Thursday, 24 November 2022

Revelation Of The Cross

There’s roughly 10 inches between the heart and the mind. If you align your heart with your mind and if you align your left brain and your right, what do you get? The Cross. What does The Cross bring to your life? Salvation and revelation. Why is that important? The Cross is the perfect alignment to life.

The full potential of our abilities is achieved when all parts interact (mind, body and spirit) and it's just as easy for me to state I’m right, as it is for you to state I’m wrong. Pride blinds the arrogant and until you have revelation and illumination, you're never going to see the light.

You can’t have a moral state, without a moral compass. A moral state without a moral compass, is just your own perception of morality. There are some incredibly evil people in the world, who believe their own world views are right. Take Stalin and Hitler, for example. Their moral compass was skewed. They thought their ideals were correct. Although Hitler considered becoming a priest at one point, he later rejected the notion and Stalin rebelled early on against religion. Both men thought their ideas correct. Both men used their own moral compass.

Do you think if these men knew to; “Love your neighbour as yourself,” they would have tortured and killed so many? In using their own moral compass, they’ve both gone down as two of the most despised men in written history.

The bible is the moral compass. When one abdicates the moral compass of the bible, there is no other compass, except that which we conclude is our own, with no ‘thing’ to back it up. It’s then just our own idea of what we believe to be morally right. Just as Stalin and Hitler were wrong, so too could our lack of moral compass lead us down a wrong path.

When using mind, body and spirit, intuition is brought forth. Intuition is behind the ability to perceive. At times, thinking requires an element of intuition to be accurate. You believe your own thoughts guide you to truth and you build that truth without any consideration to the real truth, the moral compass of the written word: The Bible. In essence, you lack the ability to see clearly because, you only see from your point of view.

Common agreement is often based on logic, not truth, however, using all your faculties (i.e.: mind, body and spirit) directs the brain to a faster solution, even if you've touched on truth with logic. That's why younger people are often more intuitive and less trapped by their beliefs, than older people. Young people are more open to learning new ideas. Their mind isn’t constrained by reason, but includes a great imagination. They aren’t stifled by the constraints of the norm and freely daydream about what can be.

Pursue understanding. Read what you don't know. Constantly seek new information and apply what you’ve learned and do what you already know. The combination of learning and applying will develop your perception and this is how you achieve anything you want in life.

When I first learnt share trading it was like reading a new language. It took hours and hours of study, before I understood the finer points of trading. It took just as many hours of searching the charts, until I found a share which fit the bill. Now I can look in a few minutes and see exactly what I’m looking for.

Initially learning is hard, but it gets easier and faster with practice - that's how you become good at something. You've reached a state of harmony, in whatever field you’ve chosen and automation has taken place.

Like learning to drive a car. At first, you’re clumsy in changing gears. And driving a straight line – forget it. When automation takes place, you’ll notice things have become smoother and without effort, or thinking. Once what you’re doing is less of a struggle to understand, then you'll have good success. Particularly if you use a moral compass that isn’t skewed by your own thoughts.

Most people are too afraid to step out and be different. Most like to follow the crowd, working the 9-5 and hating it, living far from God and the meaning of life and they won't even try to change. The revelation of The Cross will bring new life, if only we seek to discover it. Study, learn, seek, apply and you can change your life. I know, because I’ve done it.


About the author:

Alexandra Grose – An investigative photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.


#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.





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