Monday 27 September 2021

Doing it badly...


Doing it badly, is better than not doing it at all and spending your time decaying away in front of the telly. I used to take dreadful photographs, but with practice, I’ve become a much better photographer and I can honestly say I enjoy the photos I take now. 

I thought all I needed was a good camera, to take a good photo. How wrong I was. I got myself that “good camera” and my photos were still really bad. It was then I realized: it’s not what’s in front of the lens, but who’s behind the lens, which makes a good picture. 

Once I realized it was me, I had to make the decision to learn, if I wanted good photos. You too, need to make a decision to work towards what you’d like to see happen in your life. What would you like to achieve? Work towards it, until you get it right.

When you first learned to walk you fell often, but you didn’t quit and eventually you became an expert at walking. It was the same with driving a car. You had to practice, until it became second nature and you became good at it. Life is like that. You start your new venture badly, keep going, get better, keep going some more, until you become expert at it. 

It doesn’t matter that you start badly. It matters that you keep trying, keep going. Work out what’s not producing the results you’re after and you do this by either reading (or you tube) how others did it, how others overcame their issue, or by trial and error. Wouldn’t you rather learn by another’s failure than create your own?

Even then, there’s no guarantee failure won’t visit you, but you will have a greater understanding; failure is the process you take and the progress you make, on the way to success. By reading what others have done you can avoid many of the pitfall’s others fell into and you’ll have less, if not none, of those pitfall’s and failures yourself. Not only that, have you thought: You might just succeed? What then?

Do what’s meaningful, not what’s expedient. And that’s hard to do. Doing the meaningful takes effort. With effort comes more responsibility. Be responsible.  Once you do, you will find the success you’ve been looking for and you can be proud of your efforts. 

Thursday 9 September 2021

You're Never Too Old To Create A New Path.

You’re never too old, to create a new path for your life.

If life isn’t going the way you want:

Remember things change and nothing stays the same forever. In the meantime, find one thing you can do and work at it, build on it and one day your hobby becomes your future income. This is exciting news, if you’re one of the many, who hate their job.

If you feel trapped and you feel like this is your future, that there’s no hope, know that it’s not true. If you want to set out on a new path and you have an idea – feed that idea, water it, make it happen and watch it grow. 

We all have different interests and skills. If you don’t know what they are, search for them.  Find what you’d love to do and work out how to be the best at it. 

The more responsibilities you have, the more limited your time will be.  Financial obligations mean you may have to keep working, leaving you able to only snatch moments to work on increasing skills, but snatch those moments when you can. 

Lighten your debt burden. Study wealth creation, while at the same time reducing your debt and one day, you’ll be debt free and have the knowledge and the money to invest in where and what you want. 

Do it like your life depends on it, because it does. You don’t want to spend all your working life in a job you hate. Be caffeinated and motivated. Be disciplined and go for what you want. 

Learn, fail, learn more. Failure is good for growth. If you never fail, you’re not trying. Failure isn’t proof that you suck, but an opportunity to do better. 

Victory is the greatest feeling, but often we go through failure, before we become victorious. There’s a progression that others don’t see, but it does take place. There’s a starting point, a working towards, a pursuing, (hopefully with passion) and in time, you get better, until you “get there.”

Although life is temporary, one day, God willing, you will be old. Do you want to be where you are, until you’re old and you die? Get your fun out, get your life out, get excited, get up and get it done, with the understanding that you don’t have to stay in the rut you’ve created. 

Search out happy, inspirational people and you’ll be inspired. Be happy while you work towards what you love. Love people and strive to make their day the best day they can have. Extend a warm smile, a kind word and a helping hand. If you’re surrounded by happy people, you’ll be a happier person. I know you’ve heard it before but, treat people the way you’d like to be treated.

Get onto a healthy routine. You know you should. Do all the ‘stuff’ you know you should be doing. Make an effort and stop making excuses. Eat healthy, reduce stress, reduce debt, meditate, get enough sleep, work out, study what you love. 

Learn investing. Believe it or not, it doesn’t take a lot of money to invest. To reap a harvest, you have to plant the seed. You don’t need a lot of seed to start. You don’t need a lot of money to start, you just need to start. And once you build wealth, you can teach others how to build wealth. Wealth is good for everybody. 

Don’t believe the lie that money doesn’t buy happiness. Imagine how happy you can make someone if you can pay their debts, buy them a car, or a home. When you see their happiness, it will produce happiness in you.

Decide not to be a loser anymore (not saying you are, but we all know, we can all do better). Work at something, so your kids can be proud of you. If anyone else can do it, know that you can do it too. 

Write your own movie, with you playing the lead role of the hero. What do you need to do, to be that hero? Don’t sit around spiralling in negativity, complaining and doing nothing about it. Go out and fix what isn’t working in your life. 

I wasn’t always confident. I wasn’t always happy. I was broke. I was suicidal. My health was poor. I didn’t know what to do, or how to do it, but I’ve since done it and I’m telling you, not only that it can be done and that you can do it, but also how to do it. 

How to do it is really quite simple: Form a plan, be disciplined, show up every day, do the work and you will get there. And don’t think for a minute, because you’re more mature, it’s too late. It’s never too late. Make an effort, not an excuse and watch your life change.