Thursday 27 July 2023

The Shedding of His Blood.

The arks; a tell-tale sign of a hidden pattern in the holy ark of the covenant and in the ark of Noah.

The ark of the covenant was described as needing to be built out of wood and overlaid with gold, inside and outside. Another structure to be built out of wood with an overlay of pitch, was Noah’s ark.

The same word, ark, is used to denote both structures. Both structures had a covering overlaid; the ark of the covenant and the ark of Noah. The structures have a mirror image. Wood overlaid with gold and wood overlaid with pitch. Pitch, the opposite of gold. Gold; precious, pitch; worthless. Gold; firm and shiny, pitch; sticky and dull. Gold; bright, pitch, dark.

Two wooden boxes overlaid with exact opposites. One large, one small.  One saves humanity, the other houses the word of God in the holy sanctuary. Both functions mirrored as well, in a reverse kind of way. God, entering man’s domain via the ark of the covenant. The other, man entering God’s domain via Noah’s ark, as the flood brought back the world without form.

Genesis 1:2; The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Each ark helps one of these beings live in the other’s world.

God; our world isn’t His place. Just because you haven’t seen Him, doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist. God the creator, lives outside the system in His own realm, beyond space and time. Man lives in space and time. He can’t live in the ark of the covenant. Man moves to live in Noah’s ark. God moves to live in the ark of the covenant.

God came and moved among the men, in the the ark of the covenant. Noah’s ark was man, moving in the formlessness of God’s world.

All of this, until Jesus came. Jesus, the Saviour of the world through the shedding of His blood, now lives within mankind. Both the ark of the covenant and Noah’s ark, obsolete and lost to humanity. Not needed any more, as we place our trust in Jesus.





Wednesday 19 July 2023

Dreams, Desires, Destiny and Direction Part 2.

Demonic forces will fall at the presence of the Lord. In today’s time, that’s for you and I, for we are the representatives of the Highest God, we hold the presence of the Lord. He is in us and we are in Him and the demonic must bow to the higher authority.

Remember the Lord is with us and we are not to fear. Don’t ever think circumstances are too hard for God. If you have a bad report, instead of crying or complaining, bring God into your situation. I mentioned in part 1 that we shouldn’t complain, as it delays the time to breakthrough, so no crying or complaining.

If you do happen to get a bad report, quote scriptures. Take a look at the issue and ask yourself what scriptures you can stand on, to overthrow the report, to turn that bad report into a good report.

Whether that be a report on an illness, a loss of some sort, or you might be against a position leadership choose to take, get into the word of God and bring everyone to your side who are in agreement and then pray.

The bible states in Matthew 18:19; Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything they ask, it will be done for them by My father in heaven. Also, Ecclesiastes 4:12 says; though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. 

We are able to overcome. We are able to take possession. Let’s go; do it now, while the fire is in your belly. Be bold in the Lord. It is worth the battle. If the Lord delights in us, and He does, He’ll conquer the enemy.

If we are standing on the Lord’s promises, we can know the Lord is with us. As for the enemy, their protection has departed, so don’t be afraid. They are fighting a battle against the Lord, and they will lose. They always lose. You can read about it in the bible. Chronicle 1 and 2 highlights all those who were outside God’s protection and how they lost every battle and those who followed God won every battle. So, pray and pray as if you were going to win.

Now I know this is much easier said than done, praying as if we win. But if you stand on your scriptural promises, if you decree and declare the victory, you will be a champion. You want to be a champion, you want success in your life, but there will be times that you’re going to have to fight big battles, before you see that success manifest. And remember: Little battles, little victories. Great battles, great victories.

A giant champion; isn’t that what you want? A champion in whatever you undertake. Make up your mind - what do you want? Do you want a small and insignificant life, or do you want to take on the world? The choice is yours. There is no right or wrong, just a choice, as to whether you grab hold of life in all its forms, or live a quiet, sedentary life. No right or wrong, just a choice.

Moses, at the end of his life, reminded the people they’re going to have to fight. (Deuteronomy 32)

There are seven tests mightier than you and you’ll need God to conquer them. Seven tests you can’t do on your own. Seven tests you can’t do without God.

It took forty years before Moses was prepared to fight and another forty years to prepare forty thousand Israelite men for war. And then the battle began. 10 tribes to overcome.

I mentioned in part one, we will have ten battles to fight before we enter our promised land. 10 tribes and the meaning behind the names of those tribes, are the 10 battles you’ll have to face to reach your destiny.

Three you can conquer by yourself. But when you do, don’t get into pride. Remember to be humbly thankful. It’s easy to fall into pride, when we think we’ve conquered on our own. For there is a war going on at the moment, a spiritual war and the prize is your soul. We need to adopt the right mindset and maintain it, for the road to triumph is full of tests and trials.

The three you can conquer by yourself are:

Kenites; Kenite means fabricator. Lies and false accusations against you. Distortions and rumours. You can defend yourself, or let God do it.

Keneziets; possessive. Covetousness. We might try to look more spiritual than we are. If we try to have what others have, we’ll never succeed. We can’t succeed, while we’re trying to be someone else.

Kadmonite; this tribe will tell you; you can’t change, you’re good enough just as you are. They consider the old to be good enough and they will try to encourage you to hate change. They want you to stay with tradition. You’ll never enter your destiny, when the old is good enough.

Those are the three which you can conquer on your own. The next seven battles are seven are stronger than you and you’ll need to enlist the help of God.

Hittites; terror. Fear of failure creates physical and spiritual paralysis. You’ll be asking; What will people say? Or telling yourself, “It’s too big for me.” Your fears keep you awake at night. You feel you can’t handle or control what’s going on around you. Fearfully you’ll be asking; “What if there’s something I don’t know?” All forms of fear will have to be overcome, but you can do it, if you trust in Jesus. Sometimes you just can’t wait until you have all the answers.

Perizites; squatter; apathy. You’re not trying or paying attention, or you’re ignoring. This type of attitude kills churches. The first people your church will you lose are the people who are apathetic. They won’t help you build your vision and God will remove them.

Raphaeme; giant. Flee or run away. It’s not working like you thought and you give up. The issue is too big and you quit. So many quit before they see their miracle. There’s always something too big, insurmountable, with not enough knowledge, passion, or money. That’s what overcoming is all about; facing the big and insurmountable and working towards overthrowing them.

The Amorites, descendants of the Canaanites, also known for their evil ways. The Amorite is always thinking people are saying something about them. It creates inferiority and self- doubt in the mind. They tend to think you’re not talking about how good they are, but how bad they are. Know this: it is in your mind. They could be saying you look great, but due to doubt, you feel inferior and self-doubt always causes you to want to return to Egypt, as the Israelites did after they left their promised land. It can also mean sexual relations outside of marriage, so be alert and tread carefully.

Canaanite; zealous, too much zeal. They are the ones who go after things too quickly. They are impatient. They’re usually 6 months too early and only occasionally late, but rarely on time. You have to get in the boat when the time is right. When you pick it wrong, you then don’t trust your ability to make decisions in the future. This can stop you making decisions altogether, and you then allow other people to make decisions for you.

Gergishite; stranger. You feel out of place, frustration, you don’t feel you fit in. You don’t feel at home in your church. You might be thinking; they’re not like me/I’m not like them. It stops you from growing roots. When there are no roots, the fruit won’t grow. If you’re fruitless, you are neutered and you can’t move forward. You have to grow deep roots; your destiny is tied to the root.

Jebusite; downtrodden. Anxiety, depression and a victim mentality, plus a blame towards others for your own lack of success. You always feel condemned; you always feel you’re not doing enough.

These are the 10 battles you will face. You will have to overcome all 10 issues and you’ll not only fight them once, but time and time again, as you go deeper with God. Each battle is the bread (strength and courage) for you to go into the next battle, until you’re strong and mighty, fully prepared for the battle. And you’ll know you didn’t do it. You’ll be well aware that God did it.

These are the issues which are bigger than you can handle and God brings you through. Then what? Once every battle is won, then what? Don’t be like Nebuchadnezzar, who ended up eating grass, because he said; “Look what I’ve done.” Once you win, don’t be over confident in your abilities. You won because God lead the way and you listened, not because you did it on your own. Once you’ve overcome, give God praise.

Most of those who overcame, started out as lowly servants and then became great, just as Jesus did. Jesus started as a small child and spent years as a student, before performing His first miracle. There weren’t many of these great leaders, however the battles they won were great, in spite of their small number.

Remember; although frightened, Gideon battled and won with 300 people against 100,000 of the enemy. We can do this, with the help of God.

You will always come face to face with something greater than you. That’s life!

Gideon was hiding, grinding wheat, where he couldn’t be found. Gideon overheard the baker (from the enemy’s camp) speaking of a dream about a loaf of bread, rolling down the mountainside. The enemy mentioned Gideon was the bread, and he would win the battle. God told Gideon to go to the enemy camp. He was frightened, but he was obedient. You’re going to come face to face with your biggest fears and if you’re obedient to God, you will have victory. Every minister has had to face his/her fears.

You must become an overcomer, face your fears, step out in faith, removing what you’re afraid of, so you can win the battle and reach your destiny. Call on God to help you handle your issues. God will act on your behalf.

Have courage to stand. Ask God, “Make up the difference, between my fear and my faith. Remove my apathy. Don’t let me get ahead, or be premature, but allow me to work in lockstep with you. Amen.”


Note: Photograph; Bell Church Garden. Bell, Queensland Australia.




Tuesday 11 July 2023

Dreams, Desires, Destiny and Direction Part 1.

Your destiny and purpose are what’s coming to you. It’s what the Lord designed for you in this life, if you follow Him, for He leads His flock with intention and with purpose.

We too should be working towards destiny and purpose, for this is what brings us joy. Dreams and desires are the things that light up our life, the destiny we wish to achieve and that we aspire to. They are the desires of our heart. The direction we take to help us achieve our desires, is the vehicle we use to get us there.

Before arriving at our destiny there are things which stand in our way; things set before us, in order to block us from our divine pathway, for there is always an element of evil in this fallen world. When that happens, we can’t sit back and wait, we have to take action and do something about it.

Just as the children of God faced many blocks, while they worked their way into the promised land, we too shall face things, as we work towards our dreams and desires.

Twelve men of the bible went out to spy the land. Only two came back with a good report, the other ten felt it would be too hard. This speaks of the natural. This is why we have ten things today, to overcome and conquer before we can enter our promised land.

As with the nation of Israel and the ten battles they had to fight with the other nations, so too will we have ten territories we’re going to have to battle. It’s not that we have to fight other races and cultures, in this day and age. Today, the nations represent the worldly; things (baggage, conditions, circumstances and affairs). We’ll need to do battle, to overcome and be successful in life.

God gave the land to the descendants of Israel. It wasn’t the first people who left Egypt, but to their descendants who reached the promised land. However, they couldn’t possess the land until they fought the other nations. One of those nations being the Amorites.

The meaning of the name Amorite is; Bitter, a rebel, babbler. The Amorites were giants and they were descendants of the son of Canaan, the son of Ham, the son of Noah.

The bible states the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete (Gen 15:16). Iniquity means a violation of duty, a transgression or trespass. A guilt worthy of punishment. As they entered the promised land, the Israelites still had battles to fight, as their iniquity still held.

God gave ample time for the Amorites to turn from their wickedness, yet they did not take advantage of this time of grace and the Israelites defeated the Amorites in battle; a punishment from God, for the rebelling ways of the Amorite.

God waits until iniquity is fulfilled, before allowing you to overcome something mightier than you. He knows you’re weak and He waits for you to get stronger, before he brings you into the picture.

We have to get rid of the enemy; the engraved stones, the molten images and their high places. We have to drive the inhabitants out and the provision will be there to do this. God always provides.

What is our enemy? What are the ‘giants’ in our life?

Engraved stones - another name for painful memories, which stop us from taking a chance.

Molten images - the idols that we seek to comfort us during our troubled times, instead of God.

High places - the negative emotions we feel (weaknesses, fears, anxieties), instead of courage to face tomorrow.

The first things we feel are the mental strongholds; thoughts, precepts and opinions, because we haven’t yet conquered what and how we think.

We are to conquer our thoughts, the inhabitants of our mind. We are to take every thought captive and not allow our thoughts to run away with us. We are to be in control of our thoughts; like a carriage pulled by horses. Don’t let the horses bolt and run away, keep them under control.

There will always be tests in life. Obstacles that test our courage. The bigger the test, the greater the benefit, once you overcome. The test is in direct proportion to the benefit we receive.

If we look at the negative, we fail the test and then have to re-sit the exam. A bad report deters us from our destiny and we have a tendency to complain, when we’re given a bad report. Complaining takes us from an eleven-day journey, to a forty-year journey. Just as the Israelites could have entered the promised land in eleven days, but it took forty years for them to get there. The more we complain, the longer our journey is.

The reason it stretches our season of delay when we complain is, it’s a form of rebellion against the Lord. The Lord our God does not take kindly to rebellion. He did after all, throw Lucifer, His bright and shining star from heaven, when he rebelled.

Although we are given the right to choose, the wrong choice does have consequences. However, we need to remember God is with us. We are not to fear, for nothing is too hard for God. No matter what the circumstance, God is well able to bring us through.


Note: Photograph; Bell Church Garden. Bell, Queensland Australia.


Monday 3 July 2023

A Light To Guide My Path.


A Light To Guide My Path.

Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21

(Photograph: Tuggerah Lake, The Entrance, N.S.W. Australia)


2 Chronicles 21:7…and gave David a lamp forever.

A lamp, a light. A light to my path and a lamp for my feet – Jesus. Psalm 119:105; Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 

I heard recently, where all things point to Jesus.

I’d always pictured a light to my path and a lamp to my feet as being my way lit up, so I walk in the right direction. While this may be true, perhaps a double meaning is implied. The light and lamp being Jesus, as it says in this passage (even though Jehoram was a wicked king); yet the Lord would not destroy the house of David because of the covenant that He had made with David, and since He had promised to give a lamp to him and his sons forever. (2 Chronicles 21:7)

The lamp; a picture of something greater. A picture of love, faithfulness and relationship, of God’s faithfulness to all who trust in Him.

When the link between us and God is broken, so too is our power.  When we are properly submitted to God, so too are our passions. Our passions (whether good or bad) flare up, depending on our submission to God. Any proper exercise of authority (home, government, church, society, work) is safe, when we’re fully submitted to God.

Recently I listened to a message, which was all about Jesus. If you’re depressed, you need to meet Jesus. If you’re unwell, you need to meet Jesus. If you have a need; Jesus. And one other thing the minister said; we don’t need to ask for more. God gave us His very best – Jesus. There is no more. Just rest in Jesus.

We have a tendency to complicate things, but I believe the message is that simple; rest in Jesus. All else will fall into place, we only need to rest in Him. He is our lamp forever.

The lamp; a metaphorical statement, emphasizing wisdom which comes from following God’s direction, from remaining close to Jesus. If you want a better life, follow God more closely. As we learn from God’s word, He lights passages of importance, so we can navigate well in life. 

Whether a bright light to the path ahead, or a shallow light extending only to the next step, when we follow God, love God and obey His word, it will bring a closeness to God that will cause prosperity in all areas of our life.


About the author:

Alexandra Grose – An investigative photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.



#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.










This work is based on the belief of the writer. All she asks, is that you study and form your own opinion, as to the validity of her beliefs. You can’t assume you’re right on any given topic, you have to prove it.