just call on the name of Jesus and He will give you courage and help you overcome all your fears and trials in life, for you will hear Him, when you call to Him.


Monday, 6 November 2023

Do You Have The Right Keys?

Do you have the right keys?

You have to find the keys which open the locks, releasing the problems in your life, so you can live in overthrow, never again to face the issues you’re facing now. When you stand with Christ, the enemy must back off. The enemy is the weaker power. He cannot stand under the greater strength and might of Jesus.

We need to remove spiritual staleness. It’s easy to fall into staleness. It comes from a lack of authority and power in our life, where we see nothing happen, where we pray and achieve no results and we begin to believe God’s not going to work in our life. We begin to think; ‘Perhaps all this God stuff is fine for someone like Ms Super-Christian over there, but I’m not like them.’ Doubt creeps in.  

Get rid of the belief God can’t work in your life because…because of whatever excuse you can think up. Church – this is your home (and I tap my heart here). This is the place Jesus resides. It’s imperative you dethrone evil and you can’t dethrone the evil, without Jesus.

We need to influence the angelic realm, so as to control the earthly realm. When we decree and declare a matter, which lines up with the promises of God, the angels move into action. The church has spiritual dominion, delegated to it by Christ. Jesus’s name has to be first. Jesus is in a class all by himself and He’s at the top of His class. We all know this.

We also know Jesus built the church and He gave the congregation the authority to act on His behalf.

Individual members come together and join to form a strengthened spiritual house, where they can operate in such a way that even the gates of hell would not be able to stand against it.

We are the community which believes Jesus Christ is the Head; the community which bring together such a force so as to see all prayer come to fruition, so much so that not even Hades can stop it. This is why we need to belong to a church with Christ at its helm. Jesus can’t help us, if we’re not part of His community.

We need to stop trying to keep the devil off our backs and start commanding the devil leave. Jesus never one said He’d try. Jesus was resolute. He declared a matter and it was so.

The devil is the devil and he will keep attacking us. This is a lifelong battle, unless he can’t find an entry into our life. What we need to do is look at what Christ has done. What did Christ do? He built His church. That puts us in the offence, not the defence. It puts us in a place of victory not failure.

All of us in this room are victorious if we are in Christ. That’s every one of you who’ve accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour. No exceptions. No excuses. Mr Super-Christian over there; he has no more power and authority than you do. If you are in Christ, you have all power and authority.

Hell has gates, for it says in the bible; the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. Hell has gates. Hell is a city with authority. The devil has been given authority in this world and he uses our circumstances to turn our life upside down. Our job is to stand with the One who took the keys back, the One who died on the cross to save us from all that ails us.

Keys are to open, unlock, enter, come out. They are the access to authority. Jesus was crucified, went to Hades and took the keys back from the devil. Then Jesus gave us the authority to access those keys.

We have the keys, but don’t know how to use them. For every hellish gate there’s a corresponding heavenly key. There is no problem in life to which God doesn’t have a key. And for us to use them, all we need to do is have faith and wield the sword of the word. It’s not hard.

If you aren’t seeing kingdom victory in your life it’s because you don’t know how to access the keys, how to wield that sword. We’re operating on hell’s agenda and we need to change that. We do that by attaining the keys. If any man wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself and follow Me – that’s a key.

Give up your life, take it to the cross. That’s another key. To die daily is to carry the cross in such a way that we give up our right to live as we wish, but that we live as God wishes. There’s no power in what you want to do. The power is in Jesus. Jesus is the key. The authority isn’t in your determination, it’s in doing what God wants you to do. Whoever wishes to save himself, must first lose himself.

God will give you the keys, but he won’t use them for you. “I give you the keys to the kingdom. Whatever you bind and whatever you loose…” Matthew 16:19. He gives you the key but you are the one to bind and loose.

Authority demands responsibility. Power only works if you’re fulfilling responsivity, if you’re responding with the power given to you. You can’t wait for God to do it. You need to take steps to move in the right direction.

We sing the songs of power and authority and they sounds great, but as God said to Moses; Why are you crying to Me. Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water (Ex 14:15-16). Moses had to move. Moses had to act. We have to act. We can’t just pray and wait; we have to take a step of faith.

Also Joshua 3:13 As soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord set foot in the Jordan, its flowing waters will be cut off. The priests had to take the first step.

If you aren’t any better off today than you were ten years ago and yet you’ve said amen…it’s because you didn’t get up and start moving. For you see, agreement isn’t enough. Saying amen doesn’t make it so, action does. The water may not have parted yet but God’s waiting to see you act before He unlocks the door which give you power. Because authority always demands responsibility.

The family of God, this church, is the best place to be. You can’t be isolated, or you’ll be detached from God’s central nervous system and His power won’t work in your life, or at least won’t work as effectively. This is why it’s important to go to church. This is why it’s important to not stop meeting together.

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider one another, in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together….

We are to meet together and stir ourselves up. How did King David get back up when he was down? He stirred himself up, strengthening himself in the Lord.

We go to church every week, but we don’t know what we have. We don’t realise the extent of the power we hold in our hands. Jesus is your solution. Jesus is in charge. All authority was given to Him and He has His foot on the neck of all His enemies. And what did He do? He gave us that authority. That authority is now on our shoulders. But it won’t work if we don’t act.

So, if He’s in charge and you have His authority, through the resurrection of Christ Jesus, you are an overcomer. Put behind you what’s in your past and move forward to what’s ahead. Forget the prayers that you feel haven’t been answered. Forget the battles, the hardship, the tears and move forward in Christ, because you’ve been given a brand-new life.  

Ask forgiveness. Ask for strength to start again. Take of His body, drink of His blood. Allow Him to wash you whiter than snow and start afresh from today, walking as if full of life. Walk with the faith you’ve been given. Grow that faith muscle.

Faith is both a gift and a fruit. Faith as a gift, is something we're given and can't earn. Faith by fruit is something we can develop, something that grows. So, you can’t earn, but you can learn. And both will help you grow.

How do we attain faith? Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God. We read His word and our capacity to hear is advanced through our reading of the scriptures. The more we read scripture, the more we hear God speaking to us.

We also hear faith spoken over us at church, by our ministers and our faith is strengthened by use. In time, by faith you will sense His presence and through sensing His presence you will also hear His voice.

When the angels see you acting on God’s word, the angels will respond to that word. The church should be offering solutions to the world and if we hear, but don’t act, nothing will happen. You’ve been given the authority to act and action is what needs to happen now.

Sometimes you’ll get an answer and sometimes you’ll feel as if nothing in happening. If you can't hear Him but you can feel Him, know He's depositing things too great for you to understand at this time.

Spend time with God and the insurmountable problem which you can't fix or explain, will become easier to bear, because you've spent time with Him and He's spoken into your life and deeply into your heart. Then you’ll walk away in God’s peace.

Don’t come to church to perform. Don’t come just to go through the motions. Come to church to sit in the power and authority of Jesus Christ and allow Him to set you free. And once free, you have been instructed to share.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils; freely you have received, freely give.





Friday, 22 September 2023

Battle Plans

Battle Plans

I was asked a question today, about what the next course of action might be, after a disastrous turn of events. Interestingly my bible reading today was on Joshua 7.

In that piece Achan, a descendant from the tribe of Judah, stole booty from the battle. Jericho was accursed and all that was in it was considered accursed (under a curse by God). God distinctly told the people in this instance not to take the cursed items (clothing, gold and silver), but Achan didn’t listen and he stole what God had specifically said not to.

Judah means praise. The tribe of Judah always went first into battle. In other words; ‘praise’ went first. When we’re in praise, we’re not in fear. That Achan was a descendent from the tribe of Judah is important, for Achan means troublesome. There’s a troublemaker in the tribe of praise. Trouble has to be weeded out.

Judah is the blessed tribe of God, but Achan was ‘trouble’ within that tribe and brought trouble to the tribe, leading to the death of some of the kinsmen. This was the only battle the Israelites lost under Joshua’s leadership. Other battles were lost in Moses’ time, lost also due to disobedience. Moses himself couldn’t enter the promised land due to an anger issue.

When we head into battle, we’re to stay out of fear (always easier said than done). We’re to stay in praise, and not partake anything of which we shouldn’t during the battle. That might be watching the wrong tv shows, reading the wrong books, mixing with the wrong company. Our eye, ear and mouth gates must be as pure as can be. When we stand with God, we have to be all in. We can’t be half hearted.

Under God, we aren’t meant to lose any battles, for His promises are true and He promises us victory in battle. Battles are not won due to our being perfect, because none of us are perfect. To a point, there’s an element of grace, but grace only works when faith stands beside it and we can only be in full faith, when praise goes ahead of us. The first thing Jesus did, was hold the bread up and give thanks to God, before feeding thousands of people. Praise first.

In a losing battle, there’s always something to learn. In a losing battle it’s difficult to remain positive. In future battles it’s difficult to believe God will be there for us next time, since we believe He failed us this time. Faith is a formidable shield, when set in full formation and we have to keep a robust and reliable faith into the future, in spite of the failures of the past. 

Now is the time to look at what we can do to move forward. We replicate the battle in our minds, not to rehash what went wrong, but to plan our course for the next battle, because there will be a next battle; this is how we grow in strength and in faith, for we never start at the top.

Looking at this past battle, what could we change next time, what did we learn that we can do differently/better? Where, if at all, did we go wrong and how do we get it right in the future?

We all learn in increments, a little at a time. When we start something new, we’re never starting from a position of excellence. We build up to it. This is what the battle strategies are; to improve upon, so next time we’ll be better prepared, sharper, more ready and more able.

Joshua sent two spies into the land (Joshua 2), before he went into battle. Spies are also a battle strategy, to prepare us for what’s coming. There’s a verse in the bible (Ecclesiastes 8:4) which says; where the word of the king is, there is power, for who can say ‘what are you doing?’ This verse goes on to say, for he does not know what will happen; so who can say when it will occur?

We cannot predict every battle we’re ever going to face. We do know though, there will be more than one battle and having strategies in place will help us next time. Spies are looking for weak points. This is the reason behind mulling over where we went wrong and what we can improve upon.

Moses sent twelve spies and ten brought fear to the people. Joshua and Caleb were the only two with a good report and it was those two which made all the difference. It doesn’t have to be hard. Remember to keep it simple.

Here are a few of the strategies you might like to choose from (personally, I use all, all of the time), in order to help you win the battle; praise, worship, protection of eye, ear and mouth gates, prayer, thanksgiving, spending time with God, in God’s word, meditating on God’s word day and night, do not doubt His word, memorise biblical verses, to put out the fiery darts of the devil, go up to the mountain (or prayer closet) daily, to aid in forming that all important relationship with God. Pursue Holiness! Decree and declare what you want to see happen in your life, give out love, forgiveness, repentance, tithe, even going to church itself. Patience, obedience (if God says ‘do it,’ then do it), don’t let the sun go down on your anger – they’re all important strategies.

Keep praise to the forefront and thanksgiving to the rear. Jesus was able to take two loaves and one fish, breaking the bread He then blessed it, after which He fed the 5,000. Blessing is a more reverential form of praise. Only one of the ten lepers returned to give thanks and he was the only one made completely whole. If you want to see the supernatural happen in your life, the keys to achieving it are in the written word of God.

You may have lost this battle, but you haven’t lost the war. My suggestion now, is to keep putting one foot ahead of the other. Keep going. Whether you choose to move, or to stay, you’ll feel a peace in the right decision. And that decision doesn’t have to be made today. Give it some time for the dust to settle. God’s not in a hurry. God’s never in a hurry. It will all unfold in due season.

God loves every one of us, more than we know. He sees our heart. He sees our efforts. He wants us all in, never luke-warm. He sent His Son to die in our place. Jesus lay down His life for us, the least we can do is stand up for Him.


Sunday, 10 September 2023

Sunflower; a Symbol of God’s Love.

Sunflower; a Symbol of God’s Love.

Before heading off to my daughter’s (a twelve hour drive away), I had listened to a you tube clip about watching for the harvest to come in. Quickly, I jotted down a few notes. The clip stated we need to go to church with a harvest mentality. (If what we think about is what we bring about, then yes, we need a harvest mentality.)

I learned a new bible verse a week or so ago; where the word of the King is, there is power (Ecc 8:4). It goes on to say; And a wise man’s heart discerns both time and judgement.

This you tube clip mentioned that we’re going to start moving in time. I don’t know how that will look, but I’m excited. The fact that I had memorised a verse, which lined up with a you tube clip only a short time later, tells me God is speaking, for there is no such thing as a coincidence with God.

Driving to Lizzie’s within a few days of the above, I noticed a tree. It was a dead tree, but the branches and top of the trunk, appeared to look as though they were worshiping the Lord; trunk leaning back, dead arms raised to the heavens and that brought a song to mind; the leaves on the trees will clap their hands.

This got me to thinking how all the plants look skyward, as if worshipping the sun (or looking unto the heavenlies and worshipping what’s above). My thoughts drifted to how we too, should be looking to the heavenlies, while worshipping the Son.

My mind wandered to the sunflower. It always looks to be smiling up at the heavenlies. I love sunflowers. They remind me of sunshine and of God's love, with their beaming happy faces. Sunflowers draw their energy from the sun, to thrive and to grow. We too must fix our eyes on the Son, drawing our strength and joy from Him.

When I got to Lizzie’s, she had a belated birthday present waiting for me and set up in the spare room. A beautiful string of sunflowers, intertwined with twinkling lights. I love the colour yellow. It reminds me of the Father’s smiling face. Sunflowers are one of my favourite flowers for that reason.

I marvelled at how I was thinking of sunflowers, of worship and then received a gift of sunflowers, with lights. For we are meant to be the light of this world, worshipping the Son.

A couple of days later, I walked to church and the talk given that morning was about sunflowers and light. Just amazing! Did you know; a sunflower has between 1,000 and 1,500 seeds? We too should be spreading seed, just as the sunflower does.

I learnt another thing about this beautifully bright flower; sunflowers turn to look at other sunflowers when the day is dark and dismal. It's a good lesson for all of us. If you're feeling dark and dismal, if you're not feeling the Lord's presence, get yourself to church. When we can’t feel the Son's presence in our life, hang out at church and catch the Glory the congregation radiate, for that will surely lift us out of our despair.

Leaving church after the servce, I walked home again. Due to the brightness of midday, the phone screen was a tad dark and I randomly chose a clip, because I couldn’t see what I was looking at. And what was that clip about? Sunflowers and light. How awesome is God! I could have picked any old thing, but no, sunflowers and light it was.

I do believe God’s trying to tell me something; maybe He has more to say on this topic, maybe not. Perhaps it’s as simple as this; be the light, worship the Lord and spread the seed of Truth, namely Jesus. Perhaps it's that simple!

I didn’t know until looking it up today (why I’ve never looked this up before, I don’t know), but upon looking it up I found the biblical meaning of sunflower in Christianity, is it’s viewed as a symbol of God’s love, of true faith and loyalty, as well as adoration. It’s a metaphor for abiding in the calm delight of the Lord. (No wonder it's a favourite flower of mine.)

In my notes for this short work, I had penned a little entry, to look up the blessing of Levi and I found out about the ‘service of blessing.’ Deuteronomy 10:8; At that time the Lord separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant for the Lord, to stand before the Lord and minister to Him and to bless His name, to this day.

This does tie in to a point, with the writings here. When we are the light, when we worship the Lord and spread the seed of Truth, we are a blessing, not only to God, to also to His people.


Wednesday, 23 August 2023



Pastor Tim spoke on miracles recently. A couple of our beautiful church members, came out the front and spoke of recent miracles in their lives. I too have had a miracle, just this week. 

My 2-year-old granddaughter managed to get her fingers stuck in a cupboard, really stuck. My daughter, Olivia, had to use some considerable force to pry open the door.

Now I know young children’s fingers are pliable, however this was different. When Heidi was free from the cupboard, the tip of her first finger was pointing backwards. Definitely not an ordinary look. Do you know, I don’t remember praying in this moment! Heidi was screaming and Olivia was comforting her. Heidi’s sister, Kristelle, was also crying, because she absolutely hates to see her baby sister hurt and I was comforting Kristelle.

As all men are when disaster strikes, Corey was at work when this happened. We can’t complain about this either, because someone has to pay the bills, while mothers are at home with the children. And so, we dealt with it, as women do, with lots of hugs and reassurance (and some angst on the part of little Heidi’s mother).

I remember saying to Kristelle; “It’s ok, Heidi’s fine.” I felt the Lord say Kristelle isn’t believing you. So, I rephrased the sentence and said; “Well she isn’t fine, but she will be.” And although I hadn’t prayed at that exact moment, the very moment I said this, I looked across to see Heidi’s finger had straightened out and it was perfectly fine. There was no bruising, no swelling, only a little bit of a graze over her two middle fingers. Even though I hadn’t prayed, God still moved on my behalf.

God is our miracle worker in our time of desperate need. But how do we get to this point, particularly if we haven’t prayed in the moment? I have a theory and I’m pretty sure it’s a good theory. Well, I hope it is. I believe one way we see miracles is through praise.

Gen 49:8-12 talks about praise, or more to the point; Judah. Did you know Judah means praise? Judah is placed ahead of all his brothers, when Israel blessed the children, in his final days on earth. Whenever Judah goes with the other tribes, Judah is always the first tribe to move. Judah has the first parcel of land allotted to them, as it is divided among the tribes after Joshua’s death. Othniel, the first judge of Israel, comes from the tribe of Judah. 

All this is intended to teach us a lesson, to set us an example; let praise go first! Praise the Lord first, praise the Lord always. When we offer our sacrifice of praise, we’re offering the fruit of our lips, always giving thanks to His precious name.

Caleb, one of the twelve spies who were sent into the promised land, came from the tribe of Judah. As we know, David came from the line of Judah and his kingly line continued all the way through to Jesus and Jesus passed it on to us.

In this passage, Judah is called a lion’s whelp. A whelp is one of immaturity and little power and isn’t that every one of us, at least until we mature in Christ? And, just as a lion’s whelp will grow to be formidable and mighty, so too will we grow to be mighty in the Lord.

As cats do, they follow their own course without regard to those around them. A young lion is curious, just as Jesus was curious, staying behind in the temple, asking questions. As a lion matures, they begin to hunt their own prey, resting, satisfied after their meal. 

The tribe of Judah eventually matures, prospering in all they do. Jesus also matured, defeating His enemies; whether spiritual, physical or mental, easily overcoming by standing on the word of God. And then He too rested, once His work on the cross was complete.

My point in all this; Praise! We must give praise at all times. And keep searching, finding those hidden treasures buried within the word of God. Proverbs 25:2 states; It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

Revelation 1:5 says; And hath made us kings and priests unto God – so we are kings, from the kingly line. We must be searching for the deeper, hidden meaning of God’s word, while continually giving praise. And then we shall have good success.

Jesus cast out a demon and the disciples asked why He could do it, when they couldn’t. Jesus said this kind only comes out only through prayer and fasting, and yet in that moment, Jesus had neither prayed nor fasted.

Jesus was successful because He did spend time in prayer and fasting, going up to the mountain every morning, to commune with God. Giving His time to God and when He needed it, God gave back to Him, to meet His need.

One passage tells us - But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in that law doth he meditate, day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that bringeth forth fruit in its season; His leaf also shall not wither; And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Psalm 2;1-3)

We can’t be a part-time Christian and expect to be successful. Although it's not by our works that we see breakthrough, God is hoping we will have a relationship with Him. We should want to meditate day and night, to spend time with God every moment we can. When you focus continually on the Lord, when you give Him your time, your talents and your praise, then you will have good success.

Partaking in the elements, taking the symbols of body and blood, is another way of acknowledging God and all He has done for us. When we do as we aught, God sees it from heaven.

The word isn’t just a book to rush through. It’s not there just to tick a box on our daily to-do list. God's word is there to tell us what God expects and when we act on what we’ve read; then we shall have, not only good success, but great success.

And I believe, even though I didn't pray in the moment, God anticipated my prayer. As soon as I rephrased my sentence to; "Heidi will be fine," God acted on my behalf. 

Just as Jesus neither prayed nor fasted, but cast out a demon, so too was Heidi healed even though I had neither prayed nor fasted.

That is the power of God, moving in the miraculous. When we do our bit, God does His.


Wednesday, 16 August 2023

100 Trillion Connectors.

I’ve got a little science for you today, because I know how much we all love science. I will say though; and you’ll be pleased to know - initially this piece was five pages long and I narrowed it down to one and a half. After all, who wants to hear five pages of science?

I hope I haven’t mentioned this before. I do a lot of writing and sometimes things overlap. Having said that; the mind is an amazing piece of work. It can recall all sorts, from the trivial, to the extremely important.

Take a rainbow for instance. A little bit of trivia for you. A double rainbow’s colours read back to front. The stronger rainbow has all the colours you’d expect. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The weaker, second rainbow alongside the first, is a reversal of those colours.

Now most of you have just learned something new and next time you see a double rainbow you’ll check as to whether I’m right. My point being, we can all learn, even into old age.

There are 118 known elements, in the periodic table. Most of them are easy to remember; hydrogen is h, oxygen is o, magnesium, ma. Because ma is already used, manganese is a little different and shifts to the next letter along. Magnesium is ma, manganese is mn.

There’s a handful of elements which don’t follow the rules; sodium is na, potassium, k, iron, fe, silver, ag. There are others which fall into this category, but most of the periodic table is easy to recall.

And then there’s Pi. Do you remember pi from school? Pi is the circumference of a circle, divided by its diameter and that number is infinite. No matter what the size of the circle, the answer is always the same; Pi equals 3.14159265 ‘et al’ (or, and others).

I memorised the first hundred digits of pi, while I was away travelling. I’d given my testimony to my daughter’s church in Qld and told the congregation I can recall a 100-digit number, frontwards and backwards (this in relation to having the mind of Christ).

I got back to my daughter’s after church and thought; gee it’s been a while. I hope I can still do it. 

Lizzie suggested the challenge - to memorise the first 100 digits of the infinite number in pi. I worked on it, on and off throughout the rest of the morning and I managed to do it, surprisingly quickly.

My granddaughter will test me on this, as she always tests me. Kristelle tells I’m the ‘cleverest person she knows,’ which causes me to chuckle inside. She’s 11 and only knows people around her age.

Anyway, the more numbers I rattled off, the wider Kristelle’s eyes went. As I reached the end of the 100 digits, I thought her eyes were going to pop right out of her head. My granddaughter was so impressed, she decided she wanted to learn it. She now knows what pi is and has the first 15 numbers down pat; not too bad for an 11-year-old.

Why do I tell you all of this? We’re under the false assumption that as we age, our mind deteriorates, but it’s not true. Barring illness or injury, our mind is kind of like a muscle and like any muscle, the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets, even into old age.

The brain has roughly, give or take a few billion, 86 billion neurons, 100 trillion connectors and 85 billion non neuronal cells, or glial cells. That’s a lot of activity in a cavity the size of a dessert bowl and you’ll never convince me this came about by happenchance. There has to be a creator behind it all.

1 Corinthians 2:16 tells us; “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.”

Because we have the mind of Christ, the solution to our problem lies within each of us. Of course we need to remember, Jesus doesn’t live in reaction to the problem, but in response to the Father. And that’s where we should be also; not motivated by the problem, for the problem is caused by the devil, but motivated by the solution only Jesus can bring.

Coming back to rainbows; the second rainbow is the inferior rainbow. It’s the weaker of the two, just as satan is the inferior prince of this world. We need to remember who we are and not fall for the inferior, that part of us which allows satan to rule and reign in our life.

In life we have the inferior and the interior. Our interior should be following the word of God, putting into practice what we read in His word, so that we don’t live from the inferior. Our desire is to live as Christ lived, with full power and authority, living a superior life; a life encompassing all of the supernatural and more besides. For Christ said we shall do greater than Him and I know, that’s what I want to see in my life.

There’s a solution for every problem and if we meditate on God’s word, that solution will come to the fore. As long as you focus on the problem and not the solution, the problem remains.

Many western scholars have failed in life, for although they had knowledge, they didn’t have wisdom, the ability to apply that knowledge to its best and full purpose. We need wisdom. We need to ask for wisdom. The bible tells us to seek wisdom and righteousness and that’s what we should be doing with our time.

We have the mind of Christ and I praise the Lord that I do have the mind of Christ. He asks not that we be perfect, as He is perfect, but that we do as He does. He directs us to seek wisdom. What else does He ask us to do? He asks that we partake of the body and blood, often as we may, in remembrance of Him. So, go ahead and take communion in reverential fear today, as you acknowledge Him as the One True God.

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Confident Public Speaking

Confident public speaking – moving your mountain.

Public speaking is said to be one of the top 5 biggest fears in people’s life, but it is one we can manage. First, we need to bring our anxiety under control. We do this by making the audience comfortable, otherwise the audience won’t receive the message we’re giving.

We feel uncomfortable and awkward when we listen to someone who’s nervous. We can also disengage, so we need to eliminate that uncomfortable awkwardness, if we wish to be a great speaker.

You need to be relaxed too. As soon as the anxiety presents itself and this usually happens just before we speak, we perspire. We might shake, or tell ourselves we’re nervous. The mountain has arisen and now we need to oust it.

Pay mindful attention when you feel nervous. Talk to the nerves, talk to yourself, that nervous part of you. Tell yourself it’s ok and you’ll find it won’t spiral out of control. Take a deep breath and admit to yourself you’re anxious.

Also, reframe how you see the talk/performance. Practice it in your mind. See yourself doing well.
There’s a right way and a wrong way and sometimes we make a mistake when we try to perform. Practice in front of a mirror and you should be able to iron out any kinks in your performance. Go over your speech, until you are comfortable and fluent.

There is no one way when it comes to speaking - it’s only a conversation after all.

You might like to start with questions. That causes the conversation go two ways. It gets the audience involved and helps you feel it’s a conversation rather than a speech.

Write questions you might expect you’re going to need to answer in your talk. What do you think your audience wants to know? Put yourself in their shoes.

Use conversational language. Don’t use flowery, overpowering, long-winded words. Keep your talk to every day language.

Don’t use distancing language, language with words a beginner won’t understand. You might know your topic well, but the people around you might be new to the topic, so keep your talk basic, unless you know your audience is past that basic stage.

One must consider, perhaps the topic is important to you. If it’s important to you, it will also be important to others. When you feel the topic is important, your likely to be more confident in giving it, as you know it will help someone else who might be struggling in your area of expertise.

If you’re teaching, remember to keep the steps simple; first this step, second this step and so on. It keeps the flow moving. Giving steps, or numbers, aides the audience to remember. It is less jumbled in their mind, if they can follow the steps.

If you can, bring yourself into the present instead of the future. This way, you’ll be calmer. Don’t worry about what the future of your talk is, concentrate on the here and now.

If you’re still nervous, before you go on stage, perhaps try some light exercise, right before you speak. This will take your mind off your nerves. Nothing so strenuous, as to make you come on stage in a sweaty heap, just a few star jumps, squats or push ups, if you’re able.

Count backwards from one hundred (by 6’s). This makes you think of something else and it also warms up your voice. You could even try a tongue twister. In this moment you’re not worried about being in front of people.

Greet the anxiety, reframe any area of tension, become present in the moment and then off you go. Simple.

As I’ve gone through life, I’ve taken my worst subjects and turned them into my strengths. Public speaking is one of those. I started out in complete fear, shaking, and with high anxiety. Now, although still not perfect, I know I’ve come a long way and these are the methods I’ve used to help me get there. I hope they help you too.

None of us are perfect. We all look back, after the speech is said and done and wish we’d have added this or said that. None of us get it right every time and if you mess up, your audience will forgive you. A sentence out of order, a misquote in the middle. It’s not the end of the world. Just say; ‘excuse me,’ and keep going.

You might like to look at speech giving as a fun challenge, rather than an insurmountable obstacle. Changing your perspective helps realign you’re your outlook, towards a more positive end result. Besides a fun challenge is much more interesting, don’t you think, than an insurmountable obstacle?

Thursday, 10 August 2023


I know I’ve said this before, but God meets you where you are. So if you don’t feel like things are working, you just have to keep ploughing on, keep plugging away. He will do a work in you, if you want it. God doesn’t meet your needs; He meets your faith. Yes, He will give you the desires of your heart, but only if you first seek wisdom and understanding. If you’re hit and miss with your prayer life and your bible study, don’t expect too much from God. While you serve God and those He’s put before you, He will then provide for your table.

If it were true that God meets your needs, there’d be no poor people in church, no unhealthy people, no broken relationships, no overweight people, no alcoholics, drug addicts or gamblers, no-one addicted to pornography, or anything.

Church is the place we start from. We all come to church as broken people, but as we read God’s word and do His will, life for the believer changes. As we grow, through our bible study and at church, we are no longer broken, but mended. To have your needs met and to have access to the desires of your heart, you must help others, for what you give out you get back in return. And if you’re not seeing that return, know this: your time will come, because God’s word does not return void.

Satan the great deceiver, twists God’s word and when we don’t see the result’s we’re after, we give up, thinking His word doesn’t apply to us. It’s kind of like; that’s all well and good for you, but it doesn’t work for me. And that’s what Satan wants you to believe, because it stops you in your tracks, it stops you from moving forward in life, from overcoming your obstacles and moving your mountains.

If you feel you’re like a leaf, that’s blown away, that you’re tossed to and fro; you can feel like it’s never going to work - whatever IT is in your life. God loves you. He knows your struggles and He is willing to meet your needs. All you have to do, is have faith and learn to co-labour with Him. When you do your bit, He’ll do his.

You have the mind of Christ (except you don’t believe it), so there’s no need for brain fog, lack of focus, or poor memory. All of this is fixed with discipline, something which I expect you don’t believe you have, because I know you’ll have tried to concentrate and that little satanic voice in your head will have defeated you every time, telling you how you can’t do it.

Everything you are struggling with comes back to discipline and even discipline itself takes practice. If you look at weight loss (and I use this example because I understand it well), you may feel defeated before you start, because for those of you who’ve tried, you’ve tried and failed so many times you don’t believe it’s possible any more. I know, because I’ve been there (and overcome).

When you look at weight loss, you look at the 20 kilos you’d like to lose and you feel defeated, because it seems too big to overcome. It’s the same with lack of focus. You think you have to have it all now, but if you break it down, it becomes more manageable. Focus, weight loss, discipline, they all take practice and you’re thinking; “Haven’t I practiced enough by now?” Obviously not. Otherwise you’d have overcome the battle. Perhaps you’re not going about it the right way, not persevering, until you see the end result you desire.

Perhaps you want to stop smoking, or drinking. How about you stop for the next hour, and then 2 hours and build up from there. Instead of wanting it all right here and right now, pick your biggest issue and worked with that. One issue at a time. Don’t try to win in every area, it’s too great a battle.

Let’s say you want to lose weight. How about, instead of looking at the whole, you tell yourself, you can lose 1 kilo this month. You know how to lose weight, because I’ll bet you’ve lost weight before. 1 kilo isn’t even hard, in 30 days. Let’s say you do that every month, for 24 months. How good would that be?

The question is, how to do it? You can try for a hard day of exercise while fasting (make sure you check with your doctor, before attempting weight loss this way), or you can try to cut out your biggest caloric intake, until you lose that kilo and then go back to enjoying whatever food you like. That doesn’t mean you can overindulge the nest day. You do need to be sensible. Consistency is what will shift weight over time. Find what works and do it, even if it’s only 1 week out of the month. Once you’ve lost that kilo, you can stop until next month.

For me, I have 1 protein shake before breakfast, followed by exercise (30 – 40 mins). Sometimes I really don’t feel like a walk, or a bike ride and I trick myself into thinking: Just 5 minutes. Once I’m up and going, generally I keep going. If I’ve overindulged on calories, I have 2 shakes the next day and exercise twice that day and that brings me back to a good place. It’s worked for me. It might just work for you.

Now let’s break another area down: Focus. What if I suggest you focus for 1 minute today, 2 minutes tomorrow? Do you believe that’s doable? Don’t worry if you can’t manage even that much. I didn’t start out with great focus either. But I practiced and disciplined myself until I got it. Build upon your minutes each day, or week, until you are strong in that area. You can do this with any area in life. Take your weakest area and turn it into your strongest, starting small and building.

With focus, all you need to do, is keep a pen and paper handy. Whenever you lose concentration, write down what you’re thinking about and then get back to your focus. You can deal later, with what you’ve written down. We all learn in increments, one small step at a time. It’s the same as weight lifting. We don’t start lifting 50 kilo’s first up, we start small and build.

Satan has convinced you; you can’t do it. You’ve never been able to do it, what makes you think you can now? He puts all this negativity into your mind and this is why we need to take our thoughts captive. Every negative thought needs to be brought under our control - and you’ll know these negative thoughts and where they come from, because your own little voice will say “I’m so hopeless.” Satan’s little voice will say “You’re so hopeless.” Jesus will say “You got this; you can do it.” Any time you hear those negative voices, throw them aside and concentrate on the one voice, the one which says; “You got this!”

At the moment, you’ve been feeding from the wrong manna and probably feel you don’t even hear Jesus, above the clamour in your mind. All it takes is discipline and perseverance. Perseverance - a don’t quit attitude and Satan can do nothing with you.

With both focus and memory, if it helps, you can write down what you’re learning and re-read it throughout the day, to reinforce what you’ve learnt. It’s all about increments. You don’t have to do it all in one day, just slow and steady and you’ll get there.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Don’t expect not to have battles. If you mess up, just pick up again the next moment, or the next day. It’s about discipline and consistency. Do, more that you don’t and you’ll get there.

About the author:

Alexandra Grose – An investigative photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.
#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.





This work is based on the belief of the writer. All she asks, is that you study and form your own opinion, as to the validity of her beliefs. You can’t assume you’re right on any given topic, you have to prove it.

Friday, 4 August 2023

Overcoming Impulses


Job 10:17 states; changes and war are ever with me.

John 10:10 states; The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.

Kill and war go hand in hand and one way to aid in overcoming, is to have a disciplined mind, for war isn’t just on the killing field, but war rages in our own minds too.

Scrambled thinking, lack of focus, depression, worry, anxiety. All of this can be overcome, by following God’s word and acting on what you’ve read.

Without a disciplined mind, our thoughts wander all over the place and we lack direction, strategies and staying power. When your impulses are in control, rather than your intention, it’s easy to become distracted.

When your mind is tuned to God’s word and His ways, you’re more easily able to set your intention and work towards it. God’s word is the secret to self-control.

If you truly want to change your life, you need to change your thinking. You cannot come at a new lifestyle without a new thought pattern. Our minds tend to remain stuck in repeated thought paradigms and often those templates are negative.

The power a thought has over you, is the power you give it. What you think about, you bring about and your most dominant thought will control your life. When you throw those negative thoughts to the wind, rather than indulging them, you’ll find yourself in a happier space.

Some of those thoughts are tremendously deep rooted and hard to stifle, especially if you’ve held them long term. At first you may want to have written reminders placed throughout your home and place of employment, until the changed thought pattern becomes automatic.

Replace negative words with positive affirmations. Read your bible daily and believe what God tells you, for God’s word is truth and if you stick with it long enough, you will see a change in your life, in your health, in your behaviour, in your relationships and in your finances.

You have to not only read the word, but you need to do what it tells you, if you want to see change.

The bible tells you to think on what’s pure and lovely. It tells you to put a few dollars away each week, for future generations. It tells you to pray, to take hold of your thoughts, to forgive, to love, to be a light for others and much, much more besides.

So, take the word of God seriously. Read His word daily. Let the peace of God take you on a journey and transcend your understanding, making crooked paths straight. Believe The Word - do what that word is telling you to do and watch your life change.


Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Mind of Christ

Mind of Christ

Recently, Psalm 150 was read at my church. Psalm 150 is a psalm of praise. I can’t remember which bible version Angela read from; however, I have the New King James version; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise Him in His sanctuary, praise Him in His strong firmament, praise Him for His strong acts, praise Him for His excellent greatness…. It’s important we praise God, for God dwells in the praises of His people, as Psalm 22:3 states; "But you are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel." Israel, one who contends with God and wins, that’s you and me.

Another psalm - Psalm 1; blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night, he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper... Notice the line rivers of water, many rivers flowing, not just one. To me, that speaks of many blessings.

Why do I bring this up? What’s important to God, should be important to us. God asks that we praise Him, that we delight in His word day and night, meditating constantly. At a previous church I attended, there was a member who persistently reminded us; learn your scriptures, for the end times are coming and one day we may not have bibles to open. I felt he was premature. We don’t need to know scriptures yet. The end times aren’t here. These days I’m not so sure that the end times aren’t too far away.

This man has gone to be with the Lord now, but I got to thinking: What if he’s right? Even if he was before his time, God asks it of us and so, regardless of this church member being right or wrong, I began memorising scriptures which have significance to me. I did it not for the end times, nor in fear of bibles being removed, but because I want to do what the Lord asks me to do.

We are united with Jesus, which means we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 states; "For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ." And so, I have the mind of Christ, for He is in me, as a born-again believer.

Jesus never said a gaff. He always said the right thing at the right time in the right way to the right person. I want what Jesus has and to become like Jesus, I must know the Living Word.

Sometimes Jesus was just spoiling for a fight, in His desire to honour God. One could say He was almost driven, to heal the sick, make the blind see, the lame walk and to cast out demons.

Remember in Matthew, when Jesus fell asleep on the boat and the storm came. The disciples were afraid and woke Jesus asking; "Don’t you care if we perish?" They landed on the other side of the waters and Jesus cast out a legion of demons from a man. The demons went into the swine and over the cliff. Jesus and the disciples hopped back on the boat and went home again. That was just Jesus, wanting to bless another. I want what Jesus has, for when we bless others, we in turn are blessed.

The power of life and death are in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). What you say is what you get. Decree and declare; good or bad, it comes back to you. Speak life. God’s word is life. And so, I have memorised a number of scriptures, which I run through my mind, day and night.

And then there’s Pi. Do you remember pi from school? Pi is the circumference of a circle, divided by its diameter and that number is infinite. No matter what the size of the circle, the answer is always the same; Pi equals 3.14159265 ‘et al’ (and others).

I memorised the first hundred digits of pi, while I was away travelling. I’d given my testimony to my daughter’s church in Qld and told the congregation I can recall a 100-digit number, frontwards and backwards (this in relation to having the mind of Christ).

I got back to my daughter’s after church and thought; gee it’s been a while. I hope I can still do it. I certainly don’t want to lie to the church, or anyone for that matter. Lizzie suggested the challenge - to memorise the first 100 digits of the infinite number in pi. I worked on it, on and off throughout the rest of the morning and I managed to do it, surprisingly quickly.

A friend said she was going to test me on it. I mentioned my granddaughter will too, as she always tests me (I’m learning Italian – very slowly – and she tests me every time I visit). Kristelle tells I’m the ‘cleverest person she knows,’ which causes me to chuckle inside. She’s 11 and only knows people around her age.

Anyway, the more numbers I rattled off, the wider Kristelle's eyes went. As I reached the end of the 100 digits, I thought her eyes were going to pop right out of her head. My granddaughter was so impressed, she decided she wanted to learn it. She now knows what pi is and has the first 15 numbers down pat; not too bad for an 11-year-old. Grandchildren; the treasures in our house.

Why do I tell you all of this? We’re under the false assumption that as we age, our mind deteriorates, but it’s not true. Our mind is a muscle and like any muscle, the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets, even into old age.

I have a number of friends now, who are starting to worry they’re becoming more and more forgetful. Is it Alzheimer’s, is it dementia? The bible tells us we shouldn’t worry, but give all our cares to God.

Some of you may consider me old, however I’m not seeing it yet and while I’m not infallible, I’m certainly not forgetful. I’m a writer. I love words and every day I memorise a word or two from the dictionary, in the hope of broadening my vocabulary and to aid my written work.

As I said, I’m slowly (because like most of us here, I’m busy), so I’m slowly learning Italian. I memorise my Italian words  my dictionary words, my bible verses and run through them day and night, along with the one hundred pi digits, doing my part to keep my mind sharp into old age. When we do our part, God will do His.

And I praise the Lord, that I have the mind of Christ. He asks not that we be perfect, as He is perfect, but that we do as He does. What else does He ask us to do, but partake of the body and blood, often as we may, in remembrance of Him. So, go ahead and take communion in reverential fear today, while you acknowledge Him as the One True God.

*Photograph; Christ the King Church, Taralga N.S.W.


About the author:

Alexandra Grose – An investigative photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.



#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.










This work is based on the belief of the writer. All she asks, is that you study and form your own opinion, as to the validity of her beliefs. You can’t assume you’re right on any given topic, you have to prove it.