Sunday 23 January 2022

Let The Glory Of Heaven Reflect On The Earth.

Let The Glory Of Heaven Reflect On The Earth.

Right now, there's an intention by the enemy to break the spirit of the people. They even tried to shut the church’s however, we're not bowing down, nor giving in, yielding, surrendering, or conceding. We call for our nation to rise, to come back, to leave the powers of darkness behind and move forward into a new day.

Let us not be deceived. Don’t you see: You might think you can silence us, however - You can't kill God!

This is a spiritual battle, whether you believe it or not. As it states in the bible:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:20)

The enemy wants to break the people and the church and neither the people, nor the church, are going quietly. I declare: If my God be for us, no one can be against us!

Right now, we need God to do what He said He'd do and this is to fulfil the word of the Lord. And we can only do that by prayer. As Christians we can talk to God and tell God: “You said... and we need You to come through for us.”

“You said You would keep us and bless us.”

“You said You would prosper us.”

“You said You would give us the desire of our heart.”

“You said You would protect us.”

“You said You would light our path.”

“You said You would not give us more than we could bear.”

“You said we would have life and have it more abundantly.”

“You said we would be the head, not the tail.”

“You said we would only go up and not down.”

“You said we would loan to many nations and not borrow.”

“You said we would heal the sick.”

“And we need you to come through for us now, Almighty Lord.”

“Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah! Praise Jesus! Praise His precious and wonderful name!”

There's an assault on God's people. The arrows keep flying, trying to take the joy from the people. Our enemy is fully committed. The devil and his schemes are well in play and we've stood silent as a church. It’s time to rise up, raise your voice, be heard and be counted.

Only the righteous will be heard by God. To be counted as righteous, you need to be spending time in God's word, for he's removing the lukewarm out of the house. He’s tearing down and rooting out the church who aren’t serious about Him and His word. Get serious!

Right now, strongholds are being broken down. The strongmen are being broken.

Men and women who cannot be bought are holding their ground. The house of the Lord will be cleansed of its corruption and fault and only those found without spot, will come forth in victory.

Now is the time: that which has been dead for decades, will now rise. The rebellious will be removed along with the lukewarm. Justice will return to this nation.

You, the believer, can curse the devourer and declare Satan return what you've lost - 7 times over.

There's a resurrection anointing in the atmosphere.

The righteous will produce blessings.

The devil will try to side-track you, but you declare the hand of the Lord be upon you. Curse the demonic spirit of racism and segregation that's been let loose on this nation and release the anointing power of God.

Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah! Praise Jesus! Praise His precious and wonderful name!

Declare a resurrection anointing for the rest of the year. Declare a shaking take place, that will cause a change to flow.

Remember, many of the biblical characters looked to be outnumbered. The Israelites felt outnumbered, as they left for the promised land. Gideon’s soldiers went from 32,000 to 300. David felt there were more people pursuing him than aiding him. Jonathan’s faith was rewarded when he and his armour bearer defeated twenty Philistine soldiers. Elisha prayed after his servant saw the opposing army and panicked, and then the servant saw the mountain was full of horses and chariots. When God shows up, wars are won.

Hezekiah spoke words of encouragement when he said; “Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid nor dismayed…with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” (2 Chronicles 32:7-8.)

Don’t just take my word for it. Let the Holy Spirit show you that this word is truth. Read your bible and learn that truth for yourself.

Declare the Word of the Lord!


N.B.: Biblical quotes taken from NJKV