Saturday 6 July 2024

All are Loved of God.

All are Loved of God.

Yes, Even You!

In the final chapter of the bible, at the beginning of Revelation, it says; Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. (Rev 1:3)

Jesus states at the end of Revelation; he who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly." (Rev 22:20)

Promises given at the beginning and at the end of Revelation. It would pay to heed them.

When you stand, you don't just 'stand' but you stand in Jesus. No matter what’s going on; stand on the word of God, stand in Jesus and what Jesus died to give you – life and life more abundant.

You can come from prison, you can be a drug addict, a thief or a murderer and you will have the same right standing as Mr and Mrs Super-Christian, if you come before the Lord, repent and accept Jesus as your saviour.

All of us have sinned, but if you trust in God, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, Jesus will work in your life.

Do not let the devil deceive you. You are worthy. God loves you. No matter how low you’ve sunk in life, God will redeem you. God loves you, as I said. He wants the best for you, no matter who you are. He so much wants the best for you that He sent His one and only Son to die for you.

Jesus bore your sins on the cross – yes, yours. He did it for you! Now you can do something for Him. Honour His death by giving Him your life. You won’t be disappointed.

There are dark, spiritual powers at work in this world. Jesus overcame them and He asks that you do the same. Get rid of the ‘beasts’ in your life, those things which are bringing you down, for the devil not only wants to destroy all in your life, he wants to kill you too.

When you lose your purpose, you lose your way. Find your purpose in life. God makes old things new, but you have to resist the lures of the world. You have to resist the rebellion of wicked ways, turn to God and repent. Only then will you have good success.

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