Sunday 28 January 2024

Knowledge Lost To Time

I was thinking what a shame it is that no one else will have my knowledge. They might, if they read some of my works, but for the most part, knowledge goes to the grave with each of us and it's up to each of us to increase in our knowledge and to impart it to others.

Ecclesiastes 1:11 states; There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of the things that are to come, by those who will come after.

Our job is to learn the truth, for it is the truth which will set us free. And then, teach that truth to others, that they too, can be set free.

God tells us to redeem our time. He means for us not to waste a moment. To redeem our time means to understand sin and resist it. It means to walk wisely and live holy, in all areas of our life. To exchange the mess we’re in, for a life of holiness; a life worthy of the sacrifice Jesus made as we endeavour to become daily, more and more like Him. We become comparable to Him, congruent with His ways, to the point that others will see Jesus in us, where the work of our hands reflect the work of His hands.

When we can look in the mirror and see Jesus, we know at that point we are Jesus; Jesus on the earth today, just as he was two thousand years ago. Sure, we may not look like Him, but our attitudes and actions reflect His very being.

We need to pass our knowledge along. As much as we can, it's up to us to inform the world of God, of His love, His goodness, His provision. That is our calling. Whether we work, or we don't, we're to bring all to Christ, by the life we live, being an example for others to follow.

Ecclesiastes 1:18 goes on to say; For in much wisdom is much grief. And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow. Ecc 1:16; For there is no more remembrance of the wise than of the fool forever.

So, why attempt to attain wisdom, since all the days will be forgotten and all it does is bring grief; the grief of knowing no one else will have this knowledge of ours? Forgetfulness is part of our nature. Action is instigated based on our prior knowledge, but if we forget that knowledge, where does that leave us? This is why we turn to God, so as to attain the wisdom of the Ancient of Days. In this way, we can never forget, for the Ancient of Days has all wisdom and we access that wisdom through prayer and worship, through a heart turned and tuned into God.

Daniel refused to let go of His faith. It almost cost him his life and he still ended up in the lion’s den.

Daniel was a powerful magi and prophet, refusing to compromise his beliefs, while living in Babylon. Babylon fell and yet the magi continued, right up until proclaiming the birth of Christ and beyond. Do we know for sure that the magi in the day of Jesus, were related to Daniel the Magus? No, not through historical records, but it is interesting that Babylon fell, due to their lifestyle and yet the magi continued to flourish in the 500 or so years after Babylon fell and before Christ was born. One can’t help but consider the discrepancy between the two; one gone, one flourishing.

Daniel taught that Jerusalem would be rebuilt and the Messiah would come. If he was teaching that, do we not think he was passing along information to future generations? When we turn to God, our life is blessed to a thousand generations and in that is all the knowledge and wisdom of God, passed down to future generations.

Teach your children well. Be a light bearer of truth. Don’t just muddle along in life, but seek the wisdom and righteousness of God, that you and your household will be blessed; your children, your children’s children, to a thousand generations. It’s a promise in the Bible and one we as believers, can stand upon.

Deuteronomy 7:9; Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.

Compare the above verse to this… Exodus 20:5; You shall not bow down to them nor serve them (carved images – see vs 4). For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me.

Beautiful people, start today. If you’re part of the anti-Christ (any one not for Christ is anti-Christ), if no one has ever told you this truth, start now and change the direction of your family line. Start a new direction for your descendants and stop all this negativity, upon which satan the evil one, brings you.

If you will follow God, you will see blessings come your way. I’m not just saying this for the sake of it. I’m saying it, because I’ve seen it happen in my own life and in the life of other family members who rose to the occasion. If you follow God and don’t quit, you will be blessed, you and your children and your children’s children, just as the Good Book promises.

Friday 26 January 2024

No More Snapshots.


Bible reading calls, not for snapshots, but for time exposure. We aren’t to rush through our reading, ticking boxes and moving on, but to savour the word of God, meditate on what we’ve read so as to glean a deeper revelation. That deeper revelation should bring divine guidance and divine guidance is there to bring stability, practicality, discipline and organisation.

It only takes one individual with leadership and action to move the whole organisation, but we need to remember; direction, correct direction, is God given. You can’t “wing it” through life. You need to tune in to that higher power, the Great Creator God, if you want to see success.

Zero presence of the Divine, takes away the limitless possibilities in which we could be walking. And we’ll only be walking a successful walk, when we get into the word of God; not in snapshots, but in long time exposures.

It’s so incredibly easy to rush through our reading, rush into our day, rush through our day, so we can sit and watch T.V. at the end of the day. But what if success comes in the slow, deliberate movements of life, like that of the tortoise? You know; the race between the tortoise and the hare, where the slow, methodical plodding of the tortoise wins the day.

Imagine an organised day, a disciplined life; one of stability, one of dependability, with all the practicalities that can crop up, covered easily and effortlessly.

This is a life of limitless possibilities, but we’ll only get there with dedication and hard work. We only plough through our moments in peaceful joy, when we put God first, when we give Him our quality time, not our rushed time.

You see, we all start from somewhere. Few, if any of us, start from the top, but we learn as we go. Hebrews 11:33-34 states; “who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong...” All these promises are ours and we can become strong in any area of life, if we will but commit to strengthening those weak areas of our life.

Consistent effort is the key to successful living. Consistent effort in reading the word of God, putting that word into practice, by doing what that word tells you to do. Put God first, and all else will fall into place. 

Thursday 25 January 2024

Reflect the Glory of the Lord.

             Reflect the Glory of the Lord. 

                      Let His Light Shine.

The church is being and has always been, called to higher ground, while the souls of men are traded as merchandise (our souls, sold between the highest bidder, the clock and the calendar). We are to share what we’re given, so as not to hide the lamp of God’s light under a bushel. The spiritual warfare at the end of the age, is clearly written in the bible and is always upon us.

Adam was given the spirit of life, through the breath of God and man became a living soul. The spirit is God given. The soul is living and the body; God formed. The soul is our personality, our mind, will and emotion. Soul is therefore our consciousness; the meeting place between body and Spirit. The Spirit is life and power, the connection force to God, a linking to the Divine and we are to be subject to the Spirit and not to the soul, or the body. We should be honouring God first, allowing that which is lesser, to fall away.

C. I. Schofield puts it this way; The Spirit brings God-consciousness. The soul, self-consciousness and the body, world-consciousness (sensing, such as hot or cold, feeling the wind blow and the rain fall, etc). These three elements are not only related to our spiritual life, but also to spiritual work and warfare.

Our job is not to sit idly by, doing nothing. Our job requires management and work. Adam never became tired of doing his work. Not until after the fall, did Adam become tired. Before the fall, Adam was rich and perfect, being made in the likeness of God. Adam named every animal. We ourselves struggle to know every animal today, let alone think we could come up with a new name for each one and then recall the names we’d given.

Adam was also to govern the land. How great was the land Adam walked in? It had four rivers within its borders and he wasn’t only to tend it, but to plant new plantings and to keep the garden from being invaded by the enemy. Here was a man with great ability and great stamina. Adam might have considered his life as ordinary. It’s only in hindsight that we can see the supernatural power he worked under. Even so, Adam fell.

When spirit and body come together, we possess unthinkable supernatural power. Yes, it was lost during the fall as satan, the antichrist, made his purchase and we became subject only to the flesh. Jesus, however, gave that supernatural power back to us and we attain it by being born again. Power immobilized in the fall, but not lost. The exchange of the dormant spiritual power, smothered by the soul, but not left in that condition.

We overcome the limitations of the flesh and are delivered from bondage, as we turn to God and He reignites, or reactivates us with His Spirit. When we subjugate the flesh, then the Spirit is released and has room to move.
Just as there is good, there also is evil. Without the born-again spirit, we fall into satan’s hand and his deceptions. And yes, you can get unbelievers who appear to manifest power; however, this comes with a danger attached to it. When satan is in control, he’s able to do many things, using that power for his own nefarious agenda.

Satan would like nothing more than to see you believe in your own dependence, a dependence which denies the Godhead; that man can live, work and bear fruit without the aid of the Deity. The purchase of a man’s soul, now merchandise for the enemy; the enemy’s commodity to be used as he wills.

Satan will attempt to confuse the people over God’s miracles, by lowering their value. He will try to confuse the work of the Holy Spirit, bringing false repentance, salvation, regeneration and joy. None of what satan offers is true. All of it is a lie. It will appear real and may even look spectacular, as he attempts to finish what he started; that of taking over the world, of being equal to, or higher than God Himself, as he craves the worship of the people over all else.

And people will be deceived. The Holy Spirit and the evil spirit will be able to work in similar fashion, the difference being the hurt and destruction which goes along with satan, as against the love, peace and joy which comes with the Holy Spirit. As John 6:63 has said; “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.”

Under the teaching of Jesus, you will feel a lightness and a joy that you’ll never get under satan. While the power of God is brought about through the Holy Spirit, the power of satan comes through the soul and many are unaware of the difference between the two.

The greater power lies in the faith of the believer; that Jesus Christ is Lord. Under the teaching of Jesus, you will have eternal salvation. Under satan; eternal damnation. Choose wisely, my friends.

There are two types of the soul’s hidden power; one the ordinary kind and the other the miraculous kind. One, humanly comprehensible and the other beyond comprehension.

The mind comes in two parts also, the conscious and the subconscious. Common physical manifestations belong to the first group, extraordinary manifestations, the second group.

The fallen soul is the old creation. The regenerated spirit; the new creation. Satan works through a man’s soul. He cannot work through the newly generated life. We access this newly generated life through prayer sent to heaven by our faith.

Only when you pray to God, will the Father answer your prayers. You can pray to your friend, or for your friend, but the answer only comes when that prayer is given to the Father and not to your friend. Praying to your friend activates a hypnosis, a psychic force, causing a psychic power to flow and not the power of the Almighty. This is a fixed principle of the soul.

We must pray towards God. Prayer brings enlightenment for the need. Faith in the power of the blood of Christ produces remarkable results.

We need to know the difference between the soulical and spiritual. We need to discern if it’s a power of psychic (soul power) or a spiritual power our ministers are working under. A good minister will have his soul power denied, while his spiritual power will flow. A servant who prays for God’s perfect leading, will have it.

The Holy Spirit will bring about a regeneration and we will produce good fruit and He will give us the power to witness to others. The power of the Holy Spirit is for work, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is to produce fruit; love, joy, peace, self-control etc.

The power of the Holy Spirit is beyond your personal control, but you are assured of it, when you seek the Lord with your whole heart. You will not necessarily feel this power. The power which comes from the Holy Spirit is there, whether you feel it or not, when you’re obeying God.

When you meditate and pray, the first thought that comes to mind after you pray is said to be God’s word to you. Sometimes a question will come to mind, before you start your bible study and the answer will be in your reading for that day. Even if all you get is peace and joy, know that this was God talking to you. Even if you don’t have feelings coming through, the fact that you have been diligent and faithful to His word, is what makes Christianity work. Meditation of other religions can’t produce this effect.

God can and does perform miracles. So too, does satan. We have to be sure we’re operating under the correct influence, otherwise the counterfeit will lead. Other religions cannot believe in Christ, or at least very few of them will. They may pray three times a day and some of their prayers are effective, but they’re praying through the counterfeit and satan works through this. We, as Christians, need to be praying to God, through Christ, to be effective in our prayer life.

Quite often, as Christians, we can feel a power, a great force of life flowing. If that power is light and jubilant, it’s God. If that power is oppressive, it’s satan. When oppression comes, we need to stand under the light of God’s love, under the precious blood of the Lamb, for in this we have protection.

Lying wonders and deceptive motives. The antichrist will perform signs and wonders. Before a person arrives, his shadow is seen first. The shadow of the great tribulation will arrive first and signs and wonders will increase.

Become saved, then seek the knowledge of the bible. Desire spiritual progress (holiness, victory and love). Win souls. Trust God with a singleness of heart. For a balanced representation of God, we need to strive towards the afore mentioned aspects.

We need to grow in our spiritual life, in the higher life, in the deep things of God. We need zeal and knowledge and we find that in His word, through His leading and in reputable ministers of the faith.

When speaking to others, ask God to show you how you can help the other, for only what is done in the spirit is profitable.

Don’t be influenced by environment. The Holy Spirit can control the environment. Just because you’re at church and the song’s cause you to feel joyful, if you’ve done the wrong thing throughout the week, you should first repent, then enjoy the worship.

Yes, sudden inspiration is wonderful, but is it dependable? You need only be off by a slight degree, but in the larger scheme, that slight degree can grow enormously.

A Christian can quicken another person into life. Done through Christ, you can uplift those around you and that’s why people enjoy spending time with you, because you’re so uplifted you carry others into the flow of life with you. A person working through the soul can’t do that. The soul lives, but cannot give life to others. Only the spirit can do that.

It is the Spirit, says the Lord, that gives life. John 6:63.

Does your life bear fruit? (Abundance, joy, peace, love, patience, a sound mind.) A believer can block the manifestation of fruit. Trying to do it all, trying to do it on your own. Trying to do it under your own steam, won’t work. You have to co-labour with God. Wait for God to tell you what to do and how to do it.

And if you’re not hearing from God; study how to hear. So much information is available at our fingertips now; there is no excuse. Add to your power humility, for it’s not only great power we need, but also more humility.

When we get to the point where we can’t breathe without Him, then we’re getting close. Listen to His word every day. Act on what He’s telling you to do. Be faithful. Be consistent and watch how well your life begins to flow.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

The Potter.

Jeremiah 18 is the story of the potter who makes one vessel and isn’t happy with it. He then remakes the vessel and is satisfied. The potter is a symbol of the Lord. The Lord can take you and mould you, until He is satisfied.

Further on in the verse, the Lord’s wrath is put to the test, as the people can’t, or aren’t, following God’s commandments. We need to remember; Jeremiah is a prophet of the old testament and this is the God of the old testament, the old covenant. Today we stand upon the new testament. We’re now under a new covenant, one in which Jesus appeals to God on our behalf. That doesn’t mean we’re given free rein to act belligerently, but rather to continually put God first and think about what He would like us to do in any given situation.

Today we do all we can and then stand. Ephesians 6:10-20 speaks that we’re to put on the armour of God and stand. We don’t stand in our own strength however; we stand in all the power and might of Jesus Christ.

Jeremiah and Ephesians – both from two different eras. One speaks about the wrath of God, the other about the love of Christ. Today we’re in the new era, where Jesus (who loves us greatly) pleads on our behalf and God sees us through His Son, forgiving all our shortfalls. In the meantime, we’re to keep moving forward in Jesus, not remain static, or go backwards.

How do we continue to move forward, when we all fall so far short of perfection? We do it by daily putting on the armour of God; by reading His word, by believing in His Son, having the faith of things hoped for, but not yet seen.

Your mind is as soil; it will grow whatsoever you plant, so be sure to plant joy, generosity, peace, love and laughter, for what you put into your soil is what you get out of it  You reap what you sew. Plant in the soil of His word and don’t ever stop weeding, watering and fertilizing. Maintain that soil, so as to produce the best crop in all areas of life.

When you stop, when your devotional life goes to sleep, your past life wakes up – in other words; you stop walking with God and move back into those same situations that you were trying to overcome. You see, nobody goes to sleep spiritually, without their devotional life goes to sleep first. What happens is, if we don't pray, we will stray. We need to remain active in our prayer life and our bible study, if we want to continue to have success in all our endeavours.

So, read your bible, pray whatever it is you want, as well as what your heart desires; put on the whole armour of God and stand. Don’t quit until you see your desire made manifest, for the Lord promises not only to meet our needs, but our desires as well.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

Sunday 14 January 2024

Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Godhead, Three in One.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit; three in one. One visible, two invisible.

The universe is made out of the three in one; time, space, matter. One visible, two invisible.

The egg; shell, yolk, white. One visible, two invisible. Just like a cell with an outer wall, cytoplasm and nucleus.

Man too, is three in one; mental, physical and spiritual. One visible; the physical and two invisible; the mental and spiritual.

If you take space or time away from matter, you no longer have enough structure for matter to exist.

If you remove the shell, the egg cannot form and grow. It ceases to exist.

If you remove any one of the components, the result is a demise of the whole.

The Godhead contains three in one. One God, but without the other two, God ceases to be, for He cannot be in all time and all space without those time/space properties. Removal of one destroys the unity of the whole.

God said; “Let us make man in our image.” He wasn’t talking about the angels, He was talking about Himself, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, all present before time began. All necessary and non created. One ceases to exist, without the other two.

The gospel illustrates this well; the sanctuary is three in one; outer court, inner court and the Holy of Holies.

The three stages of salvation; justification, sanctification and glorification.

The angels cry; “Holy, Holy, Holy.” One cry for each person of the Trinity.

Jesus begins His ministry with the Trinity’s presence. Father spoke, “This is My Son in whom I’m well pleased.” The dove (Holy Spirit) landed on Jesus’ shoulder. The three in One right there, at Jesus’ baptism.

Jesus ends His ministry also, with the three in One, as He cries upon the cross; “Father, Father.” One call to the Father, one call to the Holy Spirit, while He Himself hung from the cross, the third and visible portion of the Godhead.

I hope this further clarifies as to just how there can be a triune God, how the Trinity exists and how we too, as three in one, were formed in His likeness.

At the end of our time here on earth, we shall be made new, to sit in all eternity with our beloved Trinity, given a new and perfect body, encompassing the Father, Son and Spirit.

Praise be His name.

Saturday 6 January 2024

The Tree that Brings Life.

You’re kept numb on purpose, as you try to maintain and survive the status quo of your life. The systems are set up to keep you as a return customer…banking, pharma, buying more stuff to impress people you don’t know and who don’t care.

The lack of positive reinforcement throughout your life, causing you to doubt your self-worth, all the while, you fall deeper into despair as you see the odds are stacked against you.

For heavens sake, don’t stand outside and get some vitamin D for yourself. Instead, pay for a tablet and get the same thing. It hinders you from prospering. Don’t pay off your home either, or you’ll be heavily taxed on the next purchase. Buy your extremely unhealthy take-away and big companies are extremely happy. Unhealthy food, causing more illness and you purchase more health products and so around and around you go. You see, the system is set up to keep you unhealthy, in fear and in debt.

Time is what happens between events. Time and distance. One problem after another. You finally get free and something goes wrong and you’re right back where you started and time repeats itself. And, if you take a stand, you’re outed.

If you stand and tell yourself to get out in the sun, get some exercise, eat fresh food, even vaccine hesitancy, you’re targeted and cancelled in today’s world and are viewed as a crackpot in society. But you have to take a stand, otherwise the whole thing becomes worse, until it eventually affects your grandchildren.

Look at Noah - ridiculed and laughed at, until the flood came. Take Jesus, who messed with the system - brutally murdered for His beliefs.

There are others; Martin Luther King; shot. Tesla, one of the world’s greatest visionaries, who died alone and impoverished, but who’s inventions were confiscated by the government upon his death. Rosa Parkes, arrested for not giving her seat on the bus to ‘white folk.’ Ruby Bridge, the first black girl to enter an all-white school and who needed security every day, so she wouldn’t be murdered. People who took a stand and that stand cost them dearly.

Earth is a broken, fallen world and you can’t escape until your last day. You just keep going around and around on the treadmill, doing the same thing every day; until you awaken. And only when you awaken will change happen.

God doesn’t work according to His mood. He doesn’t work along the lines of if He feels like doing something or not. Life cannot be left to randomness or chance, for both are against you and you need to draw close to God to get off the treadmill. The system will have its way, if you leave it to randomness. Only when we pray and believe will we receive.

The authority and the covenant we ignore, is the very covenant and authority which guarantees our success. Start now. Why delay? If you want to see change in your life, turn to the greatest Man of all time, written about in the greatest success book of all time; Jesus of The Bible.

You’re going to need to make quality decisions every day, if you want to turn your ship around. The system is based on fear and only the bible gives you a hope and a courage against that fear. Life isn’t going to work if you throw a dice and hope for the best. You have to be intentional. There is no neutral. You’re either moving forwards, or you’re moving backwards in life.

Randomness is allowing the system to have its own way. Hoping won’t get you there either. You have to be intentional. You have to believe when you pray, you receive. You won’t get there if you rely on ‘maybe.’ Maybe this will happen, maybe that will happen. Satan says; “Maybe not.”

You are made in God’s image and in His image, you have power and authority. Those who expect God to answer, receive answers. Those who don’t expect to get sick, don’t get sick.

You’ve been sold a lie. You have all authority. You just don’t know it. You were made in the likeness of God. You were made to succeed and not fail. If you find yourself in situations you weren’t made to function in, it’s because there are discrepancies in your life and when you add time and distance, those discrepancies become greater.

You close the gap by moving into prayer. If you find you’re always on edge, always in fear, you know you’re not moving in the right direction. There are cycles which cause you to become accustomed to the curse,  the negativity you find youself in. Debt, sickness, war in real time, in our relationships. And tv reminds you of it all as the media consistently reports devastating news and you can’t see past it, because it’s in front of you every day. Despair creeps in.

You’re enslaved by the clock, the calendar and the dollar. You have to make a decision. You can take the stones out of the soil, but it takes time. The stones; sharp, unbending hindrances to life. The bible states in Job 5:23; For you shall have a covenant with the stones of the field, and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with you.

I have a covenant with the stones. Stones represent barriers and hardship. When you have a covenant with something, it means you’re on good terms. A covenant with the stones means you’ll be on good terms and the hindrances and barriers to your life will fall away.

Anything which hinders you, you need to listen to and learn about, whether it be relationships, finances, health, success. You have to stop laying blame and start acting for yourselves. Stop laying the foundations to more of the same. To get a different result, you’re going to have to do things a different way. And that is with anything that hinders you. Look at it from a different perspective. God is a different perspective. If you’ve tried everything else, perhaps it’s time to give God a go.

We’ve never been taught correctly. Why else would schools not teach a child how to actually study. The benefits of knowing how to study are enormous. Also, why doesn't school teach finances and yet will teach transgenderism? Which is more important to living a successful life?

You could argue that it’s important to understand transgenderism. Yes, perhaps for the .02% of the population who truly want it. For the other 99.8% of the world, financial knowledge would be a great asset and a great use of school time.

Distance connects time. And we can move in time to shorten the distance. There is another realm, where the clock doesn’t tick and we need to be able to access that realm. Very few of us will access that realm and only 1/4 of us will have good soil, with stones removed. 3/4 of us are perishing in poor soil; unnurtured, unfed, parched and dry, battling against the clock.

Only when you have good soil, good and correct foundations, can you build a good life. And only then will you produce a crop. That good crop is based on managing your time and making a decision as to how productive you want to be. You can move in time faster, as you praise God and give thanks.

You can get off the carousel. It might take a few years, but you can get out of the system. Jesus wants you all to be free from the system, but you have to think for yourself and take action. This process doesn’t have to take a lifetime.

Jesus can visit and take you somewhere, and return you back to where you started, 5 minutes before you left. Science knows this can happen, but they aren’t telling you. Why? Because what you don’t know, won't hurt, right? Because they don’t want you to be free of the system. They don’t want you free, not purchasing their products. They’d rather ensure their wealth, at the expense of your own.

Who are they? The big multinational corporations and governments worldwide, getting rich off the backs of the hard worker such as yourself. Big banks, big pharma, big business, big tech. 

In biblical times there were giants in the land and the people had to overcome them. There are still giants in the land today, in the form of these big businesses and just as in biblical times, the Israelites who left Egypt took their slave mentality with them, so too do most of us still have a slave mentality. It is still with us. Jesus came to set us free, but we ignore Him.

Why did interest rates rise recently, along with groceries? It wasn’t so much to slow the economy. Banks and groceries were already making billions of dollars in profits, even before these rises. They didn’t need to raise their prices. It was because people were enjoying their money and it had to stop. Heaven forbid, the little person might be getting ahead.

The powers that be felt it important to slow the economy and bring people back into hardship. They needed to devalue the dollar, so they can borrow more money themselves, because they aren’t managing our money at all well.

We have to think for ourselves. We have to do what it takes to get ourselves fit, healthy and financially stable and we can only do that when we begin to study and act on how to get off the treadmill.

Chaos will not return to order of its own volition. It has to have something creative behind it. So, don’t leave life to chance. Get off your death bed, get under the shadow of the Almighty and allow your tree of life to blossom in the good soil of the One who holds all power and watch your life change.

Thursday 4 January 2024

Finding Freedom in Forgiveness.

Bitterness is an ugly thing and we need to work on eliminating it from our lives. Our job, as Christians, is to be at peace with all men. Stay undefiled by the spirit of bitterness. Do not to let bitterness take root and grow.

Many people have horrific tales to tell; awful things said and done to them. When we focus on those stories there is no liberty – we must forgive. No matter how deep the hurt, we must forgive. The Lord will forgive us our trespass, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Forgiveness of sin isn’t for the other person, it’s for us to better let go and heal, moving forward in the process, eliminating bitterness and hate from our lives. Bitterness and hate bring sickness.

Hebrews 12 has a lot to say on the issue of bitterness and the trouble it causes in one’s life. Perhaps you might take a moment to look this up in your bible and read it for yourself, so you know exactly what’s at stake.

Bitter people can be quite scary, according to Bill Johnson who said in one of his sermons; “The scariest people I’ve ever met, have all been people who carry much bitterness.”

Vices which come through iniquity (heinousness, immorality, evil, injustice, crime, corruption) and unforgiveness, cause a bitterness which destroys life quicker than any other thing. Bitterness swallows the bitter and does nothing to affect the person against whom they are bitter. That person remains unscathed by the bitterness thrown against them.

A tranquil heart is life to the body, whereas bitterness causes a myriad of long-term health issues. We need to work towards having a tranquil heart, forgiving, as God asks us to do. When we do as God asks us, when we extend mercy not blame, showing an act of love and not hate in spite of our pain, we will be victorious. We will be called ‘peacemakers.’ Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Bitterness is justifiable only to the bitter. We’ve all gone through hardship. Our job now is not to hold on to any resentment. There is reasoning behind resentment, but that doesn’t mean we should cling to it.

Thankfulness insulates against contamination, or stumbling. A thankful heart can eliminate the bitterness in our lives. Even a meal which could possibly hurt you, can be sanctified by prayer in thankfulness. Thankfulness decontaminates a bitter heart. Thankfulness is a fruit. Let it be a favourite fruit of yours.

We’re told not to give place to the devil, or to any influence of the enemy. Bitterness is one of those influences we need to weed out. There are 3 areas that open people up to the demonic; drug abuse - especially hallucinogens - sexual immorality (which continues over time) and bitterness. If you’re not a Christian, the devil isn’t too concerned about you. A Christian, on the other hand, is fair game according to the devil and he will take you where he wills.

Bitter people are possessed by the spirit of bitterness, so it is a spiritual corruption and that corruption can run deep. People have murdered, when in bitterness. Unforgiveness defiles everyone under the influence of the bitter person, including the bitter person themselves. It destroys the vessel it’s in and for this reason we must be mindful.

We ourselves are undeserving of forgiveness and yet He forgave us. How much more should you forgive? We only receive forgiveness according to the forgiveness we meter out to others.

The Lord’s prayer, the very one Jesus taught the disciples, states; forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Don’t let bitterness take a hold in your life. Forgive. Forgive often. Forgive both large and small hurts.

Make sure you know which side your on, as we need to know what God loves. God’s anger is aimed at what interferes with love. Be angry and sin not. Anger is natural in certain situation, but don’t let anger lead to sin, to bitterness, to retaliation (which can and has, led to murder). Do not let the sun go down on your anger and give no opportunity to the devil (Ephesians 4:26-26).

Your volume increases, as your bitterness increases. You begin to shout angrily. The more you talk about your bitterness, the more you reinforce it in your life. Take those bitter words off the table and speak of them no more.

Bitter people are not trustworthy, for they are unstable. Commit to live the life of a forgiven and forgiving person. That doesn’t mean what’s been done to you is okay, but you can’t allow yourself to be controlled by bitter thoughts and feelings. Only when you can let go of bitterness can you contribute effectively to society, bringing redemptive solutions.

Staying in bitterness, causes you to lose the ability to have a positive effect on the world around you, for even the air surrounding you is tainted with the heaviness of bitterness and people perceive it. You’re akin to a radio, with negative radio waves, impacting the people around you. Those bitter roots can defile people everywhere you go.

If you are bitter and you honestly forgive, your behaviour should be one of peace and not one controlled any longer, by the incident. If you’re still feeling angry, you haven’t fully forgiven. Let it go. Move on.

Determine live as a forgiver. Release people. Refuse to be bound by the actions of other people. You may be frustrated and angry, but you need to go to sleep in peace, so the bitterness doesn’t take root and grow.

Pursue peace, as it will transform and sanctify your character. Remember, if your behaviour doesn’t change, you haven’t fully forgiven. Change that radio frequency and send out vibes of peace and joy.

Every problem was slain when you were born again, but they can resurface. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It means letting go of the past and sometimes that means letting go again, if you notice you’ve inadvertently picked that bitterness back up.

Bitterness can be perceived or real. Sometimes the offending party don’t even realise they’ve offended you. You may have misconstrued what was said. You may not, but either way, you’re the one responsible for letting go. Someone else may well have caused it, but still, it’s like a bitter poison to your life in general and visa-versa. If you happen to be the cause of someone else’s bitterness, you need to ask forgiveness if at all possible.

If you hold onto the hurt, it will shape how you view the situation, as our imaginations take us further than we need to go.

When there are measurable actions; fast, pray, phone call to bless and honour, or serve, or give a gift, take those action steps. Come to the place where the hurt doesn’t affect you, because that part of you is dead anyway, for as a born-again believer you should be dead self.

You need a behaviour change, even if it’s 20 years ago or longer. You can’t continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

If the person is no longer around, bless them anyway, or their family line. Ask God to forgive you, to help you let the issue go and bless the other party. Pray for people who oppose you in some way.

Never criticise another believer who is a believer in God. You don’t know their story. Pray for whatever they need and give the blessing of the Lord, that they would have children who would serve them with their whole heart.

Stay undefiled, unsullied, unpolluted, by the spirit of bitterness. The world needs righteous people who are not bitter. As you pray for others, try not to pick up the offense – like ministering to the poor and not be offended at the rich. Or a younger generation who doesn’t show respect to their elders.

God cares about all issues. He doesn’t have opinions - He’s right. Simple as that. The enemy doesn’t care about your opinion either, as long as you leave Jesus out of it.

Hebrews 12:12; Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no ‘root of bitterness’ springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.

There’s a defiling effect of bitterness on one person to another. God is taking us to a place of love, care and influence. He can only do it if we don’t pick up offences and if you eat of criticism and accusation, you’re being poisoned. Criticism defiles us, bitterness defiles us, thoughts of accusation defile us.

You will manifest when you come around bitterness. It is catching. You’ll feel it. Your peace will leave you. There is no liberty for you outside of forgiveness. Pray for discernment and grace in every environment, including the environment of those who carry bitterness. Don’t allow that environment to permeate through to your soul.

You have to proactively counter bitterness with love and you have to do it purposely. Maintain your awe and respect to the other person. They’re not perfect, but neither are we. Pray aggressively for them and not against them.

There’s a reason the bible says whatever is true and lovely, think on these things. It’s to bring us into the presence of the Loving Father. We cannot afford to be influenced in any way by bitterness. Influence is given only to those who know how to forgive.

Do not give the enemy a place at your table!

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Imagine Controlling Creation Through Time.

I believe the analogy of “a river of time” is quite an accurate one, as time speeds up and slows down, just as a river has tumultuous rapids and gentle babblings. A river, speeding or slowing, depending on whether we’re enjoying ourselves or not.

As I consider the river of time, my thoughts turn to; What if you could control the speed at which that river flows, or in this case, as time moves?

Time ticks away at an even rate, however the speed at which we view it is dependent upon each of us. I’ve used time to suit my needs, speeding it up, as needed, or slowing it down. I’ve also heard of people who travelled a six-hour trip and got there in three, without speeding. I’ve heard of people who’ve attended meetings and returned home at the same time as they left and I look forward to learning more on this topic and moving through time myself in this way. Ah, what we could do with more time on our hands!

In the beginning, there was no time, no space, no matter. It all started when God said; “Let there be light” and there was light. At the same time, matter and space came into existence. Before this, there was nothing. The bible is the divine record of the absolute beginning of time, space and matter.

Time began when God spoke. Space (heaven) and matter (earth) came into existence simultaneously to time, for there was nothing before God spoke, just a void, a blackness and a timelessness in which God could move freely, but nothing else was created.

The big bang theorists spout about two atoms of nothing rubbing together to create the world. I say, yes there was a big bang of nothing, but God Himself was behind it. How else are two atoms of nothing ever going to rub together? Those atoms needed a kick start and they got it in the form of a vibration. That vibration being the booming, spoken word of the great “I Am That I Am." The Great Creator!

“Let there be light!” Energy, vibration and boom, there was light.

God spoke and it became. You can’t put two sticks of dynamite under a house, blow it up and expect it to come together in the form of a new home, let along think the house can build itself in the first place. There has to have been something intelligent behind the building of a home, just as there’s intelligence behind the creation of the sun, the moon and the stars. Chaos never turns to order, without someone behind it, bringing that chaos into order.

Everything in life has a cause and effect. Nothing in this world can build, without a builder. No other builder outside God, can create cells out of nothing. As humans, we can grow seeds. We can even redesign them today for greater effect, but we could never design the seed itself. That design could only come from God.

The Genesis account of the birth of time, space and matter, is a truth and any other theory of design is a presentation of a corrupt version of that truth.

Einstein purported time can’t exist without space; that’s it’s impossible to separate one from the other. Or a 4th dimension if you will. The first dimension being a flat plane, the second, a curved plane, the third a folded plane, but without time, you can’t achieve a forth dimension. Time brings the fold into position. Somehow, someway, space has to fold (for space is a fabric of sorts) and space cannot fold without time.

This ‘spacetime’ is not static either, as other planes are. It can warp, ripple, bend and stretch. It can move left and right, back and forth, up and down, within the fabric of space. It’s a dimension where objects can move and this is what makes the forth dimension.

The space fabric is called aether. Aether is a cosmological phenomenon and it permeates throughout the universe, although there is no consensus as to what it really consists of. However, it is considered to be intertwined and shaped by mass and energy, which gives rise to gravity and where quantum mechanics govern the behaviour of subatomic particles. This has proven difficult to quantify, due to the smallness of the particles, making it almost impossible to observe.

The human race live inside time. God doesn’t. God can move back to the past, or into the future, as well as be in the present; all at the same time. What does this mean for us? For what is the point, if we can’t take advantage of this fact?

In studying time, I wrote a blog post on the topic. After this a movie came on T.V. about time travel and I felt there was more to this story on time, for there are no coincidences in life. And so began my study into time and of which, I’m sure there’s more to come.

Links to my other snippets on time:

Time Travels.

As Christians, we sit with Jesus, at the right hand of the Father. This means we are outside time, just as the Father and His Son are outside time. This means we can move through time, forwards and backwards, on the time line of infinity.

Imagine for a minute; you were born with a gene which is detrimental to your health. Imagine God; the all-powerful, almighty, all knowing, omnipotent, omnipresent worker of miracles. Imagine as you sit with Him, asking Him to go back in time and correct the gene, so it doesn’t affect your future.

Imagine a trauma, or a hurt and you can go back and change it, or even go forward in time to stop it from developing and doing any further damage. Perhaps you have an addiction. What if you could go back and stop it, before it starts, or finish it where it is? Why not? Is God not the worker of miracles? Is God not able? God is capable of anything. He’s in the past, the present and the future, all at the same time. And so too, are we, if we are with God.

We can do nothing but what the Father does, however we sit with Him and we can give voice. Imagine going back in time and turning events which prevent a war, or going forward and abruptly ending a war, or changing the events to that war, that your loved ones may be saved.

What if God shows you something and you don’t like what you see? Can you imagine going back in time and changing the event before it happens? Changing debt and bondage, intentionally shaking it off and declaring financial increase, bringing peace and not the storm.

How many ministers have you heard, who’ve said the ceiling opened and they we’re pulled out of the room and taken somewhere else? If you look online, you’ll find them. This isn’t available only to ministers. It’s available to anyone who sits at the right hand of the Father.

What if you began to believe those bible verses, which speak of being in different times and different locations? It shows in Joshua, where God stopped time as the sun stood still. Ezekiel begged God for more time and it was granted to him, as Isiah cried out to the Lord and He turned the shadow of the sun ten degrees backward.

Elijah carried by a whirlwind to heaven. Jacob viewed angels ascending and descending on a ladder. The Mount of Transfiguration where past, present and future come together, sealed with the presence of God. The miracle mountain, where Jesus stood with Moses and Elijah as Peter and John watched on. Peter and John, now part of the miracle, just as we too are to be part of a miracle for someone else, somewhere else.

I could tell you of my experiences, but would you believe them? You have to believe first and that’s with anything in the bible. You won’t see God move, until you believe. You won’t see angels, if you don’t believe, neither will you see time bend, unless you believe.

Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:7; “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago - whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, but God knows – such a one was caught up to the third heaven.”

God declares He is God and there is none like Him (Isaiah 46:9). The council of the Lord stands forever… (Psalm 33:11). God, who can move into any era, knows His word will move forever forward, providing a portal into the future.

Philip was physically teleported. Acts 8:39; …the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away. John wrote in Revelation 21:12 I saw a Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God… . God gave John visions of many things, including the return of Christ, seeing and experiencing what hasn’t happened yet.

The bible invites us to imagine and learn and the well-written history of time travel within it, too, is an invitation to seek. It doesn’t matter whether you travel physically, or the heavens open and you see a vision. Either way, you can travel through time and cause change. Faith is our time machine. You won’t get there without faith.

Faith, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Just as God made Adam out of the dirt and that dirt left an imprint, a shadow, so too is the bible a shadow of the things of God. To see them for ourselves; that is the substance and we only get there through faith.