Tuesday 9 July 2024

Prayer with Power.

Prayer with Power.

What God starts hell can’t stop. If God has started a work in you, He will finish it. He doesn’t forget as we do.

Your mind has three memory sensors; initial sensor, short and long-term sensors. First you hear something and your initial sensor kicks in, depositing the information into the short-term part of your mind. What you repeat for more than twenty seconds then goes into your long-term memory. So, if you wish to store something into long-term memory, repeat what you’ve heard/read over and over for twenty seconds.

We all need memory triggers. If you’re prone to forgetting you have something on the stove, it helps to leave a chair in the middle of the floor; a memory trigger to help you remember the stove is on. Communion is a memory trigger. It reminds us of Him. It reminds us come into His presence.

Often when reading the bible, a passage or a sentence, will appear to jump out at us. This is God highlighting an area of importance to us. Pay attention at this time.

When evening comes, as we start to relax and wind down for the night, our mind begins to mull over things that happened throughout the day. It’s at this time the devil will cause us to turn that highlighted word from the Lord into doubt. Do not doubt in the night, what God sends in the day.

Storms come in life. No one is immune to them. The storms of life are kingdom opportunities. The storms of life are where, when you stand on God’s promises, the greatest opportunities arise to show those around you; He can be relied upon. He can be trusted.

Delay and interruptions are par for the course. In biblical terms delay is known as a Malta experience. In the book of Acts, it talks about Paul and his Malta experience. Paul had much difficulty on his journey and in his Malta experience. In his storm of delay to reaching the people with the Gospel news, the outcome was positive. As Paul headed throughout the Mediterranean making his way to Rome he was arrested, stoned, starved and shipwrecked, eventually landing on the island of Malta, where the natives showed him unusual kindness (a great blessing after trial).

We all go through our own Malta experiences. We don’t know how long we’ll be in Malta (representative of delay) but we must get to Rome (our promised land).

While heading to Malta we try to deny the trauma. Flight or fight kicks in. The storms of life bring us to our lowest ebb. We need to find a new stability. Storms shape us. We’ll never be the same after a Malta experience. In finding our lowest ebb, in falling into the deepest pits of despair and anguish, now is the time to draw near to God, not pull further away. Paul didn’t lose his faith during his times of trail and neither should we.

The less we resist and the more we draw close to God, the more we embrace the changes, the sooner we arrive at our destination, our area of unusual kindness and blessing from God.

How do we draw closer to God during difficult times? How do we accept and not resist the issues of life? There are 5 habits to greatness; 1. Humility. 2. Humility. 3. Humility. 4. Humility. 5. Humility.

Isaiah 58 is another key to greatness. Follow and do what Isaiah instructs and the Lord will be with you.

God promised us victory. In Isaiah, He promises if we seek Him, pray and fast and keep the Sabbath, He will cause you to ride the highest hills and will feed you with the heritage of Jacob. Jacob’s heritage was greater than that of Abraham. Abraham’s heritage was bound within the borders of Canaan. Jacob’s heritage has no limits.

You are part of a movement – a movement greater than you know. The secret of that greatness is keeping your heart right. It’s in repentance and obedience. It’s a higher and easier way to walk. Walk the path of holiness. Keep yourself holy unto God. When we give God the only thing we have – our worship and our heart – God gives us all He has, even to the sacrifice of His one and only Son.

We need to repent when necessary. There is power in repentance. It’s when we turn to God and ask His forgiveness, we stay in right standing before Him.

We also need to condemn the tongue that arises against us. We need to be active in this. Vehement even. Get angry at whatever it is that’s coming against you; poverty, sickness, wayward children (not angry at the child, but at the spirit behind the child). Go into your prayer closet and bring them all into the alignment of God’s word.

Speak life at all times. Use your words. Speak aloud. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

These powers have ears. They hear you and what you say, and what you say will come to pass; whether you speak good or evil, life or death. Speak life. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, it heard Him. That tree shrivelled up and died. It had ears.

Weapons that come against us are formed with a tongue and an ear. The weapons of our warfare too, have a tongue and an ear. They not only hear you, but they speak to you and you can speak to them.

There is a power in sitting under a church covering. Get yourself to church and under that church covering. While there, you’ll have the advantage of the prayers of the congregation. “For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Take your issue to God. Speak your case. Get angry against the weapon which has come against you.

Enquire of the Lord what He wants in this situation. Listen to what He’s telling you. Go quiet for a moment and wait for Him to speak. If you haven’t heard from Him, open your bible and let His word wash over you.

Legos is the word; speak that word, over and over. Legos is to speak intelligently, to build an interconnected network of things. It’s to speak, affirm, maintain, command and direct. Do this in your case. Be forceful, but not rude.

Pray fervent prayers to break through the enemy lines. God wants passion, not passivity. Give yourself at least a full two minutes of fervent prayer. Don’t be passive. Shout to the Lord. Speak passionate prayers that are unified with the Lord and with those around you.

At the end of the day, you must be confident in God’s power and of His deliverance toward you. Don’t waiver in this. He is who He says He is and for best results, you need to believe in Him.

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