Sunday 29 September 2024

Go Therefore!

 Go Therefore!

There’s a difference between the anointing upon and the anointing within. The anointing within strengthens as we strengthen and grow in God. The anointing upon is static and generally unmoving, but given to those called of the five-fold office.

Elijah was anointed. Elisha knew that. The double portion anointing was the transfer of the anointing between Elijah and Elisha. Elisha, the student, received twice the anointing of the teacher, once Elijah moved from earth and up to the heavenly realm. When Elisha asked for a double portion of anointing, Elijah said it was a difficult thing. The one who teaches you, when they ‘sleep,’ you can have their anointing, but only if you’ve been following them closely.

You, as a follower, need to have a spiritual father/mother who walks in a greater measure of the Lord than you. Who has God told you to hook up with? Which church are you attending?

Even so, we can be more skilful within our own anointing, for that will strengthen as we continue to walk with God. If you don’t have a mentor but keep moving on in your own walk, you will receive a fullness. Not everyone needs a double anointing. It depends on what you’re doing and how much you’re moving with God.

Even if we don’t move in the five-fold office (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher), we still need to heed God and walk within our potential. We still need the full potential of the nine gifts of the spirit (wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, interpretation of tongues) to be operating, even if we’re not of the five-fold.

It’s not just up to the preacher, but also the whole body of Christ. We all have a roll in the flow of the anointing, for we are all vessels to be used by God.

Vessels; we’re all vessels. Vessels of honour or dishonour. You get to choose which you want to be. As a vessel we receive, hold and pour out. Pour good things. As a vessel, what do we receive? Power. Glory. Anointing. Supernatural might and strength.

We need the anointing, so as to give to others. And we don’t know what we contain until tried by fire (hardship). It’s only when we’re tried by fire that we can truly discover the treasure we hold, the anointing we have. Once we know what our vessel holds, then we shall work in that very same power and anointing Jesus has, for He gave us the same authority and power He had. Jesus told us; “Go therefore…” (Matthew 28:19) He wouldn’t have told us to go and make disciples, if we didn’t have the power to do it.

The power of God displays His glory to all the world. We are the hands, feet and lips, through which the power is released. It is only through us that the rest of the world can be reached. Fill your vessel with all that God has for you and then pour it out onto others.





Friday 27 September 2024

Paradise Returned.

Paradise Returned.

Genesis 1; Day 1; God made light. Day 4; God made the sun, moon and stars. Day 2; God separated the waters. Day 5; God filled the waters with sea creatures. Day 3; God created the land, adding plants. Day 6; God creates animals which eat the plants. Parallels right from the beginning; parallels all the way through. Parallels bring a deeper understanding of God’s word.

While this is not an exhaustive list, you can find parallels in the Law, in Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. Isaiah and Micah. Psalms, 2nd Samuel and Chronicles. Matthew, Mark and Luke. Ephesians and Colossians. 2nd Peter 2 and Jude. Revelation and Ezekiel. As seen from the afore mentioned, there are parallels from Genesis to Revelation.

There are also two accounts of God making man; more parallels, in Genesis 1 and 2. The first account speaks of man and his relationship to earth. The second account is more personal, as God breathed life into man, focussing on the relationship between Himself and His created being.

Coming back to the first paragraph in Genesis, Day 1; God said; Let there be light. God made light. God Himself is light. It’s noted that God caused light to be, for He hadn’t yet made the sun, moon or stars. He didn’t do that until day 4.

Another interesting note; the beginning of Genesis 3:24 it is written: “So He drove the out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.” This talks about a flaming sword guarding the tree of life, so as to stop Adam and Eve returning after they’d eaten the forbidden fruit.

Revelation 2:7 speaks of the one who overcomes, He will give to eat from the tree of life. Parallels right to the end, circling back to the beginning. Revelation to Genesis. Adam sinned and was kicked out of the garden of Eden. We’re all sinners. Revelation brings us right back into the garden of Eden, as we follow Jesus in a right relationship, where we can once again access the tree of life.

Those who had fallen first (Adam and Eve) lost paradise, communion, fellowship and a loving relationship with God. Kicked out of paradise and given to work in hardship, leading to a death sentence. Genesis through to Revelation speaks of the hardships of not turning and listening to the One True God.

The gift of Christ brings back immortality, relationship, ease and peace. Through believing in Him and following His ways, we overcome all our issues and problems. We get to choose; a crown of life, or a crown of thorns.

The trivial and transient is a subsistence way of living; a substratum life, a life below par and one devoid of peace, love and joy. Fellowship with God is the essence of life and life abundant. No trivial matter. The fullness of the Devine is poured out on him who trusts in God, through Christ Jesus.

A life without Christ is a stunted life, like a tree devoid of nourishment in a harsh land. Transplanted, nourished and watered by the word, that tree becomes a thing of great beauty, pregnant with possibility and purpose.

Jesus Christ, restoring all lost blessings, takes you from the desert wasteland of Revelation, back to the Paradise Garden in Genesis. Life having gone full circle, the victor returns. The victor now richer, fuller, with conflict and wounds healed. Paradise awaits those who walk in His ways. The faithful fighter rewarded, vindicated and given eternal life once more.

Continual communication from the Fountain of Life brings a blessedness and a cessation of struggle and it’s only given to the victor, the one who continues unto the end; the one who doesn’t quit when the battle is fiercest. The elixir of life, poured only into vessels that can hold and not let go. Our struggle’s intention there enables us to enter that heavenly life.

A hardened heart is the precursor to a deaf ear. Spiritual truth need spiritual organs for a sudden awareness in spiritual matters; such as dreams and visions. Seeing via imagination and hearing through the word, bringing revelation and knowledge into our lives; spiritual organs of hearing (reading the word aloud), seeing (reading the word itself), use of the imagination (as the mind meditates and comes into alignment with what we see and hear).

Only as the soul seeks to hear, will they hear the word of the Lord.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Revelation and the Seven Stars.

Revelation and the Seven Stars.

I learned an interesting fact today about the seven stars in Revelation, which Jesus was holding in His hand. In this, John is portraying Jesus as higher than the Roman emperor of the day. Jesus, holding the seven stars in His right hand, the hand of much strength and power. A King of heaven and earth. An outstanding King and a King above all.

At this time in history, a new Roman coin was circulating, depicting Emperor Domitian’s dead baby son as an eternal celestial being, surrounded by seven stars - implying eternal life and deity for not only the son, but also Domitian himself, as the direct ancestor to his god-son.

Whereas John’s portrayal of Jesus is that Jesus is above the stars as He holds them in the palm of His hand, rather than amongst them as the dead son was. Here, John is revealing to us a picture of Jesus, ruling over all with superior strength and power. A greater rule with Jesus at the helm, than even Domitian and his son, is inferred by John.

The baby on the coin, portrayed as bald and naked, sitting on a sphere (the earth) is said to be a depiction of his rule over the earth. Bald; no crown of wisdom or glory. Naked; viewed by those who worshipped the celestial gods, as holy within the gods of the day.

Jesus, on the other hand, with hair white as snow (a display of wisdom and glory), glowing in His long white robe; a picture of purity, judgement and priesthood. The golden sash about His waist denoting superiority, royalty and dignity; a far cry from a bald, naked, small baby to small gods.

This particular coin was minted (AD 82-83) shortly before the time John was sent to the island of Patmos and while at Patmos, John was given the vision. All this after the death and resurrection of Jesus is an interesting point to ponder. The vision John saw of the Deity of Jesus coinciding on the time-line of Domitian’s perceived deity. One King ruling in power and strength, wisdom and glory. The other, naked, poor, lowly and even unaware of his condition.

We, given all authority as kings and priests through Jesus Christ, have the same power, strength, wisdom and glory as Jesus Himself. Let us be bold, in coming to His throne of Grace. Let us be bold in our petitions to the King. Let us praise Him in the worthiness and honour He richly deserves. Amen.

Monday 23 September 2024

The Fatherless Generation.

The Fatherless Generations Within Your Borders.

Hayman of the bible and Hitler of the 2nd world war, both had something in common. They both had the spirit of Amalek. The spirit of Amalek is the spirit of evil, stirring up hatred and spewing forth their love of lies.

Fatherlessness breeds frustration, terrorism, loneliness, rejection and hate. Hitler’s father was viewed as harsh and distant. God the Father is a loving and near God. While Hitler knew his father, he can’t have met my God.

Studies show an adolescent’s level of violence increases within fatherless families. Fatherless families also exhibit higher emotional problems, deeper levels of anxiety and depression and have a greater propensity to fail school and to end up in jail.

The Muslim too, hasn’t met the Father. He/she knows God as Lord and King, but they don't have that personal father-child relationship. A father-child relationship between the Muslim and God is incomprehensible to many of them. This is why a proportion of Muslims are so hate-filled, for they are a Fatherless nation.

I’m not against Muslims. I know quite a few very nice, peaceable Muslims. But we all know; there’s an element of intolerance, violence and extremism among some. Not just of the Muslim faith but also among other less tolerant religions. With an ever-increasing population entering our borders, and with the ever rising broken families in this country, we need to be praying for peace over our lands, to cover that evil minority; for our benefit as well as theirs.

Pray that hate filled organisations begin to divide and fragment in this country, so that satan’s strategies may not come to fruition.

We should be praying for wisdom within our government, to act on behalf of its residents, that they follow God’s agenda and not their own.

Repent over the land. Repent of the idolatry and secret societies which have settled here before you; particularly against freemasonry and witch covens.

Bring into your area a display of light, love and life – the fruits of the Trinity – for you are the hand of Jesus in your home town and He is the light, while God is the love and Holy Spirit the life. Bless every area you set your feet. Bless your town with stability, growth and prosperity; with health, peace and joy.

We must pray for a shield of protection and faith over our town. We must also become more prophetic; decree and declare His word. Believe and enter into the heavenly dimensions. Bind the accuser whenever he raises his ugly head. Break divisions. Set a bloodline barrier (an invisible barrier against infiltration of previous generations), with at least a 250-kilometre radius to stop any further infiltration and against any earlier evilest generations returning.

Decree a supernatural shield of protection within that barrier. Call out to the Lord that He release His angelic forces, for they shift regions and aid in separating lawlessness, returning the ground unto its righteousness and health. Pray and stay in the faith, as you set a resistance toward lawlessness and evil activities.

Pray your area be a city of refuge. Purify yourself and the ground before you. Use holy and anointed oil. Pray for extraordinary and unexplained healings, miracles, signs and wonders. Ask the Holy Spirit to invade situations you haven’t had breakthrough in.

Remember; the Son of God reigns. He reigned 2000 years ago, in the mountains and in the city of Jerusalem. He reigns now and He’s coming back with heavenly hosts to reign again in the future.

Jesus Christ, who knows the Father, who loves the Father and knows of a father’s love towards His children. Jesus Christ, who abhors hatred, darkness and murder but sets a steady pace with peace, love and joy. Let us pray for this same peace, love and joy to fill our lands.

It's time to arise and stand strong. The battle has begun. The battle is fierce and we need every boot on the ground. Stand. Declare. Pray. And watch the transformation take place.

Are you a bored Christian?


If you’re bored as a Christian, then you’re possibly not doing it right.


As a Christian, life should be an adventure. If we’re following God, allowing God to lead, then something should be happening. Of course, we all start somewhere and perhaps you’re not ‘there’ yet, but keep walking with God and things will transpire. Life will take on new meaning, if you put the time in and allow God to lead.

A couple of years ago, I was listening to what I call ‘the sound of silence,’ others might call it ‘ringing in the ears.’ If you’re not a practicing Christian, perhaps it’s just tinnitus, or some other such thing.

A couple of years ago, I heard it said that ringing in the ears is the sound of the angels singing to us, that if we listen carefully, we shall hear the beautiful, melodious sound of song. Ringing in the ears, it was explained, was a level of awareness and that awareness can raise, or lower, depending on where our faith is in that moment. At the time, I didn’t know the truth of this, but I did pay attention.

More recently, I heard that if the pitch changes; i.e., goes louder (higher), or softer (lower), that’s your spiritual level, raising at times, or decreasing and if this happened, prepare for a change, expect something to occur within the next couple of days.

Now, as I pondered the truth of this, because it happened to me on numerous occasions in the past (before I understood the full meaning of it) and so this time, I waited. Two days ago, the pitch level rose sharply for about 15 to 30 seconds and I knew: Now I watch and I wait.

A couple of days after the pitch increase, I couldn’t sleep. I woke at 1 in the morning and spent a couple of hours listening to a wonderful (and hilarious) minister – Andrew Wommack – on you tube. He wasn’t talking about anything to do with this, it just happened that he was who I was listening to.

All of a sudden, an eye popped into view, from the inky blackness of the night. It appeared to me as like the eye of a chameleon. The eye could rotate in all directions. This eye popped into view, looked at me, looked up and popped out of sight again, disappearing once more, into the inky blackness from whence it came.

At the same time a biblical verse came to mind and I knew it was the Lord speaking to me. 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

I knew this to be from the Lord and I knew this eye was going to go back to the heavenlies to report to the Lord, that in the early hours the morning I was listening to a minister of His word.

As a Christian we should be having moments like this. We should be having fun, exciting, joyous, blessed and sometimes scary spells, as we step out in faith, trying new things (which I’ve done on many occasions).

As a Christian, if you’re life is boring and mundane, you have to ask yourself: What needs to change? Usually it’s you. Usually it’s your relationship to Yeshua. Remember Matthew 6:33 states: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

If you’re just going through the motions, putting in your allotted Sunday morning at church and no more, don’t envisage too much to happen. However, if you’re diligently seeking the Lord, life’s gunna be a blast.

*Biblical quotes from NKJV 1994


My Testimony

But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither,
And whatsoever they do shall prosper.
(Psalm 1:2-3 NKJV)

Photograph: Myall Creek, Dalby Qld.

Some time ago my Pastor spoke about stretching and I wrote this because I’m the living testimony of what stretching can do.

Many of us fall short of our capabilities. If we would only stretch, we could go a lot further in life. Do you know God can bend time? Hezekiah 38:8 says: “Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backwards.” So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down. (NKJV)

Because God consistently elongates my days, I’m truly amazed at how much I can accomplish and yet never be in a hurry. He bent time for me, as I stretched and needed more of it, to achieve what I set out to do.

God says to give Him a portion of our money and He will add more to it. He does the same thing with time. Give Him the first part of your day and He will make your day last longer. I can attest to this, because this is what’s happened in my life.

God also asks that we trust Him, step out in faith, believing we shall accomplish what we set out to do, and it will happen. For many of us, that’s a stretch of faith.

He states He’s not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). For me personally, that too is a stretch at times.

I have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 tells me so and I believe it. To win in this life, in this partnership with the Lord, you have to believe every jot and tittle in the bible. For there are incredibly wealthy people out there. Successful people who may make a lot of money, but fail in relationships. Or win at relationships, but fail in the area of finance. If we want to win in every area of our life, we must believe in the bible and practise what it tells us to do.

Anyway, because I have the mind of Christ, you can introduce me to 30 people and I’ll remember 29 names (hey, I’m not perfect, but 29 out of 30 isn’t too bad). Because I have the mind of Christ, you can give me a one-hundred-digit number and I can relay it back to you – forwards and backwards. But I wasn’t always like this. I had to stretch to get there.

Things come at us in life and we say to ourselves; “I’ll never do that again” and we erect a wall. In the end, we erect so many walls, we’ve boxed ourselves in. We’re safely cocooned inside our 4 walls, but we’re not living life.

That was me 25 years ago. Although I grew up in a very loving home, I was still full of fear. Too scared to say boo to a goose. I was painfully shy. I figured I was born that way and there was nothing I could do about it, but I was wrong.

25 years ago, I didn’t like me very much. I didn’t talk to people. I didn’t have too much to say because I wasn’t doing anything. Yes, I had young children then and was doing my best for them, but outside that, I felt I had nothing to offer the world. I believed I was boring to be around and no one wanted to hear anything I had to say.

At that point in time, I was depressed, well overweight, had asthma, arthritis, psoriasis and hay fever. My relationship with my husband was pretty poor and we were pretty poor. Poverty was a constant at that time. Suicidal thoughts were also a constant with me.
One day, I walked out the door with the intention of taking my life but couldn’t do it. My daughters were eight and ten. A week later a work colleague of my husband’s committed suicide. I was so mad at God. Why did He take him and not me?

I hadn’t been a born-again Christian long, when this happened. Just 2 years. My life initially hadn’t changed much in that 2 years. I expected more in becoming a Christian and it didn’t appear to be happening. I also didn’t understand about co-labouring with God. I didn’t understand about stretching, but I was about to learn.

When this colleague committed suicide, I was mad at God. “Why did you take him and not me?” I cried out in my despair. I distinctly remember His reply. It was the first time I heard the audible voice of God. He replied; “Because you’re a lamb of My flock and I never lose one of My own.” I knew then, I’d never attempt suicide again. And it was then I realised – I needed to change.

And so, the stretching began.

I did a speed reading and memory course from home and over the next 2 years, read over 200 books. Everything, from the biblical, to positive thinking, to investing and how to succeed in life. That was me stretching.

Then I stretched again and took a 2-day course, because 2 days was all I felt I could manage. I was so shy, had so little confidence in my abilities that I knew I had to start small and I became a Justice of the Peace.

This tiny step of stretching out of my comfort zone, gave me a little more courage and so I stretched further. I opened myself up to try more and more new things.

As I walked with God, (spent time with Him, reading my bible and in prayer every day) my health improved. I no longer have any health issues. It was like the time Jesus healed the ten lepers; as they went, they were cleansed. Only one leper came back to say thank you and he was the only one of the ten, who was made whole.

I don’t know in what way. Was he made whole in that his fingers and nose grew back? Was he made whole in his finances, as now that he was healed and able bodied, he could work? Was he made whole in his relationships, for no longer was he ostracised from society? We don’t know. The bible doesn’t say in what way he was made whole, but I think he was made whole in every area, just as I have been. For all that, there is one thing I do know; we need to remember to give thanks, when Jesus moves in our life.

So, I no longer have any health issues. My relationships improved, I lost weight, I grew out of poverty and no longer suffer the depression I’d lived with for so many years. Someone asked me recently, how I got over the depression. It gave me pause for thought, because it had gone from my life and I didn’t particularly think I did anything. However, when I pondered further on it, the Holy Spirit brought to mind; I no longer listen to the devil and his negative words upon my life. I take every thought captive. Every thought.

It has been some years since I thought about depression and during those times, I remembered God’s words. The Holy Spirit brought them back to me now. I used to say them: think upon what’s true, noble, right, admirable, pure and lovely and don’t give the devil a foot hold. If I started to spiral downhill, I’d say to the devil: Get lost you gnat. You’re less than a flea and I’m not listening to you. Then I’d recite bible verses, the ones which would edify and build me up. I refused to listen to the devil tear me down. Once the devil understands he has no effect on you, he leaves. He can no longer bother me with tormenting thoughts.

God says to write the vision and make it plain, that he may run that readeth it…though it tarries, wait for it, for it will surely come.

So, I wrote the vision. I wrote what I wanted to see in happen in my life. And I waited. I wasn’t idle though. I was learning all the while, as I waited.

My dream was to trade shares, write and travel as I did so and there were times I felt I’d never make it. Satan did his best, but I kept the faith and I’m now living the dream.

Because I stretched, because I took God’s word as truth, I am now thrilled to say, I no longer feel boring. My dream is in full swing. Where I used to clean motels and wash dishes for a living, I’m now an investigative photojournalist and author, who trades currency and commodities on the global stock exchange, while travelling the countryside; sometimes in my car, sometimes in my little caravan.

I’ve written books that have made it onto Amazon’s best seller lists, taken award winning photographs, had my written work printed in newspapers and magazines. And a blog, which is a lot of fun, even if I didn’t know what I was doing initially. In hindsight, I should have had 2 blogs; one for my written work and one for my recipes, for I do love to cook. But we live and learn.

I managed to retire ten years early (something I never saw coming) and now am seeing my fruit, my grandchildren, prosper and overcome, for the Lord blesses our children and our children’s children to a thousand generations.

One granddaughter is too little yet, but the other is sport’s captain at her school. She’s made the cricket team, the soccer team, went to the regional races for sprinting and has won awards in Jujitsu. She was also one of the few chosen to go to the leadership conference and the writer’s festival. Last year she was environmental officer and library monitor. (None of this, would I have had the courage for at school and yet here she is; going for it all.) God is blessing my family.

We need to practice the principles to partake of the promises. My daughter and I purchased our house together. We weren’t in big income jobs, both being in the disability field at this time. Initially we paid a tithe of less than 10%, until we could afford to pay more, but we were diligent tithers. We stayed within our financial means and didn’t buy anything outside our home with credit, for the Lord states we’re to be lenders, not borrowers.

Recently we sold our home and my daughter just paid cash for her own house. I’m still looking for my forever home and I know it will come, when the time is right. My daughter’s dream was to be a UNI student (which she couldn’t do while paying a mortgage) and she’s doing that right at the moment, now that she’s settled in her own place. My other daughter is studying in a field she never felt she could accomplish and yet here she is, passing every exam. These children are the treasures in my house. They all are.

During this stretching process, yes, I failed at times. But I learned more through my failures than through my successes. God asks us to try, then he refines us through our failures. And He can use everything we go through, the good, the bad and the ugly. So, don’t dismiss yourself as a failure. You may have failed at something, but you’re still a success in God’s eyes, for just having the faith to give it a try.

I’ve heard God speak many times, since that first time. Sometimes He lights the path ahead, sometimes He lights only the next step, but somehow, I muddle through as I continually plug away.

God is all powerful and we can do all things through Him who strengthens us.

He’s geared everything in our favour. If you stretch yourself out of your comfort zone (which although terrifying at times, can actually be quite fun), but if you stretch and never quit, you’ll be surprised just how far God can take you.

I’ve had colossal enjoyment, as I’ve stretched myself out of my comfort zone. I’ve corresponded with world renown trading gurus, artists, poets, photographers of some repute, other authors (big and small) and I’ve even had a phone call from Big Arnie. Yes, that’s right, Arnold Schwarzenegger called, inviting me to a seminar he was holding in Sydney. Okay, it was a recorded message, but it was enormous fun (for we all know his voice is quite distinctive) and it all happened, when I stepped out of my comfort zone.

The crowds left and Jesus asked His disciples; “Do you want to leave too?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, who would we go to? You have the words that give eternal life.”

Don’t ever leave God’s side. Don’t ever quit, for where will you go? God cannot work in your life if you quit. Stick with Him, through all your trials and tribulations. Praise Him in the midst of them and you will come out the other side as refined gold, removed of any dross.

And just a little side note…

My husband had a football sized tumour removed from his abdomen a number of years ago. He initially thought it was just a beer belly, until it was so large, it interfered with his breathing. So off to the doctor he went.

The tumour was removed and found to be benign and no further treatment was necessary, except follow-up checks.

Since then, he’d been going for check-ups every 6 months to be sure the growth didn’t return and at some point, in one of the check-ups, they found nodules in John’s lungs.

During this time John also had a knee replacement. The fellow who took the scans of his knee, couldn’t believe John was still walking. John’s doctor said: “Oh John, this knee is shot.”

Shortly after, I broke my wrist. I broke it in 3 places and crushed the forearm, so no minor thing. I don’t like to say blessing in disguise, because at the end of the day, God doesn’t give us illness, but still, at the time it was a blessing of sorts and a whole other long story.

After his knee replacement, John’s doctor sent the surgeon a letter saying the healing of John’s knee was the fastest she’d seen go through her doors.

Interestingly I had the same surgeon for my broken wrist, as John had for his knee replacement and the surgeon said I had healed very fast. I told him that’s because I’m blessed.

Then he treated John and got the letter from John’s doctor saying it was the fastest healing she’d ever had go through her doors. I put this down to prayer and wondered if the doctor remembered me and did he realise; we’d both healed fast and well.

At the time of one of these 6-month checks, they found cancer nodules in John’s lungs, as I mentioned. I said to John; “Nope. You’ve already been healed of cancer. I’m going to pray they dissipate and disappear.”

At the first check-up they found the nodules hadn’t grown. That in itself was something. At the second check-up they found the nodules had shrunk. John remembered I’d said I was going to pray they shrink and disappear and he told the doctor about it.

I found this to be quite amusing, as my husband is an atheist (who I decree and declare to be the man of God, God designed him to be), and he was witnessing to the doctor and didn’t even know it.

And the third check-up; John was declared cancer free. As I mentioned, John’s an atheist. It wasn’t John’s faith which healed him. God healed John because a believer believed.

You see, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, be thou removed and it shall be cast into the see. Our mountain was moved. It was 10 years between the initial diagnosis and being declared cancer free. 10 years of holding onto faith, until we saw the fullness of our prayers complete.

Never quit, until you see the desires of your heart transpire. For God not only promises to meet your needs, He also promises; you shall have the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

John 15:7 If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it shall be done for you.

Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

So, ask away my friend and expect great results.

About the author:
Alexandra Grose – An investigative photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.

#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.

This work is based on the belief of the writer. All she asks, is that you study and form your own opinion, as to the validity of her beliefs. You can’t assume you’re right on any given topic, you have to prove it.





Taking up the Challenge.

Taking up the Challenge.

My Pastor put forth the challenge; to hand write the book of Romans. I took up the challenge and was truly surprised by the result.

Having re-written Romans, I felt it was helpful and without a doubt; relaxing. The experience caused me to consider I continue hand writing other books of the bible. I had a number of choices and after some prayer, chose Revelation.

Initially, I couldn’t put my finger on what is was that I got out of doing this exercise, explaining it to a friend as; not knowing what awaits, but picking up little words, words I might have skipped over before.

It seemed to me, I was taken to another level, not a full level, but a deeper layer. A layer unseen to me before this. Something akin to an onion. You know; it has layers, but also a finer layer. One which is almost imperceptible, but it's there.

I ended looking it up online and found a piece which perfectly described how I felt about the exercise. The piece was written by and included practical tips, should you wish to do this exercise for yourself.

I’ve kind of summarised what was written in the following passages, adding my own experience, understanding and benefits as I went:

They wrote; “Hand copying forces us to slow down and notice details we might otherwise miss when simply reading the text.” He/she said to recognise the process to be unhurried, for it is supposed to slow us down, so as to engage further and more deeply.

Expect to see details you’ve never seen before. Expect questions to arise you haven’t thought about before. And; expect God to meet you on the journey. The writer also suggests to start with a simple prayer; “Lord, teach me something new today.” While details and questions did arise, prayer beforehand was something I hadn’t considered. Although I do pray before reading, I hadn't considered it before writing. I shall add that in when I write next.

The writer also suggests to go at your own pace. (I found this to be true. When you pressure yourself, you don’t enjoy the journey as thoroughly – which my pastor had made mention.) There is no pressure to complete. Nor does the writing have to be perfect.

As the writer of the piece said; This isn’t about perfection, or even legibility, but engagement with the book and with the Father.

The Father wants to redeem, renew, restore and reconcile us through Jesus Christ and we can anticipate to be drawn further into the story, as we devote leisurely and deliberate time to working through it.

Saturday 21 September 2024



A Cessationist believes the Christian doctrine that asserts the gifts of the Holy Spirit (speaking in tongues, prophecy and healing) ceased when the original Apostles died out. The belief was rooted in the idea that these gifts were specifically given to aid the establishment of the early church and that once the New Testament was complete and the church established, the need for these miraculous gifts diminished until they no longer existed.

Continuationism, on the other hand, believes the spiritual gifts continue to all future generations.

Cessationists believe God can perform miracles and heal, but not through individuals. They also believe teaching, evangelism, mercy, service and giving, continue to be active and necessary. The role of the Holy Spirit is viewed as critical but distinct (separate) from the miraculous gifts present during the formation of the early church.

They believe the Holy Spirit inspired the authors of the scriptures. That the Holy Spirit aids Christians to understand and apply biblical teaching. That the Holy Spirit sanctifies, guides and enables the spiritual fruit (peace, joy, love), but that the miraculous gifts have ceased. They believe Holy Spirit fosters unity, fellowship and harmony and is primarily carried out through preaching and teaching of the word.

When it comes to the miraculous; Cessationists generally don’t believe in the practice of the laying on of hands for healing, although they do not prohibit it, for they acknowledge touch can be meaningful and comforting. They hold that while God can heal, the role of healers has ceased.

What do I believe? I’ve laid hands on people, trusting in the healing power of Jesus and seen miraculous healing. If this didn’t work, I couldn’t have seen it.

Friday 20 September 2024

7 Times Reading the Word of God.

7 Times Reading the Word of God. 

I finished my 7th time through the word. I even hand wrote Romans, after Pastor Ingrid put forth the challenge. Writing Romans did actually do something. I must admit I wasn’t sure what to expect. Why write what’s already written? Since doing it; I pick up each little word now, words I might have skipped over before. I know that doesn't explain it well. I just feel writing Romans has taken me into another layer. Not a full level, but a layer unseen to others, and I think I'll give it a go with another section; Proverbs, Ezekiel or Revelation.

This is the first time I’ve read the bible through in a year (13 months). I know it’s because I’m retired. I couldn’t do that and work two jobs, run a house and a garden, plus exercise. Being at Mum’s has opened up more time to me.

What did I gain out of reading the bible for a 7th time? More insight not only into the word, but into people as well. I can see who has the mark of God on hand and head and who doesn't. I can see the mark of the beast and I can see those in the middle.

Finances have improved and I should be able to pick up a little backwards movement from the previous two years. It's not a great gain, but saving is important to me. It will bring me back to where I started this year and next year I’ll move forward.

A greater level of peace and joy.

Zero health issues. (Although I did get migraines for 2 weeks. Don’t know why. They’ve gone now.)

Deeper insight into any area that I might question.

I see more angels and more of the angelic realm.

I have ears that hear what the Lord is telling me.

More frequent dreams and visions.

A feeling of great strength.

More courage. Less fear/anxiety.

A greater level of achievement as my time is elongated even further.

A feeling of flow, where I know what I carry and I impart that wherever I go. A fragrant flow of the Holy Spirit.

And perhaps the greatest of them all; I’m living my dream – trading, writing, travelling and with enough money to do it. I wouldn’t say ‘financial abundance’ just yet. But enough.

I know I could have stopped my charities and I wouldn't have gone that little bit backwards the past two years. I'm holding God to His word; you have to give to get. And He is upholding His end: ensuring I have enough for the desires of my heart.

Hmmm; I wonder what an 8th time will hold?

Thursday 19 September 2024

Designed to Fail. Built for Success.

Designed to Fail. Built for Success.

We are designed to fail until we identify who we are, until we identify our ego. Our ego is what brings about destruction and loss and the only way to move forward is to humble ourselves. Life will collapse, until we create what we deserve and what we desire. And we can only get there through the Saviour. I know this to be true, because I’m living my dream life and it’s a life far from where I started.

For most of us, it’s not until we hit our thirty’s, where we find life isn’t what we were promised it would be. By then, many of us are far removed from the Saviour.

As children we’re told to get a job and save and life will be rosy. We’re not told how to save and until we learn, we’re never going to be able to do it. We’re not told what to do when we don’t like the job or even what to do when life isn’t going the way we wanted or expected. We don’t know how to change it. And until we figure it out, we keep banging away, hitting brick walls and getting nowhere. And unless we read, study and learn, we’ll never figure it out.

Things will not change until we change, until we learn what we need to know and apply that knowledge. And it’s extremely hard to change when our time is limited due to work and family commitments. It’s extremely hard to change when we’re emotionally, physically and mentally spent. It can be done, but it’s going to take a lot of hard work and full commitment.

The success book of life (The Bible) even tells us a double-minded man can expect nothing. You can’t be on one day and off the next and expect to succeed. You have to commit to your desire and not stop. Do not quit under any circumstances. I took this so literally, working so hard my hair fell out and I for a period of time I was wearing a hat to cover the bald patches. Thankfully, I now have more balance and my hair has grown back. But I ask you; are you prepared to pay the price?

We have to keep going. We have to persevere. We have to keep learning and trying different things, new things, until we find the thing that works for us.

Do you remember the 10 plagues that Moses battled through with Pharaoh? Each of us too, have battles to overcome before we can enter the promised land and we only overcome one battle at a time. I won’t list them all, but I’ve overcome health issues, relationship issues, self-loathing, poverty, excess weight and more. My last and greatest battle is prosperity. I’m living my dream and while I’m not in poverty anymore, it is a tight budget. I know God has more. He has more me. He has more for you and for your family as well.

Stay in God’s word. Form a good relationship with God. Draw close to Him and stay close to Him. Don’t quit before all your giants are defeated. And when all those giants are defeated, remember it was Him who got you there. Remember to give thanks.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Readiness is Overvalued.

Readiness is Overvalued.

Readiness is often overvalued. If you wait until you feel fully prepared, you may never take the first step. Waiting for clear evidence can prevent you from moving forward. We are called to walk in faith, and readiness often comes as we are already in motion. People rarely jump from a standing position and declare, “I’m ready!” Growth happens as you go. The key to your success lies not in your own ability, but in God’s ability to guide you.

Frequently, we have a list of excuses that hold us back. We might think we are too inarticulate, too old, too young, too sinful, it’s too dangerous, too poor, or too hesitant. We tell God why we can’t do what He has called us to do. However, our sufficiency is not of ourselves; it is of God. Even God’s greatest disciples had excuses. Some doubted, yet God still used them. Consider the great men of the Bible and their excuses: Moses – poor in speech; Gideon – from the weakest clan; Abraham – 100 years old; Jeremiah – too young; Isaiah – unclean lips; Esther – hesitant before the king extends the sceptre; the rich young ruler – went away sad; Saul – hiding among the baggage. None were ready.

There is a transformation where our weaknesses are made strong. We start weak and become strong along the way. However, you won’t become strong in the Lord unless you are following Him. You need to be praising and worshipping God, dedicating your time and talents to Him, reading His word and acting on what that word is telling you to do.

Your launch date is set by you, but the outcome is set by God. We must be patient as the Lord equips us to do His will in His way. Some of us may have to wait a few months, others many years, and we need to wait without grumbling or complaining. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years until their complaints against the Lord ceased.

• “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” - Proverbs 3:5-6

• “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9

Learn what you need to know and take those first steps. Make them baby steps, if you feel you can’t go all the way at one time. Trust in the Lord to guide those first small and faltering steps and trust in Him to position you where you need to be.

Friday 6 September 2024

How to Study.

How to Study.

You don’t have to be born with a great memory. You can train for it. With the right techniques you can definitely improve.

Start small; memorise small numbers and increase over time. Link pictures to the numbers and link each number to each other.

Retention can be difficult when reading and reading is a multi-step process.

Pre-read. Before you read, quickly browse through the book. You don’t have to remember or understand anything, just familiarise yourself with the book for around 2 – 4 minutes, before getting stuck right into it.

Then read. When reading, read with attention and comprehension. Don’t allow distraction at this time. If you’ve noticed you're distracted, just quietly pull yourself back into paying attention.

Post-read. Ask what it is you’ve learned in what you’ve read. Recall what you’ve learned.

Focus and concentrate while reading. Your working towards registration (storing information), retention (how long can you hold the information), recall (how much do you remember).

If you don’t focus, you can’t register, retain, or recall well.

When reading, ask yourself; Am I in the right place for reading right now? Is the place you’re in conducive to reading? Take away distractions. Close the door.

Now, browse through each chapter, taking pre-reading that little bit further and don’t worry if you don’t understand or remember what you’ve read. You’re looking for the links between chapters.

Then read the first component, unit, section. Ask if you were to rephrase what you’ve read in your own words, how would you do it? This embeds the written work into your mind.

Visualization is a great way to remember. See a vision of what you’ve read. Pictures in the mind are a good memory aid. The brain tends to remember in picture format. Don’t read as if a drab text, visualise it in pictures.

Draw flow charts, mind maps and little sketches to make the process visual and fun. When learning is fun, learning is easy. If unsure, ask; how can I visualise this text? When you pose a question, the mind has a way of bringing forth an answer.

Note taking is an important step. It helps organise your notes and if done right, helps with recall. Is the way you’re learning helping you internalise the concepts?

You can use the outline method. Not sentence after sentence, but write the title, then the subheading and then bullet points. First is a key idea, then comes the bullet points. Then when you want to test yourself, cover the bullet points and see how much you’ve remembered. Go over what you haven’t recalled.

Mind mapping; put main point in the centre of the page then draw out branches and add what you learn. Use different colours if you wish. Draw pictures. These are little memory aids which help.

Info mapping; for those who can’t draw - mind map with words, just using the same process but without pictures. Test yourself by covering a section of the map and seeing what you can recall.

Take notes that help you recall and internalise what you’re learning. If you already know it, you don’t need to note it.

There are different methods of transferring what you read onto a page which help you to learn; acronyms, rhyme, pictures, association, linking each together. These are just nudges, little ways to lead you to remember. A trigger to make things easier.

If struggling with retention; read more often. Make reading a habit. Don’t buy books and leave them on the shelf. Don’t bookmark and never look at the bookmark point ever again. Make reading a habit for just 10 minutes a day, with the intention of attention and focus.

After reading; post read; try to recall what you’ve read. Then practice mindfulness/mediation to bring to your awareness what you’ve read. Being conscious and present is helpful to keeping your focus.

In using registration, retention and recall - the starting point is to: Pay Attention!

Thursday 5 September 2024

Perfect Peace in the Unseen Answer to Prayer.

Perfect Pace in the Unseen Answer to Prayer.

Hebrews 6 discusses the unfailing hope and promises of an immutable God.

The dictionary meaning of immutable is; unchanging over time or unable to be changed.

This is our God, unable to be changed and unchanged over time.

The anchor is outside of the ship. It steadies in a storm. The hope which we possess is also outside of us, steadfast and sure in Christ Jesus. When Jesus passed within the veil, our hopes and dreams went with Him.

A ship's crew trusts in its anchor, for it is strong in substance, just as our hope in Christ and the promises of God are strong, due to His immutability and the freedom of imperfections and weakness's.

Our earthly hopes are products of our imaginations, given with an element of dread. Our heavenly hopes from the solemn and unseen, now lit with the rending of the veil; the promises of God - a sure and present reality.

When it comes to the veil; the veil was said to be 60-foot-high and 30-foot-long. For it to have been torn from top to bottom, as mentioned in the bible (Matthew 27:51), was an impossibility; man could not do it. Only God could do it.

When Jesus died, He went to hell and snatched back the keys from satan. The keys of life were lost when Adam and Eve sinned. Paradise was lost.

When Jesus died, the keys were retrieved and the veil was torn, now giving us full access into the heavenly realm and life was brought back to God’s people. Paradise regained.

When we look up to the heavens for help, when we look inward to God, God rules in the affairs of man. It used to be the only person who could enter into the realm of God was a high priest. He would go through the veil once a year and enter into the Holy of Holies. No one else could.

Once the veil was torn, once the work of the Cross was complete, we were given full access to God. There is no veil between God and man. All the work is now done and every promise of God is ours for the taking. There is no delay as such.

Daniel had a 21-day delay (see Daniel 10), but he was of the old covenant. In the new, all promises are yes and amen. All we have to do is believe. It’s not that we see the promises manifest in the moment we ask, but that a movement begins in heaven the moment we ask.

We can’t waver. We have to remain in perfect peace about the situation and that’s the hard part. He who is double-minded or tossed to and fro can expect nothing from the Lord (James 1:6-7). You also can’t rebuke unbelief. You can’t cast it out. You have to replace it with faith.

If you find your faith slipping, get into the word of God and stir up your faith. Both David and Job had to stir up their own faith during their difficult moments. Praise, worship and the word of God will draw you back to Him and it’s only in Him that you can find the peace you’re looking for.

God has given us authority over our lives and the lives of those we’re responsible for. We don’t ask, plead or beg. God has already done everything He’s going to do and He’s given you the authority to bring forth what you need to win your battles.

You’ve got to believe and go out and start doing, so as to release the anointing. He already healed every sickness and disease. He did it when He died on the Cross. Then He gave us the authority to act on His behalf. He told us to heal the sick and cast out demons, make the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead raised and to preach to the poor.

Jesus won! There is no battle between God and the devil. It was all overcome in the death and resurrection of Christ. If God isn’t moving in your life, you haven’t taken full authority over what He’s given you. Speak and command what you want to see come to pass. Demand and don’t waver.