Thursday 5 September 2024

Perfect Peace in the Unseen Answer to Prayer.

Perfect Pace in the Unseen Answer to Prayer.

Hebrews 6 discusses the unfailing hope and promises of an immutable God.

The dictionary meaning of immutable is; unchanging over time or unable to be changed.

This is our God, unable to be changed and unchanged over time.

The anchor is outside of the ship. It steadies in a storm. The hope which we possess is also outside of us, steadfast and sure in Christ Jesus. When Jesus passed within the veil, our hopes and dreams went with Him.

A ship's crew trusts in its anchor, for it is strong in substance, just as our hope in Christ and the promises of God are strong, due to His immutability and the freedom of imperfections and weakness's.

Our earthly hopes are products of our imaginations, given with an element of dread. Our heavenly hopes from the solemn and unseen, now lit with the rending of the veil; the promises of God - a sure and present reality.

When it comes to the veil; the veil was said to be 60-foot-high and 30-foot-long. For it to have been torn from top to bottom, as mentioned in the bible (Matthew 27:51), was an impossibility; man could not do it. Only God could do it.

When Jesus died, He went to hell and snatched back the keys from satan. The keys of life were lost when Adam and Eve sinned. Paradise was lost.

When Jesus died, the keys were retrieved and the veil was torn, now giving us full access into the heavenly realm and life was brought back to God’s people. Paradise regained.

When we look up to the heavens for help, when we look inward to God, God rules in the affairs of man. It used to be the only person who could enter into the realm of God was a high priest. He would go through the veil once a year and enter into the Holy of Holies. No one else could.

Once the veil was torn, once the work of the Cross was complete, we were given full access to God. There is no veil between God and man. All the work is now done and every promise of God is ours for the taking. There is no delay as such.

Daniel had a 21-day delay (see Daniel 10), but he was of the old covenant. In the new, all promises are yes and amen. All we have to do is believe. It’s not that we see the promises manifest in the moment we ask, but that a movement begins in heaven the moment we ask.

We can’t waver. We have to remain in perfect peace about the situation and that’s the hard part. He who is double-minded or tossed to and fro can expect nothing from the Lord (James 1:6-7). You also can’t rebuke unbelief. You can’t cast it out. You have to replace it with faith.

If you find your faith slipping, get into the word of God and stir up your faith. Both David and Job had to stir up their own faith during their difficult moments. Praise, worship and the word of God will draw you back to Him and it’s only in Him that you can find the peace you’re looking for.

God has given us authority over our lives and the lives of those we’re responsible for. We don’t ask, plead or beg. God has already done everything He’s going to do and He’s given you the authority to bring forth what you need to win your battles.

You’ve got to believe and go out and start doing, so as to release the anointing. He already healed every sickness and disease. He did it when He died on the Cross. Then He gave us the authority to act on His behalf. He told us to heal the sick and cast out demons, make the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead raised and to preach to the poor.

Jesus won! There is no battle between God and the devil. It was all overcome in the death and resurrection of Christ. If God isn’t moving in your life, you haven’t taken full authority over what He’s given you. Speak and command what you want to see come to pass. Demand and don’t waver.

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