Friday 31 May 2024

Bless You.

                             Bless You.

If what we think about is what we bring about and I believe it is, then we should be blessing all the time. In doing so, we shall reap a harvest of blessings in return. Many of you know I bike ride. Most days I’m up and away on my bright red treadley. Bike riding is kind of a mindless activity, if you let it be. But, if every thought you have is captive, then you’ll direct your thoughts to what God wants.

This particular day, I was cycling around town, worshipping God, speaking in tongues and blessing the grounds around me as I went. 7 or 8 k’s later and almost home a small gust of wind blew, just as I went under a tree. In this moment I was showered upon by the leaves of the tree, a sprinkle of autumn colours; russets, auburns, bright reds and golden yellows. Those leaves skittered along the footpath, sounding for all the world like the trees were clapping their hands. The beauty of the moment not lost on me. This was my blessing in that moment, for what I gave out, I got back. In the whisper of the breeze, I felt God say; ‘well done,’ followed by a thousand hands applauding, as I connected with Him this day.

When we talk about blessings, we’re also talking about love and we’re told to love all. A common definition of the word kiss is to love. Kissing being a secondary, extended meaning. With love comes kisses. I haven’t counted them, but I’ve read that ‘kiss’ is mentioned 45 times in the bible.

There’s the kiss of love, a kiss from the Lord, we greet one another with a kiss, a holy kiss, a romantic kiss, a sibling kiss, a family kiss, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the lips, a kiss of peace, a kiss of greeting within Christians, even a kiss of betrayal.

Mercy and truth have met together, righteousness and peace have kissed; it says in Psalm 85:10.

I want to bless the kisses in our life, for they come from people dear to our heart. Perhaps not to bless the one who brought forth the kiss of betrayal; Judas giving an outward display of his love for Jesus while inwardly being far removed from that love. Judas, who’s heart wasn’t where it should have been. Judas, who didn’t repent, but took his own life. Still, without the kiss of betrayal the work of the cross could not be accomplished.

And so, that aside, I want to bless the kisses in our life, those from our family and friends. Bless our homes with warmth, love and laughter.

Bless the Lord’s word, which brings wisdom, knowledge, correction, guidance and discernment.

Bless our ministers and worship leaders, who give up every Sunday to be here. Bless the congregation who turn up every week. Bless, with all the blessings of the Lord.

Bless our little town here in ..... (place the name of your town here). May many people be drawn to the Lord in this little part of the world.

Bless the vehicles that you drive every day. May they take you and bring you home safely and always be in perfect working order.

Bless the food on your table, that it be nutritious and healing to your body, with plenty of leftovers to share.

Bless your finances and bless the recipients of where those dollars go. May those finances increase mightily that you will have much left over to give to the needy.

Bless the elderly, those who are particularly lonely. Bring loving, caring people into their lives.

Bless the sick with much healing.

Bless the downcast and downtrodden, bringing forth the Light of the Lord, His joy, love and peace.

Bless the little ones that Jesus loves so much; the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, to a thousand generations. May they grow in wisdom, stature and favour with God and man. For in blessing the future generations we ensure success within our own family line, and the carrying forth of the baton, making Jesus known to the greater world; bringing His lamp into the future and leading the way that others can follow.

And finally; bless the Father, bless the Son and bless the Holy Spirit. The Trinity; three in One. Let us recognise and rejoice in how great and awesome is our God! Thank you God, that we have the privilege to worship you in word, deed and finances, in music, peace and praise and that we have been chosen to be Your voice and Your hands in this wilderness.


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