Friday 5 July 2024

Winning the War.

Winning the War.

To win at war, it’s a little like playing chess, where you have to anticipate the opponent's next move. It’s when the people become complacent that trouble begins to brew.

God is about to bring people into places of authority and those people need to have their shield of faith at the ready. A new power is coming to the land that has not been seen before and it all begins, only for those who are relationally involved with Jesus.

The righteousness of those He brings into authority will be seen. It will be visible to all, according to the Lord.

We are in a war and we need to be on the offense, not on the defence. Counter measures are better than defensive measures for you have more choice, but we need to train before we get into battle, so we know what to do in any situation that arises.

Biblical references are a good place to start. Wield that sword of the word. Cut into the devil’s plans. Take your promise by force. Push back. We have been given resurrection power. We can throw stones with success. We have weapons to slay, but we need to make a commitment and stand firm.

And remember, it’s not you doing it, but God. Humble yourself. Pray for humility.

All of us need a strong word. We’ve all had loss and disappointment. The enemy isn’t just trying to take from you, he wants to kill you.

We all need to be in resurrection power, not in our own power but in the power of God.

You can say all the right things, and still be sad and lonely. We need to go deeper than just talking the talk. We need to walk the talk. 

We need to be able to move in God’s power, to show the power of God demonstrated through us. We have to get better at hearing from the Spirit and we can only achieve that when we read His word, when we take that head knowledge down and into the heart.

Plus, demons look for people who are prideful. We want our spirit to grow. We need to grow and still be humble. When our spirit grows, the enemy can’t move.

And we should have a holy fear of God in the process of the battles we work through. We often endure fear, however there’s one fear we should enjoy; holy fear. We only get into holy fear as we read the bible. Once we have it, we don’t want to lose our holy fear, for it is our greatest strength and our greatest treasure. We cannot enjoy life when feelings of doubt and unbelief reign and the holy fear we hold will keep doubt and fear at bay.

We need to worship God. The main point of God delivering His people was to bestow eternal life and it’s only right that we worship Him in that. To have a relationship with God, to live a sinless life, are God’s greatest desires for your life and one of the greatest ways for you to show Him honour.

We need a hallowed reverence, respect and adoration for the Lord. Fear of the Lord is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. We honour Him in doing so and if we can do it without grumbling, complaining, or mummering, but in totally walking with love, we please God enormously.

Our role is to honour Him, put others ahead of ourselves, give and forgive. And when we revere the Lord in this way, His presence is made manifest in our lives. Expect His presence and His power to flow as you approach Him with holy awe.

And if I’ve said nothing else; the above words are the most important ones you can know.

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