Friday 26 July 2024

The Book of Life.

The Book of Life.

I listened to a you tube clip and it spoke of numinous power, not Dunamis as I’m used to hearing. Both meaning power. The former being the presence of divinity, the latter being potential or ability. We need the latter. We also need the former. We need that presence of the Divine. Potential is something, presence is something else.

The trouble is; we’re all learning. We all start from scratch and every one of us needs to learn it anew. We don’t just pick up where someone else left off. We can; we can follow a great leader and learn from him/her, but we don’t have that knowledge until we start.

25 plus years of following God and I’m only just today hearing about numinous power. Now I need to attain it. I’m told we don’t have because we don’t ask, or because we ask amiss, and so I ask: Lord send me Your Numinous power.

That numinous power should help us move by inspiration, not desperation. Inspiration can be found in any field, in all areas of life. Most of us, however, are just going through the motions, doing what we have to do and no more. We're tired of the rat race, but not desiring to find a way out. Not even knowing how to be free.

God can show you a way out - but He won't, unless you seek Him. Ask God to show you the pages of your book, for everyone of us have a book written with our name in it. That book is called; The Book of Life. The Book of Life is Jesus Christ. Make it your quest to explore the hidden mind of God Almighty, to enter into the pierced hands and side, the bloody wounds for which your name was inscribed.

In that book God calls us to repent, to confess our sins and turn from our wicked ways. The book suggests we turn not inward, but outward, towards the Son that we may enter the unending rest of the Sabbath. It is not the good, or the one who tries the hardest who will be saved. It is the one who believes. He who believes in the Living Lord. He who takes that Lamb’s Book of Life and lives it for themselves.

God suggests we write our vision and make it plain. It's so very easy to be distracted and if the vision isn't before you, you'll become side-tracked. Before you know it a year has passed, 2 years have passed, then 10 years and you've not yet made a start. Writing your vision keeps you focused and on track.

Be fully committed, not half-hearted. For those who are lukewarm, God will spit you our of His mouth. He wants committed people, people who will stay the course and not quit. Can you do this? Can you stay the course and not quit? Can you believe?

Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.

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