Tuesday 2 July 2024

The Attacks of the Devil.

The Attacks of the Devil.

I was pretty excited to awaken and see a message from my granddaughter this morning. I slept through her troubling moment, but she worked it out without me. She said she had a sleep paralysis dream and called on Jesus – that’s why I was excited. She asked if I’d pray. By the time I read the message it was too late. But it was great that she thought to call on Jesus.

I took a snapshot of the conversation, because it’s important to record these things. I hear of people who hear from God early in their lives and they go on to do wonderful things. I didn’t really come to know Jesus until my mid 30’s. How exciting for Stelly to recognise good and evil in this moment and to know just what to do when something like this occurs. To be so young and yet to see it in action, I reckon that’s pretty awesome.

Just how much influence my prayers have I’m not sure, but at this moment something’s working. James 5:16 says the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. One of the questions I like to ask people is; What do you say about yourself? About me; I say I’m a pillar in the temple of the Lord, a righteous child of the Most-High God. That said, as a righteous child of God, my prayers availeth much.

My younger grandaughter’s teeth have come into alignment after 12 months of decreeing and declaring for them to do so. In this, I can see God working through my declarations. One of those declarations is that the blood of the Lamb cover my family and friends. If one declaration can work, they all can. If Heidi’s rather large overbite can be corrected, so too can the prayers of protection work. Prayers covering both the seen and the unseen realm.

Exciting, isn’t it?

The message I received;

Nan, I’m sorry I’m texting you so late. I just had the scariest thing happen to me and Jesus came and protected me. It felt so weird. It was like some demon or something was giving me sleep paralysis. I called on Jesus and He got it out of me. It was like there was something sucking out of me and it went right into thin air. Just to be sure, do you think you could do some prayers?

My reply;

Absolutely; that’s something which can happen. I’m sorry I was asleep when you sent me the message to pray, but you did exactly the right thing when you called on Jesus. God is real and the devil is real and you had a touch of both when you saw this happen. Having seen it first hand, you’ll never doubt God’s existence.

When your friends tell you, they don’t believe in God, you can tell them this story. It’s what we call a ‘personal testimony.’ God wants us to tell our testimonies so that others can see the spirit world is real.

And just so you know… every day I speak a prayer over you and your sister; a prayer of protection and blessing. With that prayer, the devil has no authority to act in your life. He can try, as he did tonight, but he soon found out he can’t get to you.

I’m truly excited you got to experience this as young as you are, for now you know how easy it is to bring Jesus into any troubling situation.

Of course, later I asked what she did to open the door and allow this evil entry into her life. She’d been staying with a friend and they’d watched a scary movie. She said it wasn’t evil, just scary. My thoughts; if it’s scary, it’s evil. Don’t play around with this kind of thing.

As Christians, we must take care of our flock. We must be prayer warriors for all our little chickens.

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