Friday 21 June 2024

The Many Facets of God.

The Many Facets of God.

I was listening to John Bevere, who was saying he talks to God as he reads his bible. I thought to myself; “Now that’s interesting.” I’m usually listening to what God is telling me while reading the scriptures but I’m not talking, so I thought I’d give it a try.

Often, I’ll start my bible reading asking the Holy Spirit to speak to me through the word; Dear Lord, Give me spiritual epiphanies. Show me what You want me to see and teach me what You want me to know. After that, I’m listening not speaking. And this has served me well for a long time.

I’ll read aloud, for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). It isn’t a matter of just reading, but also of hearing and God speaks through His word, so I do read my bible aloud, pausing and looking up any passages that appear to stand out. But for me to actually have a conversation within my bible reading, I can’t say I do that as a regular thing. Oh, I may have, but most likely it’s automatic rather than instigated.

Opening my bible today, initially I started reading and couldn’t find a place of conversation within the text I was browsing. I persevered and got to Luke 10:20-21 where it said Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit. I found an opening point for conversation and asked Jesus; “How did they know You rejoiced? It’s not telling me here how You rejoiced, only that You rejoiced.”

In looking it up, Ephesians 5:18-19 makes mention of speaking to yourselves, which is kind of what I was doing, sort of, as I directed questions to Jesus aloud, rather than just in my head. The verse went on to encourage us to speak in psalms, hymns, etc. At this point my heart leapt and I thought; “Oh, that’s what it is.” In speaking to Him through the word, rather than just reading the word and hearing Him speak to me, the heart does rejoice.

In this passage, Jesus emotions were stirred as He was passionately within the Spirit, just as I was, in this moment. My heart leapt; my emotions were stirred as I was talking to Him and delving deeper into His word.

That the ‘Man of sorrows acquainted with grief’ rejoiced, though He was close to His time of crucifixion, is a truly remarkable point. A profound time of sadness is momentarily put aside, as He tells His disciples to rejoice, because their names are written in heaven.

Luke 10:21 says “In that hour Jesus rejoiced,” so the disciples must have seen it, or it wouldn’t have been written down. I wasn’t questioning they saw it, but what it was to see it in action. This passage continues to say He has revealed His hidden works for babes (that’s me) and in verse 22 it further mentions… and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. That too is me. I’m the one Jesus wishes to display just who the Father is.

I do feel I’ve gained further insight today, in speaking aloud and questioning, rather than just listening and it will sure be a lot of fun taking this further. We never stop learning, when it comes to all matters biblical. God is like a gemstone with many different facets, with each aspect of the gem lighting up, revealing insights; new and innumerable.

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