Tuesday 27 August 2024

Activate the Power of God.

Activate the Power of God.

At the moment I’m praying for two people with heart issues. One of those, I’ve been praying for a measure of time. I felt, quite some time ago, the Lord say he is healed. It took an act of faith and courage to say this to the man. You can’t see a heart. I couldn’t see if there was a difference, but that’s what I felt the Lord was telling me – he is healed.

Another lady is pregnant with her second child and in hospital with a heart problem. I had sent a message that I’ve been praying and all is well; again, trusting in the Lord’s promises of healing when we pray.

Having said a good twelve months ago, the man’s heart is healed, he recently went for a heart stress test (I feel to add here, I was praying once again for this man and heard God say; “Why are you praying for ….? Did I not say he is healed? Is my word not true?" This was in the morning, before he went for his test) and after the test, it seemed the heart has become a little worse. The lady too, who wasn’t in hospital at the time I started praying, now is in hospital.

In my prayer time this morning I said to God; “If I’m going to decree it and declare it and then tell them all is well, You need to hold up Your end. You’ve asked that we step out boldly and in faith and I need to see something positive here. I don’t know what more to do at this point."

The next moment I opened you tube and there it was; the answer. The speaker went on to talk about activating the power of God to work in the situation you’re praying for. We’re to keep believing, in spite of what we’re seeing. We’re to keep talking to the issue, not to God, but the problem itself.

Activation is the power switch and we are to turn on the power. It matters what you remember when you’re seeing a distortion. We need to remember what we’ve been taught in coming to God for anything we’re believing for.

We activate by not worrying or weeping or begging God, but by activating. To activate, you mix your faith with His power, the power of God. You do it by adding your faith to His power.

Declare the power is in the heart (or the situation you have) and declare it by faith; loudly, boldly. “Power is in that person. I believe in the power of God. You know the exceeding greatness of power, for those who believe.” Believing activates it. Belief exceeds the power of death, the power of illness, the power of injury, the power of poverty.

There is a vast difference between His power and any other power and nothing else comes a close second. Every other power is lesser. Talk about that which is greater, diminish that which is lesser. Choose to believe and be a doer and activate that power. The more you talk about the power, the greater the measure that will flow.

You can have a minimal flow or a greater flow. You are the custodian of that power. Don’t pray for a move of God, be the move of God. Use the exceedingly great power that you’ve been given. Consistently give voice to that power of God. Decree you believe in God’s power, God’s power always works in your life, God’s power is great and effective in all situations.

We need to increase our flow, for it’s not safe unless we do. Mastery at this time is what’s needed. The power is working in this situation. Resurrection power is what’s in you, is what’s working to those who believe. Every demon in hell, who try to oppose us, is a lesser power and all are overcome by our word and our faith.

Resurrection power is what you’re wired with. “I believe in the power of God. I’m wired with power. I release that power to flow. I speak words that give it permission to flow. I assign the power of God. The power of God is working in this situation (finances, health, relationships - heart).”

Flip that switch and turn on the power. “I believe in the power of God. I’m wired with that power. Every other power is a lesser power. Every other power is a defeated power. I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF GOD!”

Now, what can you turn that power towards this morning? Get going. Get started. Get the word into the atmosphere. God always speaks before He acts. That’s why He declared “Let there be light and there was light.” When we declare, as if it is, not as if we wish it was, then we too shall see the power move in our situation.

One other important aspect to prayer success is praise. Remember to praise at all times. Praise the Lord. Praise Jesus. Praise the Holy Spirit. You could praise 100 or 1000 times a day and it will be effective. Just keep praising. 

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