Tuesday 9 August 2022

The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense.

The sixth sense isn’t something many of us are aware of. Some don’t even believe in it.

What we think about is what we bring about. You might have heard this sentence before, but how many of us have acted upon it; you know, had the daring to change from negative thinking to positive? Because it does take daring and courage to make changes, especially in changing long held beliefs.

So what is the sixth sense? It’s the spirit within. The spirit, when we pay attention, talks to us, leads and guides us. A conscious creator, who guards and protects what goes into your mind and aligns it with God. You have sub conscious and superconscious. The superconscious is divinity, the Holy Spirit which connects you to God. And if you listen closely, He will guide you.

The God part of you is something we often overlook and shrug off. We should be paying more attention to what we’re hearing.

Your vision determines your direction. No vision - no direction. Listening to God will help you find true direction.

Once you know your direction, you need to take action. The more action you take towards your direction (desire), the more success you’ll have.

Your thoughts too, will determine your direction. Poor quality thoughts, lead to a poor quality life. Look at the thoughts you have right now. Your reality is a result of your thinking.

Whatever you’ve nurtured and encouraged (good or bad) is what’s predetermined for your life. However you can change the trajectory, if you will only pay attention. If you align your mind with God’s mind, you will see transformation in your life.

Intellectuals all agree on one point, they may not agree on a lot of things, but they all agree: what you think about is what you bring about. So, think good thoughts about your prosperity, your relationships, your health, your labour, your children, keeping in balance all the things you need to do.

Once you realize you can attract what you want, in alignment with what God promises, you gain confidence, in yourself and in your abilities.

If you don’t have the confidence, start with a repetition statement of a positive thought, keeping in mind you have access to the power of the divinity.

Varied thinking, causes varied results, so don’t allow yourself to be swayed back and forth, wondering is it true, is it not. Give yourself some time to believe and act on those beliefs. The more you do it, the longer you do it, the greater the results.

Study those around you and you will see their circumstances match what they’re saying about their life. Their circumstances and their sayings are much the same. What you say, what you think about, creates your circumstances. The results you see in your life, whether harmonious or inharmonious, speak for themselves.

A negative person almost always has a negative outcome and a positive person, a positive outcome. Yes, there are things which can go wrong. Life is never a straight line from A to Z, however if you’re generally more positive, better things happen more often.

Get rid of doubt. Get rid of fear. Trust in God. Trust in the promises He has given you and watch your life turn around.