Sunday 6 October 2024

The Fight for Your Wells.

The Fight for Your Wells.

When at church the other week, visiting ministers arrived. A lady and her husband; Cate and Greg. They gave each of us a personal prophecy. Mine was about feeling like I’ve just been bunkered down, as I wait for things to happen and dug deep wells (I had to look up the digging of wells (see below)) during the waiting period. She didn’t know me, but did manage to hit the nail on the head with that, I felt, as I have just been bunkered down waiting for things to move along. Cate said the breakthrough is on the horizon, that there’s a flourishing and a bursting forth on its way.

She also mentioned for me not to worry about anything that troubles, as God is my shield and strength, just as He was for David. That to me is a personal piece; one I often quote to others. I tell people you have to stir up your own faith, just as David did. So, it was compelling to hear Cate say a similar thing, using words comparable to my own.

Greg said he was just getting joy, joy, joy and that he can see people coming up to me in the street, asking what I’ve got and saying they want it. I found that to be intriguing as that’s what I’ve been praying for. No one knows that’s what I’ve been praying for. I walk around town and ask the Holy Spirit to flow with healing, peace, prosperity, love and joy for all. I’ve asked that people could feel and see His presence. These two ministers didn’t know that about me. They don’t know me at all.

I was reading my bible this morning, wading through Genesis once again, but I felt led to read Haggai. Before starting my reading, I was speaking to God about my waning faith over His promises of abundance. It’s been such a long time. Will it ever happen? I feel my entire life has been lived on a shoe string budget. While I’ve always had enough, I do have a tight income and it shouldn’t be. The bible speaks of paths dripping with abundance. With many battles in many other areas overcome, I feel this one is the last frontier and once this battle is won, I’ll be well on my way.

Yesterday, I tried stirring up my own faith as King David did, by listening to the prophetic message from Cate and Greg, which speaks of; not to dismay, not to worry about anything which has troubled me in the past, for God is my strength and shield. God is with me and a bursting forth is on the horizon. I listened to this a number of times, not only yesterday, but other days as well, in an attempt to keep my own waning faith, on the matter of prosperity, stirred.

In reading Genesis and Haggai, church happened to speak on the same two chapters this week. Haggai talks about rebuilding the destroyed temple. A transformed remnant returning and rebuilding the city and their lives. The temple lies in ruins. The people are rebuilding their own houses and not putting God first and it’s leading them into famine and drought. Motivated by Haggai, the people started to rebuild the temple however they aren’t building to the full glory of how the temple originally looked. It’s a half-hearted attempt.

From this temple the world will be redeemed, according to Haggai as he called on the people to work with hope in spite of their disillusionment. The challenge is that only by true repentance and covenant faithfulness, by obedience to God and in all humility, will God be moved towards the efforts of the people in order to bring about His blessings.

God’s waiting for His people to be faithful. God will fulfil His promise to the faithful only. 25 years on and I’m pleased to say, I’m still faithful. In all this time, I’ve never quit and I have been diligent, even if at times having to stir up my faith.

Faithfulness - a challenge to every generation; our choices matter. Faithfulness and obedience of God’s people is part of how God chooses to work out His purposes in the world. This truth should motivate people to humility and action; that humility and action matters.

The point of today’s writing was; in all honestly, I spoke to God about my waning faith in this one promise; that the work of my hands prosper and He answered me. Basically; get back on the horse, have faith and keep going. I do have a measure of prosperity, after all, I retired 10 years early. My dream and desire is that, as an author, my book sales cover my lifestyle. I’m not there yet.

Some time ago I finished hand writing Romans and have recently started hand writing Revelation. As I began the continuation of this work today, Revelation 3:3 says to hold fast and repent. Again; repentance and faithfulness. I got on my knees, in a measure of not being half-hearted and asked for forgiveness, repenting as requested from both readings; yesterday and today, acting on what God was telling me to do.

Yesterday as I was hand writing Revelation I wrote a few verses (Rev 3:7-10) which piqued my interest. Today, ‘The Word for Today’ spoke of that very same passage. Yesterday, I meant to look a little deeper into this passage, but then forgot. By the end of my hand writing, I went on to other things. Today’s word was a good reminder.

The Word for Today writes; mistakes don’t disqualify you, and your inadequacies don’t limit God. When we speak boldly about God, He will open doors for us. Just a simple overview of a greater message, written by this wonderful ministry of God’s (Christian Vision).

Revelation 3:7-10 is quite a captivating passage and I discovered a segment on it within the internet pages written by Charles Spurgeon. What a brilliant author that man was. Oh, that I could write like him. I revere his work. His explanation of the four verses are wonderful. The one in particular I thought to study further was the one about; for you have a little strength… (verse 8).

Spurgeon writes that though I’m only small in influence, God is pleased and He will open doors to a greater measure. Spurgeon writes a considerably long piece about these few verses, but states that I may be small in influence and with little means, plus only a small ability to speak, work miracles, and teach. Though I am not brilliant and have little talent, my faithfulness to the word is precious in God’s eyes. (A Sermon (No. 1814) Delivered by C. H. Spurgeon. Commendation for the steadfast.)

It’s a nice thought.

My prophetic word from Cate says there’s a bursting forth on the horizon. Perhaps it’s the beginning of the open door spoken of in these few verses.

When we’re given a prophetic word, we have to do the study ourselves, to show ourselves approved and to dig deeper into the meaning of the prophecy. God, what are you saying? You do the work to find out what the prophet has said. Is it a ‘now’ word? Is it for the future? We have to work out the timing of the word given to us. The Lord will give us revelation and insight through His prophets, but we have to work on the interpretation.

The devil will contend for your wells, but you will only win and be fruitful for as long as you keep going. Keep digging wells. God will establish and give favour, if you don’t quit but keep trying.

Gen 26 speaks of the Lord giving revelation and insight to Isaac about wells. The wells are the words, the promises and the flow, which comes out of the Living Water and we dig them through prayer and worship and the reading of the bible.

Isaac had to trust God would keep him, his family and all his livestock, in spite of the battles in the land over the wells. I do a lot of this (prayer, worship, bible study) and I know I’ve been waiting for the breakthrough for a very long time. Just as Isaac was eventually able to settle and live in a land of abundance, I too will eventually settle and live in a land of my desires.

We have to figure out what the prophet meant when he stepped out in faith and spoke into our future.

Study the scriptures, digest, read commentaries written by others, eat the scroll (to receive God’s heavenly knowledge and act upon it; a leading from the Great Book with a heart that delights in its truths), and continue until your prophetic word is clear in your own mind.

If you missed it, work out why you missed it. If there is contention or dispute while digging your wells, keep moving until you have peace.

It’s God’s word that will sustain His people. You must discipline yourself in the word of God, so you remain healthy and balanced, as you judge and test that Word for yourself.

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