Friday 20 September 2024

7 Times Reading the Word of God.

7 Times Reading the Word of God. 

I finished my 7th time through the word. I even hand wrote Romans, after Pastor Ingrid put forth the challenge. Writing Romans did actually do something. I must admit I wasn’t sure what to expect. Why write what’s already written? Since doing it; I pick up each little word now, words I might have skipped over before. I know that doesn't explain it well. I just feel writing Romans has taken me into another layer. Not a full level, but a layer unseen to others, and I think I'll give it a go with another section; Proverbs, Ezekiel or Revelation.

This is the first time I’ve read the bible through in a year (13 months). I know it’s because I’m retired. I couldn’t do that and work two jobs, run a house and a garden, plus exercise. Being at Mum’s has opened up more time to me.

What did I gain out of reading the bible for a 7th time? More insight not only into the word, but into people as well. I can see who has the mark of God on hand and head and who doesn't. I can see the mark of the beast and I can see those in the middle.

Finances have improved and I should be able to pick up a little backwards movement from the previous two years. It's not a great gain, but saving is important to me. It will bring me back to where I started this year and next year I’ll move forward.

A greater level of peace and joy.

Zero health issues. (Although I did get migraines for 2 weeks. Don’t know why. They’ve gone now.)

Deeper insight into any area that I might question.

I see more angels and more of the angelic realm.

I have ears that hear what the Lord is telling me.

More frequent dreams and visions.

A feeling of great strength.

More courage. Less fear/anxiety.

A greater level of achievement as my time is elongated even further.

A feeling of flow, where I know what I carry and I impart that wherever I go. A fragrant flow of the Holy Spirit.

And perhaps the greatest of them all; I’m living my dream – trading, writing, travelling and with enough money to do it. I wouldn’t say ‘financial abundance’ just yet. But enough.

I know I could have stopped my charities and I wouldn't have gone that little bit backwards the past two years. I'm holding God to His word; you have to give to get. And He is upholding His end: ensuring I have enough for the desires of my heart.

Hmmm; I wonder what an 8th time will hold?

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