Monday, 10 March 2025
Give and it Shall be Given to You.
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
A Pathetic Life or a Providential Life?
Hell tells us we have a pathetic life. I see pathetic lives in other people, even in myself at times. If we lift up our gates and open the doors (of the heart, mind, ears, eyes and tongue) to God, those hellish thoughts dissipate. Chuck out the ‘junk mail’ that flows to your doors and stand on the word of God.
Hell puts forth dishonest questioning with bad intent. It tells us we're stupid and we won't be able to do it (whatever that is to you). Don’t answer. Instead think about truth. You have a team; God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Angels. That is providence. Trust the means that cause things to turn out okay. Hell is trying to get you to worry and despair through evil thoughts. We need to say no to these thoughts, then we shall live a joyous life. Hell will stir up in you to do/say the wrong thing then hell will berate you for doing what it’s suggested.
To live by truth takes time. It’s all done in little bites of progress. Little by little we change, one issue at a time, we’re brought into higher and higher levels of glory; from glory to glory. At all times we’re drawn either into hell or into heaven and the choice is ours as to which place we live in, which place we live from.
The remnant is truth hidden by the Lord and stored until it is revealed to us. Only what’s useful at the time will be pulled out of storage; love, wonder, innocence, playfulness, peace, joy, laughter, inspiration, creativeness. These things will kick in when we look for the good experiences. And this is God’s providence.
When life doesn’t seem to have purpose or meaning, there’s a truth. That truth is the trillions of factors God is working through to draw you to Him. The moment might be unpleasant but in the long run everything will be fine. Get out of those negative emotions (hell’s playbook). Look at the long game. Turn yourself into the right direction and you will get there. You’re aiming for a state of health and happiness and it will come through providence when you turn and look at the light.
What is the light? Jesus is the light. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
The Lord is always with you. When you look to Jesus, angels will come. When you look to Jesus, Holy Spirit will come. Take what you know to be good and do it. Be grateful for that little positive thought, as that breaks the negative spell and the angels, Holy Spirit and Jesus will work on your behalf.
Recognise and strengthen the partnership that already exists between you and God.
“Now may the Lord God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way to you. And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may establish blamelessness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.”
The above verse brought me back to something I wrote towards the end of last month, where an Israeli woman and her two young children (9 months and 4 years), were kidnapped and murdered by the Palestinians. In handing the dead bodies over for a prisoner exchange, the Palestinians were celebrating. Hundreds of them came out to cheer the death of this family.
Like most people around the word, I was mortified over their behaviour and more than a little vexed. Men, women and children all cheering the killing of the “Jew” and her little ones. A friend was texting me and we were discussing it. She spoke of the Muslims as monsters over this one act more than any other and I agreed with her. I felt a check in my spirit and later deleted the conversation. Although I still felt it to be true, I decided it wasn’t a good thing to put in print.
At church the next week, I opened the gates and the doors (heart, mind, ears, eyes, tongue) and was drawn into the heavenlies during worship, sitting under the ‘fountain of living water’ surrounded by a bright light. I was soaking under the fountain, looking at my fingers in amazement as they were glowing with light and I heard the Lord say; “Can you forgive? Can you forgive them, as Jesus forgave the Roman soldiers?” Instantly I knew what He was getting at, even though I wasn’t thinking about it at the time – that was the check in my spirit from earlier in the week.
Can I forgive the Muslims of this horrific act that they were celebrating in their depraved and monstrous way? Can I have mercy on them as Jesus did towards those who betrayed and killed Him? (Father forgive them for they know not what they do.) For God loves all people and wants none to perish; not even the Muslims who rejoice in the death of a Jewish mother and her babies.
For Jesus, I can forgive. And so, I had to let go of the anger, repulsion and sense of outrage that was burning within and replace it with forgiveness, compassion and love. If only all of the world could do this; the world would be a much better place.
It was later, during bible study, that we read 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13. It was here I could see the consequences of forgiveness. In forgiving, I will be established as blameless before God. A rather important outcome, don’t you think?
A providential life, one ordered and orchestrated by the Lord. A life of joy and peace - that’s what I aspire to. Don’t you?
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Creation or Creator?
Since when have you ever seen chaos return to order without a guiding hand? Your car doesn't clean itself. Nor does your garden throw out its own weeds. If you don’t manage your bank account chaos ensues. None of it comes to order on its own.
Your bias against faith isn't based on reason, evidence or fact but on prejudice. A preconceived impression not sited on cause or experience.
You might possibly think believers are feeble minded people who need fairy tales to get by in this world. You perhaps perceive believers to be intellectually weaker than you.
You claim to follow the evidence yet you ignore the countless brilliant minds today and throughout history who reconcile faith and reason; Newton, Galileo, Plank, Lewis, Copernicus, Swedenborg and countless others. What's more, many of these brilliant minds are Nobel prize winners.
You mock faith and yet show your own religious devotion; a blind faith in your own intellectual authority, your own form of religious dogma. A bias where any who disagrees with you must be cognitively inferior and therefore mocked.
Quantum mechanics has shown reality is far superior than our limited minds can conceive and you ignore the extensive research which shows faith often correlates with higher resilience, stronger community bonds and better health outcomes.
75% of the world's population believe in God. They come from all walks of life and yet you believe your personal view is the only correct view with no room for questioning. 3/4's of the world believe in some sort of God. Biologists, scientists, astrologists, psychologists, physicists, astronomers, chemists, economists; smart people and yes, simple people too.
Many come to God in different ways, although I believe Jesus is the only way, but that’s not my point. My point is: Which takes greater faith; believing in a divine creator, or believing that nothing created everything?
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
King and Priest. Spirit and Truth.
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
What's Next?
Recently I thought back to how ‘secondary’ I am. A friend of mine rang my sister when she was in the area, to chat to her. That friend doesn’t call me. My mother does what my sister tells her and yet does nothing that I suggest. My brother gave my daughter a hug when he saw her recently but said I don’t get one.
I closed my share trading accounts because not everything I do prospers. Even God doesn’t view me as good enough to prosper the work of my hands. I’ve been making pocket money from trading for years, but not lately. And that’s how I felt yesterday evening.
In the morning’s, most mornings, I wake at 4 still even though I’m not at work anymore. It’s a time where I particularly enjoy uninterrupted bible study. This morning I asked God a question; Now that Mum’s moved (as I was helping care for her), what does He have in stall for me? I also pondered my position in life, that of being secondary, where I feel I'm just not good enough for anyone at times.
My girls love me. Outside of that, I don’t know what it is I’m lacking. I can’t fix what I don’t know.
My first question; that of being secondary and what to do about it: My bible study from the Word for Today (Feb 3) just happened to say; When Christ said well-done faithful servant, He didn’t say brilliant servant, or popular servant. He was talking about those who often go unnoticed. No trumpets, no banners, no applause. He was talking about those who show up, day after day. Those unnoticed by people. Those who shun the limelight and are happy to be in the shadows. Those who run the race, who don’t stop until the finish line.
To those who may not think I make much of a difference, God does. To others I may not have a great skill set or be terribly successful, God however, measures me by my faithfulness. So I'm way up there in His books.
To my second question (What does He have in stall for me now?), the following reading in the Word for Today (Feb 4) stated; I get to choose my comfort or my calling. When Terah went with Abram, he stopped in his place of comfort within a city of wealth, education and idols. Abram chose to continue on and say ‘yes’ to his calling.
As circumstances change and seasons of life progress one has to either step into the unknown with God, or settle for security in what you know. You need to make the decision; choose your calling or your comfort.
How interesting is it that both questions were answered consecutively?
My theory is; I could get a job in town and do what I know (be stressed and run to someone else’s time clock), or I could continue living my dream. Sometimes I think how I don’t have fancy shoes or bags, I never have my hair or nails done, I don’t have much ‘stuff’ and it’s because I’ve always had that broken income. Sometimes this has been bad luck more than choice, other times I’ve chosen to work less and make more time for God. When ‘living the dream,’ it’s hard to settle for a 9 to 5.
So, the dream may not be affluence or influence, but it is a life of prosperity in its own way.
I wrote recently: When you enter the Word of life, join with the Spirit of life, swim in the River of life, soak in the Stream of life, drink from the Water of life, eat from the Tree of life, eat the Bread of life, drink the Blood of life and live with the Creator of life, it stands to reason; the only possible outcome is – a plentiful life.
At the beginning in Genesis, when Adam fell, angelic security was placed around the tree of life so no one could eat of its fruit. At the end, Revelation speaks of angels allowing those who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb to approach the tree of life and eat of its fruit once more.
The tree representing healing, life-long wisdom and abundance. According to some, this comes back the 12 fruits of the spirit which I wrote in my previous blog post Soak in the Stream. The number 12 is significant as it symbolises God’s power and authority, as well as completeness. It may well be worth your while to look up and read the biblical meaning of the number 12.