Thursday 8 August 2024

Bringing into Life the Creative Miracles of God.

Bringing into Life the Creative Miracles of God.

When you change your vibration, you change time and then you can enter into the creative miracles; those miracles of God, which you want to see in your life. Your vibration rises depending on your mental and physical state.

Changing your vibration is a powerful way to align yourself with positive energy and manifest your desires. Used in conjunction with prayer is the fastest way I know, to achieve your dreams. As a Christian, God values the use of imagination and this is one aspect of where using your imagination can help bring about your desires.

Here are some steps to help you elevate your vibration:

Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps you stay present and aware of your thoughts and feelings. This awareness allows you to consciously choose positive thoughts and emotions, raising your level of vibration.

Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have. By regularly acknowledging and appreciating the good in your life, you attract more positive experiences.

Positive Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations can reprogram your subconscious mind. Statements like “I am worthy” or “I attract abundance” help you embody the energy you wish to attract.

Healthy Lifestyle: Eating nutritious foods, exercising, and getting enough sleep are essential for maintaining high energy levels. A healthy body supports a healthy mind and spirit.

Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Let Go of Negativity: Release negative thoughts, emotions, and relationships that no longer serve you. Forgiveness and acceptance are key to moving forward.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can raise your vibration level and create a more positive, fulfilling life.

To see creative miracles means aligning yourself to God; to His wants and desires for your life. God will manifest in the way you see Him. A healthy outlook of God is what you need. The more you see of Him, the more you’ll get to know His character and the more you’ll be able to do through Him.

God didn’t speak until His own presence preceded Him. Genesis 1:2 speaks of the spirit of God (which is the glory of God). Glory plus the spoken word brings creative miracles and it takes consistence and tenacity with God. You can’t stop once you start. You have to be consistent in your approach. Longevity is what you’re aiming to do.

The Word needs an atmosphere, which results when we live from the heavenly realm and when we stay in our secret place; the place of continual praise and worship. In doing so, you will carry that atmosphere and then the creative miracles can happen.

When you bring the glory of heaven to earth, then you’ll be able to perform the creative miracles that Jesus was able to perform. Because you’re living in the heavenly realm, you’ve brought heaven to earth. Just as the disciples vibrated with love and gratitude, you can too, especially when you don’t want to do what it is you have to do.

You bend time by enjoying the moment - even if it's a moment you're not enjoying. Move into love and you will enjoy what you're not enjoying. Time pushes through quickly when you’re having fun in what you are doing and this is how you bend time to your will.

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