Saturday 25 May 2024

Enhanced Spiritual Senses.

Enhanced Spiritual Senses.

The five senses of the worldly realm are also active in the spiritual realm. It’s harder to discern the spiritual senses. Touch, see, smell, hear and taste. Simple in the natural, not so simple in the spiritual.

Have you ever woken to the smell of spices cooking at 2 in the morning? You know no-one’s up. No one would be cooking at that time, but you can smell cinnamon, or nutmeg.

On more than one occasion I’ve woken to the smell of cooking. It’s disorienting. Why is my daughter cooking at this time of the morning? I’ve even got up to check in on her and see what’s she’s up to, only to find no-one in the kitchen.

Those are the days Jesus has come for a visit and once I realized, I was able to say; “Welcome Jesus.” That’s the smell sense carried through from the heavenly to the worldly.

Other days I’ve woken up to music playing. Before retiring, I worked nights in a care home and I thought one of the residents was listening to music and had it up a little too loud. After all, my room was way down the other end of the house. If I could hear it, surely the rest of the house would be woken.

Twice in one night I raced out of bed to ask her to turn the music down before the whole house woke. I was half way up the hall before I realised the music had stopped. Oh, good. She’s turned it off.

I went back to bed and there it was again. Raced half way up the hall; no music. Then it dawned on me - it was worship music and I could only hear it from the bed in the office. This happened on a few occasions.

Taste; another one of the senses. We can taste things sometimes before we even see them. And they aren’t always happy flavours. Sometimes it’s a bitter, rotting taste and we know we’ve had a visit from the opposition. Cast that one out straight away.

Many, many times I’ve had a touch from God. A hand caressing over the back of my head, as the Holy Spirit showed me, He was here. A burning sensation in the palm of my hands, as I felt the nails which pierced the hands of my precious Jesus. A wind blowing my fringe off my face, as I was concentrating hard and He was reminding me; “I’m here.”

Then there’s sight; both good and bad. God gives us dreams and visions. We may be awake at times, or asleep. Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m awake or asleep when these take place. Whether dream or vision, it’s always an opportunity to pray.

I had a dream and a vision just last night. That hasn’t happened before, not both in the same night, but a great opportunity to pray. And maybe I’m right in my interpretation, or maybe I’m wrong. God’s happy that I tuned into Him either way.

One of my greatest memories is of Jesus standing before me as I, in a panic, said “Jesus I can’t find you.” An apparition stood in front of me. No mistaking who it was, for the compassion that flowed from His eyes was unfathomable and undeniable. He said; “I come before you in the likeness of man that you may recognise me.” This isn’t a phrase I would use. It was not imagination.

My question then is, how do we get there? How do we get the senses to function in the spiritual areas of life? My minister was right in her approach today. We get there by surrender. We surrender the earthly and the human. We go deeper, for when we draw near to God, He draws near to us.

We come up higher and we do that by dying to self, by not watching that show, listening to that music. You know the kind; If Jesus wouldn’t listen or watch, we shouldn’t either.

We do it by not allowing distraction, by continual prayer and worship, by studying His word, by surrendering our heart, by surrendering our wants and desires, by repenting and letting go of that which we shouldn’t be doing.

We need laser focus. We need to pray like never before. Let go of offense. Forgive others and ourselves. We need to allow God to work in our life. We need to be asking for discernment and direction. We should be acting out of a Godly heart, out of a sincere heart, a heart of love. Speak life. Bring His Word in to every situation.

Remove the scales of bitterness, pride, self-knowledge, unbelief and unforgiveness.

To get that spiritual discernment:

1. Focus on Jesus. Press in and pray. Ask the Lord what He thinks.
2. Repent of pride, human wisdom and understanding.
3. Forgive – unconditionally.
4. Ask for the Lord’s fire in your eyes. Ask for a major ‘clean-up.’
5. Ask for skilful and Godly wisdom.
6. Worship Him! Praise Him and speak in tongues at all times.

The reason I was so interested in the talk the minister gave today, was due to the dream I had last night and how it all tied in together.

Last night, I dreamed of a baby being kidnapped right in front of me. As this happened, I was behind the woman and I threw my arms around the woman and child, locking my hands together so they couldn’t get free.

There was a man beside her and two young men behind. They appeared to be in on the kidnapping. The mother and father were frantic. The men surrounding the woman seemed confused as to what to do, now that she’d been caught in the act and in their confused state, they didn’t interfere.

Later, I was awake and had just finished a you tube clip when I went back to the ‘temple hall’ as I call it. Kevin Zadai made reference of it in one of his teachings. He said it’s a road you go down to bring new believers up. He said it was lined with stone, which it is, but also there’s a bible at the centre where you get a word from God and you leave mulling that word over.

I’ve been to the temple hall two or three times already and I had to go again and see for myself. So, I went to the temple hall to look for the bible. I stood in the centre, where all the roads branch off in different directions and a portal opened right before me. There stood the skeleton of a white horse, with tatty wings. I was pondering what this meant when I realised; I need to pray for the kidnapped child in the dream before the horse gets to it.

I prayed also for the protection of my grandchildren and my sister’s, in case this was aimed more locally. Protection from any danger that may be lurking. I prayed that God’s angels surround the children, especially the 12-year-old, who now wants to go out with her friends on her own.

So, right at the intersection of the roads, I didn’t exactly see a bible, but I do feel I got a word from God. And this portal, the one I’ve been working through on and off for many years, that didn’t seem real at first, now appears very real indeed. Initially I thought I was making it up, but was informed to stick with it. Not to give up and the last three visions – they have a different ‘feel’ about them. They feel real now and not made up, not imagination.

I looking up the meaning of the dream; A skeleton means to think about what you want in life, bringing life back to its bare bones, to bring in more structure. A random skeleton means to think about what people are saying. A changing of circumstances. To look at areas which might cause one to relax and to make sure to get proper rest.

White skeletons are a representation of fundamental strength not yet acknowledged.

A horse with wings; honour and dignity in both the world and heaven. I didn’t find anything particularly on a skeletal horse with tatty wings.

This was an interesting marrying of my dreams and visions and what my minister spoke of today. Of how they interplayed with each other.

As Christians, we should expect the supernatural. We only get the enhanced spiritual senses when we have faith they exist and when we lay down our earthly desires and follow Him. 

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