Sunday 30 June 2024

Control Your Thoughts.

                  Control Your Thoughts.

You have control of your mind and once you take that control, then you’re at your turning point in life. Positivity brings success. You only have to believe you can, for as it says in the bible; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When you stand of the promises of God, your success is secured.

You do need positive convictions to be able to stand. You need to be positive about God, His love for you, His hope in you, His plan for you. Be excited about what God’s going to do next in your life.

You must speak to yourself in a positive way. The most important words you’ll ever speak are the words that you tell yourself. Bring every thought into alignment with God’s thoughts of you. Thoughts release chemicals, which set our emotions. You won’t have stable happy emotions with negative thoughts and that comes back to where we started; control of your mind. Take every thought captive.

Our lives are a reflection of our metaphors. What we think about, meditate upon, what we put before our eyes, the way we speak, that is the way our life looks. Our life is a result of our thinking and our words. Preach positivity to yourself. Never demoralise, never put down, never shame.

Be positive through your crisis. Thank God for the good things in a bad situation. To do so will shorten that situation and quicken the change of direction you wish to see your life headed.

Psalm 119 speaks about the precepts God has laid down and the successes you’ll have through following them. Much of the bible speaks of the success you will have, when you follow God and His word. Many failures too are recorded in the bible, of those who didn’t follow God. Many of those who partnered with God started out well, but finished poorly, as they stepped away from God.

You should read your bible daily. Read with a belief that what’s written between the pages are true. Speak in tongues daily. Connect with God daily. Paul, who had many trials and much success, said; “I thank my God, I speak in tongues more than you all.” (1 Corinthians 14:18). Tongues; a gift from the Holy Spirit and one you should be thankful for and one to use regularly.

How much of Paul’s success was due to his speaking in tongues regularly? You will find out for yourself, when you start to do it for yourself.

Be bold in the Lord. Speak words of power. Put away all foolish things. Trust God in the process.

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