Wednesday 24 July 2024

All Consuming Eyes of Fire.

All Consuming Eyes of Fire.

Your bible; if I could turn these pages with gloves on, I’d wear gloves. I personally haven’t revered this book to its absolute authority, its expert witness and greatest value. This book is too pure for these sin stained hands.

We ought to pick up this book with a greater awe and reverence, the kind of awe and reverence it deserves, for it was written by the greatest force on earth and in heaven. The Lord wrote His book with eyes of blazing fire. Eyes looking zealously. Eyes of intense emotion, of consuming passion and love for His creation.

The Lord consulted with wisdom from the very beginning; wisdom was with Him and is The Word. The Lord wrote the word, then He consulted with His own word. God is the only one who consults with His own word. He consults with His own word because it doesn’t lie.

The word was there right from the beginning. A book unquestionably supernatural right from the start of creation until now. The Lord wrote the word, then sat it before Himself and created every form from it; He created it all with the same consuming passion that He wrote it.

I was given a challenge recently, to write the book of Romans in my own hand and carry it with me everywhere I go. Romans; the clearest presentation of Christian doctrine denoting the sinful nature of man and rounding off with God’s righteousness and saving grace by faith. Restoring rebels from their own path of destruction and taking them from their brokenness into the fulness of all God has for them, with practical instruction.

Why write Romans and carry it? To follow God’s word unreservedly. Can you imagine if all our politicians did this? Oh, the changes they would make. How history would have been different if Hitler, Stalin and the likes of them would have written and carried God’s word in their pockets.

Let’s not stop at Romans either. What if we wrote the Epistles, or Proverbs and carried them too? You might be thinking why rewrite what’s already written? We can just carry the book itself. What I’m finding, in writing Romans, is a deeper understanding, a connection of the power of God in greater measure. Somehow, in taking it from reading to written, the word forms and sets resolutely.

Two other areas I was challenged on… one was to say the Lord’s prayer 400 times in one sitting. That was terribly interesting. And to speak more frequently in tongues. It’s a 14-hour drive to my daughter’s. 7 hours today and 7 hours tomorrow. That’s a lot of time to think. It’s a lot of time where I can and did pray the Lord’s prayer 400 times in one sitting and speak in tongues 5 hours straight.

I’m not going to tell you what happened with the Lord’s prayer. You can find out for yourself. In speaking in tongues, I’ve been doing this for years, but never for a period of 5 hours straight. If you want to open the word to its full advantage, I recommend you give this a try. Perhaps you don’t need to do 5 hours, perhaps an hour will do, but give it a go. It’s well worth the exercise.

For now though, let us honour the Lord. Let us give the Lord our greatest accolades. Let us today, take of the body and blood in reverence of Him and the gift of His Son, as He’s asked us to do. Today Lord, I give thanks for the great sacrifice of Your Son. I take of His body, broken for me and drink of His blood, shed that I might have life and have it more abundantly. Lord I honour you in this today.

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