Friday 25 February 2022

Bulldog Faith


Bulldog Faith, Taking You From The Bottom To The Top.


The ark rose in the flood. It was sitting on bottom ground; the bottom of the valley where it never rained. At the end of the trial, it rested on the top of a mountain. This is what God wants to do in your life. He wants to take you safely from the bottom to the top; from despair to joy, from poverty to riches, from loneliness to fullness, from brokenness to health.

God uses water a lot in His Word. In fact (although I haven’t counted it myself) water is said to be mentioned 722 times in the bible: God swept over the face of the waters. Let anyone who is thirsty come and drink the living water. Baptism in water. Water of life. Rivers of water. Shower of blessings. Rain in its season.

Water flows throughout the Word of God. Water is rich in usefulness. It cleanses and purifies. It can destroy enemies, has the power to heal and provides deliverance.

Storms bring a lot of water. The storms of God, cause growth in His people. We may not like or want the storm, but if we remain close to God, the storm will bring a deeper revelation, a closer walk with the Father. The Father wants that close relationship between you and Him. He had a close relationship with Noah and Noah’s family were the only family spared during the great flood of the bible.

Noah was told to build an ark, to prepare for a flood; an ark in a desert country, a country that never saw rain. Noah and his family were cocooned in the ark, during the storm. The bible doesn’t say how Noah and his family felt, while they went through the storm. It doesn’t say how they felt, when they heard the knocking, scratching and screaming of those desperate to enter the ark, as the flood waters arose. It doesn’t mention how busy Noah and his family were, as they tendered the animals.

However, when the ground had dried God spoke to Noah, saying; “Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your son’s wives with you.” (Genesis 8:15-16) And they left the cocoon of the ark.

Attitude is developed during cocoon time. As is leadership, character, patience, and integrity. These will all be worked on, during your closet time, during your time in your cocoon.

Stay with it. One day the door will open and God will say; “come out,” if we don’t quit. God brings greatness and beauty, out of a cocoon. The cocoon is there for protection. God protects you, even though your uncomfortable and tight, even if you’re stressed and anxious. He cocoons you and keeps you safe and sheltered.

Even if you’re wondering ‘how long.’ How long until I receive…? How long until it happens? How long do I need to have patience? All the while, He’s protecting you in the cocoon.

You aren’t in the cocoon for comfort. In the fullness of time, you will see your reward. In the meantime, wait. Wait patiently, wait with joy for what’s coming. You will see it, if you don’t quit. If it takes 20 years, just wait. Wait with ‘bulldog’ faith in your heart and you will see a new thing arise in your life.

Have you ever seen a bulldog? They march along and don’t let anything veer them off course. A yappy dog might come along and harass the bulldog, but the bulldog marches along as if it’s not there. The bulldog doesn’t even mis-step. He ploughs along, completely undeterred by what’s going on around him. He has a one-track mind, to get where he’s going. That’s what you need to do; plough along with a one-track mind, undeterred, until you see your breakthrough.

You grow in affliction. You grow through the storms of life. You think because you’re a Christian, you won’t have any more problems in life. That’s not what the bible states. The bible says; “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

God will talk to you, throughout the process of both the storm and the cocoon. God encourages you, during your difficult moments, as well as your quiet moments. He will give you direction, if you spend time with Him.

We wear the crown of victory, given to us by Jesus, given to us by He who sacrificed himself that we might have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

There’s no such thing as luck, or fate. Everything is done by faith and the Word of the Lord. Your faith needs to be directed towards the right area, pointed in the right direction, the right way. Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) There is no other way!

Faith in the Lord isn’t about air-fairy light, strange rituals, or magical formulas. It’s not about a belief in mother earth, or contact with the ‘other side.’ Faith in God is an awe filled faith, a power filled faith. A faith which heals, provides, protects and loves and that’s just for starters.

Follow your faith journey to the end and see how far it takes you. You will be amazed. His Word is Truth, all truth, but you won’t see it, if you’re on the wrong path.

Take your bulldog faith and use it in the belief of God and His Word, for that is where your answers lie, the answers you are searching for in life.


N.B.: Biblical quotes taken from NJKV


Alexandra Grose - A photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.



#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.