Thursday 29 February 2024

The Last Prophecies.

The Last Prophecies.

In the last prophecy of the Old Testament Christ is known as the rising sun, the Sun of Righteousness, coming with healing in His wings. This a promise, that those who keep His commandments would be both healed and blessed.

What’s more relaxing than to bask in the warmth of the noonday sun? Without the sun, nothing would exist upon the earth. The sun emits a huge amount of power, or energy. It brings joy, healing and vitality. It can also do the opposite and burn as a furnace, when not used correctly.

Jesus, who presides over the people in the final judgment, decides as to whether we shall burn in the heat of hell, or arise to a joyous and final resting place.

The ancient people of the bible often depicted solar imagery as deity symbols. Ancient civilisations used a winged sun disk as a symbol for divine beings. Hezekiah’s royal seal was that of a winged sun disk. So, it’s not a great stretch of the imagination for imagery such as this to be used in biblical writings.

There are a number of biblical passages comparing the Lord to the sun, to fertility, righteousness or justice, drawing a connection between them. As the moon shall be a light and the sun sevenfold, the Lord crosses the chasm between heaven and earth, bringing health and vigour to His people.

The last prophecy of the New Testament, Christ is the bright and morning star, the light of the morning, who comes with healing in His wings. His resurrection, our promise of life eternal and of life abundant.

Both Jesus and satan are called the morning star. How can that be? They’re so opposite in relation to each other. Though Jesus and satan have similarities, one is by far the greater. Jesus is the ‘bright morning star.’ Satan, just the morning star. Satan as always, the counterfeit - the lesser being, for that is all satan can do – copy and an inferior copy at that.

Just as Jesus is the Lion of Judah, bringing love and life and saving the nations, Satan too is depicted as a lion. Satan, the roaring lion seeking whom he can devour, bringing disillusionment as he comes to kill, steal and destroy. Satan, once again the inferior copy. A copy of hatred, as he tries without success to emulate the One and Only True God of the heavens.

The Great Flood

I’d like to clear something up for you. I feel it would be remiss of me, to allow a biblical rendering left out of context. I do bring my message forth with much love and no condemnation. This snippet was in relation to a post put up on Facebook, showing where the confusion lies, in the Word of the Lord.

I asked God - How can I correct a summation of kangaroo’s coming from the ark, picking up their bones after the flood and making it all the way to Australia without leaving a trace of themselves behind?

It takes a brave person (and I might add – a foolish one), to mock the Word of the Bible, but a misunderstanding is easily done.

God showed me to look up Aboriginal dream-time stories on the great flood. Then He pointed me to Elijah who, when hiding from Jezebel in a cave, said to God, he alone was the only prophet left in the world. God told Elijah He had reserved 7,000 still in Israel. 

My point being, it's not too far fetched to think Noah wasn't the only person to build an ark and save himself, his family and the animals. Just as Elijah was one of 7,000 others, it's not inconceivable to think God had other people lined up for this job, around the globe. 

Biblical stories come out of Egypt. There are oodles of other stories which come from different regions of the world, stating uncannily similar facts as this one on the great flood of the desert.

According to the dream-time story, there was an aboriginal who tried to warn others; the rivers were going to flood and to get to higher ground. He made himself a raft and he and the animals made their way to safety, over 30 days later.

These myths of a great flood pervade a myriad of countries and cultures, many of which are based on actual events. Word has it that the Grand Canyon came about through a one-time flood (an extra-ordinarily large flood) and not by millions of years of erosion.

A man name Strickling studied the myths of the floods on the earth, finding in each story; survival was due to a boat, a forewarning, a one flood only event and preservation of not only man, but animals taken aboard the boat also.

Science is readily available today, proving the flood occurred. Core samples have been taken from around the world. They too, depict a great flood within a similar time frame, roughly 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, with the first stories for 3,000 years being given orally, before the written word arrived. Hindus, Buddhists, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Native Americans, Mesopotamians, Thai mythology and many more, believe in a flood.

Stories of a great flood are said to have occurred in Babel, Syria, Samaria, Greece, Babylon, China, Persia, Estonia, Ireland, America and Australian. Even Africa has a tale from their history on a great flood event, although it differs slightly to other world stories, as it would. Africa has an enormous culture who believe in witchcraft.

Hopefully that clarifies how kangaroos are found in Australia after the flood, how aye-ayes from Madagascar and even Panda bears continue in China. Animals saved by boat, all over the world.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The Covenant Prayer.

Satan controls you through pain. It’s a trap of the enemy. Bitterness too, is an access point for control from the enemy. The enemy will keep different parts of you in pain and reside in those areas of pain. The enemy delights to inform you that humans are bad. As this is done, we pull away and cut ourselves off from emotional attachments.

God is love. If you cut love off, if you don’t have love, you’ll become emotionally trapped. You won’t feel pain. You also won’t feel joy.

Deliverance and healing will restore your soul, as you accept the love of God.

Pornography exposure and molestation in childhood between 1 and 6, is a wound in them which festers the longer it’s left. This is a gate the enemy uses to trap the soul.

Believe it or not, there are pastors who go to a witch to attain a greater measure of power. The bible clearly speaks about witchcraft, stating to steer clear of it and leave it well alone.

Witchcraft and the occult are two different entities. The occult subscribes specifically to satan, while witchcraft is about attaining spirit and power. Satan cannot destroy himself. He can however destroy witches, as they are a lower form of evil. In other words, the occult has a higher ranking in the realms of evil.

Repentance will help. In all things, repent and repent quickly. The sooner you repent, the sooner you get your life back on track.

Your authority is about the hedge surrounding you. As an intercessor, you’ll have the authority to be a territorial intercessor once you’ve built walls around you that the enemy can’t break, can’t penetrate. Satan knows your weaknesses, but if your walls are strong and secure, he can’t infiltrate them.

If you let the enemy in, you can lose the level of weight that you carry and you have to be extremely mindful, not to lose that level of power and strength. If you lose the power you walk in today, you can speak the same words you spoke yesterday, but they don’t carry the same weight. The same words spoken from a different place can produce different results. Be mindful not to give the enemy an open door, not even a little inch.

Our assignment is to guard people in all walks of life. We’re to pray for all circumstances. We’re to be intercessors for others and watchmen on the walls.

Men of God are falling short of fulfilling their destiny, because other men and women have left their station. So many people start this walk, but fall by the wayside. Because they’ve let the enemy infiltrate and they don’t see the results they desire, they leave their station. They walk away from God, wounded. We are to pray for those people.

The power of prayer is so much more than you ever thought. An example could be; 20 elderly women, strong in the Lord and one strong Pastor leading them, can stop even the demonic spiritual elite, causing fear in the realm of the satanic.

A spirit can speak through you, both good and bad, so be vigilant. It’s not a nice thing to be connected to the wrong spirit. Even if you are admonishing someone, it needs to be done in love not anger, for the power you allow in, will flow. One spreads love, the other, hate.

In some places, even the mention the name of certain pastors can cause the demonic power to leave, because those pastors are covered in the blood of Jesus. The pastors who constantly pray the blood of Jesus over their lives, are powerful and mighty under God.

If you decide to participate in a covenant prayer - praying for 90 days, every day for 6 hours, where if one person misses even just one minute, they have to start again. Even if you miss one minute on the 89th day, you’ll have to start again. Don’t enter into a covenant prayer, unless you know without a doubt, that you can see it through.

That means; prayers, repentance, worship and warfare…6 hours a day. And there will be pressure from the satanic. Make sure your whole family is covered by prayer, as you enter a covenant prayer, even if those family members aren’t in the prayer covenant.

Some time ago, a company of women had, when the covenant prayer was done correctly, returned 7000 backslidden pastors into service, from all over the world. Those pastors repented, following the covenant prayer of this group. It is a powerful form of prayer, if you can see it through.

A small group such as this, is like a power house. The church who performed this prayer through covenant, didn’t even know how powerful they were.

You never know what goes on in the spirit realm when you pray consistently. When you get to heaven, you’ll meet people you never knew, who will thank you for your prayers that saved them.

If you do 90 days, the satanic can’t operate for 70 years, according to former high-ranking warlock (now Christian), James Kawalya. But you will face great opposition and interference. Be ready for it. Expect it. Know what it is when it arrives and pray against it.

There is a greater power in the spirit realm, when operating within the bounds of a covenant and not just anyone can do it. Be sure you’ve heard from the Lord, before undertaking such a task.

If you’re not in covenant, even if only a company of two (the bible says; where two or more are gathered together, I (Jesus) shall be in the midst of you), you’ll have a more limited power if you’re not connected to others. All prayer is effective; however, you’ll have greater results when under a church banner, in fellowship with like-minded Christians, or if you’re in a bible study group. Operating outside of these, you will have some success, but for the greater measure of success, be sure your prayer group, life group, or connect group is behind you, backing you, praying for you, with elders watching over you.

For those who get their sustenance from an online church, your pastor can’t see what’s going on, can’t see when you’re struggling, or doing it tough and therefore you won’t have that greater covering.

You need to walk a covenant life. There’s no valued covenant, if you’re not physically attached to a regular group. If you don’t have a strong covenant, the enemy will try to attack and will most likely succeed.

The enemy tries to break any covenant, from friends, to marriage covenants and you will lose power. Relationships of all kinds, as well as brothers and sisters in faith. The enemy comes against them and you lose power. The enemy knows how to break relationship covenants. As a lone ranger, if you don’t have a covenant relationship, you become an easy target.

Spirits never walk in isolation. Once you isolate yourself, problems will follow. Even God walks with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and is surrounded by His angels, seraphim, cherubim. You must be connected to others, to be an effective prayer warrior.

For those who wish to break a church covenant, you will be converted if you try to break the covenant of the prayer warriors. And there are those who are operating from the evil realm, who do want to see covenants broken.

Satan knows your “book of life.” In fact he holds your “book of death” in his hands. He knows your patterns and weaknesses and your ancestry line and their curses and their enemies’ legal rights. He knows which one’s he can use to best effect, for the purpose of destroying you.

Open doors to the satanic come through unforgiveness, woundedness and bitterness, more so if it’s generational. These are easy access ways. Satan can use a relative, or a loved one and they push hard against you and seldom fail.

Satanists will use chants under an open sky, cursing the group they’re after, as their curses float over your head. If you respond in the flesh (anger, or take offense), that’s an open door through which the evil spirit can enter.

Anger, unresolved issues, insults, offence, love of money, fear of money, disagreements, slander, isolation, depression, addiction, pornography, gossip, idols are all open doors for the devil.

This is a large number of entryways. Don’t let this disappoint you. You can overcome the wrongs you are doing. Repent. Make sure you don’t miss your morning devotion, for that’s an area which strengthens you. Don’t allow yourself become distracted, or isolated.

Don’t allow yourself to be separated from the core team, so as to break the covenant group. Tiredness will reduce your discernment. Study yourself to see if there is any wicked way which might have wormed into your life.

The phrase once born again, forever born again, is not necessarily true. You have to stay committed. Usually it’s the minor things you think don’t count, which bring you undone and pull you away.

To have your children in the covenant, you need to commit and dedicate your children. The enemy will use your spouse or children, so remember they need covering in prayer. But doing it, while not under a spiritual authority, makes it not as strong a protection, as if you are covered by an apostolic covering.

You need an authority to cover you. You need authority over you. If you have other people around you, they can discern what you’re not seeing. This is often the role of a spiritual father/mother.

As it is such an important issue, I’m going to repeat it; Don’t allow isolation from the team. The enemy will isolate you if you allow it.

Wounded people complain and grumble, then it’s easy for you become fragmented from the team. Try to remain outside of offence. Plus, cursing is a final blow; cursing the covenant – for then you’re in pride. One of the biggest no no’s with God, is to be in pride. We’re always to be humble. Cursing a wounded soul will cause retaliation and we certainly don’t want that.

Once the group has become divided, the covenant is now broken. Repentance can make all the difference, even as late as at the finish line, even in the 90th day of the covenant. Repent at this time and see the covenant prayer to the last moment – success is guaranteed, if you can see it through to the end.

Note: This information was sourced from a 3-hour YouTube clip; an interview with ex-satanist James Kawalya. If you’d like to hear the full and original version, please click the link below. The clip does contain subjects which may be difficult for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

The Importance of Keeping the Sabbath.

If you honour the Sabbath and take delight in the Lord, you will ride on the heights of the Lord and will have the inheritance of Jacob, be enraptured by the presence of God and feed on the inheritance of Jacob. Prophetic words from God found in Isaiah 58.

Jesus said; “Everyone who drinks of the water I will give him, will never thirst again.” This speaks of a constant supply.

If you do delight in the Lord, you shall receive three benefits; 1. Delight of the Lord Himself. 2. Delight of the earth. 3. Partake of the inheritance. 

The Sabbath isn't necessarily Sunday. The Sabbath is time set aside for God, for forming a relationship with the Trinity. Sabbath is about stepping into a personal time, in rest, with the Lord. It's got nothing to do with religious days. Some churches believe you have to keep Saturday holy. That's religion talking. God's not interested in religion, but relationship. 

There are rewards of Sabbath keeping. If you delight in the Sabbath, you’ll have a better relationship with the Lord, as you enter into His holiness frequently and with joy.

The opposite is true if you don’t keep the Sabbath. We need to honour and delight in the Sabbath. The Lord is always delighted with us, but if we keep the Sabbath, He’s even more delighted.

Isaiah 58 speaks of riding on the heights of the earth. What does this mean? You will ride on the heights of the earth; the top of topography, with its ups and downs. The ups and downs of life made smooth and straight as you move along the ridges, staying out of the valleys. Steep hills and deep canyons will no longer be your lot in life. You get to stay on the ridge when you keep the Sabbath.

That doesn't mean you'll never have any problems, just that your problems will be easier to bear.

The ridge is an idiom for success in general, navigating your way through obstacles and difficulties, easily and effortlessly. Mountain sized problems and deep valleys of hardship fall away before you. Keeping the Sabbath is the promised ride along the straight ways, the smooth paths.

Why do we inherit Jacobs legacy? Why not Abraham’s? God renamed Jacob and he became Israel, and Isaac was the inheritance of Israel. We too are the inheritance of Israel, earning a name among the children of Israel; the people of God.

After trying to deceive his father, Jacob flees from the land of promise. He’s essentially driven out of Canaan. Despite his efforts to deceive, he’s leaving it all to Esau. His plan has backfired. It appeared to Jacob that his stolen blessing, has been taken from him.

God then introduces himself to Jacob and passes the blessings on to him. Jacob, now Israel, now inherits the blessings. God speaks the covenant promises to Israel. The Lord stood above him (atop of the ladder, where Jacob said; “Surely God is in this place.”), introducing Himself to Jacob and giving him the land in which he stands. Jacob’s offspring will be blessed and God will be with him wherever he goes and will not leave him.

God gives all the land Abraham can see and it’s given to him and his descendants. Just as Jacob is also given all the land; land to the north, south, east and west, right down to the sea and all the wilderness as well.

These are similar promises, between Abraham and Jacob. The distinct difference is, Abraham inherits all the land within the borders of Canaan - 4 compass points within the land of Israel. Jacob, on the other hand inherits not only the 4 compass points (north, south, east and west) but also a greater blessing; land without borders.

God gives a greater promise to the Sabbath keeper; a universal promise – an inheritance without boundaries.

Any land conquered, will become sovereign, self-governing and free. The inheritance without boundaries, the territory of Israel. North, south, east and west, owned and controlled by the King of Israel, under the Lord our God. All the lands of the world – yes even those under communism. An inheritance without boundaries.

The inheritance is enormous (global), if you keep the Sabbath holy. You will receive the Kingdom of Heaven. In this world it is the interest. The next world is the full inheritance.

The river might be dry today, but when the rain comes, the stream will flow. Dreamers will be filled with laughter and song. The Lord will do great things, as He has always done. You will come with joyful song, as you plant your seeds.

Stream beds are subject to flash floods. This is how it will be in the kingdom of heaven, where the people will flow like a river, right up to the mountain of the Lord. A river that flows continually.

The Sabbath rest for the people of God will remain. Be diligent to enter that rest. In order to enter this inheritance, the coming kingdom, we must strive to enter that rest. We strive by clinging to Messiah, by drinking from the well of Jacob, the well that never dries up, the water freely given through Jesus Christ.

If you seem to have failed to reach it, the Great High Priest Yeshua, will help you conquer. He is the promised seed, who not only inherits but also preserves and spreads the seed, in you and your seed.

The conquering of nations has already begun. It’s spread from the north, south, east and west. God is famous. Jesus has disciples, in all of the nations.

All the nations will rally to Him and He will encourage you, when you call the Sabbath delightful. You will be fed with the heritage of Jacob, in this kingdom and the coming kingdom and the new Jerusalem; the world to come.

We were created to bask in the light of God, to know Him face to face. The purpose of our creation is to bring heaven to earth, raising the dead, opening blind eyes, healing all, casting out demons.

The true place of this pleasure is the world to come. With an eye toward the kingdom and the world to come, the Sabbath is a foretaste of this. The heights of the earth, are the ingathering of the exiles, those who don’t believe they’re worthy. (We are all unworthy, that’s why we have much grace.)

You will be returned to the land in merit of your observance of the Sabbath. The dead will be resurrected, because you chose to follow the Lord in every one of His directions.

The inheritance is an inheritance without boundaries or borders – the globe and the kingdom of heaven, the world to come. Delighting in the King. Ask of Him and He will give you your inheritance. Thank the Lord, praise Jesus.

How good is our portion? How rewarding is our inheritance? It is greater than you could ever hope or imagine.

Friday 16 February 2024

Fingers of God.

I have to tell you about my vision. I’ve been following Justin Abraham for about seven years, using his methods to move in and out of the heavenlies. All this time, I’ve felt it was imagination, which is what Justin said will happen, but to stick with it. So, for seven years I’ve stuck at it. Not every day. Just as I've had the time. The other night, I felt I had breakthrough, where it seemed real and not imagination. There was a distinct difference in the feel of it.

The other evening, I asked Jesus to take me with Him, as I was drifting off to sleep.

At first, I saw demonic faces and I told them to get lost (knowing when this happens, I’ve connected to the wrong source and need to bring it back to Jesus). Then I saw the most magnificent space scene. It was so incredibly pretty and lit up. Just beautiful, like a starry night with no moon, but not anywhere known to me, with no constellations that I could recognise. And I felt it was lit up, due to the light of God, where there is no darkness. This was just a section of the universe. Outside of this lit area, was a black void of space, with a few stars.

But I feel I have to emphasise the beauty of it. If you’ve seen the photographs the James Webb telescope’s producing, you’re getting close, but it had a light emanating, the likes of which the James Webb doesn’t capture. Interestingly, photographers call this light: Fingers of God. Shafts of light, like an early morning sunrise/ late evening sunset. The above photo is an example of the shafts of light, called fingers of God. You’re getting close to seeing what I saw, if you can picture this in the heavens, rather than here on earth.

The scene changed and after that I saw a long hallway, with a row of round overhead lights. I didn’t know what this was and I woke up before I got chance to ask. I asked later that morning, in my prayer time, that God would show/tell me what this was.

A few days later, after starting a new book I’d purchased (not true actually – it was a free download). In reading this book, I found out this was a temple hall, which connects to other halls and courtyards; a place where the roots of all creation join. Where we are then joined together face to face, the Giver and the receiver, along with all other branches (souls, angels and other levels of created beings) as we reconnect with their roots and receive a share of sustenance from the Creator of all.

There are steps that connect the various floors and as the angels ascend, they chant; “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the God of Hosts. Blessed be the glory of God from His place.”

It seems these verses are recited daily in Jewish prayer services, although I haven’t yet looked into this aspect of my learning. This is important, however, as we need to understand the spiritual time frame to increase the flow, creating unity and order in the universe.

I found the whole thing fascinating and thought you might like to hear about it. The book is called ‘The Book of Zohar’ and Justin spoke of it, which is why I sought it out. Akin to The Book of Enoch (which Justin – and others - have also referred to), only much bigger (4,400 pages). At the rate I’m moving through it, it’s going to take me a very long time to finish. Enoch was heavy going and it took me two years to get through it (I don’t know if it was just the free version I had, or if they’re all that complicated).

Anyway, that’s my story.

Overcoming the Powers of Darkness.

        Overcoming the powers of darkness.

When you pray you set things in motion and people will stumble into what you have set in motion. You opened the atmosphere and those who come, enter into that atmosphere.

What eye has not seen… This opening of the atmosphere goes into the unseen for generations. When you get to heaven, someone you’ve never met will say, “Your prayer saved me.” When you pray, you release a current and souls are liberated because of your prayer, through that current.

Time passes and we don’t know what happens when we pray. We may even forget we have prayed. (An important reason to write all our prayers in a journal.) And sometimes, when praying in tongues, we don’t even know what we’ve prayed.

You can arrest witches and scatter powers of the demonic and not even know it. God doesn’t always show you what you’re praying for, otherwise you’d get into fear. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

If you can see the unseen, you can do the impossible and the enemy fears a child that can see into the spirit realm.

When you’re attacked by the devil, your eyes are the first thing to cloud over, but the Lord will restore sight. There’s power in your eyes, as the things you look at give way under the power and authority you hold, in Christ Jesus.

Layer by layer, you dig deeper. You might not see it, you might not know it, but those layers you remove will stop the powers of darkness for as much as 70 years into the future. Daniel understood this, when he read Jeremiah's 70 year prophecy. 

Agents of darkness attack mostly those who can see. If you can see in the spirit, you are a threat to the devil. However,  for those of you who wish to go deeper, pray the Lord opens your spiritual eyes.

Open my eyes Lord. I want to see. Let the veil be torn and the scales fall from my eyes. I pray for sight; restore my sight oh Lord, expose that which blinds me and that which is hindering me from seeing. Father I want to see. Let my eyes be open, the eyes of my heart. My prayer is to receive back my sight. My eyes are opening right now.

Let my eyes see in the name of Jesus. Open the eyes of the prayer warriors within the church. Let the seers arise. Demon of blindness leave. In the mighty name of Jesus.

If you want to see, ask for sight. Whatsoever you ask in my name, that I shall do. (John 14:13) To be more effective in the spirit realm, you need sight. 

Always, after prayer (and even before), remember to give thanks. Thank you, Jesus, for restoration. Thank you, Jesus, for sight in the darkness.

Lord I pray; Let the people see what is hidden for generations, let them see what is surrounding their homes, their church. I believe. Amen.

What is the cause of blindness – idols. If you have idols in your heart, you’re blinded. We don’t want idols, we want power and authority to take over territories, to take the land for the Lord. Men and women are to take territories for God. We are supposed to take the territory in our area.

Caleb said give me the mountain. Why settle for a car or a house, when you can have the whole hill? Give me the power over this territory, oh Lord my God.

When you become focussed on territories, the Lord will send men and women to equip you; people clothed in invisibility that the evil realm can’t see.

You can’t see the people, but you can see the image. In the spirit realm you can see the authority. The entire city is under his wings. He has taken the territory and whatever happens is due to his prayer coverage.

You will never lose a battle. The Lord will destroy the yoke that hinders you. Destroy Lord, all that defiles and blinds me, that which blocks my sight and hinders me. Let there be healing, in Jesus name.

Let your eyes be opened, that you can be a watchman on the walls of the people, on the walls of your territory. Restore Lord. Be set on fire, holy fire, set apart for God. Return to the place of standing in the gap. Restore the place of the covenant.

Form a team that will be in agreement. Where you need to repent; repent. Give me courage, oh Lord. Hear the desire of Your people, oh Lord.

Come to the Lord on your knees and give yourself fully to Him this day. Thank you, Lord God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit.

Thursday 15 February 2024

He Loves You Enough

He loves you enough….
To enter this world as a servant only to you
Even though He was the King of Kings
To weep deeply and sweat rivers of blood
As He prayed not His will, but the Father’s be done

He loves you enough
To fathom the betrayal of His friend’s support
In the quest to save the sick, lowly and poor
To forgive the jeers, beatings and hate
By the people He came to liberate

He loves you enough
To be whipped until weak, raw and bleeding
To have thorns pierce His skull, a sign mock Him as King
To caress His humility, as He hauls his burden alone
While those He loved, laughed, heckled and stoned

He loves you enough
To feel the shame of a criminal’s death
As He was killed in the criminal’s lot
A Man who had done no wrong
But given in life, an unfair plot

He loves you enough
To see His last items wagered
As lots were then cast
And He stood naked
Before Roman guards

He loves you enough
To have nails pound
Through His feet and His hands
As they outstretched
Against the abrasive spans

He loves you enough
All the while pressed, raw, bloodied and bleeding
Against rough-hewn timber
Etched into His raw, bloodied back

He loves you enough
To almost pass out, as the cross lifted tall
Is dumped into a hole
And earth rammed in
While no care was taken to steady it all

He loves you enough
To deny Himself medicine
Of vinegar and herbs, even though He thirsts
To preserve His vigilance
As He pleads for you, in His final outburst

He loves you enough
To save one more soul
From the cross next to His
Before going to meet
His Father in bliss

He loves you enough
To pray one last prayer
Not for His deliverance
But to plead with the Father;
To: forgive your belligerence

He loves you enough
To feel bereft
As the Father turns away
To feel the weight of the sins of this world
Tomorrow, yesterday and today

He loves you enough
To stand on His nail scarred feet, pushing up
To not suffocate before His work was complete
To bear hours of agony in the heat of the sun
To have a spear pierce His side, so attest His death done

He loves you enough
To go down into the miry trench
A place of torture and great torment
Of weeping and gnashing of teeth in lament
A source of great sadness to Him who went

He loves you enough
The Prince of Peace
To snatch the keys of life from the hand
Of the prince of this world
And what satan expected he’d command

He loves you enough
To wait, dripping blood upon the atonement arch
While the angels were ministering Him
And to bear it for the time apart
While the Father still couldn’t bear look at Him

He loves you enough
To allow a King’s crown
To cover the scars of the barbs
To wait, as the angels adorn Him
His Righteous robe hiding those ugly marks

He loves you enough
To await, while sandals cover His feet
Masking the piercing holes through His skin
Awaiting once more, until the Father with love
Could finally turn, to look at Him

He loves you enough
That because of Him, the Father can search
Through the dripped blood on the arch
That the Father who can’t look at sin
Can now look at sinners, through the blood of His Son

And because He loves you enough
He projected a piece of Himself
The Holy Spirit
Sent specially to teach of His love
A guide for you on this earth yourself

He loves you enough to bring justice to Gentiles
To not cry out this Elect Man of God
In whom a bruised reed He will not break
Bringing forth justice and truth
To a world who will not tolerate

Surely you know now….
He loves you enough
Even more than enough!

Friday 9 February 2024

Can You Hear God?

Anxiety and fear stop us from hearing God speak.

Peace is a form of His voice. Peace is God telling us all is well.

Repentance keep us in that seamless connection of an awareness of God.

We were designed to be fruitful. God is interested in fruitfulness.

If it’s rightly connected, a plant drinks the water and produces fruit. It doesn't work or strive. It just is and that’s how we need to be. We don’t need to strive. We just need to be doing what we should be doing and the rest will take care of itself.

Our driving motive which ignites the heart of Jesus, is to see His Father glorified. The Father is glorified, when we pray and get an answer and then tell others of the answer we’ve received. Keep praying until you get the answer you’re after. In the meantime, if you feel your prayers aren't being fulfilled; try loving your way into the kingdom.

Love everything and everybody. Be grateful for all you have. Thankfulness and love ignite the heart of the Lord, so too compassion.

Wait for God to show/tell you what to do. David asked before every single battle, “Should I fight the Philistines?” God gave David different strategies for each battle. You might have to do things differently, from one person to another. You might have to do something this way this time, but next time that particular way doesn’t work. So, ask God continually; “What’s the next step?”

Waiting doesn’t mean doing nothing. While you’re waiting for your breakthrough, obey the last thing God told you to do. Follow the last directive you were given and stay out of impatience or desperation. Impatience and desperation show a lack of faith. Also, don't try to take the shortcuts. Wait until you hear clearly, what God wants for you and then do it.

How do you hear from God? He will give you impressions, pictures or feelings. He will cause words to jump off pages, particularly if you’re reading your bible.

Waiting is a process. It’s not something you can rush. Waiting is God's will, done in God’s way, so don’t be discouraged during the delays. Delay is there to teach you something. You’ll learn a lot while waiting.

Instead of being desperate for your circumstances, stay desperate for God, not desperate for breakthrough. Desire breakthrough, without being desperate for it.

Before the child, is the promise. The pregnancy is the promise. You don’t see the baby, but you see the swelling belly. A promise is the same. You might not see it, but as you work towards it, you’ll see growth. Breakthrough comes at the end of the growing season. Always, before God gives you a miracle, He first gives you a promise. Be as an expectant mother. Expect breakthrough.

When God changed Abram’s and Sara's name, He put His breath on it. ”Ah” is the breath of God and from then on Abram and Sara became Abraham and Sarah. He breathed life and Abraham and Sarah went from barren, to parents of nations.

When God breaths on you, when He gives you a promise, He breathes life into that promise. There is no substance at this point. You can’t see the promise as a physical thing before your eyes. The promise comes through faith. Faith is the title deed.

When you buy a house, you get the title deed, even though you’ll be paying the mortgage for years to come. The promise is there; the title deed is in your name and down the track the promise will be yours. You don’t ever think the house isn’t yours, as you pay it off. The title says it’s yours. A promise is the same thing. It’s the title deed to ownership.

You have it, but you can’t see it. While you wait, God will develop you. Don't be lazy while you wait. Serve others, read your bible, show love everywhere you go, as you wait. Our capacity to hear is advanced through our reading of the scriptures, so don’t neglect this aspect, as you await your promises.

Sensing His voice by His presence, is also a way of hearing His voice. If you can't hear Him but you can feel Him, He's depositing things too great for you to understand at this time. It may be an insurmountable problem which you can' t fix or explain, but you'll walk away with God's peace, because you've spent time with Him and He's spoken into your life, spoken deeply into your heart.

Trust God. Trust the process. All is well.

Wednesday 7 February 2024

What's going on with our Aussie Health?

     What’s going on with our Aussie health?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics states; 23% of the Australian population are deficient in Vitamin D. How does this happen, in a country which just falls short of sun worship? And according to the health and website; 18% of Australians are on medication for depression; that’s almost one in five.

Exercise, sunshine and mediation are all proven to reduce depression, as well as increase vitamin D absorption. If this is so, one needs to ask; why are these figures so high, if all we need do is go for a walk and get a little sunshine?

So much can be done to eliminate both of these conditions (depression and vitamin D deficiency) and yet many choose the simple solution of medication, over a brisk outdoor walk, meditating on wellness as we go. The solution is simple, even if it’s just using the power of a pose; take the wonder woman stance for instance (stand tall, hands on hips, legs slightly apart). Even this simple act, can help lift a mood.

Now, I’m no medical expert, not by any means and I’m not saying medication is wrong. For some it’s absolutely necessary to function well in this world, but most of us will not do that little bit of exercise, or meditation, not even if it’s to help ourselves.

There are any number of books on the topic of living your best life. In fact, only 5% of the population will read and act on what they've read, even if it means improving their situation.

Right at the moment I’m reading a chapter from a pharmacology book which states that dolphins play with puffer fish. The puffer will release its toxins and the dolphin gets 'high.' Also, a dog will lick toads for the same reason, just a small lick is enough to get high, but not be completely poisoned. Other animals too, have found ways to get high...mushrooms, fermented seed, poppy seed, marijuana seeds, locoweed for horses, catnip for cats.

People have ‘drives’ for life - food, water, sex and also our own personal drive to get high, through substances; drugs, adrenalin and the like.

Intoxication plays a powerful role in 'depatterning;' taking you out of your rut. It promotes lateral thinking and problem solving - leaps between ideas. Intoxication lessens our constraints to crazy ideas, hair-brained notions and changes in consciousness, but does that make it right?

What if you could get ‘high’ without the use of drugs, alcohol, or dangerous and risky behaviours? What if all it takes, is to ask the Holy Spirit to lift your mood? What if you asked the Holy Spirit for new and exciting ideas? The bible says; you have not, because you ask not. Perhaps you should try asking sometime. 

We live life according to our perspective. It’s found we’ll make different choices, depending on our perspective of living 80 years, compared to eternity. The Christian view of living into eternity, isn’t a bad notion. It means they have a perspective other people don’t.

What if you had all the time in the world, to achieve your dreams? What if age were no barrier, as to whether you could start to live your dreams? Would that cause you to make better, more informed choices? I believe it would.

When you live with an 80-year perspective, you think you’ve got to do it all now. Or you think you’re too old and you’ve missed the boat, so why even start? With a never-ending perspective, it doesn’t matter what you do, or how old you are, you can make a start today, regardless of age.

When we physically die, we move across into the spirit realm and everything we’ve learned here, goes with us. It’s not like being born, where we have to learn everything from scratch. I wrote a piece recently where said it was a shame that our knowledge dies with us, that no-one else knows what we know. And that’s true, but you still retain your knowledge.

The more knowledge you have here, the less you have to learn when you arrive there. For you will still learn. There’s always more to know. And our interests can change. Eternity will give you ample time to learn new skills.

The Puritan preacher, Jonathan Edwards, intensely studied heaven. He believed the saints will be progressive in knowledge to all eternity, adding that the number of ideas of the saints shall also increase to all eternity. (As stated by Eternal Perspective Ministries.)

There are a few bible verses which show we will continue to learn, once we get to heaven. 1 Cor 3:12 for now we see in a mirror dimly… Now I know in part; then I shall know fully. I do believe learning will be done a different way in heaven than here, but we will still learn.  Matthew, John, Acts, Philippians and Luke also speak of ‘epiginosko,’ a Greek word, which means to learn.

Our knowledge and skills will vary in heaven, just as they do on earth, for just as we are individuals with different interests and capabilities here, so too will we be individuals with different interests and capabilities there. My advice (for what it’s worth); never think you’re too old, or even too stupid. We can all learn.