Thursday 4 July 2024

The True and Living God.

The True and Living God.

I asked for a spiritual epiphany before falling asleep and dreamed of a father playing a prank on his son. He pretended the boy’s rickety old wheelchair fell apart. Having undone many of the major screws and bolts the wheelchair fell in pieces, right in front of the little boy. “Oh no, what are we going to do?” exclaimed the father.

All the family were in on the joke. Just the boy didn’t know and was disappointed that he now had no way of getting around. A few minutes later a van pulled into the driveway, with a new and modern wheelchair, colourful and sparkling and the young lad was overjoyed. The whole family were thrilled to see him get a new wheelchair. I too, was brimming with happiness for him.

Either the scene changed, or at this time I went outside for a walk. While walking I noticed large fish struggling in a drying, muddy creek bed. Murky, miry, sludgy water and fish gasping for breath. I held up my hands before me and my fingers opened up; holes appeared in the ends of my fingers and baby fish emerged out of these holes. The fish dropped to the ground and buried themselves in the soil. The soil then opened up and fresh water began bubbling to the surface.

Having no idea what this meant, I went in to Lizzie to see what she thinks. “Lizzie the Seer.”

She said what a great dream it was. The broken wheel chair at its end and a new, modern, shiny one on its way. The dying fish and my hands bringing new life. Two dreams. A double emphasis. No matter how it looks, or how dark the situation; better is on the way.

I felt the wheelchair part of the story so insignificant I almost didn’t write it here, deciding to add it at the last minute. Glad I did too. That the two messages were similar (like the seven stalks of wheat and the seven fat cows) and both speaking of a dying out of the old and a bringing in of the new; a true prophetic dream and more than a tad exciting.

The next morning Olivia called. The first day of her holiday of a lifetime as her and her family had flown to Darwin. She’d received a call from the landlord; her house had sold. She hadn’t even been told it was up for sale. If she’d have known, she might not have gone on this holiday, using her money to move instead.

I felt the Lord say; tell Olivia of this dream, as it was for her that I gave it to you. I told Olivia and it eased her mind. It was too late at this point to cancel their holiday. They’d not long landed in Darwin and you’re not leaving once you get there. That was Saturday morning. Sunday morning, I joined a very active prayer line in church and we prayed over the situation. Monday, I spoke to Vicky and Mum asking them to pray also, which we did over the phone.

Tuesday morning, the landlord called Olivia and said he might not sell. I don’t know if the sale fell through due to our intervening prayers. Perhaps he thought it was a done deal, but it wasn’t and that’s why he told Olivia the house had sold, or if he just had a change of heart. Either way, God is moving on our behalf and things will work out just fine. Pray, let go and let God, which is just what we did.

Olivia has recently gone back to work. They have a deposit for a house, but until Olivia’s worked for three months, they can’t get a home loan. It would be a shame to have to move so close to buying their own place and so any kind of stall in the area of moving is a good thing.

I praise God for His word in this dream, for being able to ease Olivia’s mind right at a time of a major trip. All of Corey’s family have flown to Darwin and they have many plans while there. It would have been a great shame if Olivia had to pull out and cancel this trip of a lifetime.

It was also the first time Heidi had been in a plane and she absolutely loved it. Heidi’s funny. They caught a cab to the train station, five minutes up the road. Getting out of the cab, Heidi asked; “Are we in Darwin now?” They caught the train and had to change trains part way. “Are we in Darwin now?” They caught another train and arrived at Domestic. “We must be in Darwin now!” But the happiness on her face once on the plane – just delightful.

We must remember – Our God is the true and living God!

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