Monday 29 July 2024

Practicing the Art of Mindfulness

Practising the Art of Mindfulness.
Techniques to Help Improve your Life.

Mindfulness is to become more aware of our state; what’s going on in our life and our body. If we’re not happy where we are in life, there are things we can do which can cause a change our direction.

Spirituality is a huge part of change, as it teaches us to focus on what we would like to see within our life. As we become more aware of our state, we can begin to change that state, removing the negatives and building upon the positives.

Here, I’d like to draw upon quantum leaps. Quantum leaps into timelines is a fascinating concept that blends ideas from quantum physics and metaphysical beliefs. If you include the Almighty in this, the results are greater than if you don’t. I come at this from a Christian perspective. Jesus Christ; the way, the truth and the life. Bring Jesus into the process and watch your life change.

Because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, His is within all time frames. As we travel, He travels with us and I would suggest you don’t attempt this process without His aid. Ask Him to come and show you what He wants you to see, to teach you what He wants you to know, to lead you step by step through the process. Ask Jesus to show you spiritual epiphanies, as you go through these steps. You don’t want to do this without Jesus, for you might end up in places you don’t want to be.

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Quantum Leaps
In quantum physics, a quantum leap refers to an electron jumping from one energy level to another within an atom. This jump happens instantaneously and without traversing the space in between. The term has been metaphorically extended to describe sudden, significant changes in various contexts.

Timelines refer to different paths or sequences of events that could potentially unfold. In metaphysical and spiritual contexts, timelines are often seen as parallel realities or alternate versions of one’s life that exist simultaneously. As Christians, we're living from both heaven and earth 

Quantum Leaping into Timelines
The idea of quantum leaping into timelines suggests that individuals can make significant, instantaneous shifts from one reality to another. This can involve:

Changing Life Circumstances: Making a major decision or experiencing a profound event that drastically alters one’s life path.

Shifting Perspectives: Adopting a new mindset or belief system that changes how one experiences reality.

Spiritual Practices: Engaging in meditation, visualization, or other spiritual practices to align with a desired timeline.

Practical Implications

Personal Growth: Quantum leaps can lead to rapid personal development and transformation.

Manifestation: By focusing on a desired outcome, individuals can potentially “leap” into a timeline where that outcome is realized.

Healing: Shifting timelines can also be seen as a way to heal past traumas by moving into a reality where those traumas have less impact.


Uncertainty: Such leaps can bring about uncertainty and instability as one adjusts to new circumstances.

Consistency: Maintaining the new timeline requires consistent effort and alignment with the desired reality.

Here are some practical techniques for quantum leaping into desired timelines:

1. Visualization
Create a Clear Vision: Imagine your desired reality in vivid detail. Picture yourself living in that reality, experiencing the emotions and sensations associated with it.

Daily Practice: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing this reality. The more detailed and consistent your visualization, the more powerful it becomes.

2. Affirmations
Positive Statements: Use affirmations to reinforce your desired reality. For example, “I am living my dream life” or “I am aligned with my highest good.”

Repetition: Repeat these affirmations daily, especially during meditation or before sleep.

3. Meditation
Quiet Space: Find a quiet and comfortable place to meditate. Focus on your breath and clear your mind.

Guided Meditations: Use guided meditations specifically designed for quantum jumping. These can help you focus and direct your energy towards your desired timeline. Justin Paul Abraham has some great meditations to help you here. You’ll find him on You Tube.

4. Journaling
Write Your Reality: Journal as if you are already living in your desired timeline. Describe your day, your feelings, and your experiences as if they are happening now.

Gratitude: Express gratitude for this new reality. Gratitude amplifies positive energy and helps attract what you desire.

5. Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs
Identify Beliefs: Recognize any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

Reframe: Replace these beliefs with empowering ones. For example, change “I can’t achieve this” to “I am capable of achieving anything.” Or, particularly for the Christian; “I can do all things through Christ.”

6. Energy Alignment
Raise Your Vibration: Engage in activities that raise your vibration, such as spending time in nature, or listening to worship music. Connect with God. As you breathe focus on God. This helps you draw God to yourself. As you focus on God, your energy vibration lifts.

Surround Yourself with Positivity: Be around positive people and environments that support your desired reality.

7. Taking Inspired Action
Act as If: Start taking actions that align with your desired timeline. Even small steps can create momentum.

Follow Intuition: Trust your intuition and take inspired actions that feel right.

8. Consistency and Patience
Regular Practice: Consistency is key. Regularly practice these techniques to maintain alignment with your desired timeline.

Patience: Trust the process and be patient. Quantum leaps can happen suddenly, but they also require sustained effort and belief.

Quantum jumping meditation is a technique that combines meditation, visualization, and the principles of quantum physics to help individuals shift their consciousness to a desired reality.

Below are some practical techniques to get started:

Steps for Quantum Jumping Meditation
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.

Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths.
Focus on relaxing each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head.

Imagine a doorway or portal, or a door, in front of you. This represents the entrance to a parallel reality.

Visualize stepping through this doorway into a world where your desired outcome has already been achieved.

Fully immerse yourself in this new reality. See, hear, and feel everything as if it is happening right now.

Connect with your “other self” in this reality, the self you left behind, as you spiritually entered the door. Notice how they think, feel, and act.

Spend some time experiencing this new reality. Absorb the feelings and sensations. When you feel ready, express gratitude for the experience. If at first it doesn’t feel real, perhaps it feels like it’s all in your imagination. Stick with it, as in time it will start to take shape and begin to manifest the desired outcome.

Slowly bring your awareness back to your present reality. Open your eyes and take a few moments to reflect on the experience.

Tips for Effective Quantum Jumping
Consistency: Practice regularly to strengthen your ability to shift realities.

Clarity: Be clear about what you want to achieve in the new reality.

Emotion: Engage your emotions fully during the visualization to make the experience more vivid and powerful.

Saturday 27 July 2024

You are Responsible for your Life.

You are Responsible for your Life.

When you understand it’s your life and your relationships and that you’re responsible for both, when you stop making excuses and start making an effort, your life will change.

When we talk about change we need to ask ourselves a few questions; will the change benefit the people around me, is it compatible with my values, is it specific and clear, are people favourable to the change, can I test it before sending it out, are the resources available to make it happen, is it reversible, is right here right now the obvious next step, can leadership bring about the change, is the timing right?

What should I do? When should I do it? Why should I do it? Sounds simple doesn’t it? Not.

Wisdom and knowledge are no good without application. You can have all the right questions, but until you test them, you’ll never know if they work. Pray about the matter. The more you pray the more you notice. The less you pray the less you notice. It’s that simple.

At the end of the day, you get to be as close to God as you choose to be. For some; the unbeliever is not satisfied until Christ hangs on the cross. The believer counts the cost of the cross, the cost of discipleship and the cost of following Christ. You’re either for Christ or against Him. There is no in-between.

Why not make Holy fear your treasure? Value virtue. Seek wisdom, righteousness and relationship. Be Holy as He is Holy.

We are holy as we come under His authority through faith and salvation, however there are two types of holiness; positional holiness and behavioural holiness. One recognising our reconciliation towards Christ’s sacrifice, the other aligns our actions to follow suit. Our behaviour must change as we mature in faith, becoming more Christlike.

As we serve, honour and revere Him, our holiness unlocks the blessings He has for us. Obedience is our key to success. We read our bible daily, and follow the instructions it gives. We ask God to empower us. The truth has the most potential to set us free, it also has the greatest potential to cause offense. You may lose a friend or two in the process. Are you willing to accept the price?

If you’re willing to go the whole way with God, describe who you want to be, including your character traits, your desires, the way you treat people, how you live and work towards it.

Chronic health problems result from suppression of destructive cellular memories. Cellular memories are the imprints in our minds of traumatic events. Coping we get through life, but coping is not a healthy way to live.

Coping is a form of suppression and suppression is a pressure cooker which will eventually erupt. Guilt and shame come about through failure and condemnation is the result of guilt and shame. But there is no condemnation in Christ. Romans 8:1 There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

When in coping mode only, we have a tendency to criticize and complain. Coping drains us of physical and emotional energy and never solves the problem. It’s not what you do which changes things, it’s what you believe in your heart. We must stop complaining and start believing in the word of God.

It’s most difficult to emulate success when you’ve never seen success. Having said that; knowledge is not the problem. Belief is the problem. If only we could believe as Jesus believed!

Allow yourself to be filled with the peace of God. Thank God for His peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding and acknowledge that you are open and ready for a solution to the problem that you face. Meditate. Sit quietly and wait for the answers to come.

Friday 26 July 2024

The Book of Life.

The Book of Life.

I listened to a you tube clip and it spoke of numinous power, not Dunamis as I’m used to hearing. Both meaning power. The former being the presence of divinity, the latter being potential or ability. We need the latter. We also need the former. We need that presence of the Divine. Potential is something, presence is something else.

The trouble is; we’re all learning. We all start from scratch and every one of us needs to learn it anew. We don’t just pick up where someone else left off. We can; we can follow a great leader and learn from him/her, but we don’t have that knowledge until we start.

25 plus years of following God and I’m only just today hearing about numinous power. Now I need to attain it. I’m told we don’t have because we don’t ask, or because we ask amiss, and so I ask: Lord send me Your Numinous power.

That numinous power should help us move by inspiration, not desperation. Inspiration can be found in any field, in all areas of life. Most of us, however, are just going through the motions, doing what we have to do and no more. We're tired of the rat race, but not desiring to find a way out. Not even knowing how to be free.

God can show you a way out - but He won't, unless you seek Him. Ask God to show you the pages of your book, for everyone of us have a book written with our name in it. That book is called; The Book of Life. The Book of Life is Jesus Christ. Make it your quest to explore the hidden mind of God Almighty, to enter into the pierced hands and side, the bloody wounds for which your name was inscribed.

In that book God calls us to repent, to confess our sins and turn from our wicked ways. The book suggests we turn not inward, but outward, towards the Son that we may enter the unending rest of the Sabbath. It is not the good, or the one who tries the hardest who will be saved. It is the one who believes. He who believes in the Living Lord. He who takes that Lamb’s Book of Life and lives it for themselves.

God suggests we write our vision and make it plain. It's so very easy to be distracted and if the vision isn't before you, you'll become side-tracked. Before you know it a year has passed, 2 years have passed, then 10 years and you've not yet made a start. Writing your vision keeps you focused and on track.

Be fully committed, not half-hearted. For those who are lukewarm, God will spit you our of His mouth. He wants committed people, people who will stay the course and not quit. Can you do this? Can you stay the course and not quit? Can you believe?

Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

All Consuming Eyes of Fire.

All Consuming Eyes of Fire.

Your bible; if I could turn these pages with gloves on, I’d wear gloves. I personally haven’t revered this book to its absolute authority, its expert witness and greatest value. This book is too pure for these sin stained hands.

We ought to pick up this book with a greater awe and reverence, the kind of awe and reverence it deserves, for it was written by the greatest force on earth and in heaven. The Lord wrote His book with eyes of blazing fire. Eyes looking zealously. Eyes of intense emotion, of consuming passion and love for His creation.

The Lord consulted with wisdom from the very beginning; wisdom was with Him and is The Word. The Lord wrote the word, then He consulted with His own word. God is the only one who consults with His own word. He consults with His own word because it doesn’t lie.

The word was there right from the beginning. A book unquestionably supernatural right from the start of creation until now. The Lord wrote the word, then sat it before Himself and created every form from it; He created it all with the same consuming passion that He wrote it.

I was given a challenge recently, to write the book of Romans in my own hand and carry it with me everywhere I go. Romans; the clearest presentation of Christian doctrine denoting the sinful nature of man and rounding off with God’s righteousness and saving grace by faith. Restoring rebels from their own path of destruction and taking them from their brokenness into the fulness of all God has for them, with practical instruction.

Why write Romans and carry it? To follow God’s word unreservedly. Can you imagine if all our politicians did this? Oh, the changes they would make. How history would have been different if Hitler, Stalin and the likes of them would have written and carried God’s word in their pockets.

Let’s not stop at Romans either. What if we wrote the Epistles, or Proverbs and carried them too? You might be thinking why rewrite what’s already written? We can just carry the book itself. What I’m finding, in writing Romans, is a deeper understanding, a connection of the power of God in greater measure. Somehow, in taking it from reading to written, the word forms and sets resolutely.

Two other areas I was challenged on… one was to say the Lord’s prayer 400 times in one sitting. That was terribly interesting. And to speak more frequently in tongues. It’s a 14-hour drive to my daughter’s. 7 hours today and 7 hours tomorrow. That’s a lot of time to think. It’s a lot of time where I can and did pray the Lord’s prayer 400 times in one sitting and speak in tongues 5 hours straight.

I’m not going to tell you what happened with the Lord’s prayer. You can find out for yourself. In speaking in tongues, I’ve been doing this for years, but never for a period of 5 hours straight. If you want to open the word to its full advantage, I recommend you give this a try. Perhaps you don’t need to do 5 hours, perhaps an hour will do, but give it a go. It’s well worth the exercise.

For now though, let us honour the Lord. Let us give the Lord our greatest accolades. Let us today, take of the body and blood in reverence of Him and the gift of His Son, as He’s asked us to do. Today Lord, I give thanks for the great sacrifice of Your Son. I take of His body, broken for me and drink of His blood, shed that I might have life and have it more abundantly. Lord I honour you in this today.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

The Sovereignty of God.

The Sovereignty of God.

I dug a little deeper into Ecclesiastes 8 today. My understanding was “He who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful” (verse 5 – where no harm would come to the believer). It was pointed out to me; this can’t be true for bad things happen to good people and this caused me to dig that little bit deeper into the passage.

This verse isn’t about keeping the commands of God, but of the rulers of the day (in this case, King Solomon). Here the passage isn’t talking about keeping the commands of the Lord, but of the lord. This sentence uses the lower-case h in his, pointing not to God but to the king of the nation. Although it could be used with the Lord our God. Still bad things do happen to good people.

The chapter itself begins by praising wisdom. It advises of the obedience to authority, in which things will go well for those who abide by the law of the land. That obedience protects one from harm. Don’t drink and drive, don’t break and enter, don’t murder. Things will go much better for you if you obey the law.

We were born to a fallen world. We live with broken hearts and broken minds. Calamity and sickness are ever knocking at our door. In keeping the laws of the land, in doing right, we can to a point, stave off troubles. In keeping to the laws of God,  in obeying laws and instruction, the Lord promises protection,  as it says in Psalm 91; no evil shall be for you. Psalm 91: A psalm of the particular importance to the believer, as we dwell in the shadow of the Almighty, nestled in the closeness of His bosom. 

Just as Job (from the biblical Book of Job) lost his family, wealth, home, and possessions through an attack of satan, he never lost his true dwelling place with God. The place of intimate worship, our secret place; the place turn to in times of difficulty. Although Job didn't understand his circumstances, although he had no good explanation for why this had happened, he did understand all things work together for good according to Hiss purposes.

The passage from Ecclesiastes then goes on to discuss the uncertainties of life, scrutinising the proper time and procedure in the ways of the world. There’s value in wisdom; in following God’s word, discerning the right time and right way to act. The wise not only understand what to do, but also how and when to do it. It pays to learn wisdom.

In practical terms, this verse encourages us to be mindful of our decisions and our actions. The limits of human control is the underscore that some things are beyond our control and are to be accepted as such.

The author reflects on the injustices of life where the wicked appear to receive honour while the righteous suffer. Even so, it reassures the reader that those who fear God will ultimately be rewarded, while at the same time the wicked will face dire consequences.

The end of the chapter puts forth the views on the paradoxes of life where the righteous and the wicked get their just desserts, while at the same time encouraging the people not to overthink the ultimate understanding that lies beyond human reach and into the divine realm.

Respect authority, apply wisdom, find contentment despite uncertainties and injustices and remember; some things are just out of our control. Overall; trust in God’s sovereignty whatever comes your way.

Monday 22 July 2024

The Truth of the Word.

The Truth of the Word.

God is truth. God’s word is truth. Christ is truth. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. This is what the bible tells us, but how do we know it’s true? We find out by testing God’s word for ourselves. And we can’t test it for a day or two, we have to give it a good few months.

God doesn’t promise to remove our trials, but He does tell us we will overcome them by our faith. Overcoming is used 324 times in the bible. Faith is mentioned 336 times and truth 333 times in the bible and the benefits to the believer are far reaching. God is dependable, promising to set us free from our bondages, preserve us and guide us, establishing in us an everlasting heritage.

Deuteronomy 32:4 A God of truth and without injustice.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…”

John 14:17 states the Spirit of truth… for He dwells in you and will be in you.

Psalm 119:160 The entirety of Your word is truth…

Psalm 119:142 tells us God’s laws are true ...and Your law is the truth.

The commandments speak truth, the Gospel is truth, God’s council is truth, His works and His judgements are written to be truth.

The bible is a warning not to depart from these truths, not to allow deception from the enemy, which so easily ensnares us. (Hebrews 12:1)

Satan will inform us we’re unworthy, that God couldn’t love someone like you, you’re too insignificant, so insignificant in fact He wouldn’t even listen to you. Don’t believe these lies from the evil one. Instead, trust in the Truth of His Word, in which it is impossible for God to lie. (Hebrews 6:18)

God is love. Love is mentioned 361 times in the bible. If you’re feeling unworthy or unloved, look for and read these 361 passages from the bible. Don’t listen to that negativity which speaks from your head and dwells in your heart. Get into God’s word and find out what the One who cannot lie has to say about you. Then believe it!

All things are possible to him who believes. Mark 9:23.

Saturday 20 July 2024

The Aftermath!

The Aftermath!

Acts Chapter 1.

The “field of blood’ where Judas hung himself, where his insides split open as he fell upon the ground, was also the place of Jewish child sacrifice to the god moloch. Today a Greek Orthodox monastery stands on the site. 

Judas wanted to purchase that field, but another did in the way of the priests. Judas’s place needed to also be filled within the disciples ranks. A bringing back the number of disciples to 12 – a fulfilment of the word brought about in Acts 1:20 (Let another take his office), from the proceeding words written in Psalm 109:8. The number 12 being symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament; a knitting together of the old (not to be forgotten) and the new.

That Judas tried to exult himself before the priests, but was brought to nothing. That Judas’ place was also filled amongst the remaining disciples, is a telling reminder that we should not consider ourselves greater than we are, but that we are to remain humble at all times.

Even the enemies of God will be brought down for Jesus knew Judas would betray Him and God worked into this part of the story, a reminder of what happens when we don’t do what’s right in the eyes of God; the lawless disobedience of men is their downfall.

There are many reminders of this kind within the bible. This is particularly important, as it is a continuation from the old into the new, right at the start of the new in Acts 1.

Only when roots are sunk deeply into the word of God, as we consider the deeds of Jesus and His reason for coming to this earth, can we be preserved. As our roots sink and our branches grow, let His words be your hope and strength during the days of trial. Let us keep an invincible, unwavering zeal towards each member of our precious Trinity. Let us not lose our flavour, nor our light, as we encompass all He has for us.

It’s only one step back to repentance. Had Judas repented of his betrayal, God would have forgiven him. But he didn’t repent. Instead he committed suicide. After a misstep, just take that one step back and repent and you will be forgiven and you will go on to live a fruitful life.

Friday 19 July 2024

Perfection after Death and Resurrection.

Perfection after Death and Resurrection.

Luke 5:6 At the word of the Lord they cast down their nets and caught a great number of fish but their nets were breaking, the boat was sinking and they called out to others for help.

John 21:11 states again a casting of nets. And again, a great number of fish, so many yet the nets had not broken. The disciples were able to draw the fish in to the shore on their own. No broken nets, no sinking boat, no outsiders help.

One event occurring before the resurrection, representing the brokenness of life, the other after the resurrection demonstrating the wholeness of life; the life unbroken.

Casting the net to the right side of the boat; right being authority, power and strength. The right hand being a place of honour and status. Righteous, upright; of what is good, just and proper.

Catching all 153 fish, as was written here in John, a statement used to show the truth of what was written (that the disciples had taken the time to count such a large catch). And as a flawless, unbroken instruction from the Lord, used to demonstrate the coming of a perfect catching of men after the Lord breathed the Holy Spirit onto His disciples.

A perfection of which could only come about once the death and resurrection had taken place.

Saturday 13 July 2024

To Hear From God - Part 2.

To Hear From God – Part 2.

I listened to a you tube clip this morning, just a random one on Facebook, which spoke of people who have no knowledge; that they will not learn from the past.

My bible study today, just happened to be Isaiah 5:13; therefore, my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge. As it often does, these seemingly random coincidences, are perhaps not so random, if God is trying to get a message through to you.

It stands to reason then, both of the above being true, that knowledge is a rather valuable tool to have in your tool kit.

Both the you tube clip and the bible verse mentioned Sheol (evil, hell) enlarging itself and the people shall be brought down.

Both went on to talk about God's provision for His lambs.

Both talked about the evil taking over.

Both spoke of the Lord lifting His people that no one should stumble – His people, note, not all people.

Both spoke of the Lord having our backs, of having our iniquity taken away. Have you noticed when the bible talks about the armour of God, there’s no mention of armour to your back? You have the shoes, the belt of truth girded about your loins, the breastplate of righteousness, etc, but nothing from behind. That’s because God is at your back, guiding you and protecting you.

You’re to continually move forward, using your forward protective gear, while God brings up the rear. Our back is never exposed, for we’re always moving forward, never to turn and run during our time of battle.

Revelation, interpretation, application; what is said, what it means and what we do about it. That’s the question. Do not add to or take away anything the Lord gives you. Move in those dimensions; move in revelation, interpretation and application. Keep reading God’s word, as He reveals what He wants you to know. Gain a greater interpretation of His word and apply what that interpretation of God is telling you to do.

To find the answer to your questions, to understand what He wants, always write down what the Lord tells/shows you; dreams, visions, insights, for these will form a narrative which may come over time, rather than all at once. I did hear of a minister once, who got the first half of a message, but the second half wasn’t revealed to him until ten years later. You need to write down what God tells you.

We mustn't get into pride, for it is to the humble of heart that God speaks, not necessarily nor always to the best in the field or the most intelligent.

Proverbs; the book of wisdom, also known as proverbs of Solomon. It pays to understand that many of the proverbs are an enigma and difficult to understand. Thankfully we have the internet. I found a PDF file today, explaining in great detail Psalm 91. 300 pages in this file, on just this one Psalm. Don’t think, just because you know the verse, you have the full and deeper meaning of it.

We’re told to meditate on the scriptures. It pays for you to take a verse and mull over it for a week or two. You’ll be surprised at how meaningful one verse can be, at how much further is God’s knowledge than ours.

He, the Lord, will be a staff to the just, a light to the nations and a hope of those who are sick in their hearts. A staff; a support, an axis connecting God and man, a guiding tool. Allow His staff to draw you close. Read His word. Listen to what He’s telling you. God is speaking all the time however we don’t pause long enough to hear Him. Those soft and gentle thoughts, before, during and after your quiet time with the Lord, can be extremely revealing.

I had a word from God recently. One word; longsuffering. You wouldn’t think too much of that, if the word randomly popped into your head, but as I was spending time with the Lord, I wrote it down. Throughout the next few days I found myself drawn to that word often, as a challenge had arisen. It was so much easier to go through the challenge, as I continued to draw my mind to this one word the Lord had given me and before I knew it, the challenge was done. It was a great aid to my getting through at this time.

So, if a word, or a sentence comes to mind while doing your bible study, write it down. Mull over it and dig a little deeper. Draw a full and complete meaning to what you’ve heard. Get on the internet and look it up. See if any other passages in the bible relate to it. This is how you hear from God.  



Friday 12 July 2024

To Hear From God - Part 1.

To Hear From God…

If you’re not hearing from God, you’re not meeting His conditions.

There are many barriers to be removed when you walk with God, before you’ll hear from God and you’ll never overcome them all unless you spend time with God. Those conditions are to be reading His word, to pray and to worship the Almighty.

A few more conditions to hearing from God are to confess, repent, humble yourself and do it often. Plus; pride. Pride is one of the greatest barriers to God. Pride first began in heaven when lucifer was cast out. Cain killed Abel due to pride as well. Whatever you do, whatever you have, remember it was God who put it there.

We can overcome all when we confess, repent, humble ourselves, read His word and spend time with Him. And it does take time but if we don’t quit, we will get there. Confession and repentance isn't the only way to escape hell,  but it goes a long way towards it. Confess your sins; the sin of self-righteousness, judgement, pride, just to name a few.

There is only God and satan, good and bad, righteousness and sin. There’s no in between. You’re either for God, or against Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you your sin. Confess to God and to one another. Ask for forgiveness if it’s warranted. Don’t let things fester and boil. Forgive others, ask forgiveness from them and from God, and forgive yourself. We all make mistakes and forgiveness is one way of turning things around and starting the healing progression.

Unconfessed sin stalls our healing processes. God is totally and absolutely just. He never ever makes a mistake. When things are going wrong; humble yourself, for the error is not in God, it’s in you and me.

When going through hard times don’t complain. It was complaining which caused the Israelites to turn and 11-day journey into a 40-year sojourn. It stalled their breakthrough. It will stall yours too. Waiting is part of the Christian discipline. God’s not in a hurry. He has all eternity. Wait patiently and without murmuring.

God never uses anyone who’s not been tested and refined in the fire. Expect battles to come. Also, testing will go on for a lifetime. We never get to the end of the learning process and the testing process for each battle appears to be harder with each test we go through.

Don’t drop out during your testing time. We don’t want to miss what God has in store for us. What is in store for us? Many and numerous blessings, peace, love and joy, for starters. Don’t quit before you see the blessings. Sometimes we feel as if we’re taking hit after hit, but stay the course. God will bring you to the other side of the battle in great victory.

I read about a Yale university study recently. It stated people who regularly go to church live longer, have lower blood pressure, are less stressed and have greater immunity to disease, than people who don’t attend church. 

The article went on to say, an 80-year-old jogging on her treadmill was asked what her secret was. Her reply; When you walk with God you have greater purpose, greater peace and live better and longer.

That should encourage you to attend church every Sunday. Attending church is one of the conditions the Lord expects us to meet, if we want to hear from Him.

We think we can get away with ‘screen time church.’ Not so. The bible says to never give up meeting together. There’s a covenant covering in attending church. You don’t get that when you’re watching church from home. That covenant covering is your spiritual armour, backed by the prayers of the diligent attendees.

If you want to win in this battle of life, you need to do what God’s asking you to do.
He asks we attend church. He asks that we worship Him. He asks that we tithe. He asks that we put Him first and serve others before ourselves. He asks that we walk in humility, that we cast out pride, that we be longsuffering, that we help our fellow brother in need.

God is not a magician, there to bring forth your every whim. He’s is to be revered, awed, loved, listened to. And when you do all that, you will hear from Him, for as it states in Psalm 91; because he knows My name, when he calls to Me, I will answer him. Get to know God and when you call on Him, you will hear an answer from Him.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Prayer with Power.

Prayer with Power.

What God starts hell can’t stop. If God has started a work in you, He will finish it. He doesn’t forget as we do.

Your mind has three memory sensors; initial sensor, short and long-term sensors. First you hear something and your initial sensor kicks in, depositing the information into the short-term part of your mind. What you repeat for more than twenty seconds then goes into your long-term memory. So, if you wish to store something into long-term memory, repeat what you’ve heard/read over and over for twenty seconds.

We all need memory triggers. If you’re prone to forgetting you have something on the stove, it helps to leave a chair in the middle of the floor; a memory trigger to help you remember the stove is on. Communion is a memory trigger. It reminds us of Him. It reminds us come into His presence.

Often when reading the bible, a passage or a sentence, will appear to jump out at us. This is God highlighting an area of importance to us. Pay attention at this time.

When evening comes, as we start to relax and wind down for the night, our mind begins to mull over things that happened throughout the day. It’s at this time the devil will cause us to turn that highlighted word from the Lord into doubt. Do not doubt in the night, what God sends in the day.

Storms come in life. No one is immune to them. The storms of life are kingdom opportunities. The storms of life are where, when you stand on God’s promises, the greatest opportunities arise to show those around you; He can be relied upon. He can be trusted.

Delay and interruptions are par for the course. In biblical terms delay is known as a Malta experience. In the book of Acts, it talks about Paul and his Malta experience. Paul had much difficulty on his journey and in his Malta experience. In his storm of delay to reaching the people with the Gospel news, the outcome was positive. As Paul headed throughout the Mediterranean making his way to Rome he was arrested, stoned, starved and shipwrecked, eventually landing on the island of Malta, where the natives showed him unusual kindness (a great blessing after trial).

We all go through our own Malta experiences. We don’t know how long we’ll be in Malta (representative of delay) but we must get to Rome (our promised land).

While heading to Malta we try to deny the trauma. Flight or fight kicks in. The storms of life bring us to our lowest ebb. We need to find a new stability. Storms shape us. We’ll never be the same after a Malta experience. In finding our lowest ebb, in falling into the deepest pits of despair and anguish, now is the time to draw near to God, not pull further away. Paul didn’t lose his faith during his times of trail and neither should we.

The less we resist and the more we draw close to God, the more we embrace the changes, the sooner we arrive at our destination, our area of unusual kindness and blessing from God.

How do we draw closer to God during difficult times? How do we accept and not resist the issues of life? There are 5 habits to greatness; 1. Humility. 2. Humility. 3. Humility. 4. Humility. 5. Humility.

Isaiah 58 is another key to greatness. Follow and do what Isaiah instructs and the Lord will be with you.

God promised us victory. In Isaiah, He promises if we seek Him, pray and fast and keep the Sabbath, He will cause you to ride the highest hills and will feed you with the heritage of Jacob. Jacob’s heritage was greater than that of Abraham. Abraham’s heritage was bound within the borders of Canaan. Jacob’s heritage has no limits.

You are part of a movement – a movement greater than you know. The secret of that greatness is keeping your heart right. It’s in repentance and obedience. It’s a higher and easier way to walk. Walk the path of holiness. Keep yourself holy unto God. When we give God the only thing we have – our worship and our heart – God gives us all He has, even to the sacrifice of His one and only Son.

We need to repent when necessary. There is power in repentance. It’s when we turn to God and ask His forgiveness, we stay in right standing before Him.

We also need to condemn the tongue that arises against us. We need to be active in this. Vehement even. Get angry at whatever it is that’s coming against you; poverty, sickness, wayward children (not angry at the child, but at the spirit behind the child). Go into your prayer closet and bring them all into the alignment of God’s word.

Speak life at all times. Use your words. Speak aloud. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

These powers have ears. They hear you and what you say, and what you say will come to pass; whether you speak good or evil, life or death. Speak life. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, it heard Him. That tree shrivelled up and died. It had ears.

Weapons that come against us are formed with a tongue and an ear. The weapons of our warfare too, have a tongue and an ear. They not only hear you, but they speak to you and you can speak to them.

There is a power in sitting under a church covering. Get yourself to church and under that church covering. While there, you’ll have the advantage of the prayers of the congregation. “For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Take your issue to God. Speak your case. Get angry against the weapon which has come against you.

Enquire of the Lord what He wants in this situation. Listen to what He’s telling you. Go quiet for a moment and wait for Him to speak. If you haven’t heard from Him, open your bible and let His word wash over you.

Legos is the word; speak that word, over and over. Legos is to speak intelligently, to build an interconnected network of things. It’s to speak, affirm, maintain, command and direct. Do this in your case. Be forceful, but not rude.

Pray fervent prayers to break through the enemy lines. God wants passion, not passivity. Give yourself at least a full two minutes of fervent prayer. Don’t be passive. Shout to the Lord. Speak passionate prayers that are unified with the Lord and with those around you.

At the end of the day, you must be confident in God’s power and of His deliverance toward you. Don’t waiver in this. He is who He says He is and for best results, you need to believe in Him.

Saturday 6 July 2024

A Follow Up to Your Legal Rights.

A Follow Up to Your Legal Rights.

I dreamed of little dragons; a couple of feet tall. Three of them and they were camouflaged to the colour of the rocks they were standing on, although I made them out quite clearly. They were wary of me, standing back, watching my every move. Retreating further away as I scooted past them towards the exit. It seemed to me they wanted to come closer, but didn’t. One tried to enlarge himself by opening his wings to full extension (and I have no idea; could have been a her). It didn’t scare me, not one little bit and he quickly slunk off.

I was in a deep gorge, or coming out of a cave – not quite sure. I was riding a tiny scooter; little wheels and for some reason I had to pedal to make it move forward. Tiny little pedals but I rode it with great confidence and skill, along a rough and potted road. An effortless ride, though marked by difficulty and easily overcome.

A scooter evokes a sense of freedom and excitement, when riding without effort. A reminder to enjoy the journey and a willingness to explore new opportunities; to trust in your abilities.

In looking up the meaning behind the dragons, it seems if you’re not religious, demons aren’t spiritually related, however if you are religious, they are spiritually related. Dragons can represent both light and dark, however in Christianity they’re often seen as evil, symbolising sin.

I also felt they were wary of me because I had breakthrough the other day, in hitting on my legal rights. They’re a little frightened of me now. They’re wary because I now know how to overcome and now “Hell’s lost another one and I am free,” as the song goes.

A dragon that spreads its wings can represent anger and aggression, through which light and understanding will come. Although at this point, I felt neither anger or aggression. I didn’t feel this to be true in this case. What I felt was; this thing was hoping to intimidate me. It soon disappeared when it saw I wasn’t the least bit intimidated.

In looking it up, numbers are important. I read groupings of three are important for wholeness and completion and to keep an eye out for these groupings. Since there were three dragons and three breakthroughs the other day (of which Lizzie reminded me), that was an interesting point. The piece went on to say I should take note of synchronicities and be aware of my surroundings.

Lizzie reminded me I had three breakthroughs, when I used my legal rights for the first time; finances, anxiety and fear.

The number three is a sign that God is everywhere. It means new life, harmony and wholeness. Symbolic of speech and sound (perhaps triggered by the verbal binding and blinding I used over the above in the car the other day).

Three dragons can also illustrate positive times are ahead.

Anyway, I felt this was an interesting dream to wake up to on Sunday morning, considering my earlier article on Tuesday regarding “Your Legal Rights.”

All are Loved of God.

All are Loved of God.

Yes, Even You!

In the final chapter of the bible, at the beginning of Revelation, it says; Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. (Rev 1:3)

Jesus states at the end of Revelation; he who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly." (Rev 22:20)

Promises given at the beginning and at the end of Revelation. It would pay to heed them.

When you stand, you don't just 'stand' but you stand in Jesus. No matter what’s going on; stand on the word of God, stand in Jesus and what Jesus died to give you – life and life more abundant.

You can come from prison, you can be a drug addict, a thief or a murderer and you will have the same right standing as Mr and Mrs Super-Christian, if you come before the Lord, repent and accept Jesus as your saviour.

All of us have sinned, but if you trust in God, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, Jesus will work in your life.

Do not let the devil deceive you. You are worthy. God loves you. No matter how low you’ve sunk in life, God will redeem you. God loves you, as I said. He wants the best for you, no matter who you are. He so much wants the best for you that He sent His one and only Son to die for you.

Jesus bore your sins on the cross – yes, yours. He did it for you! Now you can do something for Him. Honour His death by giving Him your life. You won’t be disappointed.

There are dark, spiritual powers at work in this world. Jesus overcame them and He asks that you do the same. Get rid of the ‘beasts’ in your life, those things which are bringing you down, for the devil not only wants to destroy all in your life, he wants to kill you too.

When you lose your purpose, you lose your way. Find your purpose in life. God makes old things new, but you have to resist the lures of the world. You have to resist the rebellion of wicked ways, turn to God and repent. Only then will you have good success.

Friday 5 July 2024

Winning the War.

Winning the War.

To win at war, it’s a little like playing chess, where you have to anticipate the opponent's next move. It’s when the people become complacent that trouble begins to brew.

God is about to bring people into places of authority and those people need to have their shield of faith at the ready. A new power is coming to the land that has not been seen before and it all begins, only for those who are relationally involved with Jesus.

The righteousness of those He brings into authority will be seen. It will be visible to all, according to the Lord.

We are in a war and we need to be on the offense, not on the defence. Counter measures are better than defensive measures for you have more choice, but we need to train before we get into battle, so we know what to do in any situation that arises.

Biblical references are a good place to start. Wield that sword of the word. Cut into the devil’s plans. Take your promise by force. Push back. We have been given resurrection power. We can throw stones with success. We have weapons to slay, but we need to make a commitment and stand firm.

And remember, it’s not you doing it, but God. Humble yourself. Pray for humility.

All of us need a strong word. We’ve all had loss and disappointment. The enemy isn’t just trying to take from you, he wants to kill you.

We all need to be in resurrection power, not in our own power but in the power of God.

You can say all the right things, and still be sad and lonely. We need to go deeper than just talking the talk. We need to walk the talk. 

We need to be able to move in God’s power, to show the power of God demonstrated through us. We have to get better at hearing from the Spirit and we can only achieve that when we read His word, when we take that head knowledge down and into the heart.

Plus, demons look for people who are prideful. We want our spirit to grow. We need to grow and still be humble. When our spirit grows, the enemy can’t move.

And we should have a holy fear of God in the process of the battles we work through. We often endure fear, however there’s one fear we should enjoy; holy fear. We only get into holy fear as we read the bible. Once we have it, we don’t want to lose our holy fear, for it is our greatest strength and our greatest treasure. We cannot enjoy life when feelings of doubt and unbelief reign and the holy fear we hold will keep doubt and fear at bay.

We need to worship God. The main point of God delivering His people was to bestow eternal life and it’s only right that we worship Him in that. To have a relationship with God, to live a sinless life, are God’s greatest desires for your life and one of the greatest ways for you to show Him honour.

We need a hallowed reverence, respect and adoration for the Lord. Fear of the Lord is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. We honour Him in doing so and if we can do it without grumbling, complaining, or mummering, but in totally walking with love, we please God enormously.

Our role is to honour Him, put others ahead of ourselves, give and forgive. And when we revere the Lord in this way, His presence is made manifest in our lives. Expect His presence and His power to flow as you approach Him with holy awe.

And if I’ve said nothing else; the above words are the most important ones you can know.

Thursday 4 July 2024

The True and Living God.

The True and Living God.

I asked for a spiritual epiphany before falling asleep and dreamed of a father playing a prank on his son. He pretended the boy’s rickety old wheelchair fell apart. Having undone many of the major screws and bolts the wheelchair fell in pieces, right in front of the little boy. “Oh no, what are we going to do?” exclaimed the father.

All the family were in on the joke. Just the boy didn’t know and was disappointed that he now had no way of getting around. A few minutes later a van pulled into the driveway, with a new and modern wheelchair, colourful and sparkling and the young lad was overjoyed. The whole family were thrilled to see him get a new wheelchair. I too, was brimming with happiness for him.

Either the scene changed, or at this time I went outside for a walk. While walking I noticed large fish struggling in a drying, muddy creek bed. Murky, miry, sludgy water and fish gasping for breath. I held up my hands before me and my fingers opened up; holes appeared in the ends of my fingers and baby fish emerged out of these holes. The fish dropped to the ground and buried themselves in the soil. The soil then opened up and fresh water began bubbling to the surface.

Having no idea what this meant, I went in to Lizzie to see what she thinks. “Lizzie the Seer.”

She said what a great dream it was. The broken wheel chair at its end and a new, modern, shiny one on its way. The dying fish and my hands bringing new life. Two dreams. A double emphasis. No matter how it looks, or how dark the situation; better is on the way.

I felt the wheelchair part of the story so insignificant I almost didn’t write it here, deciding to add it at the last minute. Glad I did too. That the two messages were similar (like the seven stalks of wheat and the seven fat cows) and both speaking of a dying out of the old and a bringing in of the new; a true prophetic dream and more than a tad exciting.

The next morning Olivia called. The first day of her holiday of a lifetime as her and her family had flown to Darwin. She’d received a call from the landlord; her house had sold. She hadn’t even been told it was up for sale. If she’d have known, she might not have gone on this holiday, using her money to move instead.

I felt the Lord say; tell Olivia of this dream, as it was for her that I gave it to you. I told Olivia and it eased her mind. It was too late at this point to cancel their holiday. They’d not long landed in Darwin and you’re not leaving once you get there. That was Saturday morning. Sunday morning, I joined a very active prayer line in church and we prayed over the situation. Monday, I spoke to Vicky and Mum asking them to pray also, which we did over the phone.

Tuesday morning, the landlord called Olivia and said he might not sell. I don’t know if the sale fell through due to our intervening prayers. Perhaps he thought it was a done deal, but it wasn’t and that’s why he told Olivia the house had sold, or if he just had a change of heart. Either way, God is moving on our behalf and things will work out just fine. Pray, let go and let God, which is just what we did.

Olivia has recently gone back to work. They have a deposit for a house, but until Olivia’s worked for three months, they can’t get a home loan. It would be a shame to have to move so close to buying their own place and so any kind of stall in the area of moving is a good thing.

I praise God for His word in this dream, for being able to ease Olivia’s mind right at a time of a major trip. All of Corey’s family have flown to Darwin and they have many plans while there. It would have been a great shame if Olivia had to pull out and cancel this trip of a lifetime.

It was also the first time Heidi had been in a plane and she absolutely loved it. Heidi’s funny. They caught a cab to the train station, five minutes up the road. Getting out of the cab, Heidi asked; “Are we in Darwin now?” They caught the train and had to change trains part way. “Are we in Darwin now?” They caught another train and arrived at Domestic. “We must be in Darwin now!” But the happiness on her face once on the plane – just delightful.

We must remember – Our God is the true and living God!



Let’s talk about stones; simple stones, right? Lifeless blobs of nothingness; neither moving, breathing, nor reproducing.

We view stones as lifeless. To us, stones are hindrances and barriers. God views stones as something completely different. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord in Isaiah 55:8. Stones are one topic which greatly emphasises the differences between our thought and ways, and God’s.

Symbolising the rule of Christ; the cornerstone, the initial stone installed at the foundation of a work. The capstone, the very last stone set in place. The alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last.

Stones, also used as a sign, a symbol of remembrance, as at the River Jordan, Jacobs ladder and alters of worship.

Used in the bible, rock is mentioned 128 times and stones, 367 times. The stone; rejected by men, chosen by God.

David picked up 5 stones from the river bed, to kill Goliath (and his brothers if needs be). Each stone in his pouch representing the state of his heart; faith, courage, trust, obedience and praise. In this image we can see a weaving together of both the physical and the spiritual; enmeshed, side by side.

Stones are not to be idolised. They are used metaphorically as a firmness, hardness or insensibility.

They denote stability, steadiness, durability and strength. Protection and transformation. A firm foundation and a security. They are precious, speaking of the wisdom throughout the ages. They aid focus and expression, clarity, imagination and abundance. They can represent harmony, eternity and romance. Not too bad for a lifeless blog of nothingness.

The Hebrew word for stone is eben and it means stone of help, a costly stone. Stone; a word of significance as it’s mentioned numerous times in the bible and represents the Father and the Son. Words are fascinating; don’t you agree? Especially biblical words.

Stones are symbolic of a power so compelling they cannot be silent. Luke 19: 39-40, Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus; “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples!” “I tell you,” He replied “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

A pearl, the stone of great price; of truth, faith, love, sincerity and loyalty.

Precious stones, stones of value, wealth, beauty and durability.

Stones, a representation of longevity and hope.

A white stone; the judgement of innocence, purity, safe passage, welcome, privilege, honour, favour, reprieve from death.

12 stones of judgement through the 12 tribes of Israel. A memorial to God’s love and assistance, not only within and without at the Jordan River but also embedded amidst the breastplates of the priestly garb.

Jasper; the finest form of the diamond stone, holding the clearest lustre (mentioned in Revelation 4). A representation of the desirable, endurable character of Christ. The appearance of God, shining in His glory. A most precious stone. A most rare jewel, it says in Revelation 21:11.

The rock; a burial place for the King of King’s. The humble stone, the place of the greatest miracle working power ever, hiding its secrets until the day of revealing; the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Covenant stones

Fortress stones

Stones of great price

Weighty stones

Stones of burden

Stony hearts

Sacred stones

Carved stones

Stones of crystal

Gem stones

Sapphire stones

Stones of wisdom

I’m sure I’ve not exhausted the topic. There’s much more to be said. But for today, let’s honour the Capstone, the One True King. Let us take now this symbol of the bread and the blood in remembrance of Him: Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who died that you might have life and life more abundantly. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus, for your wonderful sacrifice.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Your Legal Rights.

Your Legal Rights.

I listened to the best clip on casting out demons today, by Amanda Pittman, called “Deliverance Minister on Casting Out Demons, Breaking Legal Rights & Unlocking Spiritual Prisons.” Ms Pittman interviewed Bev Tucker.

The clip was so good in fact that I listened to it a second time. Then I had to try it out for myself. It’s quite long and you’ll need time to listen to it. Ordinarily I wouldn’t recommend work from people I don’t know, but I think this one is worth it to anyone wishing to grow in the Lord. It was worth it for me; worth it enough to watch it twice and then take action. Action that produced fruit.

When it came to action; now that was interesting! I used what she said in the clip to break the devil’s legal right over my finances. Then I bound and blinded the spirit of poverty over my life, stating it had now no legal right to interfere. I had wanted to go for a bike ride and declare my statements aloud to this evil being, but it was raining.

Instead I drove into town and made my declarations in the car as I went. I’ve bound the spirit of poverty a number of times and it didn’t seem to do anything, but I’ve never worked through legal right’s before. I tried to get into the courts of heaven in the past, but that didn’t seem to work either.

Well, that was all fine and dandy, removing the legal rights over finances, but all of a sudden, I got really nervous about driving, so now things had switched.

I’ve been driving for 40 years and have never been a nervous driver, not like this and I knew the battle was on. Straight up, as soon as I removed his legal right to my finances, satan was onto me. He didn’t like my removing his legal rights. Now I was nervous; anxious, so for good measure, I removed the devil’s legal right here too and bound and blinded the spirit of anxiety. All went very calm.

Instead of bike riding (due to the rain) I decided an under-awning walk was in order. That way I can still get some exercise and not get wet. I decided to pray as I went, which I often do when walking around town.

My idea was to bless someone and I was looking to do that when fear entered my mind (now I’ve gone from anxious driving to fear of talking to people) and I knew; once that came, there’d be no talking to anyone. Oh, here we go again. So, once more with the legal right over fear; bind and blind that spirit too.

Straight up calm reigned and I blessed two people. By now it was time to go home again. But I did achieve the desired result. Not only that, but straight away I saw a positive change to my income. So, this seems to be working on the finances now too. It sure will be fun to see where this leads.

You can do this with any negative in your life. Healing, relationships, children and school, past hurts and traumas. I already know my value in God. If someone were to ask me what I say about myself, I’d reply, “I am a righteous child of God, a pillar in the temple of the Lord.” I know my value and I know my authority.

What I didn’t know was why the work of my hands didn’t prosper. Well, it has to a point and compared to where I started, I’m doing very well. Who knew I’d be able to retire; a self-funded retiree 10 years early? But I know there’s more – much more and I’ve been working towards that for quite some time. On this topic too, I've only just scratched the surface but let’s see where this takes us.

The Attacks of the Devil.

The Attacks of the Devil.

I was pretty excited to awaken and see a message from my granddaughter this morning. I slept through her troubling moment, but she worked it out without me. She said she had a sleep paralysis dream and called on Jesus – that’s why I was excited. She asked if I’d pray. By the time I read the message it was too late. But it was great that she thought to call on Jesus.

I took a snapshot of the conversation, because it’s important to record these things. I hear of people who hear from God early in their lives and they go on to do wonderful things. I didn’t really come to know Jesus until my mid 30’s. How exciting for Stelly to recognise good and evil in this moment and to know just what to do when something like this occurs. To be so young and yet to see it in action, I reckon that’s pretty awesome.

Just how much influence my prayers have I’m not sure, but at this moment something’s working. James 5:16 says the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. One of the questions I like to ask people is; What do you say about yourself? About me; I say I’m a pillar in the temple of the Lord, a righteous child of the Most-High God. That said, as a righteous child of God, my prayers availeth much.

My younger grandaughter’s teeth have come into alignment after 12 months of decreeing and declaring for them to do so. In this, I can see God working through my declarations. One of those declarations is that the blood of the Lamb cover my family and friends. If one declaration can work, they all can. If Heidi’s rather large overbite can be corrected, so too can the prayers of protection work. Prayers covering both the seen and the unseen realm.

Exciting, isn’t it?

The message I received;

Nan, I’m sorry I’m texting you so late. I just had the scariest thing happen to me and Jesus came and protected me. It felt so weird. It was like some demon or something was giving me sleep paralysis. I called on Jesus and He got it out of me. It was like there was something sucking out of me and it went right into thin air. Just to be sure, do you think you could do some prayers?

My reply;

Absolutely; that’s something which can happen. I’m sorry I was asleep when you sent me the message to pray, but you did exactly the right thing when you called on Jesus. God is real and the devil is real and you had a touch of both when you saw this happen. Having seen it first hand, you’ll never doubt God’s existence.

When your friends tell you, they don’t believe in God, you can tell them this story. It’s what we call a ‘personal testimony.’ God wants us to tell our testimonies so that others can see the spirit world is real.

And just so you know… every day I speak a prayer over you and your sister; a prayer of protection and blessing. With that prayer, the devil has no authority to act in your life. He can try, as he did tonight, but he soon found out he can’t get to you.

I’m truly excited you got to experience this as young as you are, for now you know how easy it is to bring Jesus into any troubling situation.

Of course, later I asked what she did to open the door and allow this evil entry into her life. She’d been staying with a friend and they’d watched a scary movie. She said it wasn’t evil, just scary. My thoughts; if it’s scary, it’s evil. Don’t play around with this kind of thing.

As Christians, we must take care of our flock. We must be prayer warriors for all our little chickens.