Thursday 13 June 2024

A Trip to the Oval Office.

               A Trip to the Oval Office.

I went into the heavenlies and ended up at the Oval Office. Jesus stood behind me pointing to the chair in the room and said; “This is Donald Trump’s chair.”

I took this to be a prophecy. This doesn't happen all that often to me but time will tell if it's true or not. The elections are in progress and Trump is running. November is the date to watch.

I enter the heavenlies through meditation and anything can happen when I do this. At this point in time, I walked into the Oval Office. An aromatic smell of furniture polish and oiled leather was present, as soon as I entered the room.

Everything was sparkling clean. Two flags stood behind a large, padded, mahogany coloured leather chair. The timber desk top glistened, polished to the point of reflection, without a scratch on it. Shelves of books stood around the curved walls. Not wall to wall, but a number of curved shelves along curved edges.

One thing I do remember thinking was; “Wow! I’m in the Oval Office!” There was an air emanating from the space in front of me. You could tangibly discern the command and respect that room embodied.

Li’l ol’ me – in the Oval Office, of all places. The White House on Capitol Hill. Wow.

Why I tell you this and what we need to know is; if we’re not seeing the supernatural happening in our prayer walk, it’s time to lift our game. We resist change for a number of reasons. One reason being fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of things going wrong. Fear of failure.

Change is uncomfortable. It’s not always easy. If you’re depressed or in a rut, change is just what you need. If you just want a closer walk with God, you might look at changing the quantity/quality time you spend with God. When we look to the supernatural, when we look to God to bring change, we’re looking past our greatest hindrances to moving forward, as we lead the charge to a cause greater than ourselves.

To move into the supernatural, you have to spend time with God. It’s not going to happen unless you’re reading your bible, praying, doing all that you should be doing and most importantly, being a friend of God. The more you put into God and His word, the more you get out of it.

The bible says; Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8). This is a truth of which I can testify. The closer I’ve drawn near to God, the more I hear from Him.

If you’re far removed from a good prayer life, you won’t see the supernatural. If you’re disconnected in any way, God can’t work with you. Well, He can. He’s God. But we don’t want to leave this to chance. We want to be an active participant. We want to be meditating on God’s word, worshiping Him, praising Him; morning, noon and night.

We want the supernatural to be a regular segment in our life and we need to be doing our part in order to bring this about.

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