Monday, 10 March 2025

Give and it Shall be Given to You.

Many years ago, when I first started my walk with God, I was shopping. I hadn’t been a Christian long and I thought I heard God say ‘speak to that young man.’ There was a lad cleaning scuff marks off the walls outside the supermarket in Tahmoor. I’d never heard God speak and I remember thinking; I can’t talk to this boy. I don’t know him and I wouldn’t know what to say. I got what I came for and he was still there, still cleaning when I left. I thought it was my imagination and then God said; “Speak to him.” It was a louder, more insistent voice.

“Oh, well, perhaps if he looks at me…”

The boy glanced my way but I wasn’t sure that he ‘looked at me.’ So, I got in the car and drove out of the lot when I heard a very insistent; “SPEAK TO THAT BOY!”

I drove around the block, came back and parked the car once more saying to God, “You’d better give me something to say if I’m going to do this for you.”

I walked up to the lad (16 years old or so) with no idea what I was going to say and blurted out; “I don’t know if you’re happy in your job, but if you’re not, go the library and borrow anything you can on positive thinking. It’ll change your life, I promise.”

The boy’s whole demeaner changed and he gave me a big smile and said thank you so much.

I walked back to the car and put my hand on the door handle and I heard the Lord say; “That boy was going to commit suicide.”

In that moment I knew, if I hadn’t spoken to that young man, God would never have revealed this final piece of information. People don’t want to commit suicide. They feel they have no other option.

Someone later said you can’t say that to a person. That’s not honouring God. I said; Yes, I can. I came to God because He spoke to me through these kinds of books and He can do the same for this fellow.

God asked me one day, what all these books have in common and I answered; a belief in a higher power, a creator, God. That’s when I became born again and I didn’t have the wisdom to convey that to the young man, so I gave him what I had (just as Peter did to the lame man – silver and gold have I none but such as I have I give thee) and I expected God to do the rest.

The reason I’m telling you this is because, if you remember I mentioned the other day that I’m going to give a church donation larger than normal and I did that on Sunday. I marked on an envelope where the money was to go, in what part of the ministry I’d been led to support. It was a big step on my small income. I dropped it in the collection box. I didn’t tell anyone. It was between me and God.

I sat back down in my seat. Just as the Lord made mention after the fact that the boy was going to commit suicide, this too, after I’d drooped the money and sat down, I heard the Lord say; “There’s someone who needed to go to this school and couldn’t except you brought in the resource. This person is going to make a huge impact in My name.”

On both counts, if I hadn’t been obedient to the Lord, I don’t think the Lord would have said anything towards the difference I’d made or not made. He wouldn’t burden me with the negative outcomes. He wouldn’t have jumped down my throat for not following his word, but He did let me know of the positive outcome of my actions in each of these events.

Then, right at the end of the service, the speaker said; “I have a word here for someone: God has broken the chains that have held you stuck in place. Shake those chains free. Shake your hands and feet and let those chains fall to the floor.” I couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t for me, as I’d given a large donation and perhaps now have broken the spirit of lack that has been plaguing my life, in spite of being a diligent giver all these years.

The Lord repay your work, and a full reward given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge. Ruth 2:12 (My bible study today.)

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

A Pathetic Life or a Providential Life?

Hell tells us we have a pathetic life. I see pathetic lives in other people, even in myself at times. If we lift up our gates and open the doors (of the heart, mind, ears, eyes and tongue) to God, those hellish thoughts dissipate. Chuck out the ‘junk mail’ that flows to your doors and stand on the word of God. 

Hell puts forth dishonest questioning with bad intent. It tells us we're stupid and we won't be able to do it (whatever that is to you). Don’t answer. Instead think about truth. You have a team; God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Angels. That is providence. Trust the means that cause things to turn out okay. Hell is trying to get you to worry and despair through evil thoughts. We need to say no to these thoughts, then we shall live a joyous life. Hell will stir up in you to do/say the wrong thing then hell will berate you for doing what it’s suggested.

To live by truth takes time. It’s all done in little bites of progress. Little by little we change, one issue at a time, we’re brought into higher and higher levels of glory; from glory to glory. At all times we’re drawn either into hell or into heaven and the choice is ours as to which place we live in, which place we live from.

The remnant is truth hidden by the Lord and stored until it is revealed to us. Only what’s useful at the time will be pulled out of storage; love, wonder, innocence, playfulness, peace, joy, laughter, inspiration, creativeness. These things will kick in when we look for the good experiences. And this is God’s providence.

When life doesn’t seem to have purpose or meaning, there’s a truth. That truth is the trillions of factors God is working through to draw you to Him. The moment might be unpleasant but in the long run everything will be fine. Get out of those negative emotions (hell’s playbook). Look at the long game. Turn yourself into the right direction and you will get there. You’re aiming for a state of health and happiness and it will come through providence when you turn and look at the light. 

What is the light? Jesus is the light. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

The Lord is always with you. When you look to Jesus, angels will come. When you look to Jesus, Holy Spirit will come. Take what you know to be good and do it. Be grateful for that little positive thought, as that breaks the negative spell and the angels, Holy Spirit and Jesus will work on your behalf.

Recognise and strengthen the partnership that already exists between you and God.

1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

“Now may the Lord God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way to you. And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may establish blamelessness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.”

The above verse brought me back to something I wrote towards the end of last month, where an Israeli woman and her two young children (9 months and 4 years), were kidnapped and murdered by the Palestinians. In handing the dead bodies over for a prisoner exchange, the Palestinians were celebrating. Hundreds of them came out to cheer the death of this family.

Like most people around the word, I was mortified over their behaviour and more than a little vexed. Men, women and children all cheering the killing of the “Jew” and her little ones. A friend was texting me and we were discussing it. She spoke of the Muslims as monsters over this one act more than any other and I agreed with her. I felt a check in my spirit and later deleted the conversation. Although I still felt it to be true, I decided it wasn’t a good thing to put in print.

At church the next week, I opened the gates and the doors (heart, mind, ears, eyes, tongue) and was drawn into the heavenlies during worship, sitting under the ‘fountain of living water’ surrounded by a bright light. I was soaking under the fountain, looking at my fingers in amazement as they were glowing with light and I heard the Lord say; “Can you forgive? Can you forgive them, as Jesus forgave the Roman soldiers?” Instantly I knew what He was getting at, even though I wasn’t thinking about it at the time – that was the check in my spirit from earlier in the week.

Can I forgive the Muslims of this horrific act that they were celebrating in their depraved and monstrous way? Can I have mercy on them as Jesus did towards those who betrayed and killed Him? (Father forgive them for they know not what they do.) For God loves all people and wants none to perish; not even the Muslims who rejoice in the death of a Jewish mother and her babies.

For Jesus, I can forgive. And so, I had to let go of the anger, repulsion and sense of outrage that was burning within and replace it with forgiveness, compassion and love. If only all of the world could do this; the world would be a much better place.

It was later, during bible study, that we read 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13. It was here I could see the consequences of forgiveness. In forgiving, I will be established as blameless before God. A rather important outcome, don’t you think?

A providential life, one ordered and orchestrated by the Lord. A life of joy and peace - that’s what I aspire to. Don’t you?



Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Creation or Creator?

If you believe in the big bang theory, then you believe two atoms of nothing rubbed together and created everything you see before you. You believe consciousness came from unconsciousness, life came from non life and order came from chaos, all without a divine intelligence behind it.

Since when have you ever seen chaos return to order without a guiding hand? Your car doesn't clean itself. Nor does your garden throw out its own weeds. If you don’t manage your bank account chaos ensues. None of it comes to order on its own.

Your bias against faith isn't based on reason, evidence or fact but on prejudice. A preconceived impression not sited on cause or experience.

You might possibly think believers are feeble minded people who need fairy tales to get by in this world. You perhaps perceive believers to be intellectually weaker than you.

You claim to follow the evidence yet you ignore the countless brilliant minds today and throughout history who reconcile faith and reason; Newton, Galileo, Plank, Lewis, Copernicus, Swedenborg and countless others. What's more, many of these brilliant minds are Nobel prize winners.

You mock faith and yet show your own religious devotion; a blind faith in your own intellectual authority, your own form of religious dogma. A bias where any who disagrees with you must be cognitively inferior and therefore mocked.

Quantum mechanics has shown reality is far superior than our limited minds can conceive and you ignore the extensive research which shows faith often correlates with higher resilience, stronger community bonds and better health outcomes.

75% of the world's population believe in God. They come from all walks of life and yet you believe your personal view is the only correct view with no room for questioning. 3/4's of the world believe in some sort of God. Biologists, scientists, astrologists, psychologists, physicists, astronomers, chemists, economists; smart people and yes, simple people too.

Many come to God in different ways, although I believe Jesus is the only way, but that’s not my point. My point is: Which takes greater faith; believing in a divine creator, or believing that nothing created everything?

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

King and Priest. Spirit and Truth.

Just as Melchizedek ministered to the Lord, so too can we, for we too are kings and priests to the Lord Most High.

The Order of Melchizedek refers to a unique priesthood that is different from the Adamic and Levitical priesthood established under the Law of Moses. This concept is primarily explored in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament, where Jesus Christ is described as a high priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Melchizedek is a mysterious figure who appears briefly in Genesis 14:18-20, where he is described as the King of Salem (later identified as Jerusalem) and a priest of God Most High. He blesses Abram (later Abraham) and receives tithes from him. Melchizedek's priesthood is significant because it predates the Adamic and Levitical priesthood. It is not based on lineage but on righteousness and peace.

Ministering to the Lord in His actual presence involves a deep, personal relationship with God and engaging in activities that honour, worship, and serve Him. Here are some key ways to minister to the Lord:

1. Worship and Praise: This is one of the most direct ways to minister to the Lord. Sing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs. Worship can be both personal and corporate, expressing love, adoration, and reverence for God.

2. Prayer: Spending time in prayer, communicating with God, and listening for His guidance is a powerful way to minister to Him. This includes intercession, thanksgiving, and confession.

3. Reading and Meditating on Scripture: Studying the Bible and reflecting on its teachings allows you to connect with God’s Word and grow in understanding. It’s a way to hear His voice and align your life with His will.

4. Obedience and Holiness: Living a life that is obedient to God’s commandments and striving for holiness is an act of ministering to Him. It shows respect and love for His authority and desire for righteousness.

5. Service to Others: Serving others in love, as Jesus demonstrated, is a way to minister to the Lord. Acts of kindness, compassion, and justice reflect God’s character and extend His love to the world.

6. Gathering with Fellow Believers: Participating in church services, fellowship, and community activities with other believers helps to build up the body of Christ and create an atmosphere of worship and mutual encouragement.

7. Silence and Solitude: Sometimes, simply being still in God’s presence, practicing silence and solitude, can be a profound way to minister to Him. This allows you to rest in His presence and be receptive to His Spirit.

Each of these practices can be adapted to your personal faith journey and spiritual growth. Remember, ministering to the Lord is about building and nurturing a relationship with Him, and it comes from a heart of genuine love and devotion.

The book of Hebrews expands on this idea:

- Hebrews 5:5-6 (NIV): "In the same way, Christ did not take on Himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to Him, 'You are my Son; today I have become your Father.' And He says in another place, 'You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.'"

- Hebrews 7:1-3 (NIV): "This Melchizedek was King of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, the name Melchizedek means 'king of righteousness'; then also, 'king of Salem' which means 'king of peace.' Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever."

Ministering to the Lord as part of the Order of Melchizedek means focusing on righteousness, peace, and a direct relationship with God, rather than being tied to the rituals and lineage of the Adamic and Levitical priesthood. It involves a personal commitment to serving and worshiping God in Spirit and truth, embodying the characteristics of righteousness and peace that Melchizedek represents.

To "worship in Spirit and in truth" is a phrase from John 4:23-24 (NIV), where Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman at the well: "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth."

To worship in Spirit and in truth means:

1. In Spirit: Worshiping God with your whole heart, mind, and soul. It's about connecting with God on a spiritual level, beyond mere physical actions or rituals. It involves sincerity, passion, and an inner connection to God through the Holy Spirit.

2. In Truth: Worshiping God with a correct understanding of who He is and what He desires. This involves aligning your worship with the truth revealed in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. It means being genuine and authentic in your worship, avoiding hypocrisy, and ensuring that your worship reflects the true nature of God.

Together, worshiping in Spirit and in truth means engaging in a heartfelt, authentic, and informed worship that honours God and aligns with His will.

In summary, ministering to the Lord in the order of Melchizedek is about a higher, more direct form of priesthood that is based on spiritual principles rather than ritualistic practices. The concept of the Melchizedek priesthood, as described in the book of Hebrews, emphasizes a spiritual and eternal priesthood that is founded on principles of righteousness and peace.

The key points are:

- Righteousness: Living a life that aligns with God's standards of moral and ethical conduct.
- Peace: Embodying and promoting peace, both internally and within the community.

This priesthood is not based on lineage or ritualistic practices, but on a personal commitment to God's will, reflecting the character of Melchizedek, who is described as a "king of righteousness" and "king of peace." Jesus Christ is identified as the ultimate high priest in the order of Melchizedek, serving as the perfect example of this higher priesthood.

So, by following the principles of righteousness and peace, one can minister to the Lord in a manner that aligns with the Melchizedek priesthood. It’s about embodying these values in everyday life and fostering a deep, personal relationship with God.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

What's Next?

Recently I thought back to how ‘secondary’ I am. A friend of mine rang my sister when she was in the area, to chat to her. That friend doesn’t call me. My mother does what my sister tells her and yet does nothing that I suggest. My brother gave my daughter a hug when he saw her recently but said I don’t get one.

I closed my share trading accounts because not everything I do prospers. Even God doesn’t view me as good enough to prosper the work of my hands. I’ve been making pocket money from trading for years, but not lately. And that’s how I felt yesterday evening.

I’m just being honest. Not everything we do works. Not every day is a great day. And then I need to remember; I did retire 10 years early as a self-funded retiree. Not incredibly affluent, but comfortable enough. So really,  life is good. It doesn't hurt to remind ourselves of that on occasion. Not only that but just as the brook dried up with Elijah, anything that has dried up in your/my life, is a call from God to listen for further instructions. 

In the morning’s, most mornings, I wake at 4 still even though I’m not at work anymore. It’s a time where I particularly enjoy uninterrupted bible study. This morning I asked God a question; Now that Mum’s moved (as I was helping care for her), what does He have in stall for me? I also pondered my position in life, that of being secondary, where I feel I'm just not good enough for anyone at times.

My girls love me. Outside of that, I don’t know what it is I’m lacking. I can’t fix what I don’t know.

My first question; that of being secondary and what to do about it: My bible study from the Word for Today (Feb 3) just happened to say; When Christ said well-done faithful servant, He didn’t say brilliant servant, or popular servant. He was talking about those who often go unnoticed. No trumpets, no banners, no applause. He was talking about those who show up, day after day. Those unnoticed by people. Those who shun the limelight and are happy to be in the shadows. Those who run the race, who don’t stop until the finish line.

To those who may not think I make much of a difference, God does. To others I may not have a great skill set or be terribly successful, God however, measures me by my faithfulness. So I'm way up there in His books.

To my second question (What does He have in stall for me now?), the following reading in the Word for Today (Feb 4) stated; I get to choose my comfort or my calling. When Terah went with Abram, he stopped in his place of comfort within a city of wealth, education and idols. Abram chose to continue on and say ‘yes’ to his calling.

As circumstances change and seasons of life progress one has to either step into the unknown with God, or settle for security in what you know. You need to make the decision; choose your calling or your comfort.

How interesting is it that both questions were answered consecutively?

My theory is; I could get a job in town and do what I know (be stressed and run to someone else’s time clock), or I could continue living my dream. Sometimes I think how I don’t have fancy shoes or bags, I never have my hair or nails done, I don’t have much ‘stuff’ and it’s because I’ve always had that broken income. Sometimes this has been bad luck more than choice, other times I’ve chosen to work less and make more time for God. When ‘living the dream,’ it’s hard to settle for a 9 to 5.

So, the dream may not be affluence or influence, but it is a life of prosperity in its own way.

I wrote recently: When you enter the Word of life, join with the Spirit of life, swim in the River of life, soak in the Stream of life, drink from the Water of life, eat from the Tree of life, eat the Bread of life, drink the Blood of life and live with the Creator of life, it stands to reason; the only possible outcome is – a plentiful life. 

At the beginning in Genesis, when Adam fell, angelic security was placed around the tree of life so no one could eat of its fruit. At the end, Revelation speaks of angels allowing those who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb to approach the tree of life and eat of its fruit once more.

The tree representing healing, life-long wisdom and abundance. According to some, this comes back the 12 fruits of the spirit which I wrote in my previous blog post Soak in the Stream. The number 12 is significant as it symbolises God’s power and authority, as well as completeness. It may well be worth your while to look up and read the biblical meaning of the number 12.  







Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Soak in the Stream.

I had a dream where I was in the heavenlies worshipping on the glass floor with the Trinity in front and the cloud of witnesses to my right. The next scene, I picked a fruit from what I knew to be the tree of life. Each bite of the fruit produced a different flavour of different fruit; watermelon, pear, fig. It felt like there were 12 different flavours in the one fruit.

In speaking to my daughter, Lizzie, she said perhaps look up the 12 fruits of the Spirit;

Charity (love): This virtue signifies the selfless love and care for others, reflecting God's love for humanity. It’s about putting others' needs above one's own without expecting anything in return.

Joy: Joy is the feeling of inner happiness and contentment that comes from knowing and being in a relationship with God. It is not dependent on external circumstances.

Peace: This fruit represents a sense of tranquillity and calmness that comes from trusting in God's plan and presence, even amidst life's challenges.

Patience: Patience is the ability to endure hardships and delays without becoming angry or frustrated, trusting in God's timing.

Kindness: Kindness involves showing compassion and generosity towards others, treating them with gentleness and respect.

Goodness: This virtue reflects moral integrity, doing what’s right and just.

Generosity: Generosity is the willingness to give freely of one's time, talents, and resources to help others, without expecting anything in return.

Gentleness: Gentleness involves being considerate and tender, having a humble and meek disposition.

Faithfulness: Faithfulness denotes loyalty and commitment to God and His teachings, being trustworthy and reliable.

Modesty: Modesty is about humility and having a proper perspective of oneself, avoiding boastfulness and pride.

Self-control: Self-control is the ability to manage one's desires and impulses, exercising discipline and restraint.

Chastity: Chastity involves maintaining purity in thoughts, words, and actions, particularly in matters related to sexuality.

Each of these fruits reflects a facet of the character and influence of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life, guiding them towards a righteous and godly life.

While I was eating the fruit, I lay in the Stream of Life just letting the crystal-clear cool water run over me, as I enjoyed the various flavours the fruit emitted. I felt as if I was renewing my mind and body; the water cleansing me from the outside, the fruit cleansing the inside. The excellence and freshness of both working together for my good.

As I was soaking, a thought came to mind; When you enter into the Word of life, join with the Spirit of life, swim in the River of life, soak in the Stream of life, drink from the Water of life, eat from the Tree of life, eat the Bread of life, drink the Blood of life and live with the Creator of life, it stands to reason; the only possible outcome is – a plentiful life.

I listened to a clip after writing the above and considered, as I reflect the facets and character of the Holy Spirit, perhaps it is so.

Recently I’ve been studying on The Order of Melchizedek. Could that call be for me? (See previous blog posts; The Mist of the Holy Spirit and Purple Robes in a Dream

I’m sharing the link which discusses just that, as all of these (the above writing, the previous blog posts and the clip below) seem to connect to each other is some way.

I also recently wrote about what was mentioned in the clip, how what happens on earth is a reflection of what’s going on in heaven, how the natural reflects the spiritual (see blog post; Cascading Flowers above clip touches on that too, all tied in together; this blog, the previous few blogs and the you tube clip attached here.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Cascading Flowers.

Upon waking, I had a vision of Jesus giving me a bunch of flowers; a blue hydrangea type of flower however more of a cascade than a pompom. A little contrast of red and pink leaves. Nothing more, just his bunch of flowers.

Lately I seem to be moving more in the prophetic. I did think that if Jesus wants me to be more prophetic, I should perhaps see if I can interpret this dream myself before I look up the meaning, since it was just a simple bunch of flowers and nothing more. I felt, in my interpretation, that flowers represent blessings of God.

Turns out a gift of flowers do mean blessings but also favour, spiritual growth and love. The colour blue is symbolic of the divine, sacred and eternal; the presence of God. While cascade is indicative of significant change and transformation in life; effortless in flow and movement.

Later today I met up with a friend in Sydney and she had a bunch of flowers for Mum which looked almost exactly like the flowers in my dream, except for the hydrangea which was not the cascading hydrangea of my dream but the ordinary pompom variety. Now I wonder if this message isn’t meant for Mum, since the flowers were a gift to her. I shall show these notes to Mum later today

Yesterday while travelling to Sydney I saw a helicopter and an aeroplane. Both seemed to be hovering in one spot (they weren’t but that’s what it looked like as we travelled together for a moment in the same direction). Today I saw a kite (bird of prey). It too was hovering.

The biblical meaning of hover is God’s creative power and presence; a cover, a shelter, a protection and nurturing, a sense of moving gently. God’s intimate involvement with His creation and a reassurance to His believers of His care.

Yesterday on the train I also saw an eagle. It was sitting on a power pole, quite close to the window. A minor bird was harassing it, but the eagle didn’t move. The eagle wasn’t at all perturbed. I heard in a clip today; God speaks to us through His creation. My thoughts then returned to the great and majestic eagle, not perturbed at what was coming against him and that is how, as Christians, we are to be.

Glancing around at the other passengers within the carriage, it struck me as if not one other person saw what I was seeing. Not the helicopter, not the plane, not the eagle, for they all appeared very close together. No one was looking out the window. Most were on their phones.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

The Mist of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus led me out into the cosmos. It’s beautiful to be surrounded by so many stars. There are things you can’t describe when you head out with Jesus; faces visage like Kermit the frog, or other faces that resemble Cheshire cat, only with longer teeth. Four-foot rolling things which are akin to the dandelion flower when it goes to seed. They roll along throughout the heavenly realm. Jesus said not to touch one of those as they’re protectors and have sharp barbs.

While there, in the cosmos today, I met Holy Spirit. I was in awe. “Wow, oh wow,” I said (I’m sure my eyes must have widened). He looked like spirit, or like a mist that I could put my hand through, slightly taller than Jesus. Holy Spirit didn’t mince words; “Eat this,” He said, as He handed me a scroll. Abrupt and straight to the point. I ate the scroll and as soon as I finished angels surrounded me. Thick and many. I didn’t even ask but sent some off to guard my family. They left ‘pop’ and then others arrived ‘pop, pop, pop.’ That’s what it sounded like.

I asked for a bible verse and was given Ezekiel chapters 25 to 32 which speaks of prophesying against those who are against nations of Israel. This correlates to my earlier vision of prophecy, being set on high levels of society with leaders crossing my path. It’s my understanding I can release angels in the areas of need when the Lord gives me an assignment and that those angels will never diminish, but will replenish each and every time one is sent out and used.

The very next you tube clip I happened to listen to (I say happened because I mostly pick random clips and they often don’t have anything written in the title that would lead me to believe one thing is connected to the other), which spoke on the coming of angels. Angels who will aid one to overcome deep-seated disorders; disorders that have followed a person sometimes for decades – sickness, family, business, finances. Angels, helping you in the way you think, talk and act, bringing supernatural assistance and it’s available to us right now.

Yesterday, I was studying the difference between a son of God and King and Priest in the Order of Melchizedek as I was wondering if one could be both or did one have to choose? One can be both. The roles not being mutually exclusive but rather complimentary. However, to be King and Priest requires greater responsibility. Speaking to Jesus, I mentioned how I don’t know much about anything. He said, “You’ll learn. You’re further along than most. You know more than you think.” I hope this person that I am at this moment, is up to the task entrusted me.

I took leave to write all this down and considered the places Jesus has shown me; Heaven, hell, the tunnel where the bible sits in the centre and all roads break off from there depending where one needs to be. He’s shown me the cosmos on more than one occasion. He’s introduced me to another race on another planet. I’ve seen the Sea of Galilee, God’s Holy Mountain, a lush rainforest with waterfall, the New Jerusalem. I’m sure there’s more places we’ve been. I know I wake with a feeling of having been somewhere but don’t remember upon waking, just where.

With the above passage, I wondered if anyone else has seen Holy Spirit as mist. It was interesting to learn; in the old testament mist was viewed as a metaphor for the presence of God. The new testament describes it as a spiritual state or divine action and a powerful tool to convey complex spiritual truths, an invitation to approach faith with awe (just as I’d felt in the moment).

Mist is a symbol of mystery and divine revelation, a soul’s journey into deeper knowledge, a tangible sign of God’s presence, providing comfort and reassurance. An invitation to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. A theophany of the manifestation of God. Ambrose of Milan, in his commentary on the Gospel of Luke, likens the Holy Spirit to a “divine mist,” refreshing and nourishing to the soul.

The Melchizedekian Order, through which I’ve been studying of late, focuses on leadership and mediation between God and man, combining kingly authority and priestly duties; an eternal and superior priesthood. Whereas being a son of God emphasises holistic living with a relational and familiar connection to God, while highlighting the believer’s identity and inheritance. Integration of both brings a balance between relationship and familiar connection, with kingly authority and priestly service.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Purple Robes in a Dream.

Two ladies in a car on the top side of a chasm. The car obviously wasn’t going anywhere. Soxx was stuck below the chasm. I was able to walk down a grassy knoll and easily help Soxx, bringing her back up with me. I’m not sure if one of those ladies wasn’t me, as she wore a greying plait on one side of her head, as I do. I’ve also heard that dreams are mostly about the dreamer. If that’s the case and it is me; I don’t know who the other lady was. Perhaps it was Lady Wisdom sitting beside me.

I made a comment to the lady with the plait on how lovely she looked in her purple outfit. The colour purple was significant in biblical times. An expensive dye made from the mollusc. 1 drop of dye per mollusc. It took 4 million molluscs to create 1 pound of dye. No wonder only royalty wore it. They’d be the only ones who could afford it.

As I’ve been studying Melchizedek once more, as I wondering if I could be such a one, maybe that’s why the royal colour. Purple representing royalty, kingship, authority, divinity and holiness and it highlights a divine connection between humanity and the divine realm, a unity of heaven and earth. A call to a higher purpose as we become imbued with a royal identity and also related to an earlier writing on the topic. See blog on; Secrets Revealed in the Book of Numbers. Are we not called King’s and Priest’s to God Most-High?

A car represents spiritual movement, or your ministry. An unmoving car tells me spiritually I’m not getting anywhere. Walking down a grassy knoll with ease, speaks of fluent, unhindered movement. A contradiction to the symbol of the car. Perhaps it’s a slower entry into what I’m walking, rather than the speed of a fast car.

Dogs, biblically, are considered an unholy animal. If dogs are a symbol of unholiness, then bringing a dog out of a chasm must be akin to saving them from themselves. Dogs being seen as people who do not heed the word of God (this ties in with my dream the night before of bringing unbelievers to the Lord through dreams and visions).

Dogs in the bible are quoted as being immoral and sinful people. Today a dog is considered man’s best friend. Dogs mean more than friendship in today’s society. To dream of a dog means to be on guard against something dangerous, to keep in prayer and continually look over your shoulder. A warning of disloyalty from a friend.

Philippians 3:2 states; “Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers…”

David once referred to himself as a dog; a helpless one that should not be feared… 2 Samuel 9:8.

The Heavenlies of God.

The Heavenlies of God.

I met Jesus in the heavenlies and asked Him to show me something new. He took me to an area of lush green vegetation with a waterfall. At the base of the waterfall was a pool. When the bible speaks of no death, this was a picture of that. Not a leaf on the ground, not a dead stick to be seen. Green, in all its diverse hues engulfed us – except for the path behind us; gentle, meandering and flat. I’d mentioned to Jesus moments earlier how life was difficult at times. Jesus was showing me, this path of His was not at all a hard path to walk when you enter the valleys with Him by your side.

We sat on a large boulder; the waterfall opposite, lofty and long. There were people swimming in the pool below. They looked up and waved. Children laughing, everyone having a wonderful time. Deer came and ate the vegetation at our shoulders. Rabbits sat nibbling on grasses by our side. Soxx and a rabbit played joyfully together. Kai watched on. Ami at my feet.

I asked Jesus for a bible verse and heard the gentle song; as the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You. Psalm 42:1. Plus Jerimiah 31:9 They shall come with weeping, and with supplication (prayer and appeal – personal note) I will lead them. I will cause them walk by the rivers of waters, in a straight way in which they shall not stumble; for I am a Father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.

Ephraim, the second son of Joseph given first place blessing by Jacob in his final moments. In time, Ephraim was chastised for idolatry, but he is still a child in whom the Father delights. In other words, no matter what you’ve done, God still delights in you. Jerimiah 31:20 Is Ephraim My dear son? Is he a pleasant child? For though I spoke against him I earnestly remember him still, therefore My heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him, says the Lord.

The scene changed and it then appeared as if we were in three places all at the same time; The Sea of Galilee at sunset, the mountain of God at sunrise and the streams of living waters. All beautiful, serene, vibrant in colour; the soft pastels of the setting sun, the intense variety of green foliage, the lustrous orange, red and yellow of the morning and the effervescent crystal-clear waters. This is the place the Trinity resides.

A minute snapshot of each area, as we traversed the various and varied regions where Jesus abides. There’s no haze, no smog, no pollution, no hatred. Peace, joy and love abounds. The beauty is challenging to convey in words. What we see on earth is a fraction of what heaven has to offer. On earth there’s always an element of death; flood, fire, carnage of wildlife on the roads. The hatred of race between race.

There’s none of that when we cross the threshold into the other realm, unless of course, we’ve made the wrong choice in who we follow. Where the beauty is magnified a hundred-fold in heaven, the death and destruction of hell is also magnified a hundred-fold. Choose wisely my friend, who you follow.

John 10:1 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

A Most Fascinating Book.

A Most Fascinating Book.

I thought I’d write a couple of my more recent journal entries, since it was so unexpected and this piece has two parts; an earlier part and a second part followed later.

Part 1.

Well, I certainly had an interesting bible study. I’ve not long started reading my bible cover to cover for the 8th time. I’ve reached The Book of Numbers. The other day, as I started my reading through this book, I questioned the relevance of Numbers. It’s quite a boring book; the son of… who is the son of… who is the son of… and X amount of people in the tribe, who offered this and that to the Lord; on repeat.

I questioned why it was here but didn’t ponder on it too long. I thought it was just about genealogy, so we know who came from where. Questions come to mind when reading the bible but often without any substantial thought behind them and those questions can quickly be forgotten. Occasionally though, deep and meaningful answers jump off the page and one knows; this is revelation from the Lord.

At the time I questioned it, I answered my own question; “Oh, it’s just to show genealogy.” I didn’t think anything more of it.

Later that day I was listening to a message on Melchizedek and right at the end of the clip the teacher spoke on why the book of Numbers was written as it was. This brought back to me my own earlier questioning of why Numbers was written. He concedes it can be a boring book, that is, until you realise for every name and number there’s spiritual exegesis behind it.

Knowing this, Numbers has now become one of the most fascinating and favourite books of the bible that I’ll read. Take Issachar for instance; Issachar meaning rewarded, or recompense. The sons of Issachar; understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. Reuben; son of vision. Gershon; to drive out.

And with numbers; 6 carts and 12 oxen for example, where 6 relates to human weakness, whereas 12 symbolises God’s power and authority.

If one could take the time to learn the meaning behind every name and every number in the Book of Numbers, one could glean a lot of information.

Part 2.

Did I tell you recently, Numbers has become my favourite book in the bible? I’ve been looking up the meaning of the names and numbers in the Book of Numbers and it’s quite fascinating. Not every name and not on every page, otherwise I’ll never get through it, but I was recently working through Numbers 22; the story of Balaam and the donkey.

Balaam rode a donkey. A donkey is used quite a lot in the bible. It’s known to be a stubborn animal, also a patient one. That the donkey refused to go forward when it saw the angel ahead with a fiery sword, also speaks of an animal carrying wisdom. A donkey is symbolic of humility, peace, suffering and service. Strong and reliable, as well as an emblem of wealth.

The firstborn donkey was to be redeemed by a lamb – see Ex 34:20 - a foreshadow of the redemption of Christ to the meek and lowly; the fulfilment of prophecy.

In biblical times, donkeys were used as a work-animals; a significant animal used for transport while carrying heavy loads, ploughing fields, able to travel long distances and also given as gifts. And Balaam’s donkey had an extra special largess; this donkey could speak.

Balak (which means devastation) wanted Balaam (which means curser of nations) to curse the Israelites and bring devastation upon them. Under the awe of God, Balaam reversed the meaning of his name and refused to curse God’s chosen people. Balak took Balaam to Kirjath Huzoth, which means city of palaces, a reflection of the promised land. Kirjath Huzoth was a place of stability and represented divine provision and a haven.

Balak then took Balaam to the high place of Baal. Although Baal means idol worship in some areas of the bible, in this instance Baal is used as “place of the Lord,” for Baal can also mean God.

While in Baal, Balaam then told Balak to build seven alters and prepare seven bulls and seven rams. Seven being the foundation of God’s word, embodying completeness and perfection. Balaam enquired of the Lord, as Balak built the alters. God’s word to Balaam was to bless and not curse the nation.

How interesting is that? All those names have meanings which correlate with the character of the people and the state of the towns they move through. The whole Book of Numbers is like this. As I said; quite fascinating.

Now, let’s top that off with reading my bible cover to cover for the 8th time. I’m now working through the 4th of the 66 books written. Each time I read through this Book, I get so much more out of it, as I continue to press forward in His word.

Today I read about His secret counsel given to the upright; those who adhere strictly to moral principles. In following God’s word, in trying to be the best ‘Godly’ person that I can be, I’m given secret counsel. Like a friend who confides in their best friend, God confides in me and in doing so, He’s opening up more and more of the scriptures, giving greater clarity, revelation and understanding.

What is secret counsel? Love, grace, favour, covenant (assurance and agreement) and fatherly affection. That’s a comforting thought, don’t you think?

Note: You may have noticed I've doubled up on part of this work, to the previous post. Both posts convey interesting points.