Saturday 31 August 2024

The Winning Key to Your Battle.

The Winning Key to Your Battle.

Mark 11:13-14 talks about Jesus coming along and finding no fruit on the tree. Jesus said to it; “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” Jesus talked to things.

We’re all given tests; obstacles to overcome and step one of the test is where fear, doubt and worry strike the mind. Subtle suggestions that things won’t go right.

The first thing you need to do, no matter the test, is to answer it, talk to it. No one can do your answering for you. Talk to the symptoms when they show up. Tell those symptoms; “No you don't!”

Be it lack; “No you don't.” Illness; “No you don't.” Anger; “no you don’t.” Fear; “No you don’t.” You don't have to give that thing entrance into your life. You don't have to accept it.

After Jesus spoke to the tree with no fruit, they went on to Jerusalem. Jesus just kept going. He didn't stop to analyse, or to pay attention to what was happening, he just kept going.

The next step is to get your attention off what you've answered. Keep going with your life and know the answer you gave works. It’s that simple. You don't wait for a change, just go on your merry way. Have faith in God.

Continuing with Mark 11, verse 23 discusses casting the mountain into the sea. “Whoever says to this mountain, be removed and cast into the sea…” Believe it shall come to pass. Believe what you say. Talk to things and they'll obey you. Talk to the mountain (talk to the problem, the test, the suggestions or threat). Talk to it, not about it, if you want to see change.

The next step is to answer specifically. Whatever the threat; speak life. Speak the opposite of what’s been thrown at you. You don’t have to quote the bible word for word, just know what God’s word is on the topic.

When Jesus saw the tree had no fruit, Jesus said no man will eat your fruit. He answered specifically the issue at hand. If you hear the whisper; “You won't have enough money. You’ll lose your house. You’re going to get cancer,” don't state the general when the devil gives the specific. Give back the opposite to what you heard.

What you say is; “I will have enough money. I will not lose my home! I will not get cancer; I will live and not die.” Answer exactly in line with what the devil speaks to you.

If you’ve heard you're going to die prematurely, counteract it with; “I will not die prematurely. I will live and not die, for the Lord promises a long life.” This is how you overcome the devil and his schemes. Answer it specifically and declare God’s word into it. When you answer right it affects not only you but your home life as well.

When David considered killing Goliath, he asked what the reward was. There's a reward for answering right. David was made wealthy. He married the king’s daughter which carried the royal blood line and he paid no taxes for the rest of his life. It’s a three-fold reward.

This three-fold reward carries the whole family into a whole other future, bringing about a different outcome for future generations, but only if you answer right. If you answer right, you'll move into things no one else has.

When you listen to the wrong thing long enough, you'll start believing it. Even if it’s unintended, such as a family member constantly telling you; you won’t amount to anything. That’s not something you want to hear, not something you went after, but something which was thrown at you (a firey dart). You have to put your trust in God’s word and what He says about you.

Stick with the right answers and don't get off it. When the devil attacks, he produces a feeling that causes you to believe what he says. When God speaks you sense the anointing, because there's power and there’s peace. Fear and anxiety come from the devil.

You must answer the word that was spoken and answer the feeling that comes along with it, for often a feeling and a thought come together. If you feel a heaviness, or oppression; it’s not you. It’s a negative spirit. Talk to that oppression. If you don’t know what’s causing it, look a little deeper. You’ll find it.

Anything with anointing on it, will be challenged by the opposition. Answer it and answer it specifically. 

The next step is to tell the spirit which spoke, harassed or threatened you, to leave. In other words, cast it out.

Jesus said to the evil he faced,” Shut up and get out.” You do the same. (Luke 4:35; But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be Quiet, and come out of him!”)

Usually an evil spirit will come in the form of fear, worry and doubt. It will speak of failure or loss. You’ll feel the oppression in the room with you. When a negative is spoken, tell that spirit; that’s a lie. Call it out for what it is. Tell it; “That’s a lie and you have to go.”

If you don’t tell it to go, it might leave your thought arena, but it will remain in the room, looking for another entry point into your mind. When you lose your peace, something’s stealing it. As you become more aware of the peace of God, you’ll feel a change of atmosphere.

Be specific in coming against negative words. If words of negativity are still floating around in your head, they’re still trying to gain access into your mind, in order to take root and grow. Speak life.

Your biblically spoken words will stop the infiltration of the devil’s words. Counteract what’s been spoken and support it by the word of God. You don’t need to quote scripture word for word. If you’re in fear, you’re not in faith. Decree your faith. Answer the judgement and then laugh at the devil.

There’s a direct route to victory. It doesn’t need to take weeks, months or years. You don’t have to wait. You can stop it immediately by answering specifically, then tell the sprit to leave you. “Leave! Get out!” Doubt leave. Fear leave. Illness leave. Poverty leave. Over time you should gain greater skill in this area and that means your victory happens more rapidly. Answer the thought, the word satan speaks and the feelings he conjures up. And then worship.

When it comes to worshiping God; don’t speak in tongues until you’ve worshipped, for the devil is still in the room and he can still access that part of your mind. Don’t speak in tongues, as the mind then becomes bypassed (that’s the whole idea of tongues, but you don’t want that in this moment). Speak in English so your mind is involved. With tongues the mind isn’t involved, giving the devil access.

Don’t get me wrong; tongue’s is a great tool, but not at this time, in this moment. Instead; worship. The reason we worship is to hold our attention away from what the devil has thrown at us.

You’ve been given something fearful and it may take a little time for the body to catch up. Worship takes your attention from the devil and his words and it allows the body to settle. When you’ve spoken specifically, fear, panic and anxiety stop, but sometimes the symptoms remain in the body. Just keep your eye on God, worship Him and you will calm and the devil will leave. It just takes a few minutes.

If the things you’re praying toward don’t seem visible yet, just keep in the word and in worship. Once you’ve spoken it; it’s done. Hold yourself in that place of faith. Faith is spirit arena. The devil wants you in the mental arena, stressed and fearful. Worship keeps you in the spirit arena; the arena of love and power.

Simplifying the whole thing;

Talk to the issue specifically.

Tell the spirit to leave.


When tested in the wilderness, Jesus said; man shall not live by bread alone (specific). He said; away with you satan (in other words – get lost). And finally; thou shall worship the Lord thy God and Him only. That’s specific, that’s casting out and that’s worship…three simple steps.

And that’s the winning key to your battles.

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