If you feeling a little low, I have a little sage advice for you, because in the past I've been where you are and I hope you don't mind and I hope it helps...Tony Robbins is, I believe, one of the greatest motivational speakers in the world. He's always upbeat and people constantly ask how he remains so upbeat in life. His reply is; “I do get down, I just don't stay there.”
22 years ago I wrote down what I considered my ideal day. These days I'm living what I wrote all those years ago and I did it by listening to the experts, people like Tony Robbins. And occasionally I do have my down moments, but I don't stay there.
Happiness is our choice and our responsibility. At the end of the day, are you going to say - I wish I had, or I'm glad I did?
Following the experts can take 10, even 20 years off your learning processes.
Where the Bible says take every thought captive, it means "every thought." Our thoughts can run away with us, into negativity and darkness. When we're not taking our thoughts captive, it's like having horses and a carriage, where the driver has lost to control and the horses have bolted and they're heading in all directions. The carriage is going to crash, sooner or later.
When we take control of our thoughts, we take control of our destiny and can shape that destiny to be anything we want it to be. I know because I've done it.
There's no excuses either. In life we either make an effort, or make an excuse. The choice is ours to make. God gives us freedom of choice and sitting on the sidelines, won't make it happen. We can sow the seeds of what we want in life and if we stick with it, watering, fertilizing, pruning and trimming, we will eventually see the result we're after.
It's taken me 22 years to get where I am. It doesn't take that long for everybody. I think I was just so low when I started, that I had a longer climb ahead of me than others, plus I didn't know anyone who's done it, so I didn't know if there was truth in what I was doing and that made me double-minded at times.
If I knew then, what I know now, I'd believe more readily. At least you know someone who's done it - me - that might make it easier for you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Hopefully these words bring some encouragement and not condemnation, because when we're feeling low, it's easy to think to ourselves; here I am, doing it wrong again. But that's not my intention. Life is a joy and a great blessing, but we can only have that, if we're willing to work for it. I want to see you live the life of your dreams, not living a life of torment.
As I said, I've been where you are. I've also broken free and love the life I have now. It may have taken me over 20 years, but I've heard of people who have done it in as little as 2 years, so don't think this will take forever...just believe, then take action and it will happen.
Work out what it is that makes you happy and go for it. Don’t ever quit, until you achieve what you set out to achieve.
I often say to people, if I had the chance to live my life over, I would believe more readily. Anyway, I hope these few words help and perhaps lift your spirits somewhat. Sent to you with much love.