Thursday 4 July 2024



Let’s talk about stones; simple stones, right? Lifeless blobs of nothingness; neither moving, breathing, nor reproducing.

We view stones as lifeless. To us, stones are hindrances and barriers. God views stones as something completely different. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord in Isaiah 55:8. Stones are one topic which greatly emphasises the differences between our thought and ways, and God’s.

Symbolising the rule of Christ; the cornerstone, the initial stone installed at the foundation of a work. The capstone, the very last stone set in place. The alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last.

Stones, also used as a sign, a symbol of remembrance, as at the River Jordan, Jacobs ladder and alters of worship.

Used in the bible, rock is mentioned 128 times and stones, 367 times. The stone; rejected by men, chosen by God.

David picked up 5 stones from the river bed, to kill Goliath (and his brothers if needs be). Each stone in his pouch representing the state of his heart; faith, courage, trust, obedience and praise. In this image we can see a weaving together of both the physical and the spiritual; enmeshed, side by side.

Stones are not to be idolised. They are used metaphorically as a firmness, hardness or insensibility.

They denote stability, steadiness, durability and strength. Protection and transformation. A firm foundation and a security. They are precious, speaking of the wisdom throughout the ages. They aid focus and expression, clarity, imagination and abundance. They can represent harmony, eternity and romance. Not too bad for a lifeless blog of nothingness.

The Hebrew word for stone is eben and it means stone of help, a costly stone. Stone; a word of significance as it’s mentioned numerous times in the bible and represents the Father and the Son. Words are fascinating; don’t you agree? Especially biblical words.

Stones are symbolic of a power so compelling they cannot be silent. Luke 19: 39-40, Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus; “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples!” “I tell you,” He replied “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

A pearl, the stone of great price; of truth, faith, love, sincerity and loyalty.

Precious stones, stones of value, wealth, beauty and durability.

Stones, a representation of longevity and hope.

A white stone; the judgement of innocence, purity, safe passage, welcome, privilege, honour, favour, reprieve from death.

12 stones of judgement through the 12 tribes of Israel. A memorial to God’s love and assistance, not only within and without at the Jordan River but also embedded amidst the breastplates of the priestly garb.

Jasper; the finest form of the diamond stone, holding the clearest lustre (mentioned in Revelation 4). A representation of the desirable, endurable character of Christ. The appearance of God, shining in His glory. A most precious stone. A most rare jewel, it says in Revelation 21:11.

The rock; a burial place for the King of King’s. The humble stone, the place of the greatest miracle working power ever, hiding its secrets until the day of revealing; the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Covenant stones

Fortress stones

Stones of great price

Weighty stones

Stones of burden

Stony hearts

Sacred stones

Carved stones

Stones of crystal

Gem stones

Sapphire stones

Stones of wisdom

I’m sure I’ve not exhausted the topic. There’s much more to be said. But for today, let’s honour the Capstone, the One True King. Let us take now this symbol of the bread and the blood in remembrance of Him: Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who died that you might have life and life more abundantly. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus, for your wonderful sacrifice.

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