Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Creation or Creator?

If you believe in the big bang theory, then you believe two atoms of nothing rubbed together and created everything you see before you. You believe consciousness came from unconsciousness, life came from non life and order came from chaos, all without a divine intelligence behind it.

Since when have you ever seen chaos return to order without a guiding hand? Your car doesn't clean itself. Nor does your garden throw out its own weeds. If you don’t manage your bank account chaos ensues. None of it comes to order on its own.

Your bias against faith isn't based on reason, evidence or fact but on prejudice. A preconceived impression not sited on cause or experience.

You might possibly think believers are feeble minded people who need fairy tales to get by in this world. You perhaps perceive believers to be intellectually weaker than you.

You claim to follow the evidence yet you ignore the countless brilliant minds today and throughout history who reconcile faith and reason; Newton, Galileo, Plank, Lewis, Copernicus, Swedenborg and countless others. What's more, many of these brilliant minds are Nobel prize winners.

You mock faith and yet show your own religious devotion; a blind faith in your own intellectual authority, your own form of religious dogma. A bias where any who disagrees with you must be cognitively inferior and therefore mocked.

Quantum mechanics has shown reality is far superior than our limited minds can conceive and you ignore the extensive research which shows faith often correlates with higher resilience, stronger community bonds and better health outcomes.

75% of the world's population believe in God. They come from all walks of life and yet you believe your personal view is the only correct view with no room for questioning. 3/4's of the world believe in some sort of God. Biologists, scientists, astrologists, psychologists, physicists, astronomers, chemists, economists; smart people and yes, simple people too.

Many come to God in different ways, although I believe Jesus is the only way, but that’s not my point. My point is: Which takes greater faith; believing in a divine creator, or believing that nothing created everything?

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