Saturday 13 July 2024

To Hear From God - Part 2.

To Hear From God – Part 2.

I listened to a you tube clip this morning, just a random one on Facebook, which spoke of people who have no knowledge; that they will not learn from the past.

My bible study today, just happened to be Isaiah 5:13; therefore, my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge. As it often does, these seemingly random coincidences, are perhaps not so random, if God is trying to get a message through to you.

It stands to reason then, both of the above being true, that knowledge is a rather valuable tool to have in your tool kit.

Both the you tube clip and the bible verse mentioned Sheol (evil, hell) enlarging itself and the people shall be brought down.

Both went on to talk about God's provision for His lambs.

Both talked about the evil taking over.

Both spoke of the Lord lifting His people that no one should stumble – His people, note, not all people.

Both spoke of the Lord having our backs, of having our iniquity taken away. Have you noticed when the bible talks about the armour of God, there’s no mention of armour to your back? You have the shoes, the belt of truth girded about your loins, the breastplate of righteousness, etc, but nothing from behind. That’s because God is at your back, guiding you and protecting you.

You’re to continually move forward, using your forward protective gear, while God brings up the rear. Our back is never exposed, for we’re always moving forward, never to turn and run during our time of battle.

Revelation, interpretation, application; what is said, what it means and what we do about it. That’s the question. Do not add to or take away anything the Lord gives you. Move in those dimensions; move in revelation, interpretation and application. Keep reading God’s word, as He reveals what He wants you to know. Gain a greater interpretation of His word and apply what that interpretation of God is telling you to do.

To find the answer to your questions, to understand what He wants, always write down what the Lord tells/shows you; dreams, visions, insights, for these will form a narrative which may come over time, rather than all at once. I did hear of a minister once, who got the first half of a message, but the second half wasn’t revealed to him until ten years later. You need to write down what God tells you.

We mustn't get into pride, for it is to the humble of heart that God speaks, not necessarily nor always to the best in the field or the most intelligent.

Proverbs; the book of wisdom, also known as proverbs of Solomon. It pays to understand that many of the proverbs are an enigma and difficult to understand. Thankfully we have the internet. I found a PDF file today, explaining in great detail Psalm 91. 300 pages in this file, on just this one Psalm. Don’t think, just because you know the verse, you have the full and deeper meaning of it.

We’re told to meditate on the scriptures. It pays for you to take a verse and mull over it for a week or two. You’ll be surprised at how meaningful one verse can be, at how much further is God’s knowledge than ours.

He, the Lord, will be a staff to the just, a light to the nations and a hope of those who are sick in their hearts. A staff; a support, an axis connecting God and man, a guiding tool. Allow His staff to draw you close. Read His word. Listen to what He’s telling you. God is speaking all the time however we don’t pause long enough to hear Him. Those soft and gentle thoughts, before, during and after your quiet time with the Lord, can be extremely revealing.

I had a word from God recently. One word; longsuffering. You wouldn’t think too much of that, if the word randomly popped into your head, but as I was spending time with the Lord, I wrote it down. Throughout the next few days I found myself drawn to that word often, as a challenge had arisen. It was so much easier to go through the challenge, as I continued to draw my mind to this one word the Lord had given me and before I knew it, the challenge was done. It was a great aid to my getting through at this time.

So, if a word, or a sentence comes to mind while doing your bible study, write it down. Mull over it and dig a little deeper. Draw a full and complete meaning to what you’ve heard. Get on the internet and look it up. See if any other passages in the bible relate to it. This is how you hear from God.  



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