Monday 22 July 2024

The Truth of the Word.

The Truth of the Word.

God is truth. God’s word is truth. Christ is truth. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. This is what the bible tells us, but how do we know it’s true? We find out by testing God’s word for ourselves. And we can’t test it for a day or two, we have to give it a good few months.

God doesn’t promise to remove our trials, but He does tell us we will overcome them by our faith. Overcoming is used 324 times in the bible. Faith is mentioned 336 times and truth 333 times in the bible and the benefits to the believer are far reaching. God is dependable, promising to set us free from our bondages, preserve us and guide us, establishing in us an everlasting heritage.

Deuteronomy 32:4 A God of truth and without injustice.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…”

John 14:17 states the Spirit of truth… for He dwells in you and will be in you.

Psalm 119:160 The entirety of Your word is truth…

Psalm 119:142 tells us God’s laws are true ...and Your law is the truth.

The commandments speak truth, the Gospel is truth, God’s council is truth, His works and His judgements are written to be truth.

The bible is a warning not to depart from these truths, not to allow deception from the enemy, which so easily ensnares us. (Hebrews 12:1)

Satan will inform us we’re unworthy, that God couldn’t love someone like you, you’re too insignificant, so insignificant in fact He wouldn’t even listen to you. Don’t believe these lies from the evil one. Instead, trust in the Truth of His Word, in which it is impossible for God to lie. (Hebrews 6:18)

God is love. Love is mentioned 361 times in the bible. If you’re feeling unworthy or unloved, look for and read these 361 passages from the bible. Don’t listen to that negativity which speaks from your head and dwells in your heart. Get into God’s word and find out what the One who cannot lie has to say about you. Then believe it!

All things are possible to him who believes. Mark 9:23.

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