Friday, 20 January 2023

Explore The Possibilities.

Want a solution? Get Creative! Explore the endless possibilities.

We all have issues in life, problems we wish to solve. And there are endless possibilities, as to how to go about it.

God’s not only interested in spiritual things, but secular things as well. 3 John 1:2 says; Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

As we grow spiritually, we should also be growing in the other areas of life important to us; our job, relationships, health, finances.

We use the gifts God’s given us, to fulfil His purposes and it’s in the above areas we can show other people how well God helps us to improve those areas.

If we wish to see a change in our life it helps that we aid others to change their life, in the areas we’re struggling in, for what we give away comes back to us.

We don’t have to be rich to bless others. A kind word, a bag of groceries, a few items of used clothing, can bless another. If you’re a hair dresser, cutting the hair of a homeless person is a huge blessing. If you like to bake, a cake for the single mother with four hungry little ones is an enormous help. Do you have an hour to spare, to mow your elderly neighbour’s lawn, or sit with a lonely widow? There are endless ways to bless people. So get creative with your ideas, your items around the house and see what good use you can put them to.

God gives you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. What makes you happy? That’s where you could start. Can you offer more at your job, or are you burnt out? If you’re burnt out, it’s time for a holiday, or a career change. If you think you could offer more, go for it. Help your fellow staff. Help management. You may even try to come up with fresh new ideas, to move your company forward.

To have good ideas, you have to value ideas, for what we value we take care of. If you want more from life, than just drifting through, get creative. Explore options and possibilities.

Don’t throw out any idea. No idea is a silly idea, there are just some which work better than others, for where you are in life. Use your imagination. Allow that imagination plenty of room. Brainstorm with others and see what you can come up with. Sift those ideas, then choose the best one, the one that’s a right fit for you.

You don’t need to know everything about your idea. You learn as you go. Put together a mind map of the steps it will take to get you from A to Z. Work through the obstacles as they front up. Obstacles will show themselves to you, as you follow the steps to bring your idea into fruition.

Find a gap in the market, or an unmet need and fill it. Don’t assume nothing can be done, instead, pray for a way to meet those needs. Rather than think, who do I think I am that I can change this? Think instead; How can I change this? Think about what small step you can make towards solving the problem? Be open to any idea that flows from your questioning.

For the creative person, uncertainty is always on the horizon. Don’t fear uncertainty, for that’s when the mind is working things out. Give your mind time to come up with an answer. Don’t be afraid of anxiety, or failure. They’re all part of the job description.

Creativity requires you go out on a limb and going out on a limb can be scary. Don’t let that stop you. Don’t let ideas that don’t work stop you from trying new ideas either. Keep searching for new ideas. In time something will jump out at you.

God has provided us with all the resources we need, to live an abundant life. He developed chickens that we may create with their eggs. He made sheep, that we may create using their wool. He provided timber, that we may create furniture. We have what we need to do the job, we just require an idea.

Creativity involves work, which is why many don’t go down that path, but God will honour you when you pray for creativity and put your shoulder to the wheel in order to get the job done.

Instead of accepting what is, turn your thinking to what could be. God doesn’t only work within the four walls of church, He works in every area of our lives. So whatever area you wish to change, God can show you a way, if you ask Him.

God wants you to use your imagination, your creativity. It shows Him that you’re living your best life. And when others see how good your life is, they want that life for themselves. That’s how you win souls.

Colossians 3:17 states; And whatever you do in work or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Ask God to reveal your creativity and your talents, that you can help Him with His work. Even in what you’re already doing, a creative idea will aid you to do it better, faster, or more simply. Sometimes you might be breaking new ground, other times you might take an old idea and renew it.

Look at what you’re doing with new eyes and new perspectives, so that you might find opportunity. Ask questions of yourself; how can I do this better, what is a more effective way, is there something new in the market that I could use here? Keep questioning.

The Lord will bring about an answer, whenever you give Him a question. It may not be directly as you ask. The answer may come while you’re in the shower, or going for a run, or even a month later, but if you keep questioning, something will come to the fore which will help.

Pray, question, brainstorm, mind map if you think it will help. Work through the obstacles and possibilities, until you have the solution in front of you. What you think about, you bring about, so all these steps will bring an answer. And when others see how successful you are, they might just ask – what is your secret?

And what is your secret? Christ in us. A fulfilled life, is a God filled life. If you want good success, follow what the Lord is telling you. And you’ll only know what’s in His heart, if you follow His word, if you read the bible and do what He tells you to do.

The bible tells us to eat of the bread and drink of the wine. Communion is just one step, on the road to success and God asks that we do it often, so take of the bread and of the wine, in remembrance of Him, His kingdom work and His great power, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

*NB: biblical quotes from the Holy Bible NKJV

About the author:

Alexandra Grose – An investigative photojournalist and author for over twenty years. Writing is her passion and her dream and helping others achieve their dreams, through her written work, is Alexandra's greatest aspiration.

#Integrity; truthfulness, honesty and reliability, in all things.

I believe one truthful in everything you say and do. Keep all relationships open and honest. Be reliable, punctual and organised and if you say you'll do it - do it.

If you want to soar like an eagle, make an effort, not an excuse.

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