I’d like to clear something up for you. I feel it would be remiss of me, to allow a biblical rendering left out of context. I do bring my message forth with much love and no condemnation. This snippet was in relation to a post put up on Facebook, showing where the confusion lies, in the Word of the Lord.
I asked God - How can I correct a summation of kangaroo’s coming from the ark, picking up their bones after the flood and making it all the way to Australia without leaving a trace of themselves behind?
It takes a brave person (and I might add – a foolish one), to mock the Word of the Bible, but a misunderstanding is easily done.
God showed me to look up Aboriginal dream-time stories on the great flood. Then He pointed me to Elijah who, when hiding from Jezebel in a cave, said to God, he alone was the only prophet left in the world. God told Elijah He had reserved 7,000 still in Israel.
My point being, it's not too far fetched to think Noah wasn't the only person to build an ark and save himself, his family and the animals. Just as Elijah was one of 7,000 others, it's not inconceivable to think God had other people lined up for this job, around the globe.
Biblical stories come out of Egypt. There are oodles of other stories which come from different regions of the world, stating uncannily similar facts as this one on the great flood of the desert.
According to the dream-time story, there was an aboriginal who tried to warn others; the rivers were going to flood and to get to higher ground. He made himself a raft and he and the animals made their way to safety, over 30 days later.
These myths of a great flood pervade a myriad of countries and cultures, many of which are based on actual events. Word has it that the Grand Canyon came about through a one-time flood (an extra-ordinarily large flood) and not by millions of years of erosion.
A man name Strickling studied the myths of the floods on the earth, finding in each story; survival was due to a boat, a forewarning, a one flood only event and preservation of not only man, but animals taken aboard the boat also.
Science is readily available today, proving the flood occurred. Core samples have been taken from around the world. They too, depict a great flood within a similar time frame, roughly 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, with the first stories for 3,000 years being given orally, before the written word arrived. Hindus, Buddhists, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Native Americans, Mesopotamians, Thai mythology and many more, believe in a flood.
Stories of a great flood are said to have occurred in Babel, Syria, Samaria, Greece, Babylon, China, Persia, Estonia, Ireland, America and Australian. Even Africa has a tale from their history on a great flood event, although it differs slightly to other world stories, as it would. Africa has an enormous culture who believe in witchcraft.
Hopefully that clarifies how kangaroos are found in Australia after the flood, how aye-ayes from Madagascar and even Panda bears continue in China. Animals saved by boat, all over the world.
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