Saturday 27 July 2024

You are Responsible for your Life.

You are Responsible for your Life.

When you understand it’s your life and your relationships and that you’re responsible for both, when you stop making excuses and start making an effort, your life will change.

When we talk about change we need to ask ourselves a few questions; will the change benefit the people around me, is it compatible with my values, is it specific and clear, are people favourable to the change, can I test it before sending it out, are the resources available to make it happen, is it reversible, is right here right now the obvious next step, can leadership bring about the change, is the timing right?

What should I do? When should I do it? Why should I do it? Sounds simple doesn’t it? Not.

Wisdom and knowledge are no good without application. You can have all the right questions, but until you test them, you’ll never know if they work. Pray about the matter. The more you pray the more you notice. The less you pray the less you notice. It’s that simple.

At the end of the day, you get to be as close to God as you choose to be. For some; the unbeliever is not satisfied until Christ hangs on the cross. The believer counts the cost of the cross, the cost of discipleship and the cost of following Christ. You’re either for Christ or against Him. There is no in-between.

Why not make Holy fear your treasure? Value virtue. Seek wisdom, righteousness and relationship. Be Holy as He is Holy.

We are holy as we come under His authority through faith and salvation, however there are two types of holiness; positional holiness and behavioural holiness. One recognising our reconciliation towards Christ’s sacrifice, the other aligns our actions to follow suit. Our behaviour must change as we mature in faith, becoming more Christlike.

As we serve, honour and revere Him, our holiness unlocks the blessings He has for us. Obedience is our key to success. We read our bible daily, and follow the instructions it gives. We ask God to empower us. The truth has the most potential to set us free, it also has the greatest potential to cause offense. You may lose a friend or two in the process. Are you willing to accept the price?

If you’re willing to go the whole way with God, describe who you want to be, including your character traits, your desires, the way you treat people, how you live and work towards it.

Chronic health problems result from suppression of destructive cellular memories. Cellular memories are the imprints in our minds of traumatic events. Coping we get through life, but coping is not a healthy way to live.

Coping is a form of suppression and suppression is a pressure cooker which will eventually erupt. Guilt and shame come about through failure and condemnation is the result of guilt and shame. But there is no condemnation in Christ. Romans 8:1 There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

When in coping mode only, we have a tendency to criticize and complain. Coping drains us of physical and emotional energy and never solves the problem. It’s not what you do which changes things, it’s what you believe in your heart. We must stop complaining and start believing in the word of God.

It’s most difficult to emulate success when you’ve never seen success. Having said that; knowledge is not the problem. Belief is the problem. If only we could believe as Jesus believed!

Allow yourself to be filled with the peace of God. Thank God for His peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding and acknowledge that you are open and ready for a solution to the problem that you face. Meditate. Sit quietly and wait for the answers to come.

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