Monday 23 September 2024

Are you a bored Christian?


If you’re bored as a Christian, then you’re possibly not doing it right.


As a Christian, life should be an adventure. If we’re following God, allowing God to lead, then something should be happening. Of course, we all start somewhere and perhaps you’re not ‘there’ yet, but keep walking with God and things will transpire. Life will take on new meaning, if you put the time in and allow God to lead.

A couple of years ago, I was listening to what I call ‘the sound of silence,’ others might call it ‘ringing in the ears.’ If you’re not a practicing Christian, perhaps it’s just tinnitus, or some other such thing.

A couple of years ago, I heard it said that ringing in the ears is the sound of the angels singing to us, that if we listen carefully, we shall hear the beautiful, melodious sound of song. Ringing in the ears, it was explained, was a level of awareness and that awareness can raise, or lower, depending on where our faith is in that moment. At the time, I didn’t know the truth of this, but I did pay attention.

More recently, I heard that if the pitch changes; i.e., goes louder (higher), or softer (lower), that’s your spiritual level, raising at times, or decreasing and if this happened, prepare for a change, expect something to occur within the next couple of days.

Now, as I pondered the truth of this, because it happened to me on numerous occasions in the past (before I understood the full meaning of it) and so this time, I waited. Two days ago, the pitch level rose sharply for about 15 to 30 seconds and I knew: Now I watch and I wait.

A couple of days after the pitch increase, I couldn’t sleep. I woke at 1 in the morning and spent a couple of hours listening to a wonderful (and hilarious) minister – Andrew Wommack – on you tube. He wasn’t talking about anything to do with this, it just happened that he was who I was listening to.

All of a sudden, an eye popped into view, from the inky blackness of the night. It appeared to me as like the eye of a chameleon. The eye could rotate in all directions. This eye popped into view, looked at me, looked up and popped out of sight again, disappearing once more, into the inky blackness from whence it came.

At the same time a biblical verse came to mind and I knew it was the Lord speaking to me. 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

I knew this to be from the Lord and I knew this eye was going to go back to the heavenlies to report to the Lord, that in the early hours the morning I was listening to a minister of His word.

As a Christian we should be having moments like this. We should be having fun, exciting, joyous, blessed and sometimes scary spells, as we step out in faith, trying new things (which I’ve done on many occasions).

As a Christian, if you’re life is boring and mundane, you have to ask yourself: What needs to change? Usually it’s you. Usually it’s your relationship to Yeshua. Remember Matthew 6:33 states: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

If you’re just going through the motions, putting in your allotted Sunday morning at church and no more, don’t envisage too much to happen. However, if you’re diligently seeking the Lord, life’s gunna be a blast.

*Biblical quotes from NKJV 1994


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