Friday 23 August 2024

Break Those Bad Habits.

Break Those Bad Habits.

Repetitive behaviours, whether good or bad, form pathways in the brain which fire in an automatic sequence. That sequence plays out whenever triggered and without much thought behind it. The triggers can be obvious, or so subtle, you don’t even know what the trigger is.

When the behaviour is an undesirable one, this leaves a person feeling a failure, as they try to fight the issue through the flesh, when it can only be resolved by the Spirit. This is why we need to renew our mind and to renew daily. The mind needs to be taught to move from the destructive to the constructive. It takes radical commitment to remove a destructive behaviour.

Stop buying what’s harmful. Drive a different route home, so you’re not passing the store. Get off the internet, if that’s the issue. Have a trusted accountability partner. Spend more time in God’s word. Love more, give more, expect more from yourself and slowly you can turn things around.

This passage is by no means exhaustive. There are many ways to overcome behaviours you wish to change. Different things work for different people. Search for a pathway which works for you and keep searching until you find it. Read books, watch clips, speak to others who have overcome what it is your trying to conquer. Learn from them; do as they did. Most of all, turn to God. His word promises we will be overcomers and His word doesn’t lie. He will direct your steps.

And when you fall off the wagon, which you will at times, don’t quit. Get back up and go again and keep going until the issue has broken off you. Then you too, shall be an overcomer, able to help others in their need.

You then can be a solution to other people’s problems.

Be solution-focused not problem-focused. When you grasp the understanding of the power of the tongue, it will change the course of your life. Speak positive, encouraging, uplifting statements, not statements of doom, gloom and disaster. One way of speaking brings life and joy. The other; darkness and depression. Your mouth can bless or destroy, not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you.

After a while, what you say becomes habitual; what you say becomes who you are. What you put out in the world, is what’s reflected back at you. Season your speech with grace. Take hold of the words God speaks to you. (If you’re not reading your bible, you won’t hear what God’s saying.)

Take words of illness out of your vocabulary. Remove words of poverty. Sprinkle words of love liberally, rather than words of hate and anger. Replace sickness and poverty speach with words of health and abundance and watch your life change. You can do this with any negative in your life. You must replace the negative with a positive.

You can’t just eliminate a negative and leave a ‘hole,’ otherwise something else will come in and it might be something you don’t want. Replace your negatives with positives and wait for the fun to begin.

When you take this seriously and do the work, you will see results.

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