Friday 28 June 2024

Unanswered Prayer.

Unanswered Prayer.

While our prayers should be answered, what happens when they aren’t? What do we do when we’ve prayed for years and still aren’t seeing the result we desire?

God is not a magician, here to grant our every wish. God did however, create the trees. Our job is to create something from them. God gives us the tools and and we’re to create the furniture.

At the same time, we need to own it. Own your life and what you’re doing in and with your life. If life’s not going the way you’d like, change something. And you can’t expect the promises of God to work in your life, if you’re not practicing the principles.

Having said that, it’s not by works, but by our faith and by His grace that we attain the promises of God. As soon as the principles becomes regimented routine, you find yourself in ‘works’ and works won’t work in the end.

We need to stand our ground, hold the line and keep the faith, run the race, until the end. Commit yourself the Lord and live out your faith without variance, without sway, in perfect peace, regardless of what you see around you; regardless of still being unwell and not seeing health, regardless of being unable to pay your bills, but trusting God will come through. Stay in faith, stay in His peace and the peace He promises will come to pass.

So, if we want to practice the principles, we need to know what those principles are and those principles are: Love God. Love what God loves. Hate what God hates. Put Jesus first. Simple!

A relationship with God the Father means bible study, prayer, tithe to His church. Seek Him. Talk to Him. Search the scriptures daily. An hour on Sunday morning isn’t enough. It’s a place to start, but we need to continue throughout the week.

The bible says to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. To have righteousness with God is to be in right standing with Him. It means to act on what He’s telling you to do. It’s not enough just to pray or read the bible, but to seek what He wants from you and then to do what He’s told you to do.

If He says tithe, you tithe. If He says worship Him and Him only, worship nothing but Him. If he says to keep away from evil, that’s what you do. No books, movies or computer games on death and destruction. No gambolling, drinking, drug taking. No foul language. We must stand before Him pure and clean and if we step out of line; repent and repent quickly.

Jesus said in John 17:17 Thy word is truth (speaking to the Father). God’s word – The Bible – is true. When we believe this without wavering, then we shall attain results.

We’re to seek first the kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? It’s the spiritual realm in which God reigns, in which God brings the fulfilment of His will on this earth. We are the vessels He’s chosen to do this through. When we take on the characteristics of God (graciousness, compassion, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, peace and joy) then we are doing His work in His way.

We can’t fly off the handle as we see fit. We have to exercise control behind the wheel of the car. We must be honest in all matters. As we become more Christ like, as we draw closer to God, He hears our prayers and then answers them.

Psalm 91:15 states; He will call on me and I will answer him.

He does that when we dwell in His shadow (draw close to Him), when we acknowledge Him as a refuge and fortress (the One true God), when we let go of fear and trust Him through all of our difficulties. When we meditate on His word day and night, then we shall be like Him and then we shall have good success.

Psalm 1:2-3 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper.

That verse is a key to living in success and that’s what I want for all of you. We all need success. We all need to strive for greater things than just ourselves, our wants and our needs, but our needs and wants will be met, when we strive with God.

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