Friday 31 December 2021

Look At Me!

Look at Me!

I Am Not A Robot.

Who can see me?

I might be old, I might be overweight, I might be too skinny, I might be young and noisy. I might have worn clothing and a defeated look. I might carry scars, seen and unseen, or even too many tattoos and piercings, which scare some. I might be of a different colour to you, or look different to you in some way, but I am someone. And I am ignored.

Who sees me?

Youthful beauty is only skin deep. Once our youth and beauty diminish, we become invisible. At least that’s what it feels like to some.

Beauty is seen. Beauty opens doors. Beauty is worshipped. Are all the rest of us forgotten? As our youthful beauty fades, we need to look at beauty in a different light and see the beauty of a smile, of gentleness in an aged face, the sprightly twinkle in the eye.

So many lonely people in the world today. Please remember the lonely need love too. A hand to hold. A gentle word, a hug and a kiss.

Speak kindly and share a smile. Tell someone they look attractive, even dapper, today. Take a posy of flowers from your garden and give them to your neighbour, who’s just lost their partner. Buy a meal for the homeless person, standing on the corner. Tell that obnoxious young rebel; Jesus loves him/her, just the way they are. Watch the smiles you get in return, for they are priceless.

Who can see me? Show the world – you can see me. Show the world - you care enough. Be that light in someone else’s life. The blessings which return to you, far outweigh the cost. For you see: it’s a double-edged sword. When you give, you get back in return.

See me, I beseech you. See me, where other’s might not. See me, because the Lord says: I am worthy.


Alexandra Grose - A photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.


#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.




Thursday 30 December 2021

Life Gives and Life Takes.

Life gives and life takes.


We have moments of victory and moments failure,

Moments of laughter and moments of tears.


People remember the one wrong moment,

Though right moments stockpile over the years.


Don’t focus on that one wrong moment,

But savour the moments ‘right’ appears.


Because sometimes life gives and sometimes life takes,

Life’s moments are precious, whatever life makes.


For when making a life in which we create,

We become more what we wish to replicate.


Our children grow and imitate,

And you can be sure they’ll duplicate.


Life goes on and it gives and it takes,

Be sure to let go all past mistakes.


Learn from them, do, but dwell on them not,

For life’s mistakes are not our lot.


Mistakes not forgot will cause us to frown,

And that’s not what we want, to be brought down.


So cheer up my friend and wear a smile,

Make everyone happy all the while.


As life gives and life takes and we all celebrate,

Let’s love our life and make it great.



Alexandra Grose - A photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.



#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.